Chapter 94: The monsters of Gaia
We see Y/n, Rookie and Tails walking through the forest at night and soon arriving on a hill that overlooks at a massive Eggman factory down the hill. Tails pulled out his binoculars and looks through to see the factory seem to have no power and there are no sighs of anyone around the factory.
Tails: This is weird. The factory looks empty. I can't seem to see anyone or anything down there.
Rookie: Maybe this is our lucky day?
Y/n: Maybe not. Judging how big it is, there should be a lot but there is no one.
Tails: So what should we do?
Y/n: We're here now so there is no turning back. Besides our guest might arrive soon so we should-
Suddenly they hear something behind them so they quickly turn and then Sally walk out of the forest.
Tails: (surprised) Sally!
Sally: (smile) Hey. Long time no see.
Tails rush over and hug Sally then Y/n came over and kiss her on the cheek then place his hand onto her shoulder.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you Sal.
Sally: (smile) Same. Whose your new friend?
Rookie: Hi I'm Rookie but my friends call me-
Suddenly there was a mysterious roar coming from the factory as they turn to the factory and stare at it.
Tails: What in the world was that?
Y/n: Whatever it was it can't be good.
Sally: Agree. Come on, I'll explain what I've been along the way.
Sally slide down the hill first follow by the rest. They approach the entrance to the factory. Tails walks over and gets to the control panel.
Tails: Looks like this factory is on lock down. Might need to try and find another way in.
Rookie: What about that chimney. Might be risky but we might find our way in.
Y/n: Right. Head up there first and see its safe for us to go there. We catch up.
Rookie: Yes sir.
Rookie fire a grappling hook and launch himself towards the chimney while Sally and Y/n takes Tails hands and he flies them up to the chimney.
Y/n: So what have you been?
Sally: Busy. My brother and I have been monitoring Eggman's net for sometime. We even learn about this purple gas.
Y/n: G.U.N are using the gas to create their super soldiers. They kidnap people for their experiments.
Sally: That's horrible.
Tails: Maybe we can find more information about it at this factory.
Sally: Let's hope there is some information.
They arrive at the Chimney with Rookie already checking and confirmed that the chimney is safe to go down. They begin to decent down to the chimney and then we cut to them inside the factory.
Y/n opens the door to what looks like the laboratory and step inside and look around. The place was a mess with scattered papers, smash computers and flip tables.
Rookie take a few steps forward when he noticed a head which jumped him a bit. Sally came over and pull out the head to see it is just a robot head.
Sally: The memory chip should be intact. We'll bring it with us and look through its memories when we get back to your base.
Y/n: Right.
They leave the laboratory and walk down a long hallway. The hallway is also a mess as they kept walking. They soon find scrapped bots laying on the floor with torn up chest and arms.
Rookie: Who or what did this?
Tails: More importantly is it still here with us?
Y/n: Let's not think about that Tails.
Sally: Look up ahead, there's the security room.
They see it up ahead so they make their way over and once there they step inside. Rookie closed the door and lock it.
They look around the room seeing it also a mess. Sally walks over to the monitors and try to get the cameras on but they were not working.
Sally: Nothing.
Y/n: Download the footage.
Sally: Right.
Tails: Hey check this out.
Tails walks over with a file, Y/n came over and Tails shares it with him.
Y/n: Well this is interesting.
Sally: What is it?
Y/n: According to this, the purple gas that we found and the once that G.U.N and Eggman has is called The Dark Gaia virus.
Rookie: I hate that virus word.
Tails: According to this file the Dark Gaia virus is a mysterious virus that turns anyone who breaths on it into creatures known as Gaia creatures.
Sally: What are the symptoms?
Tails: That's when things get interesting. They can only appear whenever night comes.
Rookie: So the people would return back when day arrives?
Tails: Yeah.
Y/n: How did Eggman know about this?
Tails: It seems there are temples at different parts of the world. There is even one from the wolf pack clan.
Sally: Huh.
Y/n: What is it?
Sally: I know someone who can tell us more about this Dark Gaia stuff. Maybe with her information perhaps we can find a way to stop it.
Tails: Let's hope Eggman didn't destroy the clan.
Sally: (smile) Trust me, they are skilled warriors. They may even help us.
Y/n: Right. Guess we have everything we need. Let's get out of here.
Rookie slowly opens the door and poke his head out to the halls and they step out of the security room. As soon as they step out they suddenly heard a loud bang across from them. They turn to see a close door shake a few times.
They continue to stare at it then suddenly the doors burst open and they see what looks like a massive creature. They couldn't see it properly but only see its figure as the monster growls at them.
Y/n: This can't be good.
Then the monster roared and charges towards them. Immediately Y/n blasted his lighting while Rookie fire his wispon. The wispon shots didn't phase it but Y/n's lighting does.
This hold the creature a bit until it gets even more angry and leaps towards them. Quickly they dodge and make a run for it.
Rookie: What is that thing?!
Sally: Looks like one of those gaia creatures!
Y/n: Still we're ain't staying here! Run!
They kept running all awhile the gaia creature chases aftee them. They turn corners and avoided obstacles. Soon they burst to the storage room and race across the hall.
They reach the shatters, Tails tries to get it to open but no such luck.
Tails: It still won't let me open!
Rookie: I got a idea.
Rookie leaps over the walk-way above the shatters then gire a grappling hook and with his strength force the shutters to open.
The creature burst in and let's out a roar while Rookie gets the shutters open just a bit for them to crawl under. Rookie leaps down and before the Rookie can be down, the creature throws a container towards them.
Y/n sees this and quickly pushes Rookie through and he rolled out with Sally and Tails.
Rookie: Sir!
Seconds later there was a blast follow by purple gas pouring out. Everyone steps back then seconds later Y/n crawl out coughing uncontrollable.
Y/n: Don't (coughing) don't get near me. We need to (cough) get back to Sky Patrol.
Sally: Okay. Let's go!
They make their escape while the creature at the other side Let's out a roar which actually sounded like a howl like a wolf.
(Sometime later)
At the Sky patrol we see Y/n within a quarantine room with Sally, Tails and Rookie in the room while Dr Quack in his hazard suit goes in and take some samples from Y/n and comes out.
Dr Quack: I'll study this. If Tails is right this type of infection won't be bad than the Mtela Virus.
Y/n: Still we can't be safe and sorry.
Sally: You'll be okay Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) I'll be fine Sally. Rookie what about you?
Rookie: Yeah I'm good. Thank you.
Y/n: No problem.
Rookie: So how come he didn't turn? It was night so how come he isn't turning?
Tails: Perhaps it needs time for this virus to set in.
Dr Quack: I'll keep an eye on him and get updates of his condition.
Sally: Thanks Dr Quack.
Y/n: I've already assigned Jewels to temporary take over the Resistance.
Sally: Right. We'll stay here with you until you'll get better.
Tails: Yeah!
Rookie: Hope you'll be better soon.
Y/n: Thanks guys. Right now get some rest.
With that they left while Y/n lay on the bed and then close his eyes and takes a nap while Dr Quack studies the virus.
(Hours later)
Night came and we see Y/n groaning and moaning while rolling around on the bed. He felt extremely weird as he grab his stomach then he collapse onto the floor.
He slowly sat up then looks at his hand to see his hand getting bigger. He roll up into a ball while he begins to change as his body gets bigger. Sharp teeth begins to form and then he let's out a cry which turn into howling.
The loud sounds cost everyone to awake and Mighty along with some resistance fighters rush to where the sound is coming from and burst into the room.
Mighty: (shocked) Wow!
Tails, Tangle, Whisper, Sally and Rotor rush in only to be at shock to see Y/n turned into a wolf like monster. Y/n looks at his hands then his feet.
His clothes was torn and lay on the floor. Y/n can see his own reflection on the glass wall as he approaches it and slowly place his hand onto the glass. Second later it shattered into tiny pieces which shocks everyone.
Y/n step out and look at himself while Mighty ask him.
Mighty: Hey good?
Y/n look at himself once more then turn to everyone and said.
Y/n: Yeah I feel....fine actually. Um......can anyone wake up Dr Quack so he can check on me?
To be continued...............................................
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