Aura and friends react to Sonic Movie Trailer (2019)
We're back!
Aura: Hello
Fury: Hey
Bopper: Howdy!
Hip: What's up?
Class: Greetings
Hip: What's today's reaction?
Class: The trailer for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
Fury: The OVA?
Class: No. An actual live action movie.
Bopper: Awesome! Wonder if Knuckles and Tails are in it.
Hip: Who made it?
Class: Paramount
Aura: I have a bad feeling about this
Class: This video is from Paramount's YouTube channel. If you like it, be sure to like. Subscribing is another matter all together.
Fury: Lets start at our own risk
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A blue blur speeds by a patrol car sitting near a highway. The speed clock reads the speed of sound on it.
Class: Well at least the staff have some understanding of how fast the speed of sound is.
Officer finds blue quill with energy.
Fury: Are blue quills supposed to be important in this?
(Production logos)
The camera is moving around a forest wildly
Bopper: Whoa Sonic! I know I told you energy drinks were good, but there's supposed to be a limit!
Sonic lands inside hideout?
He inserts a tape into a tape player that plays the trailers main theme.
Hip: What song is this?
Fury: Don't know, but I already hate it the second it played.
Bopper: Yeah. Sonic's style of music is usually rock genera like metal for instance.
It shows back view of Sonic on road
Aura: What the-!
Fury: Oh my-!
Bopper: What is that?
Hip: Is that Sonic?!
Class: I think so!
Fury: But it looks wrong!
Sonic: Gotta go fast.
Fury: I'm not surprised.
Bopper: I'll admit that the face looks a little good. Not the original, but it's good they're trying to make it real.
Class: To me it already looks like the uncanny valley!
Sonic runs so fast that he makes a sonic boom. It shows power going out in half of the United States.
Class: They got the speed part right again. With something that makes a lot of energy and is able to break the sound barrier, then it is possible Sonic could wipe out most of a country's energy supply.
Unnamed government official 1: 20 minutes ago, a power surge knocked out half of the mid north western power. We need someone who can figure out what we're dealing with.
Shows a truck stop and open up some stairs.
Unnamed government official 2: You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting.
Unnamed government official 1: We have no choice.
Robotnik steps out of truck.
Fury: Really?! Jim Carrey is Robotnik?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Bopper: *chuckles* For real?!
Hip: *laughs* Even I'm not that stupid!
Class: They picked a bad time to use him.
Aura: Who's Jim Carrey?
Hip: I'll play Ace Ventura for you when this is over.
Military Major: What the-
Robotnik: Are you in charge?
Military Major: Actually-
Robotnik: Nope!
Military Major: *speaks up*
Robotnik: Nope!
Robotnik: *says some technical gibberish that the author was too lazy to write down*
Assistant: The doctor says your basic.
Military Major: *tries to speak up*
Robotnik: I'm sorry, what was your name again, Major?
Military Major: *tries to say it*
Robotnik: Nobody cares!
Aura: This Robotnik is more of an immature brat than a villain.
Class: Agreed.
Fury: There's two kinds of personalities in taunting. There's the smug and confident one that just found out that he has the upper hand. And then there's the one that thinks he can get what he wants because he can talk trash about you on Facebook and Twitter.
Aura: This fits the latter of the two.
Officer: *kicks door open* SFPD!
Sonic's face is revealed
Bopper: Oh my biscuits! It's ugly this time!
Sonic: Uh...meow?
Officer: *screams*
Sonic *screams and shows teeth*
Fury and Class: *grabs bag and throws up*
Hip: *pulls out cross* The power Jesus compels you!
Sonic: *gets knocked out by dart*
Scene is in truck now.
Officer: Alright, tell me what is going on now.
Sonic: Basically I'm going to have to save your planet.
Fury: Please don't! They're already doomed by seeing your face!
Sonic: *spin dashes and destroys robot* Is that all you got? *goes back to truck*
Robotnik: No but thank you for asking.
Another robot appears.
Aura: Sonic...never taunt the enemy about how tough they are. It always backfires.
Hip: The Avengers learned it the hard way in Age of Ultron
Robotnik: Whatever this thing is, we need to find it, capture it...see what makes it tick.
Robotnik tastes blue quill and gets shocked.
Class: I doubt taste would help your research.
Fury: What's so important about the quills? Even if you do find something from it, it won't help you beat Sonic.
Shows a scene of Sonic throwing a warp ring
Another scene of Sonic dodging drones in the desert
And finally, hundreds of drones surrounding Sonic on top of a skyscraper with Robotnik watching
The drones all fire missiles, but they stop around him.
Sonic: Look at this! I took 9 million steps today!
Fury: Stop showing off Sonic!
Class: I doubt 9 million steps is accurate.
Sonic takes all of the drones out while time is stopped
Fury: Seriously?! What did I just say?!
Hip: Is he coping the Flash?
(Title appears)
Officer: Hide in my bag.
Sonic: How long do I have to stay in here? I can't breathe!
Lady: Is that your child?
Officer: No...I mean it is, but it's not mine.
Lady: It's not your child...
Class: Yes madam, you are witnessing a kidnapping. But this one is legal.
(End video)
Aura: What did I just see?
Fury: Hell on earth
Bopper: The world's most brutal workout
Hip: A nightmare?
Class: The universes most cruel and torturous punishment.
Fury: That'll do
Class: I bet this is a level of Hell that Dante was too terrified to mention.
Author: Opinions?
Aura: Some parts may be tolerable, but Sonic needs his looks fixed.
Fury: The whole trailer is messed up and doesn't make sense! I could find more sense at Chuck E Cheese's than this!
Bopper: I thought this was doing good at first, but now...I'm scared for Sonic.
Hip: The action scenes were cool, but the face reveal just distracted me from the rest of the reaction.
Class: The logic in speed was mostly fair, but everywhere else in logic, it falls apart like play dough.
Author: Thanks for the reaction guys!
Join us next time when we react to Sonic Shorts Volume 4.
See ya!
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