Chapter 74: A new secret base
At first we only see static until it flicker a bit and soon we see Starline looking at the camera within his private quarters as he makes sure the camera is on as he clear his throat and then he began his log.
Starline: (video) Auto log 590. It has been a long while since we set sail through the seas trying to find a new base for our empire. However there is no such luck what so ever. Everywhere we go, G.U.N forces are waiting for us in each shore we try to establish. Eggman is still getting connected with what's left of his generals but they seem to be captured every week it passes. Right now we are trying to gather as much supplies as we could be raiding other ships like pirates. It sounds ridiculous but, I believe it is the only way that any of us could survive. We try out best to keep our hopes up that we can find somewhere we can bunker down a bit and wait for something to come up. Dr Eggman has been working hard, trying to make some ideas to fight back however no such luck. I think he might go insane but only time can tell. End Auto Log.
Then everything turn black and we cut to Starline ending his log as he leaves the computer and his living quarters as he walk down the decks of the ship while Eggman's bots walk by. Some were rusting away due to be living on this ship foe a long time and some are losing parts as Starline ignores them and we take a look at the ship itself and we see the ship keep sailing through the ocean with repair bots seen outside, repairing the ship so they will not sink.
Soon Starline reached the control room where we see Eggman talking to his generals and then he ended the call as Eggman sighs to himself while Starline walks up to him.
Eggman: We lost another hold out.
Starline: Again? That's unfortunate.
Eggman: (sigh) Whatever happened to me Starline? I was once ruler of the world! Have many factories, labs and so much warships! But now.....its just me, you, this ship and 50 or 100 bots here slowly breaking down without any supplies. Meanwhile the Freedom fighters are now enjoying their peaceful freedom with a new government stopping us in every turn!
Eggman sat on his chair feeling depressed as Starline tries to cheer him up.
Starline: There, There Doctor. I'm sure we will find a way to rise up again. Besides, your the mad scientist.
Eggman: Yes your right. But where to start? We haven't find anything that we can make as our base!
Starline: Well let's have a look.
Starline snap his finger and the screen in front of him turns on, revealing a map of a large area they are in and several islands they can hide out.
Starline: We need to find one that G.U.N or the Freedom fighters will not find. Somewhere remote.
Eggman: Good luck with that.
Starline: Hhhmmmmm. Ah! What about that one. Its small but with enough effort to it, we can make it happen.
Eggman looks at the rocky island as he thinks about it. With no choice he decided to take it and so they set sail to the island and once arrive they begin construction on their base as this will take yes several days until the base will be completed.
(6 days later)
Then we see Starline back at his quarters and doing another Auto log as he goes on to explain.
Starline: The bases construction is going as planed however it will not be enough to take our revenge apon our enemies. Right now we lost another general and we need a plan and fast. (Mutter) If only we have allies of our own and form our our own group just like the Freedom fighters.
Suddenly a light ball is turned on over his head as he smirked and then said.
Starline: (smirk) Of course! Why didn't think of this before! If the Freedom fighters formed because we take over the world, then perhaps we can do the same since they now own the world. Right now I'm looking through the criminal records from G.U.N's systems them.
At a small abandon warehouse we see Rough and Tumble hiding from the police as they hang out at the warehouse, eating as much food they can scrap but they are running out of food.
Tumble: This sucks.
Rough: Well if you hadn't eaten all the food then we would have plenty of food fatty!
Tumble: (angry) Who are you calling me fatty!?
Rought: (angry) You, fatty!
Tumble: (angry) That's it!
Then the two began to fight making a mess when the fight was interrupted when a portal open as the two stop fighting and look to see Starline coming out of the portal.
Starline: (smile) Greetings gentlemen. I hope you know who I am?
Rough: Yeah, your Starline who works for Eggman.
Tumble: Yeah. What do you want?
Starline: (smile) I was hoping that you can join our resistance against our enemy. We have our base setting up and now we needed a army but not an army of robots but citizens who wishes to take down G.U.N and the heroes once and for all.
Rough: You don't say?
Tumble: What's the catch? There's always a catch?
Starline: (smile) Well you have to listen to me and Eggman's orders but it will all be worth it. If you help us then we will give you everything you want.
Rough: (smirk) Is that so?
Tumble: (smirk) Well sign us up!
Rough: Yeah!
Starline: (smile) Good. Allow me to take you to our base.
Starline opens a portal and brings the two through and once that he goes to his next target.
At G.U.N's maximum security prison we see all the dangerous criminals and terrorist leader being held in this prison. Among them is Mimic who try to trick the guards by trying to disguise as the warden. However the guards had a special device that can tell who he really is so they ignore him. Mimic give up as he transform back to normal and lay on his bed.
Starline: Long time no seek Mimic.
Mimic jump to see Starline in here and once he sees him he calms down.
Mimic: Oh, it's you. What do you want?
Starline: I know we have work together before and we should once again but with new members. I'm forming q group to take down our enemies if you be willing to join me?
Mimic stared at Starline and with no choice he join him as the two go through the portal as a passing guard notice Mimic is gone and then sounds the alarm. The camera was hacked so they can't tell who broke Mimic out.
We see Starline arriving at Sand blast City as he approaches the run down base where Jack and his forces were at. Before he could reach the gates a bullet hit the floor in front of Starline as he looks up to see Jack and his gang aiming their weapons at him while Starline rasied his hand.
Jack: What do you want?
Starline: Jack, leader of Sand blasters who were formerly Freedom fighters but turn corrupt during the war.
Jack: Enough your talk! What do you want with us?
Starline: I came here to offer you a cha ce to get your revenge and join me and my forces. Together we can take down our enemies once and for all.
Jack: You mean joining Eggman and his empire? Ha! Yeah right. You must insane to come here and try to make us join your Eggman Resistance.
Starline: Well you do want revenge apon someone do you?
Jack: Yeah which is Y/n. He ruined everything and now I wanted Revenge.
Starline: (smile) Then this is your chance! Join us and together we can eliminate our enemies and you and your gang can do whatever you want as long you follow our rules.
Jack ans his gang where not sure about this so Starline goes on to say.
Starline: Ask me this? How many raids did you have with G.U.N? 10? 20? 40? If so then how long until they will clean you dry. You may have retake this place during the Zombot apocalypse 3 years ago but this place is now in ruins. There is no where else to go except the offer I'm given you. What do you say? Wanna join?
Jack was silent for a bit and then he put away his guns including everyone else in his gang as they accepted his offer. Starline smirks as he goes around the world, recruiting criminals and enemies of the Freedom fighters to come and join their small Resistance against their enemies.
(A week later)
Soon we see them all gathered at Eggman's new base as Eggman is shocked seeing an army that Starline was gathering all across the world.
Eggman: Starline you fool! Why did you brought them here?!
Starline: Because I believe this is the only way we can stand a chance. The Freedom fighters never use machines or technology during the war until now. Its time for us to to the same. I know some may once been our enemies or never sided with us in the first place but I offer them a chance to get their revenge if they join us.
Eggman was about to argue but then he stop and thinks about it and sees Starline's point. The Freedom fighters only won because they were in a small group and now they have a small group just like the Freedom fighters as he smirked and tells Starline.
Eggman: (smirk) You did well Starline. I'm impress.
Starline: (bow) Thank you Dr Eggman.
Eggman: As for all of you! You will all get your revenge soon but foe now, we must create this base until it is fully operational! Soon the world will be ours!
He laughs while everyone in the room smirked as they all soon have their revenge apon the Freedom fighters and G.U.N once and for all and now no one will not stop them.
(Short while later)
We see Starline doing another Auto log at his quarters as he said with a proud smile.
Starline: (smile) It is complete. Our small band of resistance is formed and now we are making effort of making this base official ours. However I believe we can do more and thus I know a idea that can ensure us a victory. I recently discovered that G.U.N has locked away the Robotocization machine deep within G.U.N's vault. Somehow I needed to take it without them knowing. Oh, you maybe wonder why do I needed it? Well it got me thinking. The machine can turn any Mobian into loyal machines working with Eggman so it got me thinking. What if I use the machine apon one of the Freedom fighters. Perhaps Sonic? Tails? Amy? Knuckles? Shadow? Or maybe-
Then a evil smirk appear on his face as he look st the camera and said.
Starline: (smirk) I think I know a perfect person who can be turned. I figured....if she holds battle intelligence that guide the Freedom fighters to victory......what if we bring her to our cost. (Evil chuckle) I believe this will make our retaking of Mobius far more easier then I thought. You may celebrated while you can Freedom fighters but soon......we will return and this'll be too late to stop us.
Then Starline let's out a evil laughter that echo throughout the hallways and to outside as Starline knows that she will be the key of ending their enemies and retaking the world for the Eggman empire.
To be continued.............................................
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