Chapter 78: Black Arm war (Arc 4)
Beeps can be heard through Y/n's ears as he slowly started to wake up. He let out a painful groan and soon he was nearly blinded by the ceiling lights above him as he open his eyes.
We see him laying in a hospital bed with wrapped out bandages around some parts of his body. He slowly sat up and look around to see other people there and were injured as they lay there unconscious as Y/n also noticed he is in what seems like a bunker or a underground base.
???: Y/n. Thank Mobius your awake.
He turn to see Knuckles with Chaos on his shoulder as Knuckles approaches him as Y/n place his hand onto his head.
Y/n: What happened?
Knuckles: Well we got beaten, that's what happen. Those Black Arm aliens managed to take over most parts of the world with the help of Shadow.
Y/n: Shadow?
He then remembered Shadow turning on them and immediately ask Knuckles.
Y/n: Where's Sonic?! He is alright?! What about Sally, Silver, Rotor and Tails?! Are they alright?
Knuckles: Sally, Tails, Silver and Rotor will recover but as for Sonic......he was in critical condition and he was close to death. Luckily the doctors managed to save him just in time. For now he's in a coma but not for long. They told us he'll recover in a few days or a few weeks.
Y/n: Huh. So when I get into a coma I woke up three years while Sonic gets into a coma only to wake up within days or weeks?
Knuckles: To be fair Sonic only got impaled while you took a nuclear blast in a face and crash back down to the planet.
Y/n: (light chuckle) True can't argue with that. Ow! My back.
Knuckles: (smile) Well you and the others would have been killed and Shadow would have gotten the Chaos Emeralds if weren't for your pet.
Y/n: You mean Chaos? It was kinda crazy but Chaos was-
Then Chaos transformed into the same creature that he saw which shocked him while Knuckles goes on to explain.
Knuckles: We were shocked as well. At first we thought he was one of them when he handed over you and the rest. He's kinda creepy if you ask me.
Chaos just stared at Knuckles while Knuckles gets the creeps already but he clear his throat and tells Y/n.
Knuckles: Get some rest Y/n. We may have lost but at least not fully lost yet.
Knuckles turn and leaves the room. Once that Y/n turn to Chaos and tells it.
Y/n: Thank you for saving me and my friends. Still.....where did you come from?
Chaos stared at him and then he lifted up his hand and touch his liquid finger onto Y/n's head and gets flashes of angel island, the temple and the Master Emerald. Y/n was then back to reality as he looks at Chaos with surprise and ask him.
Y/n: So you were born from the Chaos Emerald?
Chaos nodes and then Y/n ask.
Y/n: Does that mean we are.....sorta brothers?
Chaos nodes once again which surprised Y/n.
Y/n: Huh. Well this is surprising for me. But still I'm glad your on our side. Thank you.
Chaos just stared at him for a bit which he takes that as a welcome as he lay back down and get some rest while Chaos stood beside him no matter what.
(Next day)
We see Sally at the control room of the underground base and sees videos of Black arms invading cities and towns as they take over the world by a day.
Sally: This is far worse then Eggman taking over the world.
Then a hologram of Nicole appeared to Sally as she tells her.
Nicole: There have been multiple reports of Black arms attacking G.U.N outposts and capturing innocent people. There are still those who are fighting and pushing back the Black arms army.
Sally: Let's keep it that way.
Then the doors open and Y/n walks through ans sees Sally along with Silver, Rogue, Tangle, Whisper, Antonie and Vector. Silver crush his fist and punches a box that breaks into several pieces.
Sally: Silver!
Silver: What?! This was the greatest threat we all faced since the great war and its all Shadow! He betrayed us and now he's gonna help the Black Arms to kill all of us and take over the world!
Tangle: But its not like Shadow to do this. I mean he maybe serious in times but he would never side with the enemy.
Whisper: Not to mention he doesn't look normal. Maybe that wasn't Shadow.
Y/n: No he is Shadow. His Chaos energy is the exact same so.....yeah.
Vector: Yeah but why would Shadow sided with the Black arms?
Y/n: Not sure but I don't think he is sided the black arms in his free will. When I saw him he looked......different. not by his looks but his movement and his eyes.......he looked like he was brainwashed or something. Maybe the Black Arms brainwashed Shadow to side with them?
Antonie: Maybe but I wouldn't be surprised that psychopath would finally join the side of evil. Never really trust that hedgehog.
Y/n: Hey Shadow helped us for years! I know Shadow will never turn on us without reason!
Antonie: (sigh) Sorry its just......we can't raise our child while the world is like this.
Sally: We'll get our world back for sure. We just need a plan and we need one now.
Rogue: There is one way.
Y/n: You do?
Rogue: Yes. The Ark. That place is the birth place of Shadow and if those Black arms are relate to Shadow and those within the Ark, there's most likely a change they may contain information about the Black arms. Especially a way to defeat them.
Y/n: Then that's where we should go. Sally?
Sally:.......This is a high risk mission. You sure you got this?
Y/n: Of course. Tangle, Rogue and Whispee will come with me to the Ark and find some information there.
Sally: Alright. There is a stealth ship you can take meanwhile I'll gather as many survivors as I can and be plan things out on how we defeat the Black arms.
Y/n: Right.
Y/n jumped and turn to see Omega which he let out a sigh.
Y/n: I question how to sneak up behind me disbite being....huge.
Y/n: (panic) What no! Of course not.
Y/n: (sweatdrop) Noted.
A few quietly laugh and once that Y/n, Rogue, Omega, Tangle and Whisper head to the hanger to grab a stealth ship and head to the Ark.
(Sometime later)
We see the stealth ship managed to gone through the Black arms Fleet and enter space. They fly around the planet and soon they see a space station up ahead that looks like a moon but not.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow! Is that the Ark!?
Rogue: Yep. I'm surprised it's still there after all these years.
Y/n: So tell us more about this Ark?
Rogue: Well ad far we can tell this is he place where Shadow was born and where Maria used to live.
Tangle: You think it could be hunted?
Whisper: Maybe.
Y/n: But we have no choice but to go in.
Rogue: Right.
They soon go through a hanger and once landed they exit out of the ship and turn on their flash lights as they see the power hasn't been back on within years. They soon move through the hallways as they shine their flash lights around and see the places left abandon for years.
Tangle: So what are we looking for? The computer book? Library? If Library then I'm out.
Rogue: Anything that tells us more about the Black arms and how we can defeat them.
Rogue: Good luck with that.
They keep on walking however Y/n couldn't help but feel like a presences within the space station. He stop and look back while he shine his flash light but sees nothing. He keeps walking meanwhile a ghostly figure appeared behind him while he is walking away.
Soon they reach the control room and sees the veiw of the planet as they walk in and look around. Rogue gets onto the nearby controls while Tangle and Whisper look out the window.
Tangle: (surprised) Whoa! Space is the best.
Y/n: (smirk) It's not the first time we been to space before.
Tangle: (smile) I know but it's been soo long since we been up there.
Y/n just smile while he looks over and noticed something on the floor. He walks over and kneel down and picked up what looks like a picture of two humans. A girl and a old scientist.
He gets up and turns to ask Rogue when he stop and looks at the door to see a ghostly like figure of Maria standing at the door and stairing back at him. He staire back at her as they look at each other for a while and then Maria turn and walk away.
Y/n: H-Hey!
The others turn and just say Y/n running out of the room. They look at each other meanwhile we cut to Y/n following the ghostly figure through the hallway and after a while she disappeared at a door as Y/n slows down. He turn to a door and then sees he needs a password to gain access to the door.
Y/n looks at the keypad for a while and thinking of a password. He couldn't think of anything but then a hand grabs him by the shoulder and he suddenly was given the password within his kind.
Y/n: P. R.O.J.E.C.T M.A.R.I.A.
Then the door open and lights came on as he walked in and sees computers, test tubs that contain, monitor that show what looks like human and mobian DNA and lastly a massive cryo pod at the far back of the room.
Y/n approaches the cryo pod and sees someone inside and he looks around and find a note on the table so he walks over and reads through it.
Y/n: " If you are reading this then this means I'm dead but not my work. If you find this place then I don't know I should congratulate you or be upset but if you are here to find something then this is it. Earth as we know it is no more, warfare, violence and destruction cost the planet to be uninhabitable for possible 1 million years or more. However unknowing to everyone in the Ark I discovered that life still exist disbite the wars and destruction we have cost, life somwhow lived on. Animals that we thought were no more suddenly started to involve and now took a form of human like animals and they seem to call themselves Mobians. Right now they are in the stone or ancient years but I have send down drones to take some of their DNA and made a discovery. Their DNA's are off the charts and they seem to gain mysterious power. The same power we use for our war. I realise that we will not last especially my sick granddaughter Maria who will not last any longer. So, in hopes to help her I made her a clone of a mobian with all the memories of Maria that I put into her. Whoever this reader might be I hope you came here for good reason but Maria is the only hope to help you from the upcoming threat that will come. From Gerald Robotnik."
He finished reading the note and turn to the pod and he looks at the control panel and without thinking he walks over and push some buttons and suddenly started to open and Y/n step back as the pod slowly open while steam came pouring out.
He looks inside to see a female blonde hedgehog wearing the same clothes as Maria wear bit is made for Mobian to fit. Suddenly she let out a groan and slowly sat up which made Y/n step back as she shake her head and turn towards Y/n.
Her eyes were blurry for a moment but after a while her eyes slowly gets clear and once she can see, she sees Y/n. The two stare at each other for a moment and then she smiled and introduces herself.
Maria: (smile) Hello. My name is Maria. What's your name?
To be continued...................................................
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