Eps5: Enter Rowlet;Capturing Pokémon in Alola

Before the episode start, it show Terios' cave and inside the cave revealed to be Terios standing in front of testing tube while Dr. Eggman is in the cell.

Terios: Finally, my creation is complete

Then the testing tube started to rumbling causing Eggman to fall.


Then the figure open his eyes that are amethyst purple while the other is red with comma-like patterns while Eggman shaking in fear.

Eggman: Oh no


Tails: Enter Rowlet; Capturing Pokémon in Alola

(Narrator POV)

In the town close to the Pokémon school, life was going as normal. People sold fruits to tourists and Pokémon were out about. By the beach there was a flash of light and somehow went unnoticed when the light died out there 10 year old boy on the ground. He has fair skin with amethyst purple eyes with long red dreadlocks wearing a red, yellow, and white vest over red with white crescent shirt, bandages on his arms, purple jacket around his waist, brown scarf, blue jeans with one hole, fingerless gloves, and red, green, and yellow sneakers.

He took a look around at the town and beach.

???: So this where y'all are

He then got a link to Sonic and friends chaos energies.

???: They are coming if anything means necessary

He then dashed towards Sonic and friends turning into a red blur.


At the forest, Ash and Sm was battling an Grubbins with Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Tails was watching and Rotom was taking notes about the Pokémon. The bug Pokémons shot a long web like string towards Pikachu and Eevee.

Sm and Pikachu: QUICKLY JUMP!

As Pikachu and Eevee dodged the attacks.



Pikachu and Eevee then sent a bolt of electricity and stream of fire towards Grubbins. The bolt and fire hit its mark and the Grubbins was badly damaged.

Rotom: When capturing a wild Pokémon, you throw a pokeball at it after physical exhausting it

Ash and Sm: ALL RIGHT!

As they throw the Pokéballs at the Grubbins, the Pokéballs then opened up and absorbed the weak Pokémons in a flash of red light. The ball then closed a and started to show as the Pokémon tried to escape. Everyone was watching hoping that Sm and Ash was able to succeed in catching it. Unfortunately they broke free and burrowed away to escape. Everyone had a disappointment on their faces.

Sonic: Dang it, so close

Then the two Grubbins resurfaced behind Lillie this scared her and she hid behind Tails.

Mallow: I see you're still scared

Lillie: I am not scared, I love Pokémon as a topic of study

Pikachu and Eevee then turned around to face their opponents.


Pikachu and Eevee then glowed white and speed to the big type while Eevee speed to the small type. The Grubbins then shot a string shot at Pikachu and Eevee between Mallow and Kiawe. Pikachu and Eevee was able to dodge the first few but was it then relied Pikachu and Eevee in and clamped its jaws on their stomach.

Rotom: Watch out for its jaws

Silver: A bit too late

As they rushing to Pikachu and Eevee.

Rotom: Eevee and Pikachu took heavy damage

Lillie: I'm so sorry

Mallow: I'll show you two the way to the Pokémon center

Sm: Thanks Mallow and don't worry about it Lillie

Shadow: I'll teleport the rest of us back of us back to school and tell Kukui what happened

Ash: Thanks

Ash, Sm, and Mallow then headed to the Pokémon center.

Shadow: Everyone else grab on

Everyone then grabbed a hold of Shadow.


Then they went back to school, just as they left the boy came to the same spot.

???: He was just here

He said detecting the residue of chaos energies.

???: Looks like you are getting better with your chaos power Shadow

He rushed to Sonic and friends location.

(At the Pokémon center)

Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokémon center on Melemele island

Sm: Thank you for your help Nurse Joy

Nurse Joy: Don't worry, Pikachu and Eevee will be all better soon

Rotom: A Pokemom center will recover a Pokémon's physical strength or heal any abnormal statuzzt

Ash: Thanks Rotom


Ash, Sm, and Mallow waited for about 20 minutes before Pikachu and Eevee was brought back out.

Nurse Joy: Pikachu and Eevee has made full recovery

Pikachu then jumped on to Ash's shoulder while Eevee jumped on Sm's head.

Sm and Ash: Pikachu/Eevee woah there

Mallow: I'm glad that you two are okay Pikachu and Eevee

Rotom: Testing

Rotom said as he went behind Pikachu and pulled his tail this caught Pikachu off guard and he shocked Ash, Sm and Rotom.

Rotom: Recovery of physical strength confirmed zzz

(Timeskip in the night)

In the forest at night, the same boy who was looking for Sonic and friends was sitting on the tree thinking about how to get them back and the chaos emeralds.

???:*thinking* How do can I found them and the chaos emeralds, I know that they got teleported here with Eggman but where could they be?

Then he heard something up in the sky and he looked up to see a purple aura flying through the sky.

???: Who is that?

Then he sense something from that aura.

???: Something not right here, I need to find them fast

Then he jumped from tree to tree to investigate the purple aura.

(The next morning)

The next morning, Ash and Mallow were eating breakfast at a café.

Ash: I definitely gonna catch a Pokémon today

Ash said after taking a bite out of his meal, Pikachu then raised his fist in agreement.

Rotom: The forest behind the Pokémon school, currently it has an 89% encounter rate

Mallow: Oh good idea! That's where I met Bounsweet

Her Pokémon responded in agreement and let out some purple dust. Pikachu smelled it and he got a pleasurable smile on his face. Flying nearby was a Pokémon, it has brown and had green patches on his feather, the Pokémon also had a strong resemblance to an owl. He looked down and saw Bounsweet, he mistook it as a berry and he went to go retrieve it. Bounsweet saw this and used her leaves like a propeller and blew the owl away.

Ash: What Pokémon was that?

Rotom: Leave it to me zzt. Rowlet, the grass quill Pokémon. A grass and flying type. It uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day. Silently it glides, drawing near its target. Before it even notices it, it began to pelt them with vicious kicks

Just as he finished that last part Rowlet dived down for another attack. Bounsweet, however blew him away like before.

Rotom: When the enemy notices it above, those vicious kicks do nothing

Mallow: Bounsweet is used to it

Ash: What do you mean?

Mallow: Bounsweet's aroma

Mallow before being interrupted by Rotom.

Rotom: Leave the rest to me zzt. Bounsweet the fruit Pokémon. A grass type. A delectable aroma pours from its body. Many bird Pokémon mistakes this smell for actual fruit

Rowlet then came in for another attack.

Rotom: It's coming again zzt!

Rotom said only for Bounsweet to do the same thing again. This time though he landed on a power pole and fainted right there.

Ash: Maybe he just hungry?

Then the Pokémon started to fall off the power line. Ash saw this and he leaped over the rail and caught the Pokémon before it hit the ground. Rowlet opened its eyes to see that Ash had caught him, but he soon passed out again. When he came to, he saw that he was laying on Ash's backpack.

Ash: Are you okay?

Rowlet gave a positive hoot in response.

Ash: Glad to hear it

Rowlet then noticed the fruit behind him and he jumped up to eat.

Ash: Wow, what an appetite

Ash then held out a banana.

Ash: Do you want to eat too?

Rowlet then around and landed on Ash's shoulder then Ash flinch in pain.

Ash: Wow, he has strong legs. Did you like that?

The owl then nodded yes.

Ash: Is it ok if I catch you?

He then getting out a Pokéball. This went unheard and instead Rowlet picked up a watermelon that Mallow had just put down and flew away.

Rotom: Aren't you going to catch zzt?

Ash: Yeah, let's go

He ran after it with Mallow close behind.

(In the forest)

Deep in the forest, Rowlet set down the watermelon in a nest. Close behind him was Ash and Mallow.

Ash: Look there it is

Behind him were a bunch of bird Pokémon.

Ash: Wow, I didn't know that you had so many friends

Rowlet then climbed into his backpack. Then all of the sudden a wave of nets shot through the trees and trapped all of the Pokémon.

Ash: What's going on!?

Mallow: Hey it's those people from before!

Ash: Team Rocket release those Pokémon right now!

Jessie: Not happening brat! Those guys stole Bewear's food

James: In order to pay our debt, we are taking back its food

Then Meowth shot a net at the food and stole their food.

Jessie: We will also be taking your Pikachu as a present for Giovanni, MIMIKYU COME ON OUT!

Mimikyu then came out of of its Pokéball ready to fight Pikachu.

(Pokémon Battle)


Mimikyu then shot a shadow ball at Pikachu.


Pikachu fired his attack. The two attacks collided with an explosion.

Ash: Now Rowlet save your friends

Then it flew out of his backpack to go aid his friends.


Pikachu's tail then glowed white and he landed a direct hit on Mimikyu but like last time it had no effect and Mimikyu just shook it off. Back at the nest Rowlet managed to cut the nets off of his friends.

Rotom: It broke the net with one struck

James: When did that happen?

Meowth: He must be a friend of theirs


Mimikyu then pounded on Pikachu and a cloud of dust formed around them as Mimikyu was beating Pikachu.


Then Pikachu fell off a ledge and hit the ground hard.


Then a long three pointed claw came out from its cloth.

Meowth: That is shadow claw


Ash said but Pikachu was too weak to move. Before it could strike, Rowlet summoned a cyclone with green glowing leaves and shot it at Mimikyu.

Mallow: That move is leaf rage

This slowed Mimikyu down enough for Rowlet to move Pikachu out of harms way.

Ash: Nice job Rowlet! Are you okay Pikachu?

Pikachu nodded in response.


Mimikyu was hit by the attack.

Jessie: MIMIKYU!

Rowlet then proceed to rescue the rest of his friends. Mimikyu then jumped up to use shadow ball. Then Bewear picked all five of them up.


It didn't listen and he carries them back to his cave.

(Ash, Pikachu, and Rowlet won)

Mallow: And they're gone

Ash: Yep

Back at the nest, all of Rowlet's friends were praising him for saving them.

Ash: Rowlet looks happy

Ash then walked to him, Rowlet then flew onto Ash's shoulder.

Ash: Rowlet because of you everyone was saved

Rotom: It was an intense kick

Ash: See you, Pikachu, Rotom we are heading home

Mallow: Heading home?

Rotom: Aren't you going to catch him?

Ash: It's okay, it is because Rowlet has all of these friends here. They are all family. That is why it is okay

Rowlet then got a sad look on his face. Ash then walked away and the others reluctantly followed. The biggest one walked up to him and told him that he can go in Pokémon of course. Rowlet was delighted by this and he flew to Ash. He then went into his bookbag which caught him off guard. He turned to face Rowlet.

Ash: But why?

Rowlet then pointed to his friends who all had approving smiles on their faces.

Ash: Do you want to come with me?

His response was to hug him.

Ash: All right, I was wanting you to come with me too

Rowlet then flew into the air and faced Ash.

Rotom: What is it doing?

Ash: You want me to catch you right?

Ash then take out a Pokéball. Rowlet gave him a nod in response.


He then threw the Pokéball at Rowlet and turned into red light as it was absorbed into the Pokéball. It landed into Ash's hand and wiggled a few times before giving a DING stating that he succeeded in catching it.



Ash: Of course you can

Mallow: I guess you can call that Ash's own way

Ash: Okay come on out

He threw the ball in the air. It opened up and out came Rowlet. It then flew into Ash's bookbag.

Ash: You really like my bag don't you?

The owl gave a hoot in response.

Ash and Mallow then went to the Pokémon School to show his friends his new Pokémon.

(At the Pokémon School)

Sophocles: Wow that is so cool

Lillie: I wish that I got to see it

Kiawe: I wish it was a fire type. They are so much cooler but congrats

Kukui: So I see that you caught a Pokémon

Kukui then walked up to Ash.

Ash: Yes

Kukui: Good job that is an A+ for everyone

Sonic: Sweet! But I wish I saw the fight

Then they're heard someone familiar.

???: I finally found y'all

Then they all looked at the same boy who looking for them and Sonic and friends realize who that boy was.

Tails: Knuckles?

Shadow: What are you doing here?

Knuckles: The Master Emerald told me that y'all are here

Then rest was confused what going on.

Lana: Who are you?

Knuckles then turn around and looked at them.

Knuckles: Hi, I'm Knuckles

Mallow: Sm, you know him?

Sm: Yeah, he's our friend

Lillie: It's nice to meet you, I'm Lillie

Sophocles: I'm Sophocles

Kiawe: I'm Kiawe

Lana: I'm Lana

Ash: I'm Ash

Kukui: And I'm Professor Kukui and welcome to the Pokémon School

Knuckles: It's nice to meet you all

Then he heard the Pokémon school.

Knuckles: What's a Pokémon School?

Tails: It's where we can learn about Pokémon

Knuckles: Wow that's cool and I didn't you go to Sonic

Sonic: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

Knuckles: Oh I don't know it just that I just thought couldn't handle it

Sonic: HEY!

Then Sonic was chasing Knuckles around while everyone was starting to laugh then out of nowhere, there was a purple aura crashed down causing everyone to stop what they are doing and they looked at the dust cloud and saw something glowing and when dust cloud cleared it revealed that it was a 10 year old boy who looked like Sm but only difference is that he is wearing a purple shirt, black pants, black cape, and his hair covering his one eye.

Sm: Who are you

???: I'm you

Then purple aura was forming around him and with a evil smile.

???: But better

Knuckles: But you look like Sm

???: Yes but Hikaru and I are different

This caused everyone except for Sm to have a shocked face.

Sm: How do you know my real name?

Kurai:*evil smile* You don't know Hikaru, I'm Kurai and I got it from Terios

This causes Sonic and friends except Knuckles shocked that Terios created him.

Sonic: WHAT?!?!?

Shadow: It can't be

Kurai: It can be and now give me the emeralds and I'll leave

Then Sonic and friends have their hands form into fist and Sm eyes turn red then Eevee popped out with his hat and got off of his head and went to Mallow.

Sm: You'll never get the emeralds

Kurai: We'll see about that

(Team Sonic vs Kurai)

Sonic then dashed at Kurai and tried to punch him but Kurai blocked it and kick Sonic away then Tails uses tail to fly above him and uses his blaster to shot at Kurai but he use a ki blast to stop energy blast then Sm use boost at Kurai and punch him in the face causing a shockwave then Kurai punch him causing Sm to be push away and he started doing hands sign causing Ash and the rest confuse.


Then he unleashed an giant fireball at Kurai but he slice it in half with an ki blade.

Sm: So you got it too

Kurai: Remember what I said, I'm you but better

Sonic then looked at Sm who looked at him and they both nodded and they then jumped in the air and gave each other a high five with blue aura around them.

Sm and Sonic: DOUBLE BOOST!

Then they dashed at Kurai and rapidly punch and kick multiple times then they let go and Sm jump up in the air and he unleashed a ki blast at him making Kurai pushed away then Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Silver, and Knuckles went to Sm.

Tails: So what's the plan?

Sonic: We use our elemental power and show him what we made of

Then they heard Kurai laughing and they looked at him.

Kurai: Don't make me laugh do really think you all have a chance to defeat me?

Sm: Yes

Sonic: We

Tails: Do

Then they closed their eyes and this causing Ash, Mallow, Lana, Lillie, Kiawe, Sophocles, and Kukui confused then Sm eyes glow redder, fire aura, and his hair started to glow like fire. Mallow saw this and she have a red hue on her face.


Then Tails eyes glowed ice blue, the tip of his tails have ice shards, and have ice blue aura, Lillie saw this and she have a red hue on her face.

Tails: ICE!

Then Sonic eyes glowed electric blue and his body have electricity surrounding him.


Then Shadow eyes glowed red-orange, rocky aura around him, and his fist have cracks on them like magma.

Shadow: EARTH!

Then Silver eyes glowed green, two of his long lock of hair raised up, and with green aura surrounding him. Lana saw this and she have a red hue on her face.

Silver: ENERGY!

Then Knuckles eyes glowed neural gray and has gray aura surrounding his fist.

Knuckles: THUNDER!

This causes Kurai to get angry while Ash, Lana, Lillie, Mallow, Kiawe, Sophocles, and Kukui to have a shocked face then Kurai started to chuckle.

Kurai: Do you really think that will defeat me?

Then he about unleashed a ki attack at Ash, his classmates, and Kukui but he got kick in the face by Sonic causing them to have a shocked face then Kurai has pushed away further then Sm dashed at Kurai then he tried to punch him but Sm dodge it.

Sm: Weave

Then he kick him away then Knuckles went beside Sm.

Knuckles: Hold on, tag a brother in

Then Sm gave Knuckles a high five then he went to Kurai.

Knuckles: Hey what did you say?

Then Kurai tried to punch Knuckles twice.

Knuckles: Double weave

Then Knuckles uppercut him into the sky then Tails went up in the air.

Tails: It still coming

Then Kurai tried to punch Tails put he dodge it.

Tails: Triple weave

Then Tails did the Sonic Eagle causing Kurai to fall down making a crater then he got back up and Shadow in front of him.

Shadow: Wombo Combo

Then Shadow axe kick Kurai in the air then Sonic use Sonic Wind making Kurai fall down and making crater then he got back up then Silver use psychokinesis to pick up a giant boulder and dropping it on him then Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Sm, and Knuckles went to Silver.

Tails: We did it

Sonic: Alright

Then before they high five, Sm felt something coming from the boulder.

Sm: Uhh, guys

Shadow: What is it?

Sm: We're not done yet

Then the boulder explode and it revealed to be Kurai with a dark purple aura and red eyes.


Then Sonic tried to punch Kurai but he block it and he grab Sonic by the neck and he throw him down the Kurai use Sonic Eagle to knock Sonic down making him power off of his elemental power.

Tails: SONIC!!!

Then Tails fly at Kurai and tried to punch him but Kurai grab his fist and threw him up in the air and Kurai punch him down to the ground causing him to power off his elemental power.

Lillie: TAILS!

Then Tails got back up with bruises and scratches on him.

Tails: That hurt

Then Knuckles looked at Kurai with angry face then he has his fist together and purple orbs was surrounding him and red aura around him.

Then he jump up in the air and tried to punch him but Kurai smacked him down causing him have blood coming out of his nose and fall down and power off his elemental power.


Then Shadow time making Kurai froze then Shadow fly up to Kurai to end it but he saw Kurai smiling and Kurai have his hand out in front of Shadow face and he blast Shadow away causing him to fall down and him to power off his elemental power.

Then Silver use psychokinesis to paralyzed Kurai then fly up there to punch him but Kurai use a shadow clone to punch him in the gut causing him to cough up blood and Kurai use Sonic Eagle causing Silver to fall down and making him power off his elemental power.


Then Kurai started to laugh.

Kurai: HAHAHAHAH! Just look at this your friends have been defeated and you're the only one left

This causes Sm have angry face while eyes have turn blood red, Ash, his classmates, and Kukui saw this and Mallow scared of this including Eevee.

Sm: You

Then Kurai lean closer to Sm.

Kurai: You what?

Then Sm looked up at malicious intent.


Then he punch Kurai in the face causing a shockwave making him flew back in the air then Sm has green aura surrounding him then they heard something from Sm.

This cause Eevee to shake in fear while everyone shocked about except for Mallow who was worry then Kurai now have his balance back and saw Sm.

Ash: What happened to him?

Then Tails, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles was now with Ash and the rest.

Shadow: He must've been in anger form

Mallow: I don't there's only a dark form?

Tails: There is but Sm has a form known as Ikari

Rotom: Whatzzt that?

Sonic: It's a form that its like Semi-Dark form but it's in the middle and the power multiply

Kiawe: Is there any downside?

Knuckles: The downside is that he can't control it

This cause Mallow even more worry. Now back at the battlefield, Kurai was shocked about this.

Kurai: What?

Then Sm dashed at Kurai with full speed and punch him in the gut causing him to cough up blood and push him even further in the air and Sm jump in the air and started to rapid punch at Kurai and he slam him down with the Sonic Eagle causing a crater then Kurai looked at Mallow and Eevee then he have an idea and he grab them causing the others shocked.

Kurai: Don't move any closer or they get it

Then Sm was still towards him then Kurai was sweating, Sonic saw this.

Sonic: Is Kurai sweating?

Lana: What?

Shadow: He's must've be scared of Sm in Ikari form

Back at the battlefield, Kurai now sweating more and he shoot Sm with a ki blast causing an explosion then he saw red eyes in the explosion and it revealed to Sm but his clothes has been badly damaged and his vest and shirt has been destroyed.

Kurai: Stay back I'm warning ya

Then Sm dashed at Kurai at full making him, Mallow, and Eevee close their eyes then nothing happen then they open their eyes and saw Sm stopped and his eyes went back to ember.

Sm: Sorry Mallow

Then Kurai have a evil smile on his face then he let go of Eevee and Mallow.

Kurai: Good now stay still

But before he could strike Sm there was different attacks and it hit Kurai making him fall down then they saw a quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a fully-grown lion. While its face, hind legs, torso, and the back of its front legs are blue, much of its body is covered with shaggy, black fur. The fur is longer around the shoulders and the base of the tail, and forms a mane on its head. The mane is larger on the male than on the female. It has yellow eyes with red sclerae, a blunt muzzle, and rounded ears with yellow insides. There are three yellow, half rings on the back of each foreleg. Its long, thin tail is tipped with a yellow four-pointed star.

A bulky, bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon with blue scales. It has large, powerful jaws lined with several sharp fangs. Three teeth are visible when its jaws are closed: two in its lower jaw and one in its upper. Its eyes are red with black markings around them and ridges above them and its lower jaw is yellow. There are three red spines on its body, each with three points: one on top of its head, one between its shoulders, and one near the tip of its tail. There are also several groups of large, rectangular scales on its arms, knees, tail, and waist. Its back is slightly hunched with ridges behind the shoulders and hips. On its lower body is a yellow, V-shaped marking that extends up to its thighs; there is a thin line through the center of the marking. Its arms have five clawed fingers and its feet three clawed toes.

A reptilian Pokémon with a mostly tan body, pink stomach, black back, and long tail. It is classified as a quadruped, though it is more often seen on two legs. It has six thick, black stripes on its body: one at shoulder level, one around its midsection, one around its hips, and three on its tail. Each stripe is topped with a triangular spike on its back. The stripes around its midsection cross two spikes, one on each side of its back. Its arms are short and thin, with a black band around them at the elbow. Each hand contains three short fingers, each with a white claw. Its legs are thick with a band around each ankle, and a stripe above the knee that does not wrap around. Its flat feet each have three white claws. Krokorok's head is ovoid with a long snout, and small eyes surrounded by a thick black membrane. Two of its front and rear teeth are visible overlapping its lower jaw. A black stripe sits on the bridge of the snout just behind its large nostrils.

a large, humanoid Pokémon with four well-muscled arms. It has bluish-gray skin, red eyes, and pale yellow lips. On its head, there are three brown ridges right above its eyes. It has two arms on each side of its body: a pair located in the normal position, and another pair directly above that attaches on the top of the shoulders. It has black markings that resemble briefs and wears a golden power-save belt that resembles a championship belt. Its legs have considerable muscle tone, and its feet have two toes each.

And a bipedal, feline Pokémon. Its fur is a pale gray with white tips on its ears and white paws. There are tousled tufts of fur on its head, cheeks, shoulders, chest, and hips. It has wide, pale purple eyes with darker purple pupils, a tiny nose, and a small mouth. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. Its tail is fluffy and slightly curled.

This shocked everyone about these Pokémon standing in front of Sm then the crocodilian Pokémon walk up to Sm and held it hand out and Sm grab it hand and he stood up then Kurai stand back up and saw this.

Kurai: What is this?

Then he remember something that Terios gave him before Kurai then he pulled out blaster.

Kurai: Good thing I have this

Then he aimed it at Ash, his classmates, and Kukui then he shoot at them then Sonic and friends dashed towards them to block and when the laser hit them this causing them to scream in pain.

Lillie: TAILS!

Mallow: SM!


Then the feline Pokémon use psychic to remove the blaster out of Kurai's hand then Sonic and friends are now on one knee.

Lana: Are y'all ok?

Knuckles: We're fine, we can take hits like that

Ash: What are y'all gonna do?

Then Sm have an idea.

Sm: I think got an idea

Mallow: Please don't go into that form again

Sm then look at Mallow and saw her who scared then he walk up to her.

Sm: Don't worry Mallow, I won't be in that form

Mallow: Are you sure?

Sm then nodded and he looked back at Kurai who is angry.


Sm: Try it

Then Sm eyes changed from ember to silver and with crystalline aura this shocked Ash and the other except for Sonic and friends.

Ash: What is that?

Sonic: That form is Sm use when he is focused and balanced

Tails: Where he attacks and defends unconsciously

Knuckles: And his body move independently

Then Sm walked up to Kurai slowly.

Kurai: Hmmp, you think that will defeat me?

Then he punch Sm put he dodge it quickly causing Kurai to have a shocked face then Sm punch him in the face making him flew in the air then Sm jumped up in the air and he rapidly punches him so fast that Kurai couldn't see it, Mallow saw this and she has a blush on her face. Back at the battlefield, Sm then use Sonic Eagle to slam Kurai down making a crater then he got back up and he's now furious.


Then he charged up an purple ki blast then Sm cupped his hand and a blue ki appear.


Sm was floating down while doing it.


Then Kurai eyes are now crimson red.


Then he unleashed a purple ki blast at Sm then he use the blue ki to slide over the galick gun then he was over above Kurai.

Sm: HA!

Then he unleashed the blue ki attack at Kurai then Sm was moving the ki blast making Kurai flew away.


(Team Sonic wins)

Then Sm float down then he landed on the ground and power off then Ash and the others including Team Sonic went to Sm.

Tails: You did it Sm

Knuckles: We won

Shadow: Impressive

Then Mallow gave Sm a hug.

Mallow: Thank you Sm

This causes Sm to blush then he hug her back then Eevee jumped back on his hair with his hat then they heard a roar then they looked at the five Pokémon standing there.

Tails: What Pokémon are those?

Rotom: Leave that me zzt, the Pokémon names are Feraligatr, Machamp, Espurr, Luxray, and Krokorok

Then the five Pokémon held out a Pokéball with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver logo on them.

Sonic: You want us to catch y'all

The five Pokémon nodded and Sonic, Silver, Shadow, Knuckles, and Tails grab their Pokéball and the five Pokémon bowed their heads.

Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Silver, and Shadow: GO POKÉBALL!

Then they throw their Pokéballs making the five Pokémon turn into red light and the Pokéballs landed on their hands and started to wiggle a few times before it make a DING sound.

Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Tails, and Knuckles: ALRIGHT!

Lana: Congratulations

Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Tails, and Knuckles: Okay, come on out

Then their Pokémon got out of their Pokéball. Tails then walked up to Feraligatr and gave it a head pat, Knuckles walked up to Machamp then both of them smile and gave each a fist bump, Silver walked up to Espurr and it gave him hug on his leg making him smile and giving it a head pat, Shadow walked up to Krokorok and it gave him a thumbs up then Shadow gave it a thumbs up, and Sonic walked up to Luxray and gave it a head pat. Then Eevee jump off of Sm's head walked up to them and they gave each other a smile then Knuckles realized something.

Knuckles: Uhh, Where I'm staying?

Sonic: Don't worry Knuckles

Sm: We have a place where can stay

Knuckles: Where?

Tails: With us

Knuckles: What are you sure?

Silver: We sure because we two rooms left but now one room left

Knuckles: Alright

Kukui: Knuckles, you'll start Pokémon School tomorrow

Knuckles: You got it

Shadow: Come on we show you

Then they left to show Knuckles their house.

Now that Knuckles have join the adventure. They have their first boss battle against Kurai and capture their first Pokémon including Ash but there's one more question left, What was machine for that Kurai use?

Before the episode end, It show Kurai and Terios standing at night.

Kurai: Terios, what was that machine for?

Terios: That was use to put Dark Gaia energy at a full moon, they'll ravenous beasts

Then they heard Eggman laughing.

Eggman: HAHAHAHA! You fool you forgot that one of them already has Dark Gaia energy before

Then Terios chuckle a bit.

Terios: And forgot one thing to

Eggman: What is it?

Terios: It will effect the Chaos Emerald


Terios: It will make them have those form forever

Then Terios started to laughing then Eggman gulp in fear.

What does Terios mean by "Have those form forever" found out as the journey continues.

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