Escape to Hawaii
[Scene change: Hawaii, day.]
[Everyone sits down for the wedding. The ring bearer holds up the pillow with the rings and gives it to Rachel and Randal. The Tornado swoops along the sky with a banner reading "RACHEL & RANDALL 4EVA". The crowd applauds, with Rachel chuckling.]
Rachel: Did you...
[Allows Randall to kiss her hand.]
[Scene change: Siberia, day.]
Y/N: Call him!
[Sonic gets out his phone and dials Tom's number.]
[Scene change: Hawaii,day.]
Priest: These rings... signify the...
[Suddenly, Tom's phone starts ringing, interrupting the ceremony. Tom picks it up and turns it off.]
Tom: Ha, sorry. Thought it was on silent.
Priest: These rings...
[Tom's phone starts ringing again.]
Woman in crowd: Oh, really?
Rachel: So help me, Thomas!
Tom: Uh, uh, uh, uh. It's just...
[Tom picks up his phone with message reading "EMERGENCY! CALL ME BACK NOW".]
Tom: Okay, sorry, sorry. Excuse me, this is an emergency. Sorry.
[Tom heads off to away from the wedding and picks up the phone.]
Tom: WHAT?! This better be important. I just... Are you skiing?
Sonic: Snowboarding, actually. But we need your help now. Life or death situation this very second. We need you to use the Ring I gave you to save us.
Y/N: Like right now!
Tom: Okay, slow down, slow down. I don't even know where you are.
Sonic: You just gotta picture where you want the Ring to go. So picture this.
[Sonic shows the hillside he is snowboarding on to Tom through his phone, he then turns to to Y/N.]
Y/N: (Waves) Hi!
Tom: Oh, my god. Okay, okay. Hang on.
[Tom gets out the Ring and throws it, only for the Ring to land to the ground and do nothing at all.]
Tom: What?
Sonic: Did you throw it?
[Tom runs towards the Ring picks it up and reads it, discovering that it is Rachel's wedding ring.]
Tom: Oh, god.
Sonic: What? What? Tell me wh-what "oh, god."
Tom: I think I mixed up the rings when I was teasing Jojo.
Y/N: [Panicking] What? Where is it then? Where is it?!
[Tom looks to see that Randall is about to put the Ring on Rachel's finger.]
Tom: [Dreading] You don't want to know.
Sonic: Oh, but I do, Tom. [Tom sighs in disgrace] I very much want to know, before me and my brother become a hedgehog-flavored snow cones.
Tom: Hang tight, buddy. I got this.
Priest: With this ring, Rachel...
[Tom walks up to Rachel and Randall.]
Tom: Hey! Hi. Uh...
Randall: Everything okay, bud?
Tom: Not really.
Maddie: What are you doing?
Tom: This is gonna sound crazy, but I need to see that ring for just one second, one second.
Rachel: Have you lost your mind?
Tom: I'm gonna give it right back, I promise. Please, Randall, it's really important. Can I--
Randall: No, bro. Go sit down.
Tom: Randall, give me the ring, please?
Rachel: Randall, don't look at him, look at me.
Tom: Randall, Randall.
Rachel: One second. Put the ring on my finger.
Tom: No, Randall, listen to me.
Rachel: Randall! Look at me! Ring on my finger!
Tom: Give me the ring! Just one second!
Rachel: PUT A RING ON IT!! Please, love? Okay?
Priest: With this ring-
Rachel: Yes, baby.
Tom: I'm so sorry about this.
[Tom punches Randall in the face, much to the shock of the crowd. Tom grabs the Ring out of the air and throws is, generating a Ring portal to Siberia, Sonic, carrying Tails, can be seen heading for the portal, Y/N snowboading beside them, with a massive avalanche of snow following them.]
Rachel: Snow my God.
Tom: Oh, boy.
Sonic: Incoming!
Y/N: Get out of the way!
[Sonic, Y/N, Tails, and a massive amount of snow crash through the portal, sending the wedding guests flying.]
Tom: Anybody hurt? Sonic! Y/N!
Sonic: [Straining] Uh... Hawaii...
Y/N: (Shakes the snow off of him and looks around) So, this Hawaii, cool
Tom: Are you okay?
Maddie: What's happening? Are you hurt?
Sonic: No, no, no, I'm fine.
Y/N: I'm good.
Tom: Okay, good. Because YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!
Maddie: Okay, [To Tom] you calm down! [To Sonic and Y/N] You two talk!
Sonic: Okay, quick version. Robotnik is back on Earth and he's after a magic Emerald.
Tom: What? [An annoyed Rachel slaps her hands to her legs]
Sonic: We need to get it back or the world is doomed. [Sees Tails still lying down and surrounded by snow] Tails! Oh, no, no, no.
Maddie: Wait! All this happened since yesterday?
Y/N: Yeah, a lot has happened! (Y/N goes over to his brother.)
Tom: Hey, Wait, Wait. Who's Tails?
[Sonic digs up an unconscious Tails.]
Sonic: Tails, can you hear me?
Rachel: Oh, Lord, there are three of them now.
Y/N: (Waves to Rachel) Hi, Rachel happy wedding!
Sonic: Okay, okay, let me think, let me think. Tails, come on, buddy.
[An electric net is fired at Sonic and knocks him out. Another is fired at Y/N, but he manages to dodge. Tom and Maddie gasp.]
Tom: Whoa!
Y/N: What the hill?!
[Suddenly, everyone gets up and aims loaded taser pistols at the group.]
Woman: Attention, forewarned.
Tom: Hey!
Rachel: Randall, why do all of your friends have weapons?
Walters: You really should have taken me up on that brunch, Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski.
Tom: Olive Garden Guy?
Walters: It's okay, everyone. We're federal agents. [Looks to Randall] You, too, agent. Go ahead.
[Randall sighs and reveals a pendant with his badge on it, which ticks off Rachel.]
Rachel: You mean to tell me... that this entire wedding was a setup?!
Y/N: That's cold.
Randall: Rachel, wait a minute.
Tom: What?
Walters: That's correct, ma'am. Every single aspect of Operation: Catfish was a complete fabrication.
Rachel: [Angrily] Operation: Catfish? So is everyone here an agent?! [to the priest, still angry] Are you an agent?!
[The Priest reveals his taser inside his book.]
Rachel: Son of a... Was the florist an agent?! How about the photographer?! The woman who waxed my... At the spa? [Slaps her arms again.] Is Jojo an agent?!
Randall: Rachel.
Jojo: What?
Randall: Rachel, look, listen to me.
[The priest and another man hold Rachel back. She starts sobbing.]
Randall: I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I really am. I am so sorry.
Walters: (Points at Y/N) Get that one.
Maddie: No!
(The two ravagers are agents.)
Y/N: Anybody else!?
Tom: Y/N, lookout!
(Y/N is hit by an electric net and goes down. )
[The agents load Tails and Sonic into cages and take them away. As an agent drags Y/N away.]
Tom: No. Hey, no! [Pushes a man out of the way and chases after the agents, punching them one by one.] Let them go!
Randall: Hey!
Tom: Sonic, Y/N, hang on.
[Randall handcuffs Tom]
Randall: Take it easy. It's not worth it.
Maddie: Tom!
Walters: [Confronting Maddie] Ah, ah, ah.
Maddie: Sonic and Y/N are not a threat. They're on our side.
Walters: They're uncontrolled extra-terrestrials. And your days of aiding and abetting him are over. Secure them in the hotel until the chopper arrives.
Tom: You're making a mistake.
Rachel: [Angrily] Hold on, Major a-hole! This is still my day, and someone is gonna explain to me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!
Walters: After the events in San Francisco, a global task force was created, devoted to protecting our planet from alien threats. That day, Guardian Units of Nations was born.
Rachel: G-U-N. [Hands on hips] Seriously?
Walters: GUN, yeah.
Maddie: Look, what about protecting our planet from Dr. Robotnik?
Walters: Robotnik is dead.
Maddie: You're wrong. He's back. And you just hauled away the only ones who could stop him.
[Walters looks at them with disbelief before turning away and dialing on his walkie-talkie.]
Walters: Sounds like Robotnik might be back in play. If he is, I want him found immediately. [Hangs up, looks at Maddie for a moment before carrying on] And cancel my five o'clock at the Olive Garden.
[Walters walks off while Jojo walks up to Maddie with Tails' backpack.]
Jojo: Aunt Maddie?
Maddie: Yeah?
Jojo: Sonic and his friend dropped this.
[Maddie takes the backpack and opens it up to reveal all sorts of gadgets inside.]
Maddie: I have an idea.
Rachel: And I want to have a word with my fiancé. And that word is "murder".
[Scene change: Inside Hawaiian hotel, day.]
[G.U.N agents are hauling Tom, Sonic, and Tails into the basement.]
Sonic: Hey, come on. You can't just leave us in here. Our friend is hurt! He needs a doctor, a vet, anyone! [A agent opens the door]
Y/N: Tails, you got to wake up, buddy. Please. Please wake up.
[Scene change: Outside Hawaiian hotel, day.]
[Rachel and Maddie are in the bushes and see that the hotel has several G.U.N agents guarding all the entrances.]
Maddie: All right. Game plan. I get inside the hotel and find where they're hiding Tom and Sonic.
Rachel: Okay. Then I find Randall, right? And then I squeeze the breath from his lying, deceitful, PERFECTLY MANSCAPED BODY! [Laughs giddily] I'm going through a lot right now. So let me process this my own way, okay?
Maddie: Sure.
Rachel: OK.
Maddie: Sure. No judgment.
Rachel: Should've brought a journal. [Brings out a lemon wedge from her backpack] Okay. Is this meant to be a weapon? This is adorable. [Makes shooting recoil noises] Take that, Randall! [Makes more shooting noises] Run, Randall!
Maddie: All right. [They laugh] I guess we're about to find out. All right!
Rachel: Let's go kick some booty!
[Rachel and Maddie walk around the pool, but Rachel stops to have a drink.]
Maddie: Rachel! No. Rachel!
Rachel: In a minute.
[Rachel holds a lemon wedge in her mouth and tosses the rest of her drink away. As they make it around the corner, they are met by .]
Grommet: Stop right there!
Rachel: Get the bag.
[Maddie tosses a mechanical disk under Grommet, which makes a beeping sound. Once it stops, it emits ripples into the air that send the agent flying into the air.]
Maddie: He's gonna come back down, right?
Rachel: Huh? I don't know. Good luck!
[Maddie and Rachel look to see the doorway into the hotel that leads to the basement.]
Maddie: Look. Tom and Sonic have to be inside.
Rachel: I got a fiancé to vaporize. Watch your back, sis.
Maddie: Okay.
[Maddie and Rachel do a sister hand shake as they split up.]
Rachel: Randall!
[Maddie makes it to the entrance of the hotel, only to be met by several G.U.N agents holding loaded guns aimed at her.]
G.U.N. Agent: We got her. Move in.
Maddie: Okay.
[Before anyone can shoot Maddie, a fast yellow object zooms past Maddie and hits all of the agents in a split second, knocking them out. Maddie looks to see it that it is a yellow boomerang, which is now being held by Rachel.]
Rachel: I did not mean to do that!
[Maddie smiles and Rachel whoops as they both split up.]
[Scene change: Hawaii, day.]
[Walters and Randall sit together, with Randall looking at Rachel's wedding ring and their ice sculpture.]
Walters: Something bothering you, agent?
Randall: I just feel a little guilty about what I did to Rachel, sir.
Walters: Ah, don't worry about it. We'll send her a gift card. Now, I propose a toast. To a perfectly executed operation.
[Suddenly, the G.U.N agent sent into the air earlier falls down right onto the table where the ice sculpture is sitting and causes it to shatter into pieces, leaving him badly bruised from the impact.]
Grommet: Sir, we're under attack.
[Walters and Randall hear shattering in the distance and look to see Rachel riding a golf cart at top speed, hitting everything in sight, with Heart's "Barracuda" playing in the background.]
Rachel: Randall, wifey's home! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! [Charges into a table.]
Randall: Oh, my god. Rachel.
[Rachel charges right at Randall who leaps out of the way. Rachel gets out of the golf cart which keeps on going and destroys a spotlight stand, grabs a bottle of champagne and drinks out of it and proceeds to toss it away, slowly moving her finger across her throat to show she's out for blood, Randall's blood.]
Randall: [Slow-motion] What a woman.
Rachel: [Angrily in ascending tone] You no-good, lowdown, DIRTY, LYING...
Randall: Rachel, just listen to me.
Rachel: What kind of twisted sicko tricks someone into a fake wedding?!
[Rachel and Randall hear a wiring sound and turn to see Walters holding a taser gun.]
Walters: Party's over, bridezilla. Stop right there.
Rachel: You [Sighs] son of a...
Walters: Have it your way.
Randall: No! Nooo!
[Randall leaps in front of Rachel and takes the tasers for her. He falls to the ground on the remains of their ice sculpture.]
Walters: Very disappointing, Agent Handel.
[Rachel pulls out Tails' blaster.]
Walters: Ha! Is that supposed to be a weapon?
Rachel: Well, I don't know, but we gonna find out!
Walters: Haven't you caused enough trouble for one day?
Rachel: I haven't even begun causing trouble. HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A BRIDE SCORNED!
[Rachel fires at the wedding cake and blows it into pieces, making Walters drop the taser.]
Rachel: LOOKS LIKE IT'S REAL, HUH? "Whoa, ah, huh", no. Right.
[Rachel proceeds to walk up to Randall.]
Randall: Be honest. How bad is it?
Rachel: Not bad at all. You got tased. You'll be fine.
Randall: I'm so cold.
Rachel: You landed on our ice sculpture. Get up. [Randall gets up. Rachel tries to hold back her tears] Just... Just tell me the truth, for once. Is there anything about you or about us that was... real?
Randall: Rachel, look at me. Before I met you, I didn't think that I was even capable of real happiness. But that all changed when you walked into my life. And I ended up breaking the first rule of undercover work.
Rachel: Which is?
Randall: Never fall in love.
[The two embrace and kiss. The Tornado with the "Rachel & Randall 4-Eva" banner flies past again.]
[Scene change: Hotel, day.]
[Tom, Y/N, and Sonic hear the door opening, and look to see Maddie.]
Tom: Maddie!
Maddie: Come on. We're busting out of here.
Sonic/Y/N: Maddie.
Tom: How'd you get past the guards?
[Maddie unties Tom.]
Maddie: Because that little fox is into some crazy stuff. Come on. Let's go.
Tom: You're amazing.
[Tom and Maddie head over to Sonic, Y/N, and Tails to free them.]
[Scene change: Pacific Ocean, day.]
[Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles walk through a ring portal and end up on a small island in the center of the ocean.]
Knuckles: The owls were fools to think they could hide this.
[Sonya places the compass into a slot on the ground. The area suddenly shakes violently.]
Knuckles: What's happening?
Robotnik: Wait for it...
Sonya: For what?
[The Labyrinth erupts from the sea.]
Robotnik: [Elated] Oh, ho, ho ho! Yes. Eureka! I've found it!
Sonya: (Looks suspiciously at Robotnik)
[Scene change: Hawaii, day.]
[A large pillar of green light becomes visible in the horizon from Hawaii.]
Tom: Sonic, Y/N. what is that?
Y/N: A big problem. The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald.
Maddie: That's got to be hundreds of miles away.
Tom: All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together.
Sonic: [Begins to walk off] There's no time for that. We're the only ones that can get there fast enough.
Maddie: Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself.
Y/N: Yeah, we've got to stick together.
Sonic: [Stops and moves his hand to the unconscious Tails] You see that little fox over there? He came all the way across the universe to meet his heroes. And what does one of his heroes do? I practically got him killed. You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero.
Y/N: Sonic.
Tom: Wait.
Sonic: No. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me. I'm gonna fix this while I still can.
[Sonic dashes off to the beachside.]
Y/N: Wait! (Dashes after his brother.)
Tom: Sonic, Y/N!
[As Tom says this, Tails awakens.]
Tails: Sonic, Y/N, wait!
[Tails tries to fly to catch up with the brothers, but due to being in in no shape to fly, falls to the ground, with Tom and Maddie coming to him.]
Maddie: Hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Don't move. Don't move.
Tom: Take it easy, little guy. You're hurt.
Tails: But we have to help him then. You don't know what they're up against.
[They turn to Walter who is still tied up.]
Tom: You believe us now?
[Walter nods and lowers his head.]
[Scene change: Green Hills, day.]
[Wade is riding down the road on a Segway, wearing a helmet with a police light on it.]
Wade: Hey, Bob! Hey, Maria, how you doing? Working on my moves. Just keepin' it green. No need to burn the fuel. [Stops at the Mean Bean] Speaking of fuel... [Tries to walk in, but slams into the locked door] Closed? That doesn't seem right.
[Wade peeks in through the window and sees Stone working at the computer. His eyes go wide and he leaves the window. Inside, Stone is flipping through new outfit concepts for Dr. Robotnik.]
Stone: Close. Yes. Makeover, makeover. Look at you.
[Wade suddenly bursts in through the back door, gun drawn.]
Wade: Freeze! Police!
[Stone raises his hands over his head.]
Wade: Oh, my god, you got robot hands. You got robot hands.
Stone: No, they're gloves.
Wade: Get 'em up. [Shouts] Now spread your fingers! Now wiggle 'em! Wiggle your digits! Yes, like you just finished a big musical number! Good!
Stone: Why is there a light on your head?
Wade: 'Cause I'm the sheriff for the weekend, pal.
[Scene change: Hawaii, day.]
Sonic: You didn't have to come.
Y/N: "We ride together, we die together."
Sonic: Ha, bad boys. [Losing confidence] Water. Why did it have to be water?
Y/N: Sonic, we got this.
Sonic: [Nods and takes a deep breath] You're right, we can do this. [Both get into a track start position.]
Y/N/Sonic: Gotta go fast.
[They take deep breaths and speed through the water. Soon the waves start to pick up. Sonic struggles to keep his balance and himself above water, while Y/N was gliding through, and the former eventually is washed into the ocean with the latter diving in after him. Sonic regains consciousness and finds himself at the island with Y/N, both witnessing the path to the Labyrinth.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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