Home Alone

[Scene change: Green Hills, morning.]

[The camera shows a sunrise over a mountain range with "Stars in the Sky" playing in the background. The scene then changes to Sonic and Y/N racing across a large bridge. The camera then shows a large sign reading "Welcome to Green Hills. the little city with big heart. pop: 1981, elev. 3445 ft" as it then shows Wade in a police car holding a speed watch as Sonic and Y/N zooms past.]

Sonic/Y/N: Morning, Wade!

Wade: Morning, Sonic and Y/N!

[The brothers zooms past Wade and race up a mountain and stop at a small rocky ledge overlooking Green Hills.]

Sonic/Y/N: Good morning, Green Hills!

[The brothers race down the mountain and runs toward the Wachowski house and races up the roof and stop. Y/N drops down and heads to his room silently.]

[While Sonic looks through the window before slowly entering his room, back-flipping in the process. The impact almost tips a bowling pin off a table, but sonic grabs it before it hits the ground. Sonic then slowly puts it on the floor, not making any noise, and tip-toes to his bed. Each step he takes makes an inconvenient squeaky floor board sound, making him stop.]

Sonic: [Groans] Come on!

Y/N: Shhhh!

[Sonic grabs something off the bottom of his shoe and sees that it is a few dirty banknotes. He realizes that if his new parents find out, he'd be busted.]

Sonic: Uh oh. Uhh... 

He looks around nervously and gestures Y/N to keep it quiet. In response, he gives him a roll of her eyes. Ignoring that behavior, he opens the drawer with the sign "Keep Out". He places it inside and sees something and pulls it out before closing the drawer. He unfolds it to reveal the map of the world, but something falls off. Sonic picks it up to see Longclaw's feather. Y/N frowns, remembering her. Sonic feels just the same as him as he stares at the feather.

Sonic then has a flashback as he remembers when he and Y/N were little and giving a flower to her.]

Longclaw: [Echo] Oh... Sonic...Y/N.

[The flashback ends]

Sonic: "We miss you, Longclaw. We're trying to make you proud."

Sonic smiles sadly and places the feather back into the map and folds it. He then grabs the bag full of rings and places the map inside before closing it up and placing it on his desk. Sonic goes up to his bed and grabs the blanket and covers himself, lying down.

Sonic: "And now, for a little shut eye." he yawned.

Sonic and Y/N begin to sleep after a long night. Just as things were going well, Ozzy comes up to Sonic and licks his face.

Sonic: "Uh! Ugh! Ozzy! Morning breath!"

He covers his face with the blanket to try and get some sleep. Ozzy comes up to Y/N and licks his face too.

Y/N: "Eww!! Come on! You know that doesn't wash off!"

He swats him away, giving him a pat on the head. Maddie comes up to them from the stairs with a laundry basket.

Maddie: "Sonic! Y/N! You two still in bed? You're supposed to meet Tom, remember?"

Ozzy goes back to Sonic and pulls the blanket off of him. This causes him to fall off of his bed, landing on his face. Y/N groans, forgetting that. He gets up and stretches.

Sonic: "Alright, alright, I'm up! I'm up..."

Y/N: "We got it..."

[Scene change: Lake, Montana, day.]

In the boat, Tom, Sonic, and Y/N are in the middle of the river fishing.

Tom: "Ah, what a day. Thanks for coming out, buds. You know, I feel like you two and me haven't had much time together lately."

Sonic and Y/N didn't reply as they're holding onto the fishing pole, waiting for the fish to get caught. Tom looks over to them from his shoulder.

Tom: "How's it going over there? Did you get any bites?"

Y/N: "No..." Y/N tiredly said, trying to stay awake.

Sonic though snores loudly, while drooling. Tom turns to see Sonic nodding his head up and down to keep himself up but ended up falling into the water. This got Y/N up and awake and looked over to see Sonic flailing his arms as he struggles to swim.

Y/N: "Ahh! I can't swim! Help! If I die, don't look into my closet!"

Tom comes to his rescue and gently picks him up back onto the boat.

Tom: "Hey, hey, you're good. You're alright. I got you."

Y/N: "It's alright, bro. It's just water." Y/N assured, patting the shivering Sonic.

Tom: (Grabs the towel.) "Take it easy." (He wraps it around Sonic to keep him dry and warm.) You're good."

Sonic: (Shivers loudly. )"Okay."

Y/N hugs him to keep him as warm as he could. Tom sits back and faces them.

Yom: "But! Now that you have a nap and a bath, I went to your rooms last night to bring you some new comics and mangas and um..."

Tom explains he found out about the fake Sonic he saw with a voice recorder of Sonic's voice and fart noises.

"Ugh, I knew I should've use real farts." Sonic groaned.

Tom brings out a newspaper "The Daily Observer -- Mayhem in Seattle Crime Doesn't Spray" with the picture of the flowing water from the sewers. Y/N winces, knowing he would find out sooner than later. He gives them a look.

Tom: : "How many times do we have to do this?"

Sonic: "What? Past your line and not catch anything? Seems like a rebellion."

Tom: "I think you know what I'm talking about. Lying? The sneaking out? Pretending to be Batman and Robin?"

Sonic: "Blue Justice, trademark pending."

Tom: "Whatever you're being reckless. And you Y/N, I know you're not, but you can't keep following your brother's footsteps."

Y/N: (Looks down in shame.) I know. I'm sorry. I tried to tell him we shouldn't do this, but he didn't listen as usual."

"Ugh. Not this conversation again." Sonic groaned.

Tom: "Hey, it's no fun for me either but if you keep getting irresponsible and getting your broter into your mess, we're gonna keep having this conversation."

Sonic: "How is it irresponsible to use our powers? My brother went with me on his own."

Y/N: "Because someone has to keep an eye on you from messing up."

Tom: (Shows him the newspaper.) "Sonic, you destroyed the entire city block."

Sonic: That block was already messed up! Who cares?" (Sonic turns around to face something ahead and did a hero pose.) "Look, me and bro stopped a robbery. We were heroes."

Y/N: "Not entirely." (Y/N shook his head.)

Tom: No, you put people and Y/N in danger and that's not what a hero does." 

Sonic: (Turns around and sighs dejectedly.) You're supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my dad."

This made Tom quiet while Y/N looks away silently. Sonic sits back down.

Sonic: "I can take care of myself. And I know bro can take care of himself as well."

Tom: "Sonic, taking care of yourself is not what being hero is all about. It's about taking responsibility for other people. And right now whether you want to hear this or not, you are still just a kid. You've got some more growing up to do before you're ready to be the hero."

Sonic and Y/N looks at Tom.

Tom: Trust me when I tell you there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment, that moment chooses you."

Y/N: "That's... wow." 

Sonic: "Whoa. Look at you. I just got... I just got goosebumps. Wait a second. Did you steal that from the opera?" 

Tom: "No, sir. That is a Wachowski family special. Came from my dad, in this very boat, on this very lake. He would always try to steer me in the right direction. That's what Maddie and I was trying to do with you two."

Sonic and Y/N smiles at him.

Tom: "So, until your moment arrives I want you to work on being a little more responsible."

Tom gives them a wink.

Tom: "Comprende?"

Sonic/Y/N: "Comprende." Sonic and Y/N said in unison.

Sonic: "High five on it!"

(Tom raises his hand and Sonic gives him a high five and Y/N does the same with Tom.)

"Yeah! Donut Lord,  Black Angel, and Blue Justice are back at it again! Hang on!"

Sonic jumps onto the back of the boat and begins moving his feet up and down into the lake, making the boat go faster.

Sonic: "Speed boat!"

Tom: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

Y/N: "Oh, geez!" 

Sonic: "Ha ha haaa!"

"Sonic!!" Tom and Y/N screamed in unison.

"Whoo hoo!!" Sonic just cheered along the way.

[Scene change: Wachowski house, day.] [Tom and Maddie are packing to go somewhere] 

Tom: How excited are you to go to Hawaii with me, ah yeah?

They're now back in Wachowski's house as Tom and Maddie comes in with their bags packed up as Tom wears a Hawaii shirt. They stopped to see a ring portal where they can see the view the building and beach of Hawaii. Standing in front was Sonic, Y/N, Ozzy wearing sunglasses with Sonic wearing a black tie.

Sonic: "Welcome to Sonic and Y/N Air. The fastest way to travel. Now boarding groups 1 and 2."

Maddie laughs and was in awe.

Maddie: "Aww! Sonic! Y/N! This is so fun!"

She looks over to what appears to be a scanner when people walk through but in a fort full of bed cushions. Y/N stops Maddie from coming through the fort.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, ma'am. You're group 3. Please wait for your turn. Anyone from groups 1 and 2?"

Maddie was surprised while Tom just smiled.

"Just let them get it out of their system." Tom said, playing along with this.

Sonic: "Okay and everybody else? Right this way."

Maddie walks forward.

Maddie: "Thank you."

Sonic begins "scan" over her body with a spatula while making a noise. Maddie and Y/N laughs. Maddie then walks out of the fort with her bag. Tom comes last as Sonic "scan" his body.

Sonic: "Terrible shirt detected."

Tom: "There we go."

Tom walks through the fort with his bag as he stand next to his wife in front of the ring portal.

Sonic: "Okay, and you're free to go. Enjoy your trip. Buh-bye now." Sonic said.

Y/N: "See you, guys. Don't forget to bring the souvenir."

Maddie: "Okay."

Tom kneels down to their level and brings out his arms.

Tom: "Bring it in."

Y/N doesn't hesitate to hug Tom, catching him by surprise and then hugging the hedgehog back. He pulls away as Tom gestures to Sonic to come next.

Sonic: "Tom, I'm about to be the hedgehog of the house for the first time. I think I'm a little bit mature to hug you goodbye."

Y/N playfully rolled his eyes at that. Maddie kneels down and brings out her fist.

Maddie: "Okay, what about a power bump?"

Tom brings out his fist.

Tom: "Power bump?"

Sonic: "Yes! Power bump! That's more like it!"

Sonic and Y/N power bumps their fists onto Tom and Maddie's. Then they pulled their fists away.

Sonic, Tom, Y/N, and Maddie:"Wachowski!!!"

[Tom and Maddie head their way through the Ring portal as Sonic holds a Ring in his hand.]

Sonic: Okay, use this one to get back home.

[Sonic tosses the Ring to Tom, who catches it in his hand.]

Tom: "Alright, we're off. Hey, be good. I'm counting on you to keep an eye on your brother, Y/N."

Y/N: "On it, Tom." (Y/N saluted.)

Maddie: Yes, you have our number.

Sonic: Sorry, I can't hear you, you're travelling through a cross dimensional portal!

[The Ring proceeds to close.]

Tom: Miss you already!

Maddie: Okay!

[Maddie does an air kiss, just as the Ring closes out of existence.]

"Have fun at Rachel's wedding!" Sonic and Y/N waved.

Maddie tried to call them but the ring portal already closes on them. Sonic faces Y/N and Ozzy.

Y/N: "It's 48 hours until they come back. We have TV channels, streaming channel, the house full of food, and no supervision."

Ozzy barks in agreement.

"For once, you're right." Y/N grinned.

Sonic smiles and moves his head for his sunglasses to cover his eyes.

Sonic: "Let's do this."

While Sonic begins to have fun around the house, Y/N makes things more fun as he plays his electric piano loudly and sings.


Sonic: "Whoo!! Go, Bro!!" Sonic cheered as he skate boards throughout the course he made in house.

As he continues playing and singing, he spins his head around with his quills flowing wildly. Sonic made sure to clean up the mess he made by using the mowing truck with Ozzy riding behind in the wagon. Then Sonic brings out the small floating pool and dumps out the entire soap from the bottle before spinning around in speed, creating a big pile of bubbles. He puts out the blue and red police light to the ceiling and places the strainer on it as a crystal ball. He jumps into the bubbles and "swims" around, dancing.

Y/N and Sonic are sure having a great time and as soon he finishes singing and playing his guitar and piano, his brother gives him applause.

Sonic: "Bravo! Bravo!! I love you, bro!"

Y/N: (Looks bashfully.) "Aw, stop! You're making me blush!"

[Scene: Green Hills, Montana, day.]

[The camera zooms out of the view of Green Hills before showing leaves rustling as a Ring portal opens. An orange-yellow fox with two tails pops out. He is reading the energy levels from Sonic and Y/N, on his Miles Electric.] 

Tails: If these readings are accurate, they're here. I found them! I just hope I'm not too late.

[Tails uses his twin-tails like a helicopter rotor to fly over the forests and into town.]

[Scene change: Green Hills, Montana, night.]

[Tails lands in nearby bushes outside the police station and looks to his Miles Electric again.]

Tails: Hmm, they're close. I just need a way to reach them without being spotted.

[Tails looks to a police car outside the Mean Bean Coffee Shop.]

Tails: Standard human transport. Perfect!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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