Final Battle

[Scene change: Mean Bean Coffee Café, day.]

[Stone is handcuffed to a chair and is being interrogated by Wade, who is holding a butter knife.]

Wade: I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you... for the last time...

[Wade holds up a plate with a display bagel on it.]

Wade: What would you like on your bagel?

Stone: I'm not telling you anything, and that is a display bagel.

Wade: I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like...

[Wade tries to bite down on the fake bagel.]

Wade: That is a display bagel. Wow.

[Suddenly, all the lights in the café glow green as Robotnik appears, levitating next to them with green electricity coming out of him.]

Stone: Doctor, you're here.

Robotnik: Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm... Not all there.

Stone: Sir, are you feeling okay?

Robotnik: I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded. [Creates music buttons in midair] Sinister 3.0. My game is next level.

[Robotnik teleports behind Stone, startling him. ]

Robotnik: Hi. I can smell the electricity in your brain. [To Wade] You smell like a snack plate.

Wade: [Nods] Yeah, no, that's fair. I had a couple today.

[Robotnik teleports behind him and takes the display bagel.]

Robotnik: Sit down. [Wade lowers a little] In the chair.

[The handcuffs telekinetically unlock, allowing Stone to stand up. Wade takes his place and sits on the chair.]

Wade: I didn't know. 'Cause he, 'cause he was in the chair, so I didn't. Okay.

[Robotnik eats the display bagel.]

Stone: Sir, we have a problem.

[Stone presses a button to fold the blinds back to reveal that the Mean Bean Coffee Café has been surrounded by tanks and G.U.N agents with loaded weapons.]

G.U.N agent: All teams in position!

G.U.N agent: Set up a perimeter! Move! Move! Move!

Robotnik: Incorrectus, my trusty barnacle. After all these years, what I finally got... Is a solution.

[A helicopter lands a few yards away. Walters, Maddie, and Tom come out of the helicopter, with one of the agents escorting them to the Mean Bean Coffee Café.]

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Commander.

Walters: Status report.

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local PD. And I'm not saying he's dumb, but if he is local PD, this town's in a lot of trouble.

Tom and Maddie: Wade.

[The doors of the Mean Bean Coffee Café open with steam coming out. Robotnik comes out, levitating up to everyone with green electricity emerging from him.]

Maddie: Umm... Okay.

Tom: Rockin' that new spring collection, I see.

Robotnik: Well, if it isn't... the Pastry King.

Tom: It's the Donut Lord. A real genius would remember the name of the guy who helped kick your butt off this planet. And I'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills.

Robotnik: Congratulations on your oh-so-temporary sense of superiority.

Walters: You're finished, Robotnik! We've taken everything. Your lab, your drones, your funding! Let's see how big of a man you are without your silly little robots.

Robotnik: Would you like to see how... Big a man I can be?

[With the point of Robotnik's finger, screws and bolts start unplugging from the tanks and vehicles as they start deconstructing themselves.]

Robotnik: Welcome... to the new norm.

[Robotnik starts floating up in the air as black clouds start circling around him. More G.U.N vehicles start deconstructing as they are levitated into the cloud, making it grow and swirl.]

Walters: My god!

[Stone rushes out of the Mean Bean Coffee Café and faces Robotnik.]

Stone: [Yelling] Doctor, take me with you!

[Stone nods as green lightning carries him by the leg into the cloud as it continues to grow and swirl until it becomes a black tornado that consumes more deconstructed vehicles.]

Tom: He's taking everything apart.

Maddie: He's building something.

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day.]

[Through a Ring, Sonic, Y/N, Sonya, Tails, and Knuckles on the Tornado arrive to see the tornado Robotnik has made.]

Tails: That can only be one thing.

Knuckles: The fearsome power of the Emerald.

Y/N: Does look cool though, right?

Sonya: Hmm, yeah.

Sonic: If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. 

Y/N: Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts.

Tails: Hey, Sonic, Y/N, are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?

Sonic: Knuckles and Sonya aren't really bad guys. They're just a little... mixed up.

Sonya: We can hear you!

Knuckles: And we are not mixed up! I have steely focus. And I'm complex. My sister is incredibly resilient. And that's a lot for some people.

Tails: Hope you're not still mad I hit you with that car.

Knuckles: I was completely uninjured. And my revenge will come when you least expect it, fox.

Sonya: (Whispers to Tails) He doesn't mean that.

[Scene change: Downtown Green Hills, Day]

[A glimpse inside Robotnik's tornado is shown, revealing a mechanical face. Robotnik is then shown floating above a platform with Stone at the control panel.]

Stone: Sir, you're magnificent!

Robotnik: Thank you, sycophant. Your admiration is inevitable.

[Scene change: Outside the Mean Bean Coffee Café, day.]

[Everyone watches as the black tornado dies down to reveal the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Wade: I knew it! Just like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.

Robotnik: World domination playlist.

[Robotnik proceeds to play Walk with his leg like a guitar and proceeds to dance stomp through town with the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Walters: Fall back. Fall back! Quick! Retreat!

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day.]

[The Tornado heads toward Green Hills as Tails, Sonic, Y/N, Sonya, and Knuckles see the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Tails: How are we supposed to beat this thing?

Sonic: We need a plan. Knuckles, use your strength to...

[Knuckles folds his arms across his chest and willingly falls off the wing of the Tornado and plummets down to the ground below.]

Sonya: (Face smacks) Oh, brother.

Sonic: Jump off the plane. Wow. Okay, this is what we're gonna do.

[Sonic gets on top of the top wing of the Tornado, facing the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Sonic: Step 1: Light taunting. Step 2: I have no idea.

Y/N: Oh, brother.

(Y/N and Sonya look at each other and smile.)

[Scene change: Mean Bean Coffee Café, day.]

[Maddie and Tom look up to see the Tornado heading straight for the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Maddie: Sonic,Y/N!

[The Tornado proceeds to circle the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Sonic: Nice action figure, Eggman. Does it do anything or just stand there looking ugly?

Y/N: I've seen better robots than that in the toy store.

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

Robotnik: Like blisters, they keeps coming back! They're on the okay-to-kill list. Shoot the missiles. Make a decision.

Stone: Uh, I need a moment, sir. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.

Robotnik: Did you even glance at a manual?

Stone: No!

[Robotnik teleports right next to Stone and proceeds to press buttons on the control pad.]

Robotnik: I'll do it. Pardon my lightning. You might want to ground yourself.

[Scene change: Outside the Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

[The Giant Eggman Robot proceeds to shoot a barrage of missiles from its chest towards the Tornado.]

Tails: Uh, oh.

Sonic: I'm gonna pop that thing open like a can of chili...

Y/N: Uhh, Sonic!

[Missile fly right toward the Tornado at top speed.]

Tails: Hang on! Yeah!

[Tails does a barrel roll with the Tornado, dodging all the missiles and relieving Sonic, Sonya, and Y/N.]

Sonic: Close one.

[One of the missiles hits Sonic, making him fly away with it.]

Tails/Y/N: Sonic!

[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]

[Knuckles enters the scene, running towards the Giant Eggman Robot on the ground, getting its attention.]

Knuckles: Robotnik! DECEIVER!

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

Robotnik: Die, mosquito.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]

[Robotnik puts his Giant Eggman Robot's hand on the ground and makes it run right towards Knuckles. Knuckles generates chaos energy in his fist and punches the robot hand very hard, making it flinch.]

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

[Robotnik pulls his hand backward.]

Robotnik: Oooh. I felt that.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]

[Tails flies the Tornado at the Giant Eggman Robot. Robotnik thrusts the Great Eggman Robot's hands around in an attempt to catch him.]

Y/N: (Holding on to the plane.) Hold on!

Sonya: Woah-oh! (Holds on the same as Y/N.)

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

[Robotnik moves around like a monster.]

[Scene change: Green the Hills, day.]

[While the Tornado flies around the Great Eggman Robot, Tails deploys a pair of machineguns from the cowling behind the propeller, but the small caliber rounds have no effect on the Great Eggman Robot's heavy armor. The robot's mustache clams together, crushing one of the Tornado's wings and making it crash to the streets in a ball of fire.  Y/N grabs Sonya and leaps into the air with her.]

Y/N: Tails, fly!

[Tails uses his twin-tails to fly out of the Tornado before it crashes and lands safely to the ground.]

[Scene change: Inside Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

[Robotnik is shocked by what had just occurred.]

Robotnik: What just happened?

Stone: It's the Stache Smasher.

[Stone holds up a Sega Genesis-style manual.]

Stone: Right here in the manual.

[Scene change: Outside Giant Eggman Robot, day]

(Y/N and Sonya falling in the air and Y/N gets an idea.)

Y/N: (Holds out hand) May I have this dance?

Sonya: (Giggles and grabs Y/N's hand) You may.

(Sonya and Y/N dance in air, before Y/N begins to build chaos energy-)

Y/N: How about a little, Chaos Catupult!

(Bakugo is Y/N and Izuku is Sonya)

(The hit makes the death egg robot step back, but didn't make a dent. Sonya lands on the ground and Y/N lands next to her.)

[Scene change: Inside Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

Robotnik: (Slow claps) Bravo, love birds!

[Scene change: Outside Giant Eggman Robot, day]

[Sonic is shown riding on top of the missile that hit him earlier]

Sonic: Return to sender!

[Sonic leaps off as the missile strikes the Giant Eggman Robot on its kneecap. In the head, Stone is rattled about in his seat and knocked unconscious.]

Robotnik: Stone? [looks at Stone on the floor] Great. Next thing you know, there'll be a report about a hostile work environment.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]

[Tails, Sonic, Sonya, Y/N, and Knuckles regroup behind a peeled piece of street.]

Knuckles: Those were our best attacks and they did nothing!

Tails: We can't beat Robotnik as long as he's got that Emerald. He's too powerful.

Sonic: Look. We aren't strong enough to beat Robotnik on our own, but there's five of us. [To Knuckles and Sonya] Your strength... [To Tails] ...your smarts......[To Y/N].....your power, and my speed, together. 

Y/N: That's how we win.

Knuckles: So we make our stand here on the field of battle.

Tails: As a team!

Sonya: It's our time!

[Sonic, Y/N, Sonya, Tails, and Knuckles stand across from the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Sonic: This is it. This is our moment!

[Scene change: Inside Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

Robotnik: Time to fight.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]

(He sends his infantry of Badniks after the four. The heroes engage the Badniks as Y/N fought them using his chaos orbs. Sonya kicks them with excellence. Tails shooting off the Badniks using his gun and other gadgets as they get blasted. Knuckles destroys them using his fists. Sonic using the dance moves as he kicks the Badniks.)

Sonic: Bad time to say this, but I don't actually have a plan. 

Y/N: Oh my, Tails, any ideas?

Tails: We have to find his weak spot.

Knuckles: I suggest the groin.

Sonic: What? No, no!

Sonya: Traditionally, yes. The groin is the weakest spot.

Sonic/Y/N: Stop, saying, "groin".

Robotnik: Hedgehog!

[The Giant Eggman Robot shoots laser blasts from its wrists.]

Sonic: Look out!

[Sonic, Sonya, Y/N, Tails, and Knuckles dodge the missiles and charge toward the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Sonic: I know what his weak spot is: it's us! We're the groin! Think about it! We live rent-free in this dude's head, so if we go out there and rile him up...

Knuckles: He'll focus on only you two, leaving himself open to a flanking maneuver from me, my sister, and the fox! Hedgehog, you are a brave and noble warrior! Go to your certain death with honor!

Sonya: We're gonna have to work on your pep talks, bro.

Tails: [Chuckles] Yeah.

Y/N: Let's go!

[Sonic, Y/N, Sonya, Tails, and Knuckles proceed to split up. Sonic and Y/N stops right in front of the Giant Eggman Robot.]

Sonic: All right, mustache! You want us? 

Y/N: Come and get us!

Robotnik: You don't tell me about coming and getting. I am on the cutting edge of coming and getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting!

[The Giant Eggman robot proceeds to chase after Sonic, very slowly, as Tails holds Knuckles by the arm and flies them toward the back of the Giant Eggman Robot. While Sonya was already on the robot climbing.]

Tails: [Struggles] You're really heavy.

Knuckles: That's because I am one-million percent muscle! Faster, fox!

[Tom and Maddie are evacuating civilians.]

Maddie: Go! Move, guys! Move back!

Tom: Let's go, that's it! Go, go, go, go, go! Keep going! No-no-no-no whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Suddenly, they see a pick up truck pull up as the driver pokes his head out the window.]

Green Hills citizen: Tom, what the heck happened here?

Tom: [To Maddie] You thinking what I'm thinking?

Maddie: Let's get our kids.

Tom and Maddie: [To the driver] We need your truck!

[A moment later, they're in the truck and drive off.]

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day.]

[Robotnik continues to chase Sonic in the Giant Eggman Robot, but runs out of breath.]

Robotnik: Coming, getting.

[As Robotnik stops to catch his breath, he looks up to see Sonic leaning on a branch on a very tall tree, while Y/N sat on it.]

Sonic: [Encouraging] Yoo-hoo! So what's the plan here? You gonna build a big robot house? Get yourself a big robot wife?

Y/N: Gonna make some cyborg babies!

Robotnik: I'm going to enslave humanity and force them to service my machines. First Green Hills, then the universe, then the multiverse, then who knows?! Maybe that'll be enough. Full disclosure? [Slowly] You won't be there.

[Robotnik's eyes glow green as lasers blast out of the Giant Eggman Robot's eyes, destroying the tree and making the brothers leap off of it.]

Sonic: [Taunting] Eye lasers?! Really?!

Y/N: Nothing is ever easy! Move!

[Sonic and Y/N zoom toward a bridge, but starts to get out of breath. Suddenly, the Giant Eggman Robot rises up next to him.]

Robotnik: Snot rocket!

Y/N: Gross!

[Robotnik paces a finger on his right nostril and aims his left one at the brothers. A laser then comes out of the Giant Eggman Robot's nose and destroys the bridge behind the brothers.]

Sonic: No, no, no! No, no, no!

Y/N: (Grabs Sonic) Hold on, brother!

[The blast wave eventually catches up to the brothers. The brothers fall to the ground, Y/N takes most of the impact, but both brothers are now unconscious.]

Robotnik: Ha, ha, ha, ha! Giving up already? Not so tough when you're fighting someone 700 times your size, are ya? You can't beat me! I'm all-powerful! All-knowing! All-seeing.

[Robotnik turns around as he hears a firing sound and looks to see Tails coming into the cockpit after cutting a hole in the Giant Eggman Robot. He also summon several holograms as they emerge into the Giant Eggman Robot via the freshly made hole.]

Tails/Tails Holograms: Looks like your fancy robot has a glitch!

[The holograms surround Robotnik as he tries to find the real Tails.]

Tails Holograms: Is it me? What about me? I'm over here! Up top! Down below! Behind you! I'm over here! Sorry! Over here! Too slow!

Robotnik: You can't outsmart me.

Tails Holograms: Missed me again!

Robotnik: I'm the outsmarter-er!

[Robotnik releases a green shockwave, obliterating the holograms and making the real Tails hit a wall and land on one of the pipes.]

Tails: I didn't outsmart you, I'm just the distraction.

Knuckles: Robotnik!

[Robotnik looks up to see Knuckles and Sonya standing across from him.]

Knuckles: We are also holograms.

Sonya: No, we're not.

Robotnik: Disloyal.

Knuckles/Sonya: "Dis" is how we roll.

[With one powerful double punch to Robotnik's chest, Knuckles and Sonya manage to separate the Master Emerald from Robotnik. Without the Master Emerald, the Giant Eggman Robot powers down, unable to function without it.]

Robotnik: Where's my Emerald? No, no, no, no! No, no, no! Computer, auxiliary power.

[The auxiliary power goes online. Meanwhile, Sonic regains consciousness and looks to see the Master Emerald lying right across from him, along with Y/N.]

Sonic': [Weakly] The Emerald, brother. They're right there.

Robotnik: Move, you hunk of junk!

[A control computer rises up from the platform and Robotnik gets the Giant Eggman Robot back online. The parts of it that glowed green with the Master Emerald's power now glow a sinister red under the auxiliary power.]

Sonic: [Struggling] I have to... [Falls over] Reach them. Come on, come on, come on.

[Sonic limbs toward the Master Emerald and Y/N while the Giant Eggman Robot walks right toward him. Tom and Maddie then appear, riding the pick up truck and heading right toward the Giant Eggman Robot. Maddie sees Sonic.]

Maddie: There he is! Go! Go, go, go!

[Sonic makes it to the Master Emerald and Y/N, but the Giant Eggman Robot lifts its foot and prepares to stomp on him. However, Maddie scoops Sonic and Y/N up at the last second from the truck, which gets them out of the Giant Eggman Robot's foot range.]

Robotnik: NO!

Maddie: We got you two.

Tom: Hold on!

[The Giant Eggman Robot punches the ground, sending the truck flying until it is on its back. Sonic, Tom and Maddie proceed to exit the truck, with Y/N being pulled.]

Maddie: You guys okay?

Tom: Yeah.

Y/N: (Groggily wakes up) I'm fine.

Sonic: I got the Emerald. We can still defeat him. Come on, come on. How does this thing work? What do I do?

[The Master Emerald starts to fade in color and proceeds to break and fall into pieces, with the smaller Chaos Emeralds falling out of the remains.]

Sonic: What? No. No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no!

Y/N: This is not good.

[The Giant Eggman Robot looms right over Sonic, Y/N, Tom and Maddie.]

Robotnik: Look at the happy little family.

[The Giant Eggman Robot unleashes a flamethrower, surrounding Sonic, Y/N, Tom and Maddie with a circle of fire.]

Sonic: You have to get away from us. 

Y/N: We're the one he wants.

Maddie: Hey. We're not going anywhere. We're family.

Tom: And families stick together... No matter what.

Sonic/Y/N: We love you guys.

Tom: We love you too, Sonic and Y/N.

[Suddenly, the Chaos Emeralds levitate, and merge with Sonic and Y/N, right before the Giant Eggman Robot stomps on Sonic, Y/N, Maddie and Tom. It looks as though Robotnik finally killed them, as Tails, Sonya, and Knuckles witness in disbelief and horror.]


Sonya: NO! Y/N!!!!

Robotnik: [Elated] I got them! I finally got them!

[Suddenly, the Giant Eggman Robot begins to shake, causing Robotnik to go from ecstatic with victory to uneasy with dread.]

Robotnik: What was that?!

[The Giant Eggman Robot's foot starts to lift up, revealing that Sonic has transformed into Super Sonic and Y/N, as they blast through the foot to save Tom and Maddie. They then fly towards the Giant Eggman Robot's head, and decapitates it, exposing Robotnik, who gaps in disbelieving shock at what he is seeing as Super Sonic and Y/N approaches him and hovers just in front of the edge of the Giant Eggman Robot's neck, their faces locked in a look of righteous anger.]

Super Sonic: It's over, Eggman.

Super Y/N: You're done for.

Robotnik: [Nervous smile] "I like the new look. It works for you two. What do we say we just let bygones be bygones? I did some things, you did some things. There are good people on both sides."

(Super Sonic just glares at him while Super Y/N looks unconvinced.)

Robotnik: Surely, three intelligent beings...(Behind Robotnik, he uses his control glove to have the Death Egg Robot get ready to punch.)...can work these things out!"

(Robotnik goes to punch them when Super Sonic blocks the blow and holds its fist. Robotnik tries to push its fist to crush him, but with much power, it doesn't affect him. Super Sonic blows the robot's arm to pieces. Tom and Maddie rush over and cheers them on, watching the battle.)

Tom: Come on, buddies!"

Maddie: Get him, Sonic and Y/N!"

Tom: Yeah, come on."

Robotnik tries to use his other fist to punch Super Y/N when he easily slices the arm off with his hand, causing it to fall off. Both Super Sonic and Super Y/N begins piercing through the robot several times at super speed. As soon as they were done, Super Sonic and Super Y/N tap of their foot on the robot at the same time. Robotnik looks at them in disbelief.

Robotnik: Oh, it's like that?"

All he receives was glares.

Robotnik: Okay, we're not friends!"

As the Death Egg begins to topple over, Robotnik says his last words before falling with collapsing robot.

Robotnik: Later, haters!"

As soon as the Death Egg is down, Super Sonic and Super Y/N comes back down, the Wachowskis comes towards them.

Maddie: Sonic! Y/N!"

Tom: Buddies!"

Knuckles stops them.

Knuckles: Wait! You cannot touch them! The hedgehogs hold the power of the emerald. I'm sorry, they are no longer the Sonic and Y/N you once knew."

"What?..." Tom asked in disbelief.

Super Sonic proceeds to summon a thunder storm that focuses into his hand. Everyone watched in fear of what he's going to do while Super Y/N stands there calmly. However, it is then revealed that Sonic only made a chili dog for himself. He takes a whiff of it and bites it.

Sonic: Mmm! Oh, you gotta try this!"

With a snap of his fingers, he summons another one for Knuckles and Sonya, who looks up, only to land in their faces.

"Okay, he's exactly the Sonic you once knew." he bluntly remarked.

Sonya looks over at Y/N, who laughs and summons a napkin to clean her face.

Sonya: Same with Y/N."

"Ah-ha." Tom bluntly agreed while Maddie just giggled.

With a smile, Super Sonic and Super Y/N subsequently relinquish the Chaos Emeralds, which disappear to parts unknown, and revert back to normal. 

Maddie: Sonic, Y/N!

Tom: Bring it in, bud.

Sonic: It's good to be back in blue. The golden god thing was fun, but blue has always been more my color.

Y/N: Plus black is slimming.

Tom: Looks good on you two.

Tails: Sonic, Y/N, you were the most powerful heroes in the universe, and you let it go. Why?

Y/N: Because we still have some growing up to do. 

Sonic: And we kind of like being kids.

Tom: And you're not just any kids. You're our kids.

Maddie: That's right. Bring it in!

(Tom and Maddie pulled Sonic, Y/N, and Tails into a hug.)

Tails: Yay. Hugs.

Sonic: It's a good thing we didn't do this before. You would've blown up.

[Knuckles pours the Master Emerald shards into his hands,Sonya walks toward him with the rest of them,they press their hands together, causing them to glow.  As they pull their hands back, the Master Emerald is revealed to have been fixed.]

Sonic: You fixed it.

Y/N: Incredible.

Sonya: We've spent our whole life questing for this. 

Knuckles: Now I have it. Now we have it. What do we do with it? What next?

Tails: There were once two orders of heroes who protected the galaxy from those who would use the Emerald for evil.

Knuckles: But they have all passed on to the great battleground in the sky.

Y/N: So we start a new order. The five of us.

Knuckles: This is no light task. We must make a vow; to use our powers to keep the universe safe; to watch out for each other. .

Tails: I know! A power bump!

Sonic: Good idea.

Tails: It's an Earth custom. An unbreakable promise.

Knuckles: Very well. A power bump it is.

Sonic/Y/N: Power bump!

[Sonic, Sonys, Y/N, Tails and Knuckles perform a five-way power bump.]

Sonya: Oh, I'm almost forgot. (Sonya punches Y/N in the shoulder.) That's for making me think you were dead!

Y/N: Ow! Did you reallu- (Sonya grabs his face.)

Sonya: And this is for being alive.

(Willow is Sonya and Hunter is Y/N)

(Tom and Maddie smile at this, while Knuckles turns around, Sonic is disgusted and covers Tails eyes.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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