Chapter 8: The Battle of Sunset city (Arc 3 Final)

The feel of a slight earthquake is felt within the Sewers where everyone that used to Live in Sunset city lived has now hiding underground and getting away from the battle that is happening above.

We see Ave gathering everyone at the main area of the Sewer so they can get ready to leave after it was turn out that Gavin have kept them here this whole time and lied about a safe way off the city underneath the city.

Now we see Y/n and Shirumi within Gavin's office and told them that the reason why Eggman is here is because of the chaos Emerald that he found which shocked them before Shirumi asked.

Shirumi: (shocked) How could you kept a Chaos Emerald and never give it to the freedom fighters?

Gavin: (nervous) I-I didn't know it was that important until Eggman showed up.

Y/n: But you kept everyone here so they will listen to you?

Gavin: Yes!

Y/n: I can't believe someone like you would have take a Chaos Emerald, not report it to Sally or anyone in the Freedom fighters and now Eggman and his army are attacking the city because of you!

Gavin: (anger) I kept everyone alive!

Y/n: (anger) By trapping everyone here and lie about there is no exit!

Shirumi: Listen where is the Chaos Emerald?

Gavin: If I remember it correctly I think it's still at my old office up in the surface.

Y/n: Then that means I need to find it and possibly end this battle.

Gavin: Hey, you can't just walk in and take something that is mine! That's illegal!

Y/n: Tell to the person who shut down the defence system within the city.

Gavin was about to argue back but Y/n left the room and have enough talking to him. He exit out of the room and walk through the halls until Shirumi catch up to him and walks up beside him and asked.

Shirumi: What should we do now?

Y/n: I'll take yous to the surface and yous will make a run for it to the hills while I go to the mayor's office ans grap that Emerald.

Shirumi: Are you gonna do this on your own?

Y/n: Maybe but I gonna try.

Shirumi: But let me come with you.

Y/n: I'm sorry but it's too dangerous.

Shirumi: Still you need some back up do I'm coming. Besides I know my way to the city so you need someone to guide you to his office.

Y/n see her point and he doesn't know this city very well so she got him there.

Y/n: Alright you can come but you need to stay close to me as possible, understood.

Shirumi nods with a little blush on her cheeks when he told her to stay close to him as possible.

Soon they regroup with everyone else and Ave spotted them and rush over and asked.

Ave: Everyone is gathered. Now what?

Y/n: Now we get out of here and get back to the surface.

Ave: (smirk) Awesome, let's go!

Shirumi: But how do we know it is safe?

Y/n: You said that door lead us to the park which is outside of the battle right?

Shirumi: Y-Yes but thanks to Gavin dissemination it, I'm not too sure.

Y/n: (smile) Well......let's test that theory of yours.

(Short while latrt)

We see a old metal hatch within the forest and it seems that it has been there for years. Then the hatch start to move and then it swing open and Y/n, Shirumi, Ave and the rest exit out and step into the woods.

Y/n have his bust Wispon with him and he, Ave and Shirumi slowly walk through the bushes and soon they peek out of the bushes and they see they are at the park and outside of the battle field.

Ave: (surprised) Whoa your theory was right Shirumi! I-I mean like I always believed you.

Y/n: (smile) But I knew your be right Shirumi.

Shirumi smiles at Y/n with a little blush on her cheeks and Y/n turns to Ave.

Y/n: Ave take the rest of the survivors to the hills and wait for Freedom fighter soldiers to pick you and the survivors out.

Ave: Wait wait wait! What about you two?

Y/n: I need to get what is in Gavin's office so maybe I can this battle and Shirumi is coming with me since she knows this city more then me.

Ave: Awww but I wanna go with yous. We're like a team right, we gonna stick together.

Shirumi: I'm sorry Ave but it's best you take the rest to safety while we get what Gavin has hidden.

Ave: Alright but come back alive will yous?

Y/n: (smile) Understood.

Ave smirks and runs off to regroup with the rest of the survivors while Y/n and Shirumi turn to the gates that leads them to the city and Y/n asked Shirumi.

Y/n: You ready?

Shirumi: I'm kinda nervous.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, that's my job.

Shirumi blushes a little and nods with a smile as they came out of the bushes and walk through the gates of the park and back into the battle field that has been going on for who knows how long.

The streets were filled with destroyed vehicles and destroyed buildings cost by the eggman bots which horrified Shirumi for a bit to see everything destroyed.

Y/n see the horror in her face and felt bad for her and hoped that everything will get rebuild after the battle is over.....he hoped.

Y/n steps Shirumi and pulled her into a dark alleyway and Y/n peek out his head ans see Buzz bombers fly by heading to their location.

Once they were past the two exit out and they dtart to walk through the empty streets. Y/n pulls out his radio opens it.

Y/n: This is Y/n dose anyone copy over?

No answer.

Y/n: This is Y/n of the freedom fighters, dose anyone copy over?

Still no answer.

Shirumi: Eggman must be jamming your communications.

Y/n: Yeah I think so. So much for a response to anyone.

Shirumi: It seems getting quiet now.

Y/n: Yeah, they probably battling somewhere else within the city. Hope Sonic and the rest are alright.

Shirumi: I'm sure they will be fine.

Y/n: Yeah, I think so. Still we should-

Then a eggman bot fly by in front of them and exploded on impact. The two turn the corner and see Team Chaotix beating up the last remaining Eggman bots that are left.

Charmy: Take that you meanie robots!

Vector: Well that's the last robots within this street. This will do as a run for Tails to get the survivors in the hospital out of here.

Espio: Still we should be on our guard. We may have no idea what will attack us.

Y/n: Hey guys.

They quickly turn and were in their battle stand while Y/n and Shirumi rise their hands so to tell them their not the enemies.

They were surprised to see Y/n alive and stand down and Vector asked in surprise.

Vector: (surprised) Y/n, what the heck happened? We never gotten your call for like an hour?

Y/n: It's a long story but I think I know why Eggman sent his troops here.

Esipo: Hang on a second. Who is she behind you?

Y/n: Oh this is Shirumi. She lived here and was the one that healed me along with her friends.

Shirumi: (smile) Hi, nice to meet yous all.

Espio: Same here.

Vector: And you said she had friends? Where are they?

Y/n: Their up the hill and waited for transport. Still I know why their here and we need to find the mayor's office right away.

Espio: Well we got the good news and bad news.

Charmy: Good news is we know a short cut way yo the mayor's office. It will be quicker then you can say "Chilli dogs!"

Shirumi: (smile) That's good to hear.

Y/n: (smile) And the bad news?

Vector: Well.....we're not the first to get there.


We see them peek out of the corner of the alleyway and see Eggman bots at the Mayor's office and see there is too many of them to beat them.

Y/n: How long have they been there?

Vector: A few hours but it seems their focus on the mayor's office motr important then the rest.

Espio: We have no idea why they are guarding the mayor's office.

Charmy:Aye Eggman wants to take over as Mayor of sunset city?

Y/n: Or in there holds a Chaos Emerald that he is looking for.

Tram Chaotix: (shocked) What?!

Vector: (shocked) You get to tell us there is a Chaos Emerald in there?!

Y/n: That's what "The Mayor of the city" told us.

Shirumi: But it seems that their not leaving there. Maybe they haven't find it yet.

Espio: It's highly possible that the Mayor hide it somewhere inside.

Ave: Sounds hard but what's the plan?

Before they could say anything, they turn and were surprised to see Ave back which surprised Y/n and Shirumi even more.

Y/n: (surprised) Ave?! How did you get here so quickly?

Ave: (smirk) I follow yous after I lead the survivors to the hills.

Shirumi: You shouldn't have be here Ave, it's too dangerous!

Ave: And miss my opportunity to beat some robot butt? Yeah right, I'm coming with yous either you like it or not.

Shirumi sighs while Espio scans the way to get into the building and Y/n walks up next to him and asked.

Y/n: Got a plan?

Then Espio turns and see three in coming eggman bots and he smirks and says.

Espio: (smirk) I know one.

They hide into the shadows and what for the three bots to appear. Once they appear Vector grabs all three ans drag them into the darkness and beats them up until they were shut down.

Once that Y/n, Shirumi and Ave came out wearing the bots and once Y/n puts on the bots head on he turn sto Team chaotix and asked.

Y/n: You sure this will work?

Charmy: Don't worry, Sally and the rest do it as well and it works like a charm.

Espio: If things go south, we come in and help.

Vector: Good luck you three.

Y/n nods and they march towards the mayor's office and they hope this might work.

They arrive at the gates were a eggman bot stops them and scans the three. They prey to not be found and soon the scan was complete and they let them through.

They breath a sigh of relief and they march through the gates and into the garden where they see massive heavy bots stomp by which made Shirumi a but nervous while Ave whispers in complain.

Ave: (whisper) Man it's so hot in this suit, I think I might pass out.

Y/n: (whisper) Just a little more.

They soon arrive at the door and they open it and step inside and Ave close it behind them. They see no bits around so they took off the suits and Ave breath a sigh and says.

Ave: I hope I never get to wear that suit ever again.

Shirumi: I rather not jinx that.

Y/n smiles a little before he hold his Burst Wispon out and scan the halls and see no bots and turn yo the girls.

Y/n: Stay close to me and we can make it out here alive.

They nod and they follow Y/n as he lead them down through the halls to find the chaos Emerald.

Ave: Soooo if we were the mayor or work for the mayor where would he put the Emerald in?

Shirumi: Maybe in his office or room. Maybe it's there?

Y/n: We're walking up to his office right now so let's see.

They walk up to the office and opens the door slowly and once they see no bots around they walk inside the quietly shut the door.

The room was huge so it will be harder for them to find the Emerald so they look around. Ave looks at the book shelf and think it must active a switch that opens a secret room if she pull the books down so she did so.

However she throws the books off the shelfs like theu were trash while Shirumi looks behind a few paintings while Y/n walks over to the desk ans feels a strange power when he is near with it.

He looks around the desk until he see something glowing red within the draws so he opens one and sees it. A red Chaos Emerald that glows bright like ever before.

Y/n: I found it!

Ave ans Shirumi stop what ever they were doing and walk over to him as Y/n reach out and grab it.

Then suddenly he gets flash back that made him stumbled back and hit his back on a wall as he cried a little while he hold his head.

Shirumi: Y/n!

Ave: Are you alright?!

Then Y/n gets flashes of towns being destroyed, Mobians running away, the same Hedgehog from his memories but this one was glowing red as he stare at him and the seven Chaos Emerald along with a huge green Emerald turn into blackness and dark.

Then Y/n snap back into reality and was breathing heavily while Shirumi and Ave runs over to him and asked.

Shirumi: Are you alright? What happened?

Ave: It sounded like you were in pain?

Y/n: (breathing heavily) I........I've gotten flash backs when I touch this Emerald and I think it's showing past.

Ave: What?

Shirumi: What did you see?

Y/n: Turns in flames, this....Hedgehog with glowing red eyes, people running and the chaos Emeralds along with a big one....turn into darkness like their power has been drained.

Ave: That's impossible?!

Y/n: Still......we have the Emerald so let's just get out of here before we are-

Then suddenly an explosion begins them sent them flying across the room as that explosion destroyed the office and everything around it.

We see Ave, Shirumi and Y/n laying on the ground unconscious but Y/n slowly woke up and slowly stand up and looks up to see....sonic as he walks over to the chaos Emerald and picks it up.

Y/n: S...Sonic?

Then Sonic looks up at Y/n with red glowing eyes ans Y/n realise. This isn't Sonic. Once the smoke was clear he sees it was a robotic like sonic with a cannon on his chest and sharp claws as he grabs the Emerald with his robot hands.

Y/n: No....I won't let you take it!

He fires a fire ball at Metal Sonic bit he quickly dodges it and dashes over and rams him. He crashes into a few walls and soon he crash through a walk and lands hard onto the grass.

He rolled onto the grass until he stop and slowly look up and see Metal Sonic leaping down and walks towards Y/n ready to finish him.

Y/n was breathing heavily and slowly stood up and took out his Cube Wispon and says.

Y/n: Wanna go......let's go.

Then Y/n rush at Metal Sonic and swing his Cube Wispon back and swings it towards Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic quickly dodges it and then kicks Y/n away ans he crashed into a tree and lands on the grass.

He then slowly stand up and look up at Metal Sonic and suddenly he charge up his cannon and fires a beam at Y/n. Y/n runs to the side as the beam hits the tree and Metal Sonic Tey to hit Y/n with it but Y/n kept dodging it.

Then Metal Sonic shuts down his beam and Y/n runs at Metal Sonic and try to swing his Cube Wipson at Metal Sonic but he kept dodging his swings and Y/n suddenly start to lose his straight due to the explosion but he's not gonna give up.

He kept swinging at Metal Sonic until he grand his Cube Wispon and snatch it out of his hand while he kicks Y/n in the stomach as blood came out of his mouth.

He crashes onto the ground just as Metal Sonic throws away the Cube Wispon and walks towards Y/n.

Y/n was about to get up but Metal Sonic grabs him by the neck and start to chock him as Y/n try to hit him or try to get him off of him bit it wasn't working.

Y/n: N-No!

Metal Sonic coldly looks at Y/n as Y/n feels like he is gonna pass out and thinks this was it for him. He is gonna die by this Metal Sonic Copy and never get back to everyone else including Tangle.

Y/n: (thought) Tangle......forgive me.

He was about to lose consciousness until he heard.


Metal Sonic look up and a fire ball hits Metal Sonic and sent him flying while he let's go of Y/n.

He lands onto the grass badly hurt and Y/n turns to see Shirumi and Ave both holding the burst Wispon that he dropped and said.

Ave: (smile) Yeah we beat that Sonic double ganger!

Shirumi: (smile) Yeah ans saved Y/n.

Y/n smiles at them before he stood up and turn to see the Emerald on the ground and so dose Metal Sonic.

The two stare at each other before the two rush towards the Emerald together so they can grab it first.

Thw two reach out a hand ready to grab it. Y/n grabs I first and Metal Sonic was about to punch Y/n but Y/n will not let that happen.

He makes a first while still holding and Emerald and pulls it back and says.

Y/n: You want it.........

Then the Emerald glows bright as bolts of electricity appear around his fur before he thrust his forward and lands a critical punch at Metal Sonic whole he yells out.


Then bolts of electricity start to malfunction Metal Sonic as his eyes spon around and he was losing control of his body ans can't fix it.

He fly up into the air as his body glows bright before he exploded that was soo loud that everyone in Sunset city heard it ans see the explosion.

Y/n was looking at the explosion while he breaths a sigh of relief and looks at the Emerald before he fell backwards and lands onto the grass.

Ave and Shirumi: Y/n!

They rush over ans once there they see Y/n smiling and they look up and see all Eggman bots are pulling back and retreating to the ship that is hoving over the city and once that they fly away.

Everyone in Sunset city start to cheer and clap for their win as the sun shines on them and blue sky's finally returns as Sunset city is now clear from Eggmans control.


The Freedom fighters where getting ready to get pack to base ans getting their gear packed into the drop ship so they can leave.

Y/n, Ave, Shirumi and Team chaotix arrive ans see all this as Vector pats Y/n by the shoulder ans says.

Vector: (smile) Nice work kid, you just saved the whole city!

Espio: (smile) I must say, that is impressive on what you did there.

Charmy: (smile) Yeah nice work.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but I didn't do this alone. Ave and Shirumi saved me when Metal Sonic was chocking me to death.

Ave ans Shirumi smiled and Y/n smiled back at them.

Tangle: Y/n!

Y/n turn back and Tangle tackled Y/n ans wrap both her arms ans tail around and the two fell onto the ground while Tangle kept hugging him while Sonic ans Shadow walks over ans see this.

Tangle: (tears) I am so great that your alright! I knew your be back I just knew it!

Y/n: (losing breath) G-Glad to see your alright......Tangle. me go?

Tangle: Whoops, sorry. (Nervous (chuckle)

She let's go and Y/n stands up and shadow walks over to him whole he cross his arms ans says.

Shadow: That was the most idiotic that you gave done.

Y/n looks down in disappointment but Shadow also says while he looks away.

Shadow: were brave I give you that. Next time, obey my orders.

Y/n nods and Shadow walks off then Sonic walks up ans says with a smirk.

Sonic: (smirk) Ignore Shadow Y/n, you did great ending a battle and getting the chaos Emerald.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, now we have two now.

Sonic: (smile) Yep that's right.

Vector: So yous are heading back to base?

Sonic: Yep, need some rest before the next mission will come. What aboit yous?

Espio: We stay here and help everyone to repair the city done by Eggman.

Charmy: Maybe after that we come back a visit yous.

Vector: Well take care Sonic and you too Y/n.

Team Chaotix head off and once they were gone, Sonic walks over to Shirumi and Ave and says.

Sonic: I heard what yous did and yous must be brave to save a freedom fighter member.

Ave: (smirk) No problem.

Sonic: (smirk) You know, yous can join us. Your skills maybe useful in our fight.

Ave: (surprised) Really, we can join yous?

Sonic: (smile) Sure, what do you think Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) If Sonic is alright, I'm alright as well.

Ave: (smile) Awesome I'm in, what about you Shirumi?

Shirumi wasn't sure what to do. She wants to live out her normal life and pass college. But she'll can do more good if she join the Freedom fighters plus she start to have a crush with Y/n so she says.

Shirumi: S-Sure, I think it would be great to join.

Sonic: (smile) Awesome, welcome to the Freedom fighters. Common before the drop ship leaves us.

Ave cheerful gose with Sonic and enter the drop ship. Shirumi was a bit nervous but Y/n reach out a hand to her and she turn to see him smile. She blushes deep ans smiles back and grabs Y/n hand and they walk to the dropship to head back to base as Ave and Shirumi are now the new members of the Freedom fighters.

To be continued..............

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