Chapter 7: The Battle of Sunsets city (Arc 2)

Smoke fills the air of sunset city and the streets were empty except for a few Eggman bots walking about and looking for any more Mobian's to capture or destroyed.

We then cut to a collage campus where we see Sonic spin dashes at a few bots while his troops behind him fires at the Eggman bots while Sonic holds them back.

Sonic spine dashes a few bots and lands onto the ground but blast shots went by Sonic from above and he looks up to see buzz bombers diving down at him.

Sonic: (smirk) Is this the best you got Egghead?

Then he leaps up and take out the buzz bombers with a spine dash and that was it. He lands back down onto the ground and he stood up and see the Eggman bots are falling back which Sonic smirks.

He then dashes back to the collage campus and once there everyone cheered and clapped for Sonic with Sonic bowing down and waving at everyone.

After that he enter to the collage main halls where a computer is set up and Sonic press a button and a three boxes appear with Shadow, Tails and Sally appear in each of the boxes and Sally asked.

Sally: (computer) Report on the situation Sonic?

Sonic: (smirk) We managed to hold out the bots out of the collage campus. What about you two?

Tails: (Computer) Same thing happened to me but they managed to capture the main halls just a while before I soaked them and electrocute them using the fire sprinklers to wet them.

Sonic: (smirk) Nice and you Shad?

Shadow: (computer) We capture the museum and we were ordered by Sally to scout on something huge within the city. When we did we fall back but....Y/n.....He stay behind and hold it off.

Sally: (computer) Oh no!

Sonic: Have you sent a scout team to find him?

Shadow: (computer) I did but when we arrive at the location where Y/n was at. He was gone.

Tails: (computer) Do you think he might be taken as prisoner?

Sally: (computer) I hate to imagine that. We can't leave anyone behind, Tails hack into eggmans coms and try to find him.

Tails: (computer) Understood.

Sally: (computer) Sonic, Shadow, yous remein your bases but if Tails or Nicole gotten anything about the where abouts of Y/n, sent out a team to find him and get him back.

Shadow: (computer) Understood.

Sonic: Team Chaotix should be at the city right  now. Maybe they will find him.

Sally: (computer) Alright. Be careful and good luck you guys.

Then they cut out and Sonic hops Y/n will be alright and he will find him....where ever he might be.


Voice is heard through Y/n's ears along with tapping on something near him. He slowly open his eyes and groaned while he grab his head as he stood up what it appear to be a medical bed.

Y/n: Ow that's a lot more then anything else.

Ava: He's awake!

Shirumi: Oh thank goodness.

Y/n looks over to see two female mobian's rushes over to him and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Where I'm I?

Shirumi: Your at the sewers underneath Sunset City.

Y/n: The sewer? How did I get here?

Ava: (smile) We helped you. Me and Shirumi were going are supplie run when we noticed this huge explosion and when we get there, there was thus large bot laying on the ground on fire along with you laying oh the floor.

Shirumi: We decided to take you here so you can get healed.

Y/n noticed bandages around his body and he feels a bit better.

Y/n: Thank you. My name is Y/n, I'm a former Freedom fighter.

Ava: (surprised) Your a freedom fighter?! Yes! I knew they will come! Oh, sorry forgot to introduce myself, vall me Ava, nice to meet you.

Shirumi: (smile) And I'm Shirumi, nice to meet you as well.

Y/n: (smile) Same. So is there just yous here?

Shirumi: No...there is more if you like us to show you.

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n slowly gotten out of bed and nearly fell but Shirumi and Ava caught his fall and they carry him out of the medical bay and walk through the sewers tunnels. Y/n walk pass mobian's civilians walking bay injured and hurt.

They turn the corner and quick move when a few medics rush by with a very injured civilian laying on a medical bed and disappear when they turn a corner.

Y/n can't believe that Eggman doesn't care there is civilians in the city and getting hurt. He only cares about himself and makes him angry to see innocent Mobian's suffering because of him.

They exit out of the tunnel and into a large room where Y/n looks down and see tons of Mobian's civilians walking about and trying to survive while choas is happing up above.

Shirumi: Everyone moved to the sewers for safety and it did work and we have no break ins ever since.

Y/n: How long where yous in here?

Ava: 20 hours.

Y/n: That's terrible. Any plans for yous to escape?

Shirumi: We tried to but those bots capture us once we escape. It's like we know we're in here.

Y/n: Is there anyway out of here?

Ava: Well there is one way but we be trying to open it for a while.

Y/n: What is it?

Shirumi: There is a steel door that leads to what we believed to be the park but far from the battle. Unfortunately the door is very old and there is no way out unless we have a key.

Y/n: Can you show me?

Ava: Sure.

They take Y/n to another tunnel. Soon they walk up to two mobians trying cutting the steel door open by using a low torch, but it was no use, the door is just too strong.

Y/n: How tough is it?

Ava: We don't know. We're surprised that a old steel door that si rusty can still stand like that.

Y/n walks over to it and press his hand onto the steel door and he feels how cold it is. He steps back and looks around and noticed something. He noticed wires above them and sees the wires must be connected to something. Shirumi and Ava noticed this as well and Ava said.

Ava: Huh, how come we haven't noticed that?

Y/n: Seems like this door is a security door and there have to be some kind a room that we must find in order to open it.

Shirumi: That maybe true. Maybe we should-

???: So your the Freedom fighter that everyone has been talking about.

Then a male Lion Mobian walks over to them with two what they looked like police officers with visers covering their eyes.

Y/n: And you are?

Gavin: The names Gavin, I'm the mayor of sunset city. It is a honour meeting you here freedom fighter. I'm very proud at Shirumi and Ava for taking you in while you were injured.

Ava: (smile) Eh, we do what we believe is right.

Gavin: (smile) Indeed. So what are yous doing here?

Y/n: I'm just helping them how to open this door and I believe there is another room somewhere that we can press in order this door to-

Gavin: I do not believe that's not necessary for us.

Y/n: What?

Gavin: You see. This is safe for us to be. Sure the city above maybe attacking but as long we're all safe, we be fine.

Y/n: But the Sewer is not safe! True it maybe protection your people but what about the disease or sickness that your people will get.

Gavin: Liston, your freedom fighters have your base in the jungle or woods and that place is.....similar to this. If yous survive living in trees then we can survive underneath the city.

Y/n: But that's different! You can't-

Two officers got in front of Y/n when he walks towards Gavin. Y/n step back a bit and the officers ease off while Gavin said.

Gavin: We have dinner soon. Please, join us, we don't want you to pass out because of a empty stomach.

Then Gavin turns and his officers follow him leaving Y/n stunned and can't believe he would just let this door be and wather stay here then escaping out side.


We see them at sat down and their meals were given which looked kinda gross to Y/n but he looks around and see everyone else eating it which is disgusting but Shirumi said.

Shirumi: I know this looks disgusting but this is all the food we got.

Ava: If you close your eyes and think about something less disgusting, this food ain't that bad.

Y/n: Why would the mayor want's to stay here wather heading to the surface. I mean, you said that it lead us outside of the battle right Shirumi?

Shirumi: Maybe.

Y/n: Maybe?

Shirumi: I thought I know the layout of it but Gavin told me otherwise.

Y/n: What did he say?

Shirumi: He told me that if we go through that door, we may stumbled into the middle of the battle field and we be either be captured or killed by Eggman's forces.

Y/n: How can you be sure he is right?

Shirumi: He's the mayor, he may know more of the layout of this city then me.

Y/n find it odd that Gavin not only to not bother escaping to the sewer then living down here, he also told Shirumi she is wrong and the reason why she believes him is because he is the mayor. He doesn't know why but something isn't right about Gavin.

He looks around to try to spotted him but he can't find him anywhere so he asked Ava.

Y/n: Hey Ava, where is Gavin?

Ava: He's at his pride office properly listen in to the radios.

Y/n: Is he not coming down here for dinner?

Ava: No. He mostly remains in his office and the only times he go out is when he get news about the battle or meeting new people.

Y/n: Weird.

Ava: Yeah. So I have a question I wanna ask you?

Y/n: Sure, what do you wanna ask?

Ava: How did you manage to take down that large bit a while back?

Y/n: Oh, I have chaos powers.

Ava: (surprised) You have powers?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, I shoot out lighting but I need to get used to it because it made me pass out a few times.

Ava: That sucks but sick powers you have. Wish I have something like that.

Y/n: It...may take a lot work so you can get used to it.

Ava: (smile) Guess so, your one interesting person I gonna say.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Ava: (smile) You also are pretty cute including your kind and smoothing voice as well.

Y/n: (little blush) Oh...Um thanks?

Shirumi: My apologies for Ava, she attend to say what ever is on her head.

Ava: (smirk) And I have no regret on it. Hey you thing Y/n here is cute as well.

Shirumi: (little blush) W-Well I-I-I kinda do, but not in that way!

Y/n: (thought) This is getting weirder and weirder every day. Well to be fair Sonic told me he faced many weird stuff during his adventure so maybe this is gonna happen similar to me.

Male mobian: Hey, what are you doing?

They look over yo see two police officers throwing a mobians tray of food away while one grabs him by the arm while the other officer told him.

Male mobian officer: Sir you have too much food today and with that, you shall be punished.

Male mobian: The hell are you talking about, I have one meal and that is it! This isn't fair!

Male mobian officer 2: Quite!

Then he suffered the guy onto the floor and he looks up at the two officers while everyone else is watching until Y/n step over and said to the two officers.

Y/n: There's no reason for punishing him. I saw him having one meal and that's it. He didn't have another one.

The two officers just glare at Y/n for a bit before they walk off. Y/n doesn't know why they show disrespect towards him right in front of him but he turns to the mobian and help him up.

Male mobian: Thanks man, I really appreciate with it.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Ava and Shirumi watch this and they were surprised how the way Y/n helped the guy and telling the officers to back off.

Ava: (smile) He's such a brave freedom fighter, do you think so Shirumi.

Shirumi: (little blush) Yeah....I think so as well.


It was getting dark at the surface of sunset city and on top of the roof of the museum, we see Tangle sitting down and waiting for Y/n to come back.

She sigh in worry and pulls out a tented box that Y/n dropped before he was gone. He open it to see there was only two cookies and Tangle doesn't wanna have two so she take one and leave the other to Y/n in case he comes back.

He eat the cookie and then Shadow walks up next to her and sat down next to her and asked.

Shadow: you need some sleep.

Tangle: Can't.

Shadow: Still worrying for Y/n?

Tangle: Yeah. I was suppose to be his team leader and I just lost him. I feel like it's my fault that he is gone.

Shadow: No one blames you Tangle. In some missions, you might lose a member but sometimes their not truly gone.

Tangle: Yeah. Hey, why are you hard on him? I know your serious and emo a lot but why go hard on him?

Shadow: (Sigh) When we saw how he used his chaos powers, I knew I have to train him to use them so he can get control of them. My training maybe hard but it's working. He doesn't pass out sometimes and it shows to give him some new once as well.

Tangle: I guess that's true. Hey Shad, next time, will you just be nicer to him wather then look at him as like nothing. I now he makes mistakes but he's our member and we should treat each other with respect....especially Y/n.

Shadow sat there in silence for a while until he stood up and said.

Shadow: We'll, but for now, you should get some rest.

Tangle: I'll try.

Shadow walks off while Tangle wrap her tail around her and use it as a blanket as she watches the view of sunset city and thinks to herself.

Tangle: (thought) Be safe Y/n.


We see everyone sleeping in beds underneath the sewer trying to get some sleep and ignore the explosions and marching of Eggman bots happening up above.

Ava and Shirumi were sleeping when Shirumi heard something move and open her eyes and turn over yo see Y/n's bed is empty. She sat up and looks around for him but no sign.

So she gotten out of bed and walk through the tunnel and looking for Y/n. She slowly walk through the tunnel looking for Y/n until she heard two officers talking and walking towards her.

She can see their shadow at the corner and she thinks she'll be caught but a hand pulled her into a dark circle tunnel. She was about to scream but a hand covers her mouth and she sees its Y/n.

He put a finger over his mouth telling her to be quiet as they turn to see two officers walk by without them knowing they were there.

Once they were gone they leap out of the dark tunnel and Y/n asked.

Y/n: (Whisper) What are you doing up late?

Shirumi: (whisper) I should be asking the same question to you.

Y/n: (whisprr) Oh....Well you got a point there. Alright, something isn't right above your mayor and I think he might be keeping something from yous.

Shirumi: (whisper) Like what?

Y/n: (whisper) No clue but one way to go is his office.

Shirumi: (whisper) What?! You can't just go into hiding office, you'll be in trouble.

Y/n: (whisper) I know but I'm a freedom fighter and I'm not gonna leave you or anyone else down here and get sick.

Shirumi: (whisper) Look I think he is right. Haven't you heard those explosions above you? It's not safe, we be caught and be taking away. I think it might be safe we being here then up there.

Y/n was silent for a minute while Shirumi turns to walk back to bed when Y/n asked her.

Y/n: Do you wanna smell the fresh air?

She turns back to Y/n and Y/n looks at her and asked again.

Y/n: Do you wanna smell the fresh air, do you wanna smell the pretty flowers that grow, do you wanna see the blue and clear skys, do you wanna taste the delicious food and most you wanna see and feel the nice and warm sun.

Shirumi: W-W-Well Y-Yeah but-

Y/n: But nothing! The sewer maybe a hiding spot for you and everyone else but if you stay here anymore then yous will get sick and possibly die. Gavin is hiding something and I'm gonna find out either you wanna stop me or not, it's your choice.

Y/n turns and walks off. Shirumi was stuned a bit and thinks Y/n is right so she calls out to him.

Shirumi: Wait!

Y/n stop and turn to her as Shirumi said.

Shirumi: Follow me.

Y/n smiles and nods and shirumi lead him through the tunnel and make sure the officers were not around to stop them. Soon they reach the mayors office and once Y/n grabs the door ene turn it, it was somehow unlocked so they sneak inside with no problems and shut the door.

Once inside the room was dark and they can't see anything. Shirumi place her hand onto the walls looking for a lightswitch and once she did she flip it one and the room light up.

It was a small office with a desk at the far back and some books and computer stuff that looked old and never used. They walk around and Shirumi realise that the computers and other electronic equipment is old just like the security door.

Shirumi: These equipment are old just like that security door.

Y/n looks around and noticed something. He walks over to a painting of the mayor and he sees that through the holes or the painting, there was something there so he remove the painting and see three switches which are old.

Shirumi walks over and see the switches and asked.

Shirumi: What are they for?

Y/n: No clue.

Shirumi: Do they work?

Y/n try to pull one and he did and nothing happened.

Y/n: No power. I can fix that.

Y/n turn to the electric equipment and then zaps a but of electricity into it and everything turns on while Shirumi was surprised by this.

Y/n walks over to the switches once more and pulls it down and they heard something behind them and turn to see a wall behind the desk opens up revealing a see-through glass looking out of the main sewer area and up above were three red lights. The middle one turn green which Shirumi asked.

Shirumi: What are these lights for?

Y/n looks through the window and noticed that the light in the middle is lying up the same tunnel were the security door was at and realised.

Y/n: The mayors office is also a room that connects to the whole security within the sewers.

Shirumi: (shocked) What?! Why would Gavin didn't tell us about this?

Gavin: Because people like yous wouldn't find out.

They turn around to see Gavin smirking at them while two officers steps into the room and runs over and grabs the two in a arm lock from behind.

Shirumi: Let us go!

Y/n: What are you doing?!

Gavin: My job. I'm keeping everyone safe and never let them out.

Y/n: You knew this room has connects to the security doors within the sewer underneath the city. But why?!

Gavin: (smirk) You see. Eggman has contact me and told me about something I must deeply feared off. He told me he will spare me and some of my people if I deactivate the defence system and let his fleet over the city while me and some or the citizens take shelter underneath so Eggman can have what he needed and leave.

Y/n: So your the one that deactivate your own defense system! You betray everyone because of that!

Gavin: I betray everyone? Years ago I was a loser. I weak loin in the pack always get bullied and never get the respect I needed. When I became mayor they still don't show respect to me! They told me I will never be fit as leader and they mock me! So when Eggman came and contacted me I knew I have to agree. Not only I'll be safe but if I lead these pathetic and scared civilians within Suunset city, I'll proof to those FOOLS that I'm not a loser!

Shirumi: (anger) How could you do this to your own people! Eveyone is scared and suffering because of you?!

Gavin: (smirk) Yes but as soon this war will end I will mark you as a criminal and sent you to prison for attended murder. (Turn to Y/n) And your be marked as a traitor to your freedom fighters for helping a murder while I will walk away free ae my goal comple.

Y/n: (smirk) Whoa you are very smart I due must say.

Shirumi: Huh?

Gavin: (smirk) Well yes, thank you.

Y/n: (smirk) You are smart except one thing.

Gavin: (smirk) And what would that be?

Y/n: (smirk) You fail to notice everyone around you is turned on and not only the doors are open but also the speakers as well. I knew something will go wrong so I turn on the speaker on your desk that you never used in hopes you come in and spilled everything about why you didn't tell everyone that this room is linked to all security doors within this sewer.

Gavin eyes widen in shock and feared as he turn to his desk and see a red glow on the speaker meaning it's on and a moment later a crowd of people came into the main sewer now not only awake but mad after they heard all that and they start a riot when Davin looks down through his window and see them.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh by away, next time, get more officers then just two, that would be harder for us to do this.

Then Y/n kicks the officer in the stomach that made him let Y/n free and then Y/n kicks the officer back and he crash into the wall and onto the ground.

Y/n runs over amr punches the officer who is still holding Shirumi by the arm and she was free with the officer laying on the ground. Y/n and Shirumi turn to Gavin who is scared now and walks back until he bump into a wall behind him and the two get close with Gavin asking in fear.

Gavin: (scared) O-Ok! OK! What i did is wrong Alright! L-Look u can give yous what ever you want just please....tell me what you want?!

Y/n: We want to know what did Eggman tell you and why is his troops here?

Gavin: O-Ok OK, I'll tell you. My researches have found something near outside of our town and they hand it to me.

Y/n: And what is this thing they found?

Gavin: It was......a Chaos Emerald.

To be continued..............

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