Episode 2: Alola! A New island and New pokemon

Narrator POV



Ash: Alola! A New island and New pokemon!

We see Sonic and his friends are unconscious at an unknown world but they looked different and we see Tails waking up first.

Tails: Ugh, where am I?

Tails then looked at the place and he saw what peaceful it was and he remember what happened after when Terios did.

Tails: Wow, I never know this world is beautiful but I remember why did Terios use chaos control on us?

???: I'm asking the same question

Tails then looked and see Sm waking up too.

Tails: Sm

He then goes to Sm and gave him a hug.

Sm: Ow

Tails: Sorry*let's go of Sm*

Sm: It's alright*looks at Tails with surprised* Uhh, Tails

Tails: Yeah?

Sm: Look at your reflection

Tails: Ok

Tails then go over the ocean and looked at himself that made him surprised, he have fair skinned with the same ocean blue eyes, have yellow-orange hair and have his three locks of hair, and now wearing an orange shirt, orange shorts, goggles on top of his head, and the same red and white sneakers.

Tails: WOAH! I'm a human*looks at Sm* You're human too

Sm: I am?

Tails: Just look at yourself

Sm: Alright alright, I'm coming

Sm then walked to Tails and looked down at the lake and he was surprised as well and he have dark skinned with the same amber eyes, have the same style as his lion mane, wearing an light blue tank top, blue pants, the same hat,  the same blue and white air shoes, and light blue bracelets

Sm: Cool

???: What is?

Sm and Tails turn and looked at Shadow but he was different, he has tan skin with crimson red eyes, have the same quills style, wearing a black short sleeve shirt, black pants, have gold rings on his wrist and on his ankle, and have the same air shoes.

Sm and Tails: Shadow?

Shadow: Sm and Tails? What happened?

Tails: I don't know but I know that Terios used chaos control that may have changed our appearances

Sm: So we can blind in the human world

Shadow: I guess so

???: Shadow, Sm, Tails is that you?

They then turn and see Silver and he looked different too, he have peach skin with gold eyes, with his hair have the similar to his hedgehog quills five points on the top pointing up and two long locks going down the middle of his back, wearing an cyan shirt, cyan shorts, the same boots, and cyan bracelets.

Shadow: Silver?

Silver: What happened?

Sm: Terios, that's what happened

Tails: He use chaos control to teleport us to a new world and change our appearances

???: So that what happened

They then turn and see Sonic but he also looked different as well, he have peach skin, had spiky hair with same style as his hedgehog quills, his emerald green eyes, wearing a white tank top that had SEGA'S logo, blue shorts, his trademark shoes, and blue bracelets.

Tails: SONIC!

Tails then goes to Sonic and gives him an hug.

Sonic: Hey Tails*looks at him* woah, you look different

Sm: Yeah, you do too

Sonic: I do?

Sm: Yep, look at your reflection

Sonic then go to the ocean to see himself and he was surprised about this and he looked at his tank top.

Sonic: WOAH! What the heck is a 'SEGA'?

Shadow: I don't know but we need to find Terios, Eggman, and the chaos emeralds before they rule this world

Silver: Hey guys look at what I found

They then come to Silver and they saw five bags with their colors.

Sm: Woah, I didn't know we have bags

Shadow: Me neither

Sonic: Alright, let's have a bag check

They all nodded at Sonic and then open up their bags and have their own things, some couple rings and the chaos emeralds?

Sonic: What?

Tails: The chaos emeralds are here with us?

Shadow: That's impossible

Sm: With our own things too

Silver: And some rings also

Sm: We have phones too

All(except Sm): Really?

Sm: Yeah, look for yourself

They then checked in their bag and they pulled their own phone and have the same color style.

Tails: Woah

Shadow: Cool

Silver: Nice

Sonic: Awesome, but let's see if we go our power

Sonic then run around the island 10 times in 5 seconds, Shadow then use chaos spear at the boulders, Silver then lift up the two boulders with his psychokinesis, Tails then did a homing attack at the boulders, and Sm went to kaioken.

Sonic: Yep, we still got out powers

Tails: But I don't think humans have powers

Sm: Tails right, we need to hide our powers

Shadow: That's sure but where are we?

They then heard some squawk and Sm looked up and he saw a flock of seagulls like creature then he remember something.

Sm: Wait a minute

Sonic: What is it?

Sm: I know those are

Tails: You do?

Sm: Yeah, those are Wingull

Silver: Wingull?

Sm: It's a water type Pokemon and we are in the world of full of Pokemon

Sonic: That's a good thing to know

Tails: Yeah, I'll say

Silver: Guys look, there's a city nearby

Sonic: Alright then led the way Silver

They then dashed off in blur to the city.


Meanwhile at the same city there was a boy has be seen riding some black shark like creature, he had raven black hair, dark brown eyes, wearing a black swim trunks with a white strip down the side and a green life vest, and also had a yellow mouse creature with a brown tipped tail that resembles a lighting bolt. This is none other than Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town with his pokemon Pikachu.


As he held the handlebars of the saddle he was sitting on.


Sharpedo then increased it's speed as it then dived underwater. Ash then held his breath as he went into the clear blue water he then say many type of pokemon but one particular caught his eyes, it was black with pink spikes on top of it with white markings that could resembles as a face. He eased sharpedo as he went to touch it what completely caught him off guard as it spit out a gloved hand in a peace sign. He then returned the favor as he did the same. After he went up for air, right in front of him was a girl who was fishing, she had blue hair with peach skin, wearing an headband, a white tank top with a blue flap going down about one third, she had on blue pants with a light blue design that resembles ocean waves and brown sandals.

As Ash surfaced, she had caught another bite on her fishing. Ash then shook himself dry only to look up to see the fish she caught coming right at him off guard as both he and the fish fell into the water simultaneously. This also caught the blue haired off as she wondered if he was alright, Ash then resurfaced.

Ash: Wasn't expecting that

Which caused the girl's pokemon to laugh as it clapped its fins together like a seal. It looked like blue seal with a red nose this caused the girl to laugh as Ash then soon followed laughing at the experience.


Ash then returned to the docks where he returned the pokemon he was renting. An older red headed girl then proceeds ask Ash how was the experience.

Ash: It was really, really great

Ash then returned the life vest and then the lady say to Ash.

Red headed: That's good to hear, come back any time

Ash: I will

He then thanks Sharpedo and leaves the dock. Ash then takes off to find his mom but fails to notice a black cat like pokemon with red markings on its face and he then accidentally stepped on its tail. He then tires to say sorry but the cat unleashes a blast of fire hitting him in the face.


Then we see an adult woman laying on a lounge chair, she had brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing an orange beach dress and an magenta flower. This is Ash's mother, next to her is a clown like pokemon with a white with areas some area on him that are pink.


She then welcome him back and asked about the experience and he then proceeds to explain how fun it was.

Ash's mom: Come on, let's head out

Ash:*confused* Head out?

He confuse on what his mom say.

Ash's mom: To see professor Oak's cousin

Then he remember the task that professor Oak have them to deliver an egg to his cousin.

Ash: Oh yeah

With that were off to see his cousin and they can be seen being pulled by an orange bull like pokemon with three tails, Ash then looks around the town with excitement.

Ash: Where are we taking the egg to?

Ash's mom: To the Pokemon school

Ash: What is that?

Ash's mom: Sound interesting doesn't it?

Ash then agrees, then his mom pokemon points something what he saw. Ash's mom then comments on how they look, they proceed to get out the taxi to go buy some fruits. Ash then walks off and admiring the town then a white bug like pokemon with a brown head poked its head from the ground, Ash then goes in closed to look at the pokemon but sadly the pokemon pinched it's nose with its pinchers on his head. He leaped back in pain while the pokemon still on his nose then he gets it off of his nose. It then burrow away leaving a trail to follow.

Ash: Come on pikachu, let's catch it

Pikachu:*agrees* Pikachu

Ash and Pikachu then follow the pokemon.


In the same location, Sonic and his friends were walking through the town exploring.

Sonic: This city is beautiful

Tails: I'll say

Sm: I feel like I'm on vacation

Shadow: What makes you feel like that?

Silver: Shadow, just look around and what do you see?

Shadow then look around and places look different and pokemons everywhere.

Shadow: I guess your right but Sm how did you know about pokemon?

Sm: I don't know but I feel like remember everything about them

Sonic: Yeah, good things is that we have lots of money

Tails: I got ourselves an house

Silver: And some food

Shadow: Also new clothes

Sm: Yeah

They then heard a cry of pain and snapping sound and they then to see black haired boy trying prying off a pokemon from his nose.

???: Ouch

Sonic: What's that all about?

Silver: I don't but let's find out

Sonic: Alright, HEY!

Then the boy turn to see Sonic and his friends.

Tails: Are you alright?

???: I'm trying to catch that pokemon, want to come with us?

Sonic: Sure, names Sonic

Miles: I'm Miles

Shadow: The names Shadow

Sm:*tipped his hat* The names Sm, pleasure to meet you

Silver: And I'm Silver

Ash: Ash, nice to meet you all now let's go

Now Sonic and his friends including Ash are now chasing the run away pokemon.


As they pass by some trees and a pokemon with glowing blue eyes saw those 6 run by and took interest and started following them. Meanwhile they lost the pokemon.

Ash: Aw man, we lost it

Sonic: Yeah that sucks

Miles: But where are we?

Shadow: I don't know

Silver: I hope we don't get lost in deep of the forests

Sm: I hope not

Ash: Me neither

Ash then got hit by berry which made Sm and Sonic gave small chuckle from what happened then the same mysterious pokemon then throw a berry at it's pink head as it shacks. At the same they were looking for a way out then a cry was heard from a distance.

Ash: Cool another pokemon

Sonic and his friends then followed Ash further up the trail with a sweat drop on their faces then a bear like pokemon walk out of bushes waving its arm around.

Sm:*gasp* TEDDY BEAR!

Ash: I think it wants a hug

Silver: I don't think that's a good idea

Sm then comes to the bear pokemon to give it a hug but one of its arm sent a tree and Sm went to the rest of them with a scared face. Then the pokemon proceeds to knock down trees and ran in their direction.

Sm: Silver?

Silver: Yeah?

Sm: Could you um hold me?

Silver: Fine

Sm: Good, ZOINKS!

Then Sm jumped on Silver while he holding him.

Ash: RUN!


They then took off in sprint away from the bear, it took an every drop of will for Sonic and his friends to run at their true speed. As they neared the end of the forests a yellow and blue blur caught the pokemon attention as it followed the blur.

Sonic: What was that?

Ash: Something I hope to never see again

Shadow: Alright Sm, for now on you can't run up to that pokemon

Sm: Shadow are you really going to do me like Shadow, I thought it wants a hug and it looks like teddy bear

Miles: A dangerous teddy bear that can knock a tree into the air

Silver: Yeah, let's not do that again

They all let sigh of relief then Sonic spotted something orange and blue.

Sonic: What's that?

Then Sm and Ash look up and saw another pokemon.

Sm and Ash: Cool it's a Charizard

Ash then looked at Sm with surprised on his face.

Ash:*surprised* You know about pokemon too?

Sm: Yeah, I do

Silver: Well, let's follow that Charizard

They then follow the fire and flying type pokemon.


Soon they came to a complex of buildings.

Sonic: Where are we?

Sm: I don't know but it looks interesting

Silver: I'll say

They were looking the complex of buildings with many kids hanging out outside.

All: Woah

Miles then noticed a girl had blonde hair, green eyes, wearing an white dress and a white hat then she also look back Sonic and his friends including Ash.

Ash: Whoa even more pokemon

He then leaped over the fence to go see them.

Miles: ASH WAIT!

Calling Ash but it's too late then the blonde haired girl said to Ash.

Blonde haired: LOOK OUT!

Miles then noticed a bull pokemon heading right for him then he  thought fast and leaped over the fence and tacked Ash out of the way using a little of his speed then the blonde girl runs to them.

Blonde: Are you alright?

Ash: Yeah, thanks to Miles

Miles: No problem Ash

Then Sonic and his friends run up to Miles, Ash, and the blonde girl.

Sonic: Miles, are you ok?

Miles: I'm fine Sonic

Then a pokemon walks up to them and the girl went behind Miles, Sonic and the rest have a confuse look on their faces. She then notice Pikachu and stumble back in fear.

Miles: Are you afraid of pokemon?

Blonde girl: I'm not afraid I love them, as a topic of study

???: Sorry about I couldn't stop in time

They then heard another voice they turn to see a girl had green hair, green eyes, had mocha brown skin, wearing an a grey overall like top and they short shorts.

Green haired: Lillie as you can see

Pointing the blonde girl.

Green haired: Doesn't touch pokemon

Lillie: I DO TOO! But only if I have concluded it's safe

Green haired: Don't worry about it you'll be able to touch them one day

Ash then noticed the blue haired girl and put 2 and 2 together and realized it's the same girl who he was riding on the Sharpedo.

Ash: HEY!

He then points at the blue haired girl and said.

Ash: You were fishing in the ocean

Shadow: You know her?

Ash: Yeah, I saw her when I was riding sharpedo

Blue haired: Oh, your the guy I ran into while I fishing

Green haired: Friend of yours Lana?

Ash: I'm Ash, I'm from Pallet Town in Kanto

Sonic: I'm Sonic

He then give his trademark thumbs up and smile making the three girls blush.

Miles: I'm Miles Prower, it's nice to meet you all

He then gave an innocent smile on his face making Lillie have blush on her face.

Sm: I'm Sm*tipped his hat and winks at the green haired girl* pleasure to meet you all

That made the green haired girl have blush on her face.

Shadow:*crosses his arm* I'm Shadow, it's a pleasure to meet you all

Silver:*nervously smile and stuttering* A-and I-i'm S-silver, i-its nice to meet you all

This made Lana have blush on her face and Miles ask green haired girl who her name is Mallow about this place.

Miles: So where are we?

They then looking at the complex of the buildings.

Mallow: This is the Pokemon School

Ash: The Pokemon School, so this is it

Sonic: What is that?

Lana: It's a place where people can go to learn about pokemon

Miles: Cool

Sonic: Sweet

Sm: I'm kinda starting to like this place

Silver: Me too

Shadow: You can say that

Mallow: Oh I get it you're lost

Ash: I guess

Sm: I mean you could say that

Mallow: Come on, I'll show y'all around

She then grabbed Sm and Ash's hands then a pokemon jumped on her shoulder jumping up and down happily realizing a sweet smelling odor.

Mallow: Come this way

Ash: Hey not so hard

Sm: I can walk you know

Miles: Hey wait for us, come on guys

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver nodded at Miles and followed them to Pokemon School.


After Mallow showed them the school she took them to the fossil room and Miles and Ash running around in joy looking at the fossil while Sonic, Shadow, Sm, and Silver looking at the other fossil and Sm said to them.

Sm: This place looks cool

Silver: I'll say

Shadow: I didn't know they have a lot of fossil

Sonic: Me neither

Ash: This is so cool

Miles: There are so many of fossil

Mallow: That's the Pokémon School for you

Mallow: It's a place where people and Pokémon can study together

Mallow then proceeds to lead them to a door then she knock on the door and says.

Mallow: PRINCIPAL! I brought you new students

Sonic and his friends: WHAT!?

Ash: No, no, no, no, we're not new students

Then the door and it revealed to be Ash's mother.

Ash's mom:*surprised* Wow, you made all the way here

Ash:*shock* MOM!

He was shocked that his mom was at the Pokémon School.

Ash's mom: I was just reviewing a bit

???: Alola Ash

Then they heard another voice and they saw coffee colored skin, had blonde hair, black eyes, wearing a green Hawaii shirt with white markings and dark blue fish, and white shorts. He said with a cheery tone to them

???: Welcome to the Pokémon Solrock

Ash: Professor Oak

Principal Oak: I guess I do look like him but I'm professor Oak cousin

Mallow: He's the principal of the Pokémon School

Principal Oak: Nuckrar to meet you

Sonic and his friends except Sm cringe at the pun while Sm gave a small chuckle  then Mallow said to them with a sweat drop on her face.

Mallow: The principal always makes Pokémon puns

Principal Oak: It's important for people and Pokémon to live togiras

All six kids except Sm cringe at the pun and Sm gave an chuckle in the office when everyone got seated Ash then tells on how he got there.

Ash: At the market, I was wondering around then I saw a pokémon. I bent down to get a better look at it but it pinched me on the nose and my friends Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Miles, and Sm heard me and come to see me if I saw okay. We then followed it but we got lost. Finally Sonic saw a Charizard and we followed it here. Oh yeah, Miles save me from Tauros collision

Ash's mom then looked at the orange boy and smile at him.

Ash's mom: Thanks for saving my son

Miles: It's no problem

Mallow: So, you all aren't students then

Ash: Sorry but there wasn't time to explain

Mallow: No it's my fault, I quickly jumped to the wrong conclusion

Sm: Hey, it's alright we all makes mistakes

Silver: Yeah, so don't worry about it

Mallow: Thanks

Then a video chat start up.

Principal Oak: Samson it's me

Then the video chat show his cousin and all eight turned to face to the screen.

Principal Oak: I have got the egg that you sent me

Professor Oak: Cousin, I assumed that everything went fine then

The man Sonic and his friends assumed was the professor and the professor then said to Ash's mom.

Professor Oak: Thank you, Hanako

Hanako: You're welcome

Mallow: Hey principal, is it okay if I show Ash and rest around the campus?

Principal Oak: Of course, Porygon!

Making another pun.

Mallow: Let's go you six


They then got out of their seats and followed Mallow.


After the tour Mallow takes the boys to the classroom.

Mallow: This is the classroom

As she showed them where they learned.

All: WOAH!

As they explored the classroom they were surprised and amaze at the same time.

Sm: Look at this view guys

They then looking out to the ocean and Sm felt a fresh breeze in his face.

Sm: Man, do y'all guys felt that fresh breeze?

Sonic: I do

Silver: Yeah, it felt nice

Shadow: And the place looks peaceful with people and pokemon living together

Miles: You said it Shadow

Ash: Yeah, y'all right

Mallow: This isn't just a place to learn, there is a field where you can feed the Tauros and a lake

As she smiling at the boys faces as they take in the view then they a heard a voice.

???: Hey you seven

They then turn to see mad who had light brown skin, black hair and eyes, wearing an lab coat without a shirt underneath, black shorts, wearing an hat with primary semi circle, and wearing sunglasses.

???: Alola

Mallow: Professor Kukui

Kukui: I heard of these six from the principal

They were confused about this.

All: Professor?

Mallow then explained.

Mallow: He is our teacher

She then points at Ash.

Mallow: Professor this is Ash

She then points at Sonic.

Mallow: Sonic

Then she points at Sm

Mallow: Sm

Then points at Miles.

Mallow: Miles

And then she points at Silver.

Mallow: And this is Silver

Kukui: Ash, Sonic, and the rest this school is pretty rad place, enjoy it even if it's just for today

Miles: We will

They then heard motorcycle and metal clanking.

Sonic and friends:*thought* Not again

Mallow: Oh no, it's them


They all rushed to the front of the school and saw some things wearing black shirt and pants with skull images. They also had five eggpawn.

Thug1: You messed up big by making us stop our bikes

Thug2: Yeah what he said

The person they harassing has brown skin, black eyes, black hair with red patch, no shirt and red shorts and also stood beside a Charizard.

Black and red haired: I think your the one who was blocking the road

Thug1: You are going to regret that, our pokémon and new robots will destroy you

Behind a corner Ash, Mallow, Lana, Lillie, a red haired named Sophocles, Sonic, Miles, Sm, Shadow, and Silver were hiding.

Ash: Who are they?

Sophocles: They're Team Skull, they talk big to get people to battle them, I hate them

Sonic:*scowl*I'm with you there

Miles:*whisper to Sonic* Sonic

Sonic:*whisper to Miles* Yeah?

Miles: *whisper* Are those?

Sonic:*whisper* Yeah I know

Lana: Those robots are new though

Back at the battlefield and one of the Team Skull grunts said to the black and red haired boy.

Thug1: If you beat us in battle we forget that this ever happened but if you lose you have to give us your Charizard

Black and red haired: Your going to regret it

Thug1: Come on out Salandit

Thug2: Yungoos!

Thug3: Zubat!

Ash: WAIT!

All: ASH!

This made Sonic and friends except Sm who was confused on what is happening but Sm know what's going to happen.

Thug1: WHO ARE YOU?!

Ash: It is cowardly to gang up on someone

Thug2: What are you going to do about it?

Ash: I'M GOING TO FIGHT! I'm gonna help....in?

Kiawe: Kiawe and I don't need your help

Mallow: Be careful Ash

Ash: Alright let's go Pikachu

Then Pikachu ran into the battlefield.

Kiawe: Don't push yourself

He then pulls out a pokeball and throw in the air.


Then a fire turtle standing on 2 legs appeared on the battlefield.

Sonic: That's a cool Pokémon

Tails: Yeah, but Sonic we need to be careful about those eggpawns

Shadow: Miles right, we need to be careful to use our powers

Sm: It might get our secrets reveal

Silver: And anybody knows it

Sonic: We're toast

Lana: What are y'all talking about?

They then turn to see Lana looking with confuse look on her face.

Sm: Oh, it's uh nothing

Silver: Yeah, its nothing*nervously laughing*

Lana: Ok

Back at the battlefield the eggpawns started to enter the battle but the grunt leader stop them.

Grunt Leader: No, we'll use you if we lose which won't happen

(Pokémon Battle, Reday? GO!)





Pikachu then glowed with white energy and charged at the enemy Pokémon with burst of speed then Sonic and Shadow thought how fast the mouse Pokémon go.

Sonic and Shadow:*thought* That's fast but not nearly as me

The salandit then shot purple goo at pikachu who dodge all of them then it got all three this made Kiawe impressed, meanwhile the Zubat and yungoos attempted to bite or tackle bakugames but bakugames turned around and they got its shell. After contact they were hit by an explosion generated from the shell.

Grunt2: What was that?

Kiawe: The spikes on the back of bakugames shell will explode when agitated

Ash then looked at bakugames with stars in his eyes.

Sonic: Remind me not to touch those

Miles: Me too

Thug leader: GO USE FLAME BURST!

Then this time a red liquid form on its tail as it swung it to Pikachu but Ash did not look afraid though.


Pikachu then made a high jump while Pikachu is still in the air it then shot a bolt of electricity at the three Salandit, they got hit and cause an explosion that making the three Salandit knock out.

Sonic:*whisper to Miles* This world is cool

Miles:*whisper to Sonic* I know

Everyone else was amazed by the power that Pikachu had and Ash smiled and said with joy.


In the distance the same blue eyes was looking at the battle with interest. The remaining six got ready to fight but out of the blue Kiawe step in front of Ash.

Kiawe: Leave the rest to me

Sonic and friends including Ash at him with confuse look and Kiawe got into a stance as the bracelet he was wearing started to glow red.


Then a fire element symbol appeared in front of him as  he traced a circle then both he and bakugames glowed with red energy. And the Grunt Leader said with scared tone.

Grunt Leader:*scared tone* Oh carp


Then he had an aura of fire around him then the fire went to Bakugames and a symbol appeared in front of him.


Then Bakugames made a huge fireball about six feet tall then he shot the ball at remaining Pokémon when it impacted it caused a huge explosion that knocked out the rest of the Pokemon. They then returned their Pokemon inside their pokéball.

(Kiawe and Ash wins)

Grunt Leader: Dang it he is Z-move user

Then the Grunt Leader remembered the eggpawns.

Grunt Leader: ROBOTS ATTACK!

Then the five eggpawns took out their swords and got ready to attack.


Silver, Shadow, Miles, and Sm nodded but that made everyone else confused.

Miles:*whisper to Sonic* But Sonic, we can't use our powers

Sonic:*whisper to Miles* Then we have to do it without them

Sm: Alright let's go*at the eggpawns* HEY SCARP METAL OVER HERE!


Then the five eggpawns look at Sonic and friends then Lillie say to them.


Then one of the eggpawn started to scanning all of them.

Eggpawn1: Scanning, target identified as Team Sonic focusing all efforts killing Team Sonic


Silver: BRING IT ON!

(Eggpawns vs Team Sonic, ready? GO!)

They then charged at the eggpawns and everyone said to them.

All: STOP!

One of the eggpawn then swing his sword at Sm but he grabbed it and bashed his head at eggpawn that it explode and that everyone surprised.

Sm: WOOOOOOO! That felt good

Then another eggpawn coming towards at Shadow with sword the eggpawn swung it's sword but Shadow grab it and take it then he slashed the eggpawn in half.

Shadow: Hmmp, that was easy

Then two eggpawn started running towards Sonic and Silver with their sword out.

Silver: Sonic

Sonic: Yeah?

Silver: Windmill me

Sonic: Ok

Sonic then grab Silver hands and swinging him around making the two eggpawn destroyed and Sonic let go of Silver and landed on his feet. Then they did a fist bump.

Then Miles heard a scream and he then turn to see Lillie was about to get stabbed by its sword and Miles acted quick and ran to Lillie but with his little bit of his speed before it can strike Lillie. Miles went in front of her and got slashed on the left cheek that made in grunted a little bit.

All: NO!

Then Miles kick the sword out of the eggpawn hands and remember what Kiawe said about bakugames spikes, so he kick the last eggpawn at bakugames spikes and explode.

(Team Sonic Wins)

Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Sm goes to Miles and the rest and he ask them.

Miles: Are y'all ok?

Lillie:*blushing* Yes, but what about your cheek?

Miles: Don't worry Lillie, I've been through worst

Grunt Leader: Crap we lost, Team Skull will remember this so watch your back

Then the Team Skull left on their motorcycle and Mallow ask Sonic and friends a question.

Mallow: Sonic and the rest, when y'all could fight like that and what are those robots?

Sonic: To answer those questions, 1. When I was 5

Miles: I train with sonic

Sm: I train daily

Silver: I train a lot

Shadow: Same here

Miles: 2. Those are eggpawns

Sm: They usually after us because we are on their creator hit list

That made everyone confused and Kiawe ask them a question because he was interested in the show they put on.

Kiawe: What do you mean by that?

Sonic: We'll tell you all later but we have some questions of our own

Miles: What move was that you and your Pokémon did Kiawe?

Ash: Yeah, what was that?

Kiawe: A z-move

Silver: A z-move?

Sm: What's that?

Mallow: Nice going Kiawe and you too Ash

Lillie: Thanks for saving me Miles

Miles: It's no problem

Then professor Kukui answered Sm and Silver question on what a z-move is.

Kukui: A z-move is a special technique thought here in Alola, there 4 island in this region and there are 4 guardians deities that protect them. you can participate in a island challenge and only those who can conquer those trials are able to use Z-move

Sonic: These Z-move sound like they can pack a punch

Miles: I'll say

Sm: And the deities too

Ash: Guardian deities Pokémon? Island challenges, Z-move, THAT'S SO COOL!

Kukui: That was a mega punch level

Then Kukui pulled Kiawe and Ash in.

Kukui: So you like battling Ash?

Ash: I DO! One day I wanted to be a pokémon master

Then a berry hit Sonic and friends including Ash in the head.

Sm: Ow

Sonic: Huh

Then they looked up and saw a yellow and orange Pokemon flying through the sky.

Ash: I'm not the only one who saw that?

Sonic and friends: Nope

Ash: What Pokémon was that?

Sophocles: What Pokémon?

Mallow: Where? I don't see anything

Ash: But it was right there

Sm: Yeah, it was yellow and orange and was flying around looked like a rooster

Kukui:*surprised*Did y'all saw Tapu Koko?

The others were surprised that they saw one of the guardians.

Silver: What's a Tapu Koko?

Lillie: Wait, y'all saw the guardian of Melenele Island, Tapu Koko!

Shadow: We did

Miles: Cool

Sm: Noice

Ash: That Pokémon was a guardian deity?

Sonic: Sweet, first day and we already saw a god

Miles:*whisper to Sonic* Didn't we already saw God before?

Sonic:*whisper to Sonic* We did but their evil God

Miles: Oh


Later that night, Ash was eating at a resort with his mom while he was eating he remembered meeting Sonic and friends, his pokémon battle with Team Skull, the Z-move, Sonic and friends battle with those robots, and seeing Tapu Koko.

Hanako: Did something  exciting happen?

This made Ash broke out of his train of thought as he looked up at his mother.

Hanako: You look gleefully tired

Ash: Yes

Then he heard a cry of a Pokémon then he looked around until he saw Tapu Koko fly by. Ash then went to the railing of the restaurant to see if he can find it again. He then saw it in a tree, Ash then leaped over the rail and have a chase. His mother tried to call him back but he was already off in a sprint. Pikachu followed carrying Ash's hat. They chased it to the fountain where he found Sonic and friends walking by.


They then looked to see who were call their name and saw Ash.

Sonic: Hey man

Silver: Hey Ash

Shadow: Sup Ash

Sm: Hello there

Miles: Hi Ash, how's it going?

Ash: Good, I'm trying to find Tapu Koko because I saw it when I was eating dinner. Wanna help?

Sonic: Sure, we've got nothing better to do

As soon as they finished talking Miles saw Tapu Koko.

Miles: Over there

So they were chasing it again.


They then got to the overlook to take a break, soon the Pokémon descended on front of the six boys and they were marvelous at its beauty.

Sonic: Woah

Sm: It's beautiful

Ash: The island guardian deity, hey why us?

Then Sm walked to the island guardian and asked it.

Sm: Do you want to tell us something?

It then pulled out a white bracelet with a yellow crystal that looked similar to Kiawe's Z-ring.

Ash: What's this?

Miles: It looks like the same bracelet that Kiawe was wearing

Then it went to Sonic and friends looked like it wanted to challenge Sonic and friends but it then looked at Sm and it comes towards him and boop his forehead with a happy expression on its face.

Sonic: What's with the look it's giving us?

Sm: And why do I remember you from somewhere before?

Silver: I don't like where this is going

Shadow: Me neither

They were little nervous because they don't want to use their powers to defend their self in front of Ash. Then the deity gave a nod at Ash telling him to put it on when he grabbed the floating bracelet, it then released a blinding yellow light after he put it on it stopped glowing. They then looked up to the Pokémon as it flew off.

Ash: HEY!

Sonic: Should we concerned that it look like it wanted to kick out butt

Miles: I think so

Sm: And why did Tapu Koko boop me in the forehead?

Ash: I honestly don't know

Then Ash looked down at the bracelet.

(Timeskip to the morning)

We see a small brown house with blue roof from inside the house, Ash's voice can be heard.

Ash: Professor Kukui, this place is awesome

He was admiring the place, Professor Oak convinced his cousin to let Ash attends Pokémon School and Kukui agrees to let Ash stays at his place for the duration of his visit and he is now talking to his mom VIA video chat, Ash then say while doing a boxing stance.

Ash: There's even a training room in the basement

Hanako: That's good to hear, both you and Pikachu look great

Ash: Thanks mom, when I decided to stay here you didn't hid it against me

Hanako: That's what mothers do

Ash: I had a feeling that you were

Then all of a sudden Ash remembered that he had to to school.

Ash:  GUAHH! Sorry I have to go. I start Pokemon School today

He then grabbed his bookbag.

Hanako: Have a good day

Ash: Thanks

He then ran off to his first day of school.

(Timeskip to Sonic and friends place)

We see our heroes getting ready for school due to they save his students, Principal Oak decided let them go to school for free. They agreed to it because they need to learn more about this world.

Sonic: We better get going

Mikes: We don't want to be late

Sm: Yeah

Shadow: And we need to stop Eggman and Terios

Silver: Yeah

They grabbed their bag and Sonic counted all the chaos emeralds to see if any went missing.

Sonic: Good, they're all still there

Silver: Alright, let's go

They exited out of their house and Sm looked around to see anyone that might see them then Sm then gave them a thumbs up and they went to their running position and turning into blur and heading to their new school.

Will they find Eggman and Terios or they will destroyed the world as they know it, find out As the journey continues.

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