Chapter 81: Black Arm war (Arc 7)

Y/n, Manic, Sonia, Mina, Sonic, Tangle, Whisper and Silver are all seen hiding within a restaurant within Black Army occupied New Metropolis. Everyone begins to eat the meal while Y/n is away in another room to discuss the plan to Sally. While that is going on Manic looks around for Maria and sees that she is not here.

Manic: Hey anyone know where Maria is?

Sonia: I think she's checking up Shadow on the roof above us.

Manic: Oh.....hope he's doing alright.

Silver: We should have took him out. You all see what he will do.

Tangle: It wasn't Shadows fault. He was control by Black Doom against his free will. Now we have him back, time to put an end to this invasion once and for all.

Sonic: Well do we even have a plan?

Y/n: Yes we do.

Then Y/n enter after he ended his call to Sally and informs them the plan.

Y/n: Sally is going to take a team of Freedom Fighters as well as G.U.N soldiers to enter the Ark and have all Ark's systems to be ready as well as the Arks cannons. Sally is going to sent Gemerl over to pick up the Chao Emeralds and deliver them to Sally. Meanwhile we enter Black Dooms flag ship and take control of the ship and have it fly in the sits of the Arks cannons and once the ship is destroyed, victory is ours.

Sonic: Huh not a bad plan. How come you didn't tell me this in the first place?

Y/n: (glare at Sonic) Um you ran off with the Chao Emeralds before we could even talk to you about the plan.

Sonic: (sweat drop) Oh.....right... my bad dude.

Sonia: You almost ruin the plan by taking the Emeralds to the heart of the Black Arms army.

Sonic: (nervous chuckle) Yeah guess I never thought about that.

Manic: Smooth moves bro.

Then Gemerl crashed through the wall and land in the middle of the room while everyone is covered with dust from the crash.

Germerl: Princess Sally Acron has sent me to pick up the Emeralds.

Y/n: Good timing. Here, we're about to start our phase of the plan. Can you get there without any trouble?

Gemerl: Of course. I will not fail.

Once Y/n gives the case filled with Emeralds to Gemerl he flies away as we then cut to Shadow on the roof and looking at the destruction of New Metropolis. He couldn't believe what he did and how he allow someone to control him.

Maria came up behind Shadow while Shadow can sense Maria is behind him but he didn't turn to face her but he tells her.

Shadow: I'm sorry. All of this.......I did this.

Maria: It's never your fault Shadow. I know you would never do such a thing. Black Doom is the one to be blamed here, not you.

Maria came up next to Shadow as the two of them stare at the city and then Shadow says.

Shadow: They told me how you are alive.

Maria: Surprised?

Shadow: Yes.

Maria: (smile) I mean it's not that bad, at least I'm cute.

Shadow just simply node while Maria can sees how much guilt he has for letting this happen as Maria tells him.

Maria: I know you can do the right thing in the end. I know you can bring joy and happiness to this world and I'll be here to help. Your no longer alone.

She then takes Shadows hand which Shadow accepts and her hand felt like Maria from 50 years ago. He always dreamed that he will get to see Maria again and now that dream has come true.

Y/n: Everything okay?

They turn to see Y/n and then Shadow approaches Y/n and tells him.

Shadow: I'm sorry. I betrayed you all.

Y/n: (smile) No need to apologise Shadow. We're just glad your back.

Shadow nodes and then the trio looks up at Black Dooms flag ship and says.

Y/n: We need yo get up there and get to the bridge of the ship.

Maria: But how are we going to get in there?

Shadow: I think I know how.

They turn only to see Shadow changing into a black arm aliens form which surprised the two as he tells them.

Shadow: I don't think they don't know I'm free frok control. Maybe I can take youse all as prisoners and we can get up there without any problems.

Y/n: Good idea. Let's do this.

Shadow: Right.


We see a large army of Black Arm aliens at the park where an elevator to the flag ship is placed. Soon Shadow in his alien form appear along side with Y/n and his team as they are cuffed and walking pass the army of Black arm aliens as they watch them as they walk by.

They were a bit nervous but they keep moving and once they reach the elevator the two Black arm aliens guards stared at Shadow and the prisoners. Y/n and the others worried that their cover is expose but luckily they allow them in and they enter the elevator and the lift goes up.

They took off the cuffs and gets ready for battle once the elevator doors open. Soon the lift stop and doors open to reveal the hallway as they peak out their heads and seeing nothing so they step out of the elevator.

Tangle: It's quiet.....too quiet.

Mina: (little nervous) I don't like this one bit.

Y/n: Do you remember where the bridge is Shadow?

Shadow: Yes. Follow me.

They follow shadow through the hallway of the ship as they avoid patrolling guards as guards walk by. They keep moving until they reach a door which open and it reveal a massive prison filled with Wisps that looks to be imprison for sometime as Whisper approaches one of the cells with sympathy.

Sonic: What are they going to fo with all the wisps?

Y/n: Something not good.

Manic: At least they are organised.

Sonia: (sigh) Manic.

Silver: We need to keep moving before we be spotted.

???: Too late.

They look up and they see Eclipse looking down at them and turn towards Shadow.

Eclipse: Your a disappointment to our empire. Our father will punish you for this.

Y/n: Everyone go. I'll take care of him.

Sonic: You sure?

Y/n: Yes.

With that they all head off snd leave the room. Once that Y/n body let's out a spark of electricity that blows up all the cells around the room and freeing all the wisps. They fly away while Eclipse and Y/n stared at each other.

Eclipse: Now this is something I'm waiting for. Shall we battle or will you talk about how you will stop us no matter what?


Immediately Y/n zaps towards Eclipse and he slammed him which sent Eclipse crashing onto the ground. Eclipse is impress as he gets up and immediately dodges when Y/n goes down for a punch. The punch cost the whole ship to shake and Eclipse goes for a punch but Y/n immediately catches his fist.

He then strike him in the stomach with his leg and then tossed Eclipse across and he crash into the wall. Then Eclipse appeared behind Y/n and he grabbed him frok behind and then slammed him into the wall. Then Y/n bursts with a large electricity blast and he turn and strike Eclipse in the face.

Then Y/n dashes over and tackle Eclipse through several walls throughout the ship until they crash into a massive room with Black Arm creatures are stored as Y/n slammed Eclipse onto the ground. He then charges up his electricity powers and then fired a massive electricity blast at Eclipse.

However Eclipse is seen holding up his hand and holding the electricity blast as he gets up and he tosses it away. He looks back up only to see him gone only for him to appear behind him and strike a powerful lighting punch at Eclipse.

Eclipse slides all away back and he crashes into the wall as Eclipse is breathing heavily as he wipe out a bit of blood off of his lips and looks at it. He is very impress by his strength and then he charges towards Y/n snd two have the most aggressive and intense battle anyone has ever seen.

The two are very fast as they appear and disappear everywhere in the room as they strike blows at each other as they continue their brawl. That crash through wall by wall, knocking away any black arm aliens they come across and destroying anything that crash into.

The two soon finally crash into the control room as Y/n throws Eclipse across as Eclipse crashes onto the ground. He gets up and stared at Y/n as he stood there and then he tells Eclipse.

Y/n: Remember I told you earlier that's not even 1% of my power? Well......time to show you what I can do.

Then his quills and his entire body begins to light up and sparks of electricity sparks out as Y/n unleashes his power as Eclipse is impress of his power and so he charges towards him and he was about to land his strike at him but immediately he was caught by the electricity and it begins to really hurt him. He groan as he never felt anything like this for all his life.

The electricity continues to zap him more and more as Y/n is lifted off of his ground as his right fist begins to glow with electricity coming out of it as he get up to Eclipse and Eclipse says.

Eclipse: You really are.....a God.

Y/n: (smirk) I'm just a guardian.

He then throws back his fist and then he immediately punches Eclipse in the face. This impact launches Eclipse crashing through the ship and into the spy as he was sent flying with sparks of electricity surrounding his body as Eclipse is defeated and disappeared from sight.

Y/n lands on his feet and takes a heavy breather after using so much power but he gets back up and he heads off to rejoin with everyone else.


They all arrived at the bridge and it looks empty as they walk in and look around.

Tangle: Okay this is too easy. It's almost like we are walking into-

Shadow: A trap!

Suddenly tentacles came outod the walls and grab Sonic, Mina, Tangle, Whisper, Maria, Manic, Silver and Sonia as they are lifted off the ground and wrapped around as the tentacles squeeze their body and not allowing them to move.

???: Shadow.

Then Black Doom appear out of the darkness and Shadow try to attack him but then his body didn't respond as Shadow fell to his knees and couldn't do anything as Black Doom says.

Black Doom: Did you really think I would allow you to betray me and ruin my plan? No. I knew you broke free before you step in here.


Black Doom: No you won't. Although you fail to capture the Chaos Emeralds, you will retrieve them but first......I want you to kill your friends.

Then Shadow felt a sharp pain in his head as he yell as his body stood up on his own and he slowly turns around as Maria was the first as the tentacle lower Maria down in front of Shadow as Shadow tries to fight it.

Black Doom: Do not resist Shadow. Do what you were made to do. Do it for me.

Maria: No! Please Shadow fight it! You must fight it!

Shadow struggles to fight it as he yells and groans while Black Doom increasing his mind powers onto Shadow as Shadow summons a chaos spear out of his hand and he slowly pulls it back, aiming at Maria.

Everyone couldn't do anything as Shadow stares at Maria as his point of veiw was the human Maria and then he begins to fight Black Dooms control harder and then he yet out a yell as he turns around snd throws the chaos spear at Black Doom.

The spear impaled Black Doom in the chest as he let's out an alien roar costing the tentacles to drop everyone including Maria as Shadow glares at Black Doom and tells him.

Shadow: My name is Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate life form. I was created to bring peace to this planet and made a promise to make everyone happy! No longer I be reminded of the past anymore. For now on I will keep going to a brighter future where everyone shall live a peaceful and joyful life! This is who I am!

Black Doom begins to get up as he let's out a growl of rage as he glares at Shadow and tells him.

Black Doom: You will die here along with your friends. If you will not join me....then you will die!

He goes to kill Shadow only for a electricity blast to hit Black Doom and sent him flying as they all turn to see Y/n as he says.

Y/n: Let's take him on together Shadow.

Shadow nodes while Black Doom retrieve through a door as Shadow and Y/n sees him going in while Sonic and Silver came over.

Sonic: (smirk) We're coning with you.

Silver: Let's end this.

Y/n: Okay.

Whisper: We stay here and set the ship to space and away from New Metropolis.

Tangle: Be safe.

Y/n: We will.

The four hedgehog then head off to battle Black Doom and end him and his rain once and for all while the rest gets into the ships controls and figure out how to drive the ship as the war against the Black Arms is about to end.

To be continued..................................................

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