Chapter 80: Black Arm war (Arc 6)

Y/n and Sally are looking out of the hospital window where Sonic have escape to as they couldn't believe that Sonic just ran off like that without a word or anything while Maria, Mina, Manic, Sonia and Bernadette as Sally was the first to say.

Sally: I can't believe he just ran off without us knowing! What was he thinking?!

Sonia: Wondering the same thing.

Manic: (smile) Chill I'm sure he'll be fine. Maybe he's away to get some chill dogs.

Y/n: During a alien invasion?

Manic:.......I mean.....yeah?

Maria: Oohh I never have Chili dogs, what is that like?

Sonia:.....Um whose she?

Y/n: That's Maria.

Sonia: As in......Maria Robotnik? How-?

Y/n: I'll explain but for now where did Sonic go?

Suddenly Knuckles burst into the room and then called out.

Knuckles: The Chaos Emeralds! It's gone!

Sally: (shocked) What?!

Knuckles: I was checking on the Emeralds and when I did, they were all gone!

Sally: Sonic must have took them but for what?

Silver: To end the Black Arms.

Then Silver came into the room and goes on to explain.

Silver: He must be heading to where Shadow and Black Doom is at to put a end to this once and for all.

Y/n: But he is going to snap Shadow out of it......right?

Silver doesn't say which gives a realising to Y/n that Sonic is going to do something very stupid so he called out.

Y/n: Maria, Sonia, Manic, Mina yous are with me. Sally call in Tangle and Whisper and tell them to meet me at the hanger.

Sally: Understood.

Manic: (smile) Cool, where are we going bro?

Y/n: We're going to the heart of the Black arms and we're going to save Shadow and Sonic before something bad would to happen.


At New Metropolis that has taking over by Black Arms, we see they have created a massive lift that gose up to the flag ship where Black Doom is seen within his throne. He has many of his starfish like aliens all over the city as his eyes as he searches around the city for any survivors.

Eclipse: Father.

Then Eclipse and Shadow approaches their father and stood behind him as Black Doom turns around and stared at their sons as the two kneel down in front of him.

Eclipse: The survivors have been gathered and will be tortured for intel about the other survivors that have escape the city.

Black Doom: Good. Once we find those what they call "Freedom fighters" the planet shall be mine along with the Chaos Emeralds.

Eclipse: Indeed father. But may I ask you something?

Black Doom: Of course, speak.

Eclipse: This planet you have told looks different to the one that you told me about. There is no sign of human life but rather......animals that can talk and think. I must wonder what happened to all the humans here?

Black Doom: This planet use to have humans. Humanity over years evolve and created massive buildings, technology, vehicles and so many more. To us, this was their golden age of humanity. However disbite all of that, they fall into their own demise due to all the weapons they have created. Weapons that destroy cities, weapons to kill humans and weapons......that would harm the planet.

Eclipse: It's ionic don't you think father? They have the power to change the world and yet they create weapons to ruin their own future.

Black Doom: Indeed. Life on this planet no longer have humanity however the animals evolve due to the war and as the result of it...mobians was born.

Eclipse: So the Mobians are the replacement of humanity? Interesting. But is there any chance that humanity could survive? Surely they must have created bunkers or space stations like the Ark to survive?

Black Doom: They do however it fall apart and thus was the end of humanity on this planet. Their history were all gone along with them.

Eclipse: And the only information about them was the Ark. A pity end to humanity, I almost feel bad about them.

Black Doom: Humanity was the cost of their own demise. They say they wanted to protect humanity only to wipe themselves out. Enough of that, we must find those Freedom fighters before-

Then one of Black Doom's starfish finds something and turns and open a screen to revealing Sonic standing with a briefcase fill with Chaos Emeralds.

Eclipse: It's the blue hedgehog. I will handle him.

Black Doom: No. Shadow, show this hedgehog why you are the Ultimate life form.

Shadow bows and he turns and walks away. We then cut to Sonic standing in the empty city all alone. He has a serious experience as he looks around for Shadow. Soon he turn and Shadow appears in front of him.

The two of them stood there and staring at each other in complete silence as the only sound that is there was the wind. After a while of staring at each other Sonic was the first to spoke.

Sonic: How could you Shadow.


Sonic: You betray your friends, your team, the world......even me. I know your sometimes a jerk but this....this has gone too far.


Sonic: Silver was right. You would betray us and join the Black Arms. You made me with no choice Shadow.

Sonic opens the case and seven Chaos Emeralds float out and circle around him. He then transform into Super Sonic and then tells Shadow.

Super Sonic: I'm going to end you Shadow. I won't let you harm anyone else.

Shadow doesn't say anything but vanishes and punches Super Sonic in the guts. This actually hurt Super Sonic which shocked him that Shadow can hurt him while in his Super form.

Suddenly a red light appear on Super Sonic's chest and there was a red blast that sent Super Sonic flying back. He fly across the streets of the city but he land on his feet and looks up as Shadow dashes towards him and the two brawl.

The both of them fought in the streets, landing each others blows and punches all awhile Black arm aliens appear on roof tops watches them fight. Super Sonic throws his lunches and kicks as he land a few but Shadow grab his leg and he throws him which Sonic crash into a building.

Shadow fire survival Chaos spears that cost a large explosion that took down a building on top of Super Sonic. However Super Sonic burst out of the ruble and charges towards Shadow and punches him in the face.

Shadow stood there and just glare at Super Sonic as he grab his arm and throws him onto the ground and gose to punch him but Supee Sonic spin dashes which made Shadow to stumble back as Super Sonic spin dashes away but turns back and homing attacks Shadow that sent Shadow flying and crashing into a destroyed car.

Super Sonic then dashes over and runs around Shadow and creates a super tornado that sent Shadow floating up into the air. The Super tornado hits him with cars, buses, bins and other things unril Super Sonic came down from the middle and strike him with a slam down as he slammed him onto the ground, creating a large blast that shattered the windows around them.

Then Super Sonic was sent flying out from the smoke but stops his fall before he could hit the ground and floats in mid air as Shadow walks out from the smoke and looks up at Super Sonic while Super Sonic looks down at him.

Then Super Sonic homing attacks Shadow once more, hitting him survival times as he goes all around him and hitting every singal hit all around Shadows body. Then Shadow catches him and then he slammed him onto the ground.

He then teleported Super Sonic over him and summon multiple Chaos Spears all around Super Sonic and launch them towards Super Sonic which creates a large green like explosion. Super Sonic falls and just before he hits the ground Shadow kicks him mid air and Super Sonic was sent flying and crashes into a call.

Super Sonic lays on the floor as he turns back to his normal form as Sonic tries to get up but too beaten up to get up. Shadow walks towards Sonic and soon stood over him. Sonic looks up at Shadow as Shadow stared down at him as Sonic then tells him.

Sonic: Are you really going to throw everything away.....including Maria's promise?

Shadow stared at Sonic for a moment as his hand begins to twitch as if he respond to what Sonic said about Maria. Then Shadow summons a Chaos Spear and rais it back as he looks down at Sonic and goes to stop him.

Y/n: Shadow stop!

He stopped and the two turn to see Y/n, Manic, Sonia, Mina, Tangle and Whisper as Y/n called out to Shadow.

Y/n: Shadow! I know none of this isn't your fault! You're being controlled by Black Doom! I know your not thr real villain, Black Doom is! You gonna fight it!

Shadow just stare at them and turns back to Sonic and was about to continue when he heard something he never thought to never hear.

???: Shadow!

This made Shadow stop and turn back as Maria appear as she slowly make his way towards him.

Maria: Shadow.....I know none of this isn't your fault. You would never do this in your free will. Your not a weapon of mass destruction.....your just like everyone else. You can be free and let go of the past that has been haunted you for years. I know you can fight this Shadow, I know because your Shadow the Hedgehog. You keep promises and protect the innocent and your friends. That's who you are.

Maria came close to Shadow and slowly move her hand and then gently places her hand onto his head as this remind Shadow of 50 years ago on the Ark when they first met.

Maria: (smile) I know your strong Shadow.....I know.....we know you can fight it.


He soon loses his Chaos spear and shake his head twice while closing his eyes as his alien form changes back to his mobian form as he reopen his eyes and seeing everyone and then he looks around and sees the destruction that has happened.

Shadow: Did I......Did I do this?

Silver: Yeah. You did all of this.

Then Silver came down and once landed he was ready to fight but Y/n stop him.

Y/n: Shadow was not himself Silver. He was controlled by Black Doom. But now we have Shadow back, there is a chance.

Shadow: Yeah. Thank you and.....I'm sorry.

Tangle: (smile) No problem. I think most of us have been mind controlled once or twice before.

Manic: (smile) Yeah like one time I was watching this cool TV show that was so cool I think I lost track fo time.

Sonia: Point being we're just glad your back to normal.

Shadow: Yeah......thank you.

They node when they hear Black aliens roaring in the distances so they decided to hide somewhere before they have been spotted but we see one of Blqck Doom starfish like aliens watching them as Black Doom now knows that Shadow is free and now he must hurry before his plans will fall apart.

To be continued.....................................................

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