Chapter 87: Fall of the Freedom fighters (Arc 2)

Five months since the trail and the citizens begin to question the Acorn Royal family. Naugus has made a lot of points about the actions of the Acorn family and how the war against Eggman was because of them.

Things begin to get worse when some target Sonic's family since it was Uncle Chunks who created the Roboticizer and disbite repaying for his deeds the past would to cone back.

Even though Naugus is viewed as a evil person they begin to question that if it is true. Is it possible that the Royal family have lied about Naugus and his past and is it possible they are corrupt and evil?

We then cut to the Acorn kingdom where we see some people outside of the castle and demanding answers by the king and his family. Inside we see Y/n looking out of the window seeing the crowd as he then catches up to Amadues as the two walked along the hallway.

Y/n: Things are starting to fall apart.

Amadues: Yeah. The citizens is beginning to question the Royal family and if what Naugus is saying is true.

Y/n: He's lying to them.

Amadues: I know but it has been years since Naugus was trapped inside the special zone. History will soon to disappear.

Y/n: True. You think things will calm down?

Amadues: Hopefully. I don't want this to effect my family.

Y/n: I'm sure your son will handle this. I know he will.

Amadues: I know but still.....we need to be ready for the worse.

Y/n: Yeah. I can't blame you.

Soon they enter the throne room where they see Maximillian, Alicia and Elias as Elias turns to see Y/n snd ask him.

Elias: Found anything?

Y/n: Unfortunately no. We searched everywhere but no sign of Sally or Nicole.

Alicia: I know she has been gone a few times due to missions but this has gone way too long.

Maximillian: Agree. She could be in great danger.

Y/n: I'm sorry. I should have be with her but-

Maximillian: Don't blame yourself Y/n. You couldn't forseen what will happen. I have complete faith that you qnd the Freedom fighters will find her and Nicole.

Y/n: Yeah we will.

Alicia: Speaking of the Freedom fighters, what about the leadership? Someone has to be in command right?

Y/n: We decided that me, Sonic, Rotor, Antoine will share leadership of the Freedom fighters until Sally has returned. Although they all look up to me as leader.

Alicia: You don't feel like your responsibility for it do you?

Y/n: Yeah. I feel like if I take command someone will get hurt and I'll be blamed for it.

Elias: I know how that feels when I was first crown King and look how that turned out.

Y/n: (light chuckle) Yeah. Still I don't know I can lead them.

Maximillian: Being a leader of an army is a lot of responsibility. It's never easy to be one but when things starts to go down someone has to be the one to step up and be leader. If they see you as leader then perhaps it is a chance for you to lead from whenever hope is lost. Being leader isn't always about commanding those who follow you, it's about give them hope and guide them through the light. Follow your heart and take it.

Y/n: Okay. I'll think about it. Right now we should-

Then Y/n gets a call so he pulls out his phone and answer it.

Y/n: Hello?

Sonic: (phone) Yo Y/n you might want to come here right now! We found Sally's singal!

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You sure?!

Sonic: (phone) Yeah! Come back here and you'll see it for yourself.

Y/n: On my way!

Alicia: Did they found Sally?!

Y/n: Maybe! We'll investigate this but at the mean time take care.

Maximillian: (smile) You too Y/n.

He turn and leaves the throne room and once he is gone Maximillian felt a sudden pain on his chest but it soon was gone.


Y/n return to the Freedom fighters base and sees the signal is coming from Green Hill as Tails says.

Tails: It seems that must be where Sally is.

Sonic: Why is she there?

Y/n: No clue. Something isn't right about this. You sure this is Sally's singal?

Tails: No doubt about it.

Rotor: Still it seems suspicious.

Amy: Yeah. What should we do?

Y/n: Hhhmmm we should go there but be on guard. We can't be sure it is a trap or not.

Sonic: (smile) Come on its Sal we're talking about. If Tails says that is Sally then there is no reason to worry.

Y/n: I agree but it has been five months since she is gone and we can't sure. Maybe we can try to communicate to her  just to be sure.

Tails: Tried to but there is nothing. This is odd.

Sonic: (smile) Guys this is Sally there is no worry about it. If she doesn't answer then we should go over there and check it out.

Y/n: Well......I guess we have no choice but to go their.

Bonnie: Mind we tag along?

Then Boonie and Antonie enter the room which Sonic says with a smirk.

Sonic: (smirk) Sure and we can bring SNT, Tangle and Whisper over as back up. Tails you'll come with.

Tails: Sure thing.

Y/n: Say what about Belle?

Bonnie: (smile) Cream and her mother is taking care of her.

Antonie: It be just like the old times.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Sonic: (smirk) Okay guys let's do it, to it!


Sonic, Y/n, Antonie, SNT, Bonnie, Whisper, Tangle and Tails arrived at Green Hill. Sonic dashes ahead while the rest were in their vehicles travelling through Green Hill. SNT was holder a Burst Wispon as Y/n ask her.

Y/n: You know how to use that right?

SNT: Yeah. I mean it doesn't seem hard to use. Why?

Y/n: Well let's just say try not set it near your bed. Trust me it happened to me a long time ago.

Tails: (smile) I remember when you were like a rookie but now your all grown and learn many things.

Tangle: (smile) Yeah! We became the best of the best.

Whisper: We learn throughout our journey.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. This felt like old times when I first became a Freedom fighter.

They agree and soon they arrived at the area. They climb out and they look around but there was nothing as Tails checks his data pad while Sonic dashes back and ask Tails.

Sonic: You sure this is it?

Tails: No doubt about it. This is the spot.

Bonnie: Strange. I don't see Sally girl anywhere.

Antonie: Same. Wait.....look!

They turn and see a armor truck which they stare at as Tails tells them.

Tails: That vehicle is the same vehicle that Sally took.

Bonnie: This is getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

Sonic: I'll check inside.

He dashes over and enters inside and searches around but he came back and said.

Sonic: Nope.  There's nothing..

Antonie: That's because you were quick and didn't bother to look carefully. Allow me.

Sonic: Go ahead.

Bonnie: Hold on Sugar. This might be dangerous.

Antonie: I'll be fine my love. I'll be back.

He kissed her on the forhead and make his way over and then climbs inside. They stood by as Y/n looks around seeing nothing and realised how quiet it is.

Y/n: (thought) Something isn't right.

SNT: You think we'll be fine?

Sonic: (smile) Sure it is. Look.

They turn to see Antonie coming out and waving to them, signaling them that the truck is clear.

Sonic: (smile) See. Everything is fi-

Then suddenly the truck blown up which shocked everyone and before they can do anything they get attacked by unknown enemies which they take cover as mysterious figures from the smoke show up and open fire at them.

SNT: Who are they?!

Tangle: Bad guys for sure!

Whisper: Let's take them out.

Y/n: Right! Clear them and then get to Antonie! Sonic!

Sonic nodes and he dashes off as he snatches the weapons of the mysterious enemies and then they all begin to attack back with Y/n shocking them with electricity.

SNT shoots her burst wispon at them with Whisper covering her. They continue to battle them until all of them were taking down.

Whisper: Clear.

Tangle: That was easy. Let's hope Antonie made it out alive.

Y/n: Antonie you okay!

There was silence and soon the smoke clears up and Antonie was not there. They begin to spread out and look around. They keep looking and after a while Y/n soon found him but his heart skins when he sees Antonie not moving and lays on the grass.

Y/n: Antonie?

He rush over and kneel down and turn him over and lower his ear and his eyes widen in horror as he calls out to everyone.

They all came and they see Y/n using his electricity powers to restart his heart which shocks everyone even Bonnie is horrified as she stood there with a horror look realising that Antonie isn't breathing.

Everyone is horrified as they all help out as Y/n keeps pumping electricity to his chest for a while until he can hear his heart however he isn't awake.

Tails and Tangle immediately pull out a stretcher to lay Antonie in and they begin to load him up and take him to the hospital. Before they left however Y/n turn to the unconscious enemies and realised they were wearing GUN uniforms.

Before he can do anything he climbs inside the vehicle and they immediately left and take Antonie to the hospital.

(Sometime later)

After they drop off Antonie they return back to base where Rotor and Amy rush over and Amy ask.

Amy: What happened?!

Y/n: We.......We were ambushed and.....Antonie was in critical injured. He nearly died.

Amy and Rotor are shocked by this news but then Rotor tells them.

Rotor: I hate to interrupt but we have a big problem! Look!

They turn on the news that shows them fighting GUN soldiers at Green Hill and picked that the Freedom fighters ambushed GUN soldiers and seriously injured them. This shocked everyone as they realised they have been set up.

Soon it changes to Hamlin in front of the news as he tells the citizens.

Hamlin: (TV news) This is proof that the Freedom fighters have gone too far and they needed to be disband! If they continue something like this then who knows iow long until they will rise and go to war against us! I hear by order all Freedom fighters across the planet to stand down and surrender! Your time as Freedom fighters has come to a end!

To be continued..............................................

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