Chapter 67: Anti-Mobius (Arc 2)
We see Y/n standing there looking soo confused as he find himself at what he believes is a factory but instead it was filled with plants, trees and grass like life within Dr Kintobor's main base as he looks around, not sure what he is seeing is real or fake.
He gets close to a tree and touches the tree and its indeed real, including the wood including the grass on his feet as he can feel the grass and how good the smell is as he looked around seeing Kintobor's robots watering them, planting new flowers and feeding the birds.
Y/n: (thought) Okay I must still be unconscious or still drugged because this is too weird.
Dr Kintobor: (smile) I see you found our garden? What do you think?
He then walked over to Y/n as Y/n looked around in shock and then reply.
Y/n: I mean this is amazing but at the same time kinda freaky. No offence.
Dr Kintobor: (smile) Oh do not worry, I totally understand what you mean. You never suspected your enemy doing all of this.
Y/n: Yeah.
Dr Kintobor: (smile) Say let's walk and chat. Maybe we can strengthen our friendship if we walk and chat.
Y/n: Um sure, that sounds nice.
Dr Kintobor is happy as they walk through the garden. They were walking through a nice path, meeting Kintobor's robots who waved to them as they walk pass while Dr Kintobor and Y/n waved back to them.
Dr Kintobor: I can tell you have many questions on what's going on here do you?
Y/n: Yeah like what is this crazy world, who is this Scourge and why are my friends look and evil.
Dr Kintobor: Well as you may or may not know this is not your world. This is a world where evil has taking over the world and the holy hope is there is those who wishes to fight for justice.
Y/n: Which is you?
Dr Kintobor: Not just me. My allies within the Light Legion is still fighting to protect our world from Scourge and his empire.
Y/n: (thought) Light Legion? Wait. Are they basically the Dark Legion but fight for good? Huh, interesting.
Y/n: So how did you form your version of the freedom fighters?
Dr Kintobor: It all started many years ago when I see Scourge's evil rule. I've watched as he ruined not only the lives of others but thid planet as well. I've watched as he and his army rain apon anyone and no one has the courage to stand up to them. No one except for me. I may not be a general of war however i cannot stand by and watch as Scourge and his army ruining other peoples lives so I form my own army to fight back. I wish to bring peace, justice and hope to this world and everyone will be happy ams safe.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa! That's very touching.
Dr Kintobor: (smile) Thank you. We actually over heard their plan which involves around you so it was a lucky think Starline teleported you here where you will be safe.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm thankful for the save. Still we is Scourge's plan and what does it have to do with me?
Dr Kintobor: Only the most evil thing Scourge has ever planned. Please, follow me and we will show you.
(Minutes later)
We see the two in a room with a hologram table as Anti Starline opens up a hologram of a huge device as he tells Y/n.
Anti Starline: This is dimensional wrap ring. This device is created to punch through different dimensions across the multiverse and can be use as a bridge to connect each dimension. According to our readings, it's a ancient tech.
Y/n: So they captured me so they can power it?
Anti Starline: Indeed. They do have someone to power it but.....Well....its best I show you.
He open up a footage of Anti Y/n being forced into the machine while he is begging for them not to but they strapped him in and they pulled down the switch.
He screamed just as a portal open but soon after Anti Y/n yells even more until hid body turned into dust, making Y/n shocked while Dr Kintobor and Anti Starline feel extremely awful to him as the footage ends.
Anti Starline: My apologies for letting you see that.
Y/n: It's alright. But I can tell he is weaker in this world.
Dr Kintobor: That's right. Disbite his death, they still have enough juice to travel to your world, kidnapped you and then take you to their world. Now all they need to do is to hook you open into that machine and they will have gateways to many worlds across the multiverse.
Y/n: This can't be good. Luckily thing I'm here and there's no way they can't find me.
Suddenly there was a huge shake follow by an explosion as alarms starts to go off.
Y/n: (thought) Jinxed it.
Anti Starline: (shocked) They found us!
Dr Kintobor: Quick we must prepare our forces and protect our garden! We must not allow them to rule the only beautiful thing this world has ever have!
Anti Starline: Understood!
Anti Starline teleported away while Dr Kintobor turns to Y/n and ask him.
Dr Kintobor: I know this is not your world and I know I I look like your enemy but please help us, we can't lose this base. This is the only hope we could ever ask for.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing Dr Kintobor. Don't you worry, I'll keep this base safe.
Dr Kintobor: (smile) Good. Now then, let's do this.
We see Kintobor's robots firing back Scourge's forces as Anti Mobians fire back at them. They stood their ground as they push forward while Anti Mobians were pushing back.
Suddenly there was a explosion and more Scourge's forces came out and shoot down Kintobor's robots as they go down. One robot was about to get up but a Anti Mobian stomps on the robots chest, laughs and aims his wispon at him when he was shocked by electricity as Y/n flies over and shoot lighting and them, sending them all flying back.
Anti Mobian trooper: There he is! Get him!
They charge towards him but he then turns invisible which they stop and look around onky to get beaten up by Y/n as they try to locate him but he beats them all up as he appears once the last Anti Mobian was fell.
Then bolts rain down as more shows up but Dr Kintobor slaps them all away within his mech suit as he stood next to Y/n as they see more coming.
Y/n: Kintobor, grab me!
Dr Kintobor: You got it!
He picks up Y/n and then spin him around and then throws him as Y/n spins around while he sparks in electricity and then lands a hit at all of them as they were sent flying exile Y/n land on his feet as he turn back to Dr Kintobor and give him a thumps up.
Dr Kintobor: Y/n! Look out!
He turn only to get punched by a robotic fist as he was sent flying and then land hard onto the ground.
???: Seems like I was right. Who I'm I kidding, I'm always right.
Y/n gets up and looks over to see Anti Knuckles with a robotic arm as Y/n stands up straight.
Y/n: Nice punch. But I guess your weaker then my Knuckles.
Anti Knuckles: Homour yourself all you want, but you have no match against me. You know, Scourge told me to bring you in alive but he didn't say bring you in perfect condition.
He then charges towards Y/n and was about to punch him but he dodges his blow and the two began to fight as Anti Knuckles try to land a punch at him. Y/n quickly moves out of the way of all of his blows and then strike a few blows of his own.
He then kicks him back and then blasted him with his lighting bolt that sent him flying and he crashed into a wall. He gets up, spitting the blood out of hid mouth and growled as he charge towards him and swings a blow at him but he moves to the left, dodging his punch and then he grab his leg and then tosses him across the room, slamming him into the wall.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that the best you can do? Your not my Knuckles for sure because he's far more stronger then you.
Anti Knuckles growls once more and then he charges towards him as he yell in a fit of rage. Then Y/n looks up to see a huge class tub so he shot it with lighting which breaks the chain and the tub came down and landed onto Anti Knuckles which he hits the glass and fell onto the ground.
Y/n: (smirk) Well that was easy.
Dr Kintobor: Are you alright Y/n?
Then Dr Kintobor and Anti Starline rushed over to see Anti Knuckles captured as Anti Starline tells them.
Anti Starline: I'll take him to his cell where he won't harm anyone else.
Dr Kintobor: That's good. But now what should we do now?
Y/n: Simple. We're gonna attack Scourge's capital and destroy his machine once and for all.
Dr Kintobor: I agree with you on it but the machine is highly guarded. Plus the capital is on lock down, no one can't go in or out.
Y/n: Then we need to find a way to do this easily.
He stood there and thinks of a plan and then he got one as he ask Dr Kintobor.
Y/n: Say what allies does Scourge have besides his own?
Dr Kintobor: A few but none stay at their own territory. In fact, they never seem to communicate to each other for a long time.
Y/n: Is there some rivalry going on?
Dr Kintobor: Absolutely. Come to think of it, there was a few times they fought each other only to be stopped by Scourge himself.
Y/n: How many of these leader try to fight Scourge and his forces?
Dr Kintobor: Only one group of two. I'm curious on your plan.
Y/n: Well if these territories have some rivalry then what about we make them all fight each other. Maybe enough chaos will allow us to enter the capital, get me back home and you and Anti Starline can destroy the machine and get out of there.
Dr Kintobor: That seems like a good plan. Although I don't like the fact of costing a civil war. It will bring more chaos them before.
Y/n: Then how about we have all of them target Scourge and his group. That way the only thing they will be damaging is Scourge's kingdom.
Dr Kintobor: True you have a point. I hate the thought of it but this is war. We must do whatever we can to bring peace. Okay then Y/n, I'm with your plan.
Y/n: (smile) Good. Now we need someone who is a master of disguises to help us.
Dr Kintobor: Oh! I know one who might help. Come, let's call him.
Y/n: Right.
Walking through the forest we see Sonic, Sally, Zonic, Amy, Tangle and Tails getting close to the kingdom as they climb up a huge hill and then got to the top and see the kingdom. It looked like New Metropolis but darker and more dirty as they stare at it.
Sally: We're here.
Zonic: Your friend must be inside somewhere. It's a huge place.
Tangle: Still we gonan safe him no matter what.
Sonic: (smirk) Yeah so let's do it to i-
Suddenly a light shine on them as a dropship appears over head as Scourge's forces surrounded them as they form together and ready for a fight ehen Sally heard a voice she thought she would never heard for a long time.
???: Well, Well, Well. If ain't Sally and her friends. How nice we finally meet again.
They all turn and they were shocked to see Fiona appear in front of them as Sally stood there in shock.
Sally: (shocked) Fiona? Is that you?
Sonic: (shocked) These no way! We thought you were-
Fiona: Dead? Or left behind.
Zonic: Your under arrest. Surrender now or-
Fiona: Or what? Your the one who is surrounded so I suggest you surrender now, or die.
Her forces aim their wispons at them which they step back a bit while Sally stared at Fiona in shock, can't believe she is alive but now judging by her eyes, she wants revenge for being left behind all these years ago.
To be continued..............................................
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