Chapter 72: G.U.N HQ tour

We see Y/n climbing up the steps towards the G.U.N HQ as he gotten a invite of the tour to the base by Shadow. He make his way up the steps and soon made it at the top and is amazed how huge the base looks very close.

G.U.N employees were entering the building as he follow them inside and once inside the place was even more bigger in the inside as he look around in an amazement. Then Shadow came down from the escalator and spotted Y/n there and once he gets off the escalator he make his way over to him.

Shadow: You showed up just in time.

Y/n: (smile) You know me Shadow. You know I'm surprised you invite me to give me a tour around the place.

Shadow: Since you were unconscious for 3 years, I figured I'll show you around the place.

Y/n: (smile) Still cool Shadow. So this organisation was build after the Zombot apocalypse?

Shadow: Correct. After that some of the world's leaders decided they needed a bigger military in hopes to protect the world better. The Freedom fighters were good however they are a small group so we needed to expand so G.U.N was made. Everyone you see here are people all across the world who wanted to help G.U.N to deal with threats so it will never happen again.

Y/n: Sounds quite interesting. Are there more bases out there?

Shadow: Not many but it would be enough since we don't want to be like Eggman. Right now there is facilities and outposts. Come, let's start the tour.

Y/n: (thought) Huh is it me or is Shadow acting.....Nice towards me?

He shakes the thought as the two walk through the facility, coming across G.U.N soldiers walking about or standing about talking or in guard duty as they saluted to Shadow and Y/n as they walk by which Y/n looks at the soldiers and see them heavy armed and ready for anything.

Y/n: The soldiers look like they are ready for battle.

Shadow: They were trained to be ready. Some where traumatised of the war against Eggman and join so they can never allow Eggman to take over the world ever again.

Y/n: I see. I can't really much blame them for what they have gone through. Especially the zombot apocalypse.

Shadow: Indeed. Well in these rooms hold very important meetings, documents, files and data information that were taking from Eggman's bases when his empire fell. We wanted to make sure Eggman will never rise again.

Y/n: That's very impressive.

Shadow: (smirk) Just wait when you see something.

Y/n is surprised that he smirked but then they come up to a door and once the doors open they enter a massive long room that were filled with robots as Y/n is amazed as he look around. G.U.N drones flies over to them and scans both of them and after that they are clear.

Shadow: This is the G.U.N beetle. It's a drone that acts as scouts and locating possible threats. They are pretty fast.

Y/n: (surprised) You don't say.

They walk by the G.U.N beetles as they fly away as the two continue on the tour. Then they come across a large robot that walk by them as this robot has an attached machine gun arm as it walk by.

Shadow: That's the G.U.N hunter. These things are use to aid G.U.N soldiers in battle and there is another version that has a shield.

Y/n: (surprised) Cool.

Rouge: Hello there boys~!

Then Rouge flies over and once she lands she hugs Y/n follow by a kiss on the cheek and then Omega approaches them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Rouge and Omega. How are things?


Rouge: (smirk) very good. I see Shadow is giving you the tour around the base?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's really cool.

Rouge: (smirk) I see. Its not like Shadow to give someone a tour?

Shadow: Well moving on over here are the G.U.N bigfoot if you follow me.

They make their way over and once there Y/n is amazed how huge the machine is and it even has a cockpit for someone to pilot it.

Y/n: (shocked) This thing is huge!

Rouge: (smirk) Like it. Comes with a machine gun at the nose, missile pods on each shoulders and a engery shield strong enough to stand against 5 or 10 rockets.


Y/n: (surprised) This is very impressive.

Shadow: There is another one that is still testing but I figured you wanted to see it?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Let's see it.

Shadow nodes and they make their way to a door which Shadow place hie hand onto the scanner and once it lit green the doors open and they walk inside. Inside was a room with a glass window as Y/n look through the window and is shocked to see a bigger mech on standby mood as engineers and repair bots were doing some checks of the mech.

Rouge: (smile) That's G.U.N's own mech called....Well the G.U.N mecha. This large Titan is made for large scale combat. It has missile pods at the right shoulder, an anti air crafted cannon on the left shoulder, a jetpack for flight, a large heavy assault rifle that can punch through any large Eggman bots and wheels at the back of the feet for extra speed to be used as scouts.

Y/n: (surprised) This is awesome.

Shadow: Right now there is only 26 of them but more is on the way. They given these to elite pilots within G.U.N.

Y/n: (surprised) Well if Eggman dares to try to make his comeback, let's just say its gonna be a difficult time.


Rouge: Well....he's not the only threat we should be worrying about.

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?

Shadow: Rouge, command told us not to tell this to anyone outside of work.

Rouge: True however this is a much bigger threat then we all ever seen. Besides Y/n heard it so no turning back now.

Shadow thinks about it and then let out a sigh and then tells Y/n.

Shadow: We believe we might get an invasion.

Y/n: By who?

Shadow: By aliens.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Rouge: Two years ago while you were in the coma, we have reports of mysterious alien beings all across the world.

Y/n: Council these aliens be new wisps?

Rouge: That's what we thought of at first. But when we got a description of these aliens, we found out they are not wisps. In fact, we have several reports that wisps started to be scared when they get close to these aliens.

Y/n: Sounds creepy. Is there any images of these things?

Rouge: Actually one of our G.U.N beetles captured this while scouting near sand blast City. Omega.

Then Omega shoot out a hologram and then show Y/n the aliens that looks nothing like a wisps in any way.

Y/n: (shocked) By the names of Mobius! What are those things?

Rouge: We're not too sure who or what those aliens are but what we do know they are not friendly. The same G.U.N beetle was taking down by one of those things and whe  we recover it, it seems those aliens have advanced tech then ours.


Y/n: Well why didn't you tell anyone about this?

Shadow: It was two years ago since the zombot apocalypse and everyone was scared. If we told them another threat then they will get even more scared.

Y/n: True you have a point. What about the Freedom fighters and sonic? Surely they should know about this?

Shadow: We were planning to tell them but G.U.N command told us to not inform the Freedom fighters of anything in fear they may spread the news to everyone.

Rouge: It was not our attention to keep this secret. However these aliens will find it easier to take over the planet if everyone is panicking. Its best we deal with this threat ourselves.

Y/n: Right. I understand.

Rouge: (smile) Good. Anyways wanna grab some lunch?

(Sometime later)

We see Shadow on the roof of the base when Y/h comes up to him and stood next to him.

Y/n: Thanks for giving me the tour around the base.

Shadow: It's no problem. Just glad your back.

Y/n:.......Hey I know this may sound rude but you seem to be more kinder then you usually were.

Shadow: Guess you noticed. Don't give me wrong I'm still the same when someone like sonic or anyone who is stupid or annoying is around but not with you. But I guess the main reason why is because what you did three years ago.

Y/n: And that is?

Shadow: When you defeated Conquest, he was about to wipe out a whole planet, killing every life on the planet. However you did the unthinkable by using chaos control to teleport Conquest far away and risk your life to save the world. When  you sacrifice your life to save the world, I was amazed that someone like you will be willing to sacrifice your life just to save other lives. It reminds me when I made a similar sacrifice to save the world. Disbite your memory lost and what you've gone through when the Freedom civil war began, you return and save all of us.

Y/n: I just done it because I wanted to make things right. I was a idiot to leave you all and I-

Shadow: No. You've made a smart move to leave for a while. I would do the same if I was in your shoes. But you came back disbite that and saved all of us. (Smirk) Guess you can say you earned my respect, again.

Y/n is surprised but smiled and then reach out his hand to him which Shadow accepts as he take his hand and the two shakes on it. Then the two continue to look at the sunset as Y/n has earned Shadows respect.

Y/n: So does that mean I can call you Shad?

Shadow: Don't push it.

Y/n: (panic) Yes sir!

Then Shadow just let out a soft chuckle ad the two watch the sunset together.


We see a mysterious creature walking through a hallway as the wall seemed organic a bit as he make his way to the door and then once the door opens he enters where we see the same aliens as they turn to see as he approaches the throne room and then stop and then kneel down.

??? 2: (alien language) Father, we have scanned the planet and the life forms are evolving with their tech. It seems they knew we are coming.

Then there is a deep and heavy growl as other aliens stare at theie leader as he tells him.

???: (alien language) The pathetic life forms will try as best they can, but they will fall just like other words. But our objective here are the Chaos Emeralds, we must have them at all cost. Eclipse, I believe you are ready to start your first invasion. Take your fleet to Mobius, weaken the life forms defences and await my arrival.

Eclipse: (alien language) As you wish, father.

Then Eclipse stood up and leaves the throne room as the door open as Eclipse exits out of the throne room as the throne room doors close as he heads off to take his fleet and make his way to Mobius.

To be continued...............................................

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