Chapter 76: Black Arm war (Arc 2)
We see the Black arm aliens attacking Metropolis as they flipped over cars, shooting at any civilians they can see and costing nothing but destruction all across the city. We see one Black arm alien walking up to a couple and aim his weapon at them, ready to kill them.
Then he heard something up in the sky as he look up and we see Tail's tornado with Sonic and Y/n standing on the wings of it while Tails is flying the tornado.
Y/n: Sally what's the situation?
Sally: (radio) The evacuation is going in the way. More freedom fighters and G.U.N forces will come to assist you.
Y/n: Understood. We'll hold them off as long as we can.
Sonic: (smirk) This feels like the old times when we are at war against Eggman.
Y/n: Yeah but I don't recall fighting aliens from space.
Sonic: (smirk) This is going to be fun.
Suddenly laser beams came shooting up at them as Tails dodges the incoming beams while the Black arm aliens were shooting at them.
Sonic: (smirk) Let's do this!
Y/n: (smile) Right!
Tails: I'll monitor things up here. Good luck.
Sonic: Roger.
Both Y/n and Sonic leap off Tails tornado and sky dive down towards the street. Sonic dashes down and homing attacks most of them as the Black arm aliens drop down while Y/n shoot out his lighting, shocking them as he use his electricity powers to soften his fall and land on his feet.
He then rushes towards the Black arm aliens as they pointed their weapons at Y/n but he summon lighting balls and throws it at them, hitting them and blasting them away as more came rushing towards him but he charges up his electricity and zaps all of them within a singal shot.
The electricity zaps all of them and they drop to the ground burned. Then a large black arm alien came up behind him and attempted to slam him but he dodges his attack and then he blinds him with his lighting flash.
The large Black arm alien recover his sight and turn only to see multiple Y/n. In a blind rage he smashes all of them but every time he did, they disappeared as he smashes them all until he accidentally smashes through a car which blows up.
This sent him flying and land hard onto thr ground as the real Y/n is seen walking away as he dust off his hands only to stop when he is surrounded by Black arm aliens.
They were about to fire when Sonic dashes over and quickly in great speed took away their weapons and drop their weapons into the sewer.
Sonic: Hey Y/n! Let's use our combo!
Y/n: Right!
Sonic hops in front of him and then started to spin dash while Y/n charges up his electricity and then he zaps it onto Sonic as he spark out in electricity and then he creates a Sonic boom as he took out a wave of Black arm aliens with a singal shot.
They were taking out ad Sonic returned and the two high fived in success.
Sonic: (smile) It worked!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Luckily it didn't put you in the hospital for the 4th time.
Sonic: (smirk) Yep.
Then a G.U.N transport vehicle came over and once parked the back of the truck came out and G.U.N troops came out follow by Rouge and Fiona as the two approaches Y/n and Sonic.
Fiona: (smirk) Not bad you two. But at least you could save some for us.
Y/n: (smile) Sorry, got carried away.
Fiona: (smirk) I see that. (Winks at Y/n)
Sonic: So how many of these things we are talking about?
Rouge: For what our satellite tells us, we have 50 Black arm ships and they are invading not just here but everywhere.
Y/n: 50 ships? That's not a lot unless those are first wave ships. More could be on their way.
Rouge: My thoughts exactly. We need to be ready for a larger invasion. But first, we should take care the first wave and deal with the rest.
Y/n: Sounds good. How's everyone else doing?
Fiona: We learn that those aliens are targeting the planet defense so they are split up into teams to defend them.
Y/n: That's good. Hope they can handle things.
Sonic: (smile) Sure they will. We got this in the bad.
Tails: (radio) Sonic, Y/n, I got a transmission from Silver and this is important.
Sonic: Put him through.
Silver: (radio) EVERYONE! WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM! Shadow is gone!
Y/n: He must have used Chaos control to get out.
Silver: (radio) No! I broke myself free and check Shadows cells only to see it to be empty. There is a large hole meaning Shadow must have gotten out or something took him.
Sonic: Whoever or whatever is going on, we have to deal with that later. Silver can you get here and help us.
Silver: (radio) On my way.
Sonic: I'll search for any survivors and get them into safety.
He then dashes off as Rouge says.
Rouge: Hope Shadow is doing something good.
Y/n: (smile) I know Shadow will. Now let's welcome these aliens to Mobius.
Rouge and Fiona agree and they push forward.
We see Eclipse leading Shadow through his ship as Shadow is looking at his alien like appearances and is confused as he look up at Eclipse to see him similar to everyone in Mobius but alien like.
Shadow: Where are you taking me?
Eclipse: To our father. He has been waiting.
Shadow: I don't have a father.
Eclipse: Well, you do now.
Soon they walk through a open door and enter a room. They stop and Shadow look up to see something floating down which Eclipse kneel down.
Eclipse: All hail Black Doom!
The rest of the Black arm aliens kneel down while q star fish like alien came down as Shadow is confused to how this thing is theie leader.
Black doom: Shadow. It has been so long.
Eclipse: I brought him my father. He doesn't know the truth.
Black Doom: I can ensure that he will know everything. Now leave and join the battle Eclipse.
Eclipse: Yes father.
He gets up and he along with the Black arm aliens leave to join the battle as the doors shut and it was now Shadow and Black Doom.
Shadow: You don't look powerful.
Black Doom: I am not exactly here but using this as a way to communicate to you across the galaxy.
Shadow: I see. But how can you be my father? I was born in a lab on-
Black Doom: The space colony Ark. I know you were born there Shadow and I know you were created by scientists lead by Gerald Robotnik.
Shadow: (surprised) How did you know?
Black Doom: Because I was there Shadow. Allow me to show you the truth.
Suddenly the star fish launches into Shadow's face. Shadow try to fight it off but he was getting weak and before he know it, he falls unconscious.
Everyone turn black and we now see Shadow laying on the floor as he slowly wake up and stood up. He look around tonbe surrounded by darkness only for everything to slowly reveal itself.
Now he is standing in what seems like a lab and turn and in shock sees Gerald Robotnik standing over and crying chamber and talking to Black Doom as Shadow can see what he really looks like.
Gerald: He is stable and the test are all 100%. We done it, we created the ultimate life form.
Black Doom: Congratulations. Project Shadow is a success.
Gerald: All thanks to you. Thank you for offer your DNA to us so we can create him.
Black Doom: The pleasure is all mine. In return, you will give me something that I want.
Gerald: Of course, what will it be?
Black Doom: I seek the Chaos Emerald. I heard it hold the power for me to be unstoppable and I want it. I know you humans have it.
Gerald: Indeed however.....we use them as weapons of war and now.....Earth became a dead world. All human life all gone, leaving this station that holds the last survivors of humanity. We sent down drones but we learn it is impossible for us to land down possible for 100 years or more.
Black Doom: It's ironic you use the power of the Emeralds to defend your planet yet the only threat was the Emeralds it self.
Gerald: I did try to warn them but they didn't listen and now they are in charge of the Ark and not me. Fools they are.
Black Doom: So what will you use Project Shadow for?
Gerald: To wipe out any threats on the planet. If by any chance Earth is healed and life can be restored, Shadow can be sent down to kill any threats so we can repopulate the earth.
Black Doom: I see. Then how's about we make another deal. I will give you 50 years to restore your planet and find the Chaos Emeralds. After 50 years I will return and you will hand over the Chaos Emeralds to me and we can be even.
Gerald: Deal.
The two of them shake hands as Shadow sees all of thid and then he wake up to reality as gasps for air after he woke up ans sat up coughing and ask.
Shadow: (shocked) Wh-What was that?
Black Doom: That was the past Shadow. Your birth and creation. Gerald was going to use you to restore this planet but the humans turned on him and sent you blasting off into the planet. Soon the last humans slowly die and now, the Ark became nothing more then a grave to all those humans. Including Maria.
Shadow forms a fist and tries to swing at st Black Doom but he move back and then Shadoe felt a extreme pain in his head as he collapses on his kneels while grabbing his hesd as Black Doom floats in front of him.
Black Doom: Gerald has failed me but you will not. Gather the 7 Chaos Emeralds Shadows and after will rejoin me and become thr ruler of this planet.
Shadow: N-No! Never!
Black Doom: If you will not join me willing, then I will make you join me.
He then blasted him with his psychic as Shadow grab his head as he screams in pain and trying his best to fight it but Black Doom is too strong, even if he is far away as Shadow keeps on screaming in pain.
Slamming his head into the floor and begging Black Doom to stop but he keep going. Soon Shadow let out his last scream and then he falls silent. There was a moment of silence and then Shadow slowly gets up and we see his eyes close but when he fully gets up, he open his eyes, revealing them to be reptilian like and under Black Dooms control as he kneel down in front of him.
Shadow: What is my command.....father.
Black Doom: Gather the Seven Chaos Emerald Shadow. If anyone tries to stop you, show them no mercy. Kill them all if you have to. Show this planet our might.
Shadow: It shall be done father.
Shadow gets up and turns to leave to do his mission as the doors automatically open for him as he leaves the room and then the door closes behind him as Shadow heads off to complete his mission for Black Doom and the Black Arms.
To be continued...........................................
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