Chapter 88: Fall of the Freedom Fighters (Arc 3)
We see Antonie, Bonnie and Belle at the hospital and we see Antonie sat on bed with a cast on his legs and his left arm. Bonnie and Belle sat next to him as Bonnie and Antonie hold hands.
Then they hear a door knock and Y/n came in along with Rogue as they approach them.
Y/n: Hey Antonie. How are you feeling?
Antonie: Doing okay. However I may not walk for a few months.
Bonnie: Your lucky that Y/n saved you when he can.
Antonie: Yes. You saved my life Y/n. I owe you my life.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Bonnie: So any idea what just happened at Green Hill? Cause the reporters won't leave us alone.
Rogue: Not sure. Those G.U.N soldiers were not assigned to investigate Green Hill. Its odd. Why would they be there and then suddenly attack Y/n and the rest?
Antonie: I have a feeling someone is trying to ruin our reputation.
Bonnie: But who? Eggman?
Rogue: It's possible. It's odd that we haven't heard of him for sometime now. Perhaps he is making his moves.
Y/n: And his first moves is kidnapping Sally and have the people turn against us.
Bonnie: Looks like we gonna find this fool and make him pay.
Y/n: We can do that while you support your family Bonnie.
Bonnie: You sure?
Y/n: For sure.
Bonnie: Okay.....and Y/n? Thanks again.
He nodes with a smile and the two leave the room and walk down the hallway as Rogue tells him.
Rogue: I think there is a bigger plot going on here.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Rogue: This may sound crazy but I think there is someone within G.U.N trying destroy not only the freedom fighters but the trust of the people.
Y/n: Agree. Might be Hamlin?
Rogue: It's possible. But we need to gather some proof.
The two walk by a window and they turn to see a crowd of people gathered and protesting of shutting down the Freedom fighters as they hand over petitions for people to sign to shut down the Freedom fighters while Rogue says.
Rogue: I can't believe after what you and the Freedom fighters have done throughout the years, they seem to want to shut it down? Do they not realised without the Freedom fighters Eggman would have take complete control over the planet?
Y/n: True. I think its because since there is a functional government now and an army, they think what is the point of the Freedom fighters if they have a military now.
Rogue: What about the black arm invasion. It was us who saved the world.
Y/n: I think that's the reason why not all citizens hate us. Some believe the Freedom fighters are needed in case a new threat would come and destroys the government.
Rogue: At least there are some who are not idiots.
Y/n: Yeah. I gonna go but update me if you have anything.
Rogue: (smirk) You know it. See you around.
She blow kiss him and then she walked away while Y/n turn and heads back to base.
At the Freedom fighters base we see a massive crowd of people protesting and wanted the Freedom fighters to shut down. The Chaotix stood outside protecting the base when Y/n came up to them.
Y/n: Everything alright?
Vector: Well having people screaming and yelling at us seems alright to you? Well yes, everything is alright.
Espio: They wanted the Freedom fighters to be shut down and allow G.U.N to take over as this world's protector.
Charmy: Can you believe that?
Y/n: Let me talk to them.
He gets in front of them and he called out to everyone.
Y/n: People! People please! Calm down!
Soon they all calm down but still mad as Y/n goes on to say.
Y/n: I know whay happened at Green Hill was a shock but if you can listen to our side of the story. Let me explain. We came to Green Hill to investigate Sally's disappearings and we found her transport vehicle. However it was a trapped and we were ambushed. We didn't know they were G.U.N soldiers because of the smoke and that's why we attack them. We didn't know who we were attacking until it was too late.
Soon most understand however some were not convinced and then one called out from the crowd.
Mobian citizen: What happened that G.U.N facility attack at seaside city!
Y/n: What?
Mobian citizen: There was an attack of a G.U.N facility late at night and the chaos cost a lot of destruction. The reports said that the Freedom fighters broke into the facility and stole the weapons!
Y/n: (shocked) What?! We did no such thing.
Mobian citizen 2: What about the attempted assassin on a present of Central city.
Mobian citizen 3: And the terrorist bombing of Emerald City.
Most od the protesters begin to yell and telling stories of Freedom fighters doing acts of terrorism. This confused Y/n and wonders if all of this is true.
Soon he meets up with Tails at the command room along with Rotor as they look through the news reporters on the monitor.
Tails: They're not lying. There has been reports of Freedom fighter activity that shows members of the Freedom fighters committing crimes in most important parts in the city.
Y/n: And we sure this isn't the work of Mimic?
Rotor: For sure. The times and dates where it takes place won't make sense if it is just Mimic.
Y/n: This is not good.
Then the door open and they turn to see Sonic however he looks tired as he step inside the room which Rotor ask him.
Rotor: Where have you been?
Sonic: I was looking for Sally. I've searched everywhere but couldn't find her.
Rotor: You shouldn't go out there on your own! We can't afford losing you!
Sonic: (angry) Then what do you want me to do huh? Sit here knowing that Sal is missing?!
Rotor: (angry) We can't do anything else unless we get something from her! We can't lose anymore members, especially you!
Y/n: You two stop it! Let's not argue now and focus on the situation right now?
Sonic and Rotor calm down as Sonic sat down and said.
Sonic: I'm.....sorry. Its just that......Sally was our oldest friend and having her gone for a long worries me. (Sigh) I should've made Antonie to check the vehicle for Sally. Such a idiot.
Y/n: We're all worried Sonic. Your not the only one who is worried. That's why we need to work together and find her before things get worse.
Sonic: Yeah your right. Tails?
Tails: I do know a way to track her.
Y/n: Really how?
Tails: Nicole used to have a old datapad before she was transferred into a new one. Perhaps if we get that and modify it a bit. Maybe we can use it to track Nicole and if we lucky find Sally.
Rotor: Not a bad idea!
Y/n: How long will that take?
Tails: Sometime but if we act quick enough, we might find Nicole and Sally faster.
Sonic: Cool. I'll go and get it.
Y/n: No. You get some rest. I'll get it.
Sonic: Okay. Be carful.
Y/n: (smile) I will.
(Sometime later)
He arrived at the Acorn Castle and once there he was guided by a guard to Sally's old room. Once there the guard hand over unlocks the door and allow him to search around.
Y/n walks in and looks around the room. He realised how hard I will be to find it so he searches around. He check under the bed, the bathroom, under the painting and closest.
He then lock eyes onto some drawers which he had a feeling that one of them may have her underwear which he didn't want to open. He stare at the drawers for a bit and decided to skip it and keep looking.
Y/n: Come on it has to be here somewhere.
He looks around and then noticed something poking out underneath the pillow. He walks over and pulls it out revealing to be Nicole's old datapad.
Y/n: Finally! Thank Mobius I don't have to look at the drawers!
He leaves the room andthe guard guide him outside. He figured it was easy but then he walk pass Maximillians room and noticed something through the cracks.
He stop and poke his eye and sees Maximillian in his bed with Alicia and Elias standing by his bed with Dr Quark as he give them bad news.
Dr Quark: I'm sorry to say this but I afraid Maximillian will not live any longer. I'm sorry.
Alicia cries while Elias hugs her and then he ask Dr Quark.
Elias: How long?
Dr Quark:.......I say......about a 3 months. I'm so sorry.
Then they heard a door open and they turn to see Y/n and he is shocked as he step into the room. Judging by his face experience he heard the conversation.
He walks over to Maximillian sleeping as he stood next to Alicia and Elias.
Y/n:....I.....I don't know what to say. If....If there is anything I can do for you.
Elias: It's okay thank you. Sorry we didn't tell you. We just don't know how we should tell you all.
Y/n: No that's alright. I understand.
Alicia: First Sally and now Max. (Sniff) I'll do anything to get our daughter back.
She cries once more and seeing this made Y/n even more determined even more as he tells the two.
Y/n: We will find Sally. I promise. We won't rest until she is found.
Elias: (smile) We appreciate with that. I just hope she is-
???: (TV) Attention you all citizens of Mobius!
They all immediately turn to the TV screen and they are shocked to see. Y/n walks over to the TV in shock to see Sally on the TV screen but with Eggman emblem behind her while wearing a Eggman empire uniform.
Y/n: Sally?
???: (TV) This is Sally Acorn and I have come here to bring you all news. That news being that the Eggman Empire are back and I have joined his empire. The attacks of G.U.N is cost by my planning and strategy. Now all will bow as Eggman has return to bring back his throne started with.....Robotropolis. Glory to the Eggman Empire!
The screen cuts off and immediately Tails calls Y/n which he answered.
Tails: (phone) Y/N! Eggmans robots are attacking New Metropolis! It's a surprise attack!
Y/n: I'm heading back there right now!
Without a word Y/n rush out of the bedroom and rush through the hall. He convinced himself that it wasn't Sally and possibly Mimic but he can't focus it right now. He needs to get back to New Metropolis and defend it from Eggmans surprise attack.
To be continued...................................................
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