Chapter 84: The sick day
It was a advantage day at the Freedom fighters HQ as we see Sally gathering all the Freedom fighter members of another meeting but first she does roll calls so everyone is in.
Sally: Tangle.
Tangle: Here!
Sally: Amy.
Amy: Here!
Sally: Okay the last person is Y/n.
She look around but realised that he isn't here which the rest look around to see is is not here.
Sonic: Huh where could he be?
Tails: Maybe he's running late?
Rotor: I don't think so. His place isn't that far from here.
Cream: I hope he's okay.
Y/n: Hey sorry I'm late.
They all turn to see him came in but something looks odd about him. He looks a bit pale and he keeps sniffing his nose every second.
Sally: You okay?
Y/n: Oh I'm doing okay (sniff) Just got a bit of a cold that's all but nothing too serious.
He then sneezed pretty loud as he grab his head and looking like he's about to pass out.
Sally: You are not okay and you need to get some rest.
Y/n: Oh....(sniff) Is it that bad?
(Moments later)
We see Y/n in bed with a ice bag on his head as Doctor Quak does some tests on him to see what is wrong with him. So and Sally is seen outside of his room and soon Doctor Quak came out with the results.
Doctor Quak: It seems he is indeed sick. He has a high temperature and shown signs of a fever.
Sonic: Huh I don't remember him getting sick not even ones.
Sally: Will he be okay?
Doctor Quak: Don't worry he'll be fine. He just needed some rest and some medicines I've given him to help him. He'll be fine.
Sonic: So guess we do some missions without him?
Sally: Seems like it. But I'll inform others who are not in duty to check up on him while we're away.
Sonic: (smile) Good idea. Hey take a break for a while okay man!
The only response was a sneeze which Sonic can take that as a okay. They soon leave him be as we see him laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling feeling like hell as he sat up and decided to swap some TV as he flip through the channel until he find a comedic show as he sat there and begins to think.
Y/n: (thought) Man I feel awful. I don't recall getting sick in my life. Guess this is what it feels like being sick Huh. (Sigh) Oh well I'm sure this cold will pass soon just need to rest and take some medicines to help me get better.
He sat there watching some TV when Chaos came up to his bed and then climb up to his bed and sat there with him which he smiles and pet on Chaos.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Chaos. At least I'm not alone here.
Elina: Hello? Is anyone here?
Then Elina came in to the room and finds Y/n with Chaos as he waves to her.
Y/n: Oh hey Elina. Long time no see. What are you doing here?
Elina: Sally told us how unwell you are today so I'm here to give you this.
She show him a plant which she placed next to him as she goes on to explain.
Elina: (smile) This plant can help those who have blocked nose. It had a lovely smell that clears up anything blocking your nose.
Y/n: (sniff) Man Elina you are a angel, thank you.
Elina: (blush) No problem. I gonna go now but get better soon.
She then leaves as Y/n smiles and turn to the plant and takes a few sniffs and already he feels like his nose is clearing up which makes him a almost better but not completely.
Y/n: (thought) That smell....that sure smells good. It actually reminds me one time I sniff on a flower when i was young and sneezed in front of Tikal.
A flash of Tikal appear in his mind as he let's out a small sigh.
Y/n: (thought) Tikal. The reason I sacrifice my life was so you and the rest of your people will be safe from my brother. Only to discover only Knuckles is the last people left on Angel Island. Can't help but feel like I fail.
Knuckles: Yo Y/n your in here?
Y/n: Knuckles?
Then Knuckles came in to his room and walk up to him.
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Knuckles: Got informed your not feeling well so I came here to check up on you.
Y/n: Well I appreciate that but what about the master Emerald?
Knuckles: Got Mighty, Ray and Matilda to guard it for me.
Y/n: Huh it's been a while since I've seen them. What are they doing these days?
Knuckles: Well Mighty is taking on some fighting tournaments with Ray and his sister. I think Mighty is going to be a pro fighter.
Y/n: Huh that's pretty cool. (Sniff) I mean since thing have been quiet I can't really blame him wanted to go out and fight.
Knuckles: Yeah Mighty does want some action.
Y/n: Yeah......hey Knuckles.
Knuckles: Yeah?
Y/n:.........I'm sorry.
Knuckles: Oh don't be after all I just came here to keep you company and-
Y/n: Not that. I mean how your the only echidnas tribe. All those years being alone.....I can't help but think that I fail to save the tribe from my brother. If I would have acted sooner were not be alone.
Knuckles: True I was alone all these years before I met Sonic. But it's not your fault. You tried to help my tribe and that shows how good you are.
Y/n: Thanks Knuckles. Just wish some is still alive.
Knuckles: Yeah same. (Smile) But at least I'm around.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
The two of them smiled and soon Knuckles left as Y/n watch some TV while Chaos soon falls asleep on top of him which he find it to be cute as he smiled while he gently stroke his head.
Y/n: (thought) I actually wonder what my life would have been if I hadn't met the Freedom fighters. All of this happen because of me. Disbite my lost of memories I still fight for good and protect innocent lives. Still I wonder what my life would have been if I hadn't encountered The Chaotix or even arriving into town? I mean since there is a universe where evil is good and good is evil, there could be another universe where something different happens to me if I hadn't join the Freedom fighters. But you know what.....I'm actually glad I did met them. I had no memories of anything and have no knowledge about my powers but with their help....I've grown and soon regain my memories and my powers.
He look at his hand as he gets flashes of moments of his past times with the Freedom fighters. The battles he fought, the bounding he made, the trails he go through, the development he made and most importantly of all the friends he made. Even though he is powerful his friendship with those around him made him stronger and helps him to overwhelm any odds against his way.
He smile a bit as his friends is also his family and he will do anything to protect them. Soon the afternoon came and Orbot and Cubot came in with some food to make.
Orbot: Good afternoon Y/n. How do you feel?
Y/n: Hey there you two. Doing alright but still sick.
Cubot: That sucks. If I where like you it would suck.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Yeah it would.
Orbot: Well anyways we brought you some recipes to make a home made soup.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds delicious. Well do your thing.
They did so and after an hour they came back with the soup done. He takes a taste and it is really good.
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. I bet Eggman likes your cooking.
Orbot: Not always.
Y/n: Say do you two actually miss working with him?
Cubot: At first when we were stuck on that island many years ago but now not anymore.
Orbot: It's good to be free from him. Feel kinda bad with Starline though. As soon he finds out what he is like, he might regret it.
Y/n: Yeah. So is there no signs of him for a while?
Orbot: Surprisingly enough no. Its not like Eggman to be slient this long.
Cubot: Yeah he's always jumping into the opportunity to strike after a big threat is over.
Orbot: Like for example the Black Arms. That threat is over and yet Eggman hasn't shown up even though it had been a few weeks since then.
Y/n: Yeah it's not like Eggman to be this quiet.
Orbot: We're not the only ones that is noticing this. Here take a look.
He shoot out a hologram of websites out of his eyes to show people online discussion about the absence of Eggman.
Orbot: These are people who make some theories about the where abouts of Eggman. Some say he is living within New Metropolis after the Black Arm invasion, others say he must have retired after losing his empire and others say he is secretly making a clone army to fight against G.U.N's robot army.
Cubot: Huh a clone army fighting a robotic army......that sounded kinda familiar.
Orbot: But that's not the point. The point being its weird for Eggman to be this quiet for a long time.
Y/n: Yeah to think he'll be impatient and try to make his take over but if by any chance he would to make a combat it could be twice as destruction then before.
Orbot: I know we shouldn't have tell you all of this while your not feeling well. It's just it's odd for Eggman to be this quiet.
Y/n: (smile) No that's okay I'm glad you told me. Say wanna hang out here? I mean robots can't get sick right?
Cubot: Unless you order us to.
Y/n: (light chuckle) We can just hang out as normal.
Orbot: Well it's not like there isn't much to do.
Cubot: Yeah let's hang out. I'll grab the popcorn.
Cubot heads off while just smiles and soon he hang out with them as they watch some shows for a while as night came and soon Orbot and Cubot power down while Y/n drifted himself off to sleep.
(A week later)
We see the Freedom fighters gathered today for another mission as Sally does the roll call and soon she gets to the last person on the list.
Sally: Lastly Y/n.
At first there is silence but then Sally felt a tap on the shoulder and turns to see Y/n looking normal and no longer sick.
Y/n: (smile) Right here princess.
Everyone cheered to see him back and feeling well as Sonic came up and pat him on the shoulder.
Sonic: (smile) Welcome back man. How do you feel?
Y/n: (smile) I feel a lot more better. Thanks for everything you guys.
Sally: (smile) No problem. Maybe after this mission we can go out with the other girls for a night out.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure but first the mission.
Sally: (smile) Right. It seems there is some reports of Bandits costing some trouble at a town. Let's do it, to it Freedom fighters.
They all agree as they all leave to do their mission while passing by Y/n and telling him Welcome back as Y/n smiled as Sonic and Sally smile at him as he follows with them.
Y/n: (thought) You know I must be very lucky to meet people who show true care towards everyone around them. They are almost like the tribe I use to live with my brother before he ruined it all. Even though Eggman is in my mind but the only thing that is above him is my brother. I fear that one day he'll break free and try to get revenge on me. You know what......let him come. I was weak back then but with my friends we can beat him. If you do return brother I just want to let you know......I'll be ready for your return and when you do I will put an end to your evil and bring justice to Tikal and to her people once and for all. Mark my word brother....your evil will end.
To be continued..........................................................
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