Chapter 77: Black Arm war (Arc 3)

The Black arm army continues pouring down to New Metropolis as night came and there we see some civilians hiding within abandon buildings and homes as Black Arm aliens marches through the street.

We see five Black Arm aliens making their way through while we see a father, a mother and son behind a truck as the father poke his head and sees the Black arm aliens standing in the middle of the street and awaiting orders.

The father turns to see some survivors within a building across from them so he check to see they are distracted and then sprint across. Once made it he singal his wife and son to cross which they did.

They were about to make it when suddenly the son tripped on some metal and fell which cost a noise that cost the Black arm aliens to spotted them. The mother hugs her son as their aim their weapons at them as the two shut there eyes.

Suddenly a large lighting bolt shot down from the sky and sent the Black Arm aliens flying. They crash and they all turn to see Y/n breathing heavily with smoke coming out of his shoulders and shoes as he slowly stands up straight and looks around.

He turns to the son and gives him a smile which gives him and the other survivors hope as Y/n radios Nicole.

Y/n: I found some survivors at my coordinates

Nicole: (radio) On it. G.U.N forces on their way.

Suddenly beams fly by him as he turn to see an army of them charging towards him. Y/n rushes towards them and then he leaps up into the air and then punches the ground, creating a electricity wave that zaps the aliens and they collapse onto thr ground.

Suddenly a large black arm aliens lands behind him which Y/n turn and immediately catches its slap. He catches it with one hand and then he throws it over him and slammed him onto the ground.

More came but his first burst into electricity and he fights them all. Punching them with his electricity punches and dodging their strikes and blows as takes on more and more Black arm aliens.

He then disappeared only to appear above them as he launches lighting balls that hits the Black arm aliens. Y/n lands on his feet as they collapse as Y/n continues to breath heavily.

Y/n: (thought) Damn I've been fighting for hours. I feel tired but I won't back down.

He then disappeared and soon he appears on the roof as he look on to the city and spotted G.U.N forces getting surrounded at the mall. He appear in front of them and first use lighting flash to blind the aliens and then use lighting blast to take them all out with a singal blast.

The area was clear as G.U.N transport vehicles arrive as G.U.N forces take the survivors into the transport vehicles as Y/n watches them go.

Sonic: Y/n!

Then Sonic dashes over and once stop he catches his breath which is something Y/n never sees but judging by the situation, he can't blame him.

Y/n: (smirk) Tired?

Sonic: (sigh) Little. Man, I've never run that fast since the Zombot apocalypse. Like no joke, I was running for weeks.

Y/n: (light chuckle) You do love to go fast.

Sonic: (light smirk) Yeah but I won't say I would run forever. A hedgehog needs a break.

Y/n: (smirk) Can't blame you.

Sonic: (smirk) Yep.

Silver: Guys!

Then Silver came down and once landed Y/n ask Silver.

Y/n: Have you found Shadow?

Silver: No i couldn't find him. Damn it! You should have let me take him down! Now he's gonna betray us and kill us all!

Sonic: Wow calm down Silver, I know shadow maybe.....Well shadow but he would never turn on us.

Y/n: He's right. Shadow has helped us time after time throughout the years. There is no way he would betray us.

Silver: You don't know that. Especially his true form.

Sonic: True form?

Silver: Not sure what happened to him but he look different. He look more like......them then a mobian.

Sonic: What like those aliens? No way.

Silver: I'm telling the truth!

Y/n: And we are listening. Maybe that wasn't the real shadow or he must be brainwashed.

Silver: Look we just have to be carful if we find him.

Sonic:.....Alright then.

???: So your the warriors of thid planet?

They quickly turn and they see one of them but look like a Mobian as they have their guard up.

Y/n: Who are you?

Eclipse: My name is Eclipse. Son of Black Doom and Shadow.

Sonic: (surprised) Wait shadow has a brother?!

Y/n: (shocked) No way!

Eclipse: It is. I can't help but overhear that you are looking for my brother.

Y/n: Where is he?

Eclipse: Collection the Chaos Emeralds for our father. Soon this planet will belong to us.

Y/n: Like we ever gonna believe you.


Y/n: Sally! Sally! Are you there? Sally?!

Eclipse: It seems he has found them.

Y/n: Sonic, Silver you go and help Sally and the others. I'll take on Eclipse.

Sonic: Right. Silver.

Silver: Right.

He use his psychic to lift Sonic off of his feet and they fly off while Y/n turn to Eclipse as the two stared at each other.

Eclipse: It is best you surrender. You have no chance of winning.

Y/n: You have no idea how many times people told me that.

He then charges towards Eclipse and ram him withhis shoulder as they crash through several buildings until they crash through and then crash into the park. Y/n leaps out of the dust and lands on his feet.

He looks up as Eclipse slowly gets up and turns to Y/n as he thrusted his hand back and blasted lighting at Eclipse. Eclipse wasn't phase as he simply lifted up his hand and immediately blocks his attack.

This shocked Y/n and once he stopped Eclipse dashes towards him and goes for a kick but he ducks down and roll away and he strikes Eclipse with a lighting kick.

This hits him on the left side od his cheek as alien blood pour down from Eclipse's cheek. However Eclipse was not phased as he grab his leg and then throws him across the park which he crashed into the play park.

Y/n gets up while Eclipse approaches the play park and then wipe a bit of blood off of his cheek and looks at it.

Eclipse: Impressive. No other life form has never bleedsd me. Your different to the other life forms.

Y/n: That's not even 1% of my power.

Eclipse: I see. Here's mine.

Immediately Y/n gets punched in the stomach but what shocks him is that Eclipse hasn't moved. He still didn't move however Y/n gets punched all around him like some invisible force is landing blows at him.

Suddenly Eclipse appears in front of him and place his hand onto his chest and then fired a beam that sent him flying and crash through many buildings and then he crash hard onto the street.

Y/n gets up as he cough out some blood and then looks up to see Eclipse staring down at him.

Eclipse: Our father train us to use our ability to overcome any life forms. Even you. Still I am surprised how long have you been fighting. Tired, badly hurt, losing energy and losing strength but yet, here you are standing and pushing yourself to be strong. Pushing hard so you can protect this planet.

Y/n: This is our home and we will not allow people like you taking over our home!

Eclipse: How heroic. But foolish.

Immediately gets kicked and sent flying but Eclipse grabs him while he was floating mide air and then throws him onto the ground which Y/n crashed.

Y/n slowly gets up and breathing heavily while Eclipse appears behind him but Y/n gets up and turns to Eclipse and just glare at him. Eclipse find him interesting and before he could strike at him he hear rumble above him as he look up to see the clouds circling above New Metropolis.

Y/n's quills started to spark with electricity as he slowly rasies his hands up until they reach the sky. Thunder is seen flashing as Eclipse is amazed of his power. Y/n let's out a mighty yell and then powerful lighting bolts rain down and striking at Eclipse and his army within the city.

Eclipse was hit with the most powerful lighting bolt that he ever feel. This didn't make him cry in pain but it was a feeling he never felt for his life.

This goes on for awhile until Y/n stop and soon collapses to his knees. Smoke appear all around Eclipse's body as he stood there where he was as he looks at Y/n who is breathing heavily and trying to catch his air as Eclipse tells him.

Eclipse: You must be a god if you have powers like that. If that is true.....then this will be a interesting battle.

Y/n looks over to Eclipse as Eclipse turn and tells him.

Eclipse: Your too weak to kill you. Once you have your strength back......we will have our battle and we will see which of us will stand and which one of us.....will fall.

Eclipse walks off as Y/n slowly gets up and remembers about Sally so he try to teleport but he low with power. He sees a motorcycle bike so he takes it and rides off to help out Sally.


He arrive at the base only to see it destroyed. He sees Sally, Tails and Rotor troops laying on thr floor outside as Y/n rushes over to Sally and lifted her up.

Y/n: Sally can you hear me? What happened?

Sally slowly open her eyes and was about to say when Silver burst out of the wall and crash into the tree. Silver falls unconscious and then Sonic was thrown out and land hard onto the floor.

Y/n slowly gets up and turns to the door where he hears footsteps. Then the figure came out and Y/n is shocked to see Shadow with the Chaos Emeralds within a case as he look alien like as Y/n stared at him.

Y/n: (shocked) Shadow......wh......what are you doing?

Shadow stared at him with cold dead eyes and then he quickly came up in front of him and quickly grab him by the neck. He chock Y/n as he lifted him up as Y/n struggle to break free but he was low and tired as he try to beg to Shadow but Shadoe doesn't listen.

Sonic gets up and sees this so he dashes over and strikes shadow with a punch which made him drop Y/n as he drops to the ground.

Shadow crashes through the Freedom fighter base as Sonic helps Y/n up.

Y/n: What happened to him?

Sonic: I.....I don't know.

He noticed the case containing the Choas Emeralds as he gives it to Y/n.

Sonic: Get out of here! I'll hold him off.

Y/n: No! We're going together!

Sonic:....Right.....Right your right. I think I have enough energy to carry Tails and Rotor while you take Sally and we-

Suddenly something sharp punches through Sonic's chest while Y/n had a horrified face as he slowly move backwards as Sonic looks down to see a energy spear through his chest. Soon it vanished, leaving a open wound as Sonic falls silent and then he collapse onto the floor.

Y/n stared at Sonic in shock and slowly looks over to see Shadow coming out as he sees Y/n holding the case and so he make his way towards him. Y/n couldn't move as he couldn't believe this was happening. His friends are gonna be hunted down and be killed and shadow has turn against them.

Fear is seen on his face but he takes a deep breath and puts the case onto his back and stood hid ground.

Y/n: You want me Shadow. You have to fight me.

Shadow continues walking towards him and then he was about to strike, planning to kill him as Y/n hopes shadow will snap out of it.

Suddenly just before Shadow could do it liquid like tentacles wrapped around Shadow as his legs and arms were wrapped him and then he was tossed away and crashed deeper into the forest.

Y/n is shocked and sees what seems like a liquid like alien approaching Y/n and then he stood in front of him.


Then he loses conscious and was about to hit the ground but the liquid creator catches Y/n and stared at him and turn hie his friends. Then his tentacle grabs his friends and then he disappeared with them as Shadow came out of the forest and sees that they were gone including the case.

Then he sensed something and look up and not just him other Black Arm aliens as they all look up at the sky and then begin to let out roars as we see more ships breaking through the clouds and more Black arm aliens came down.

They soon take over the city and now just New Metropolis but other cities as well as ships appear over cities and Black arm aliens took over as we then see Black Dooms fleet arriving at Mobians as the black Adm aliens has taking over New Metropolis and making it as their capable.

To be continued..............................................

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