Chapter 65: A nice chat

We see Y/n at Bunnie and Antoine's House at New Metropolis and in the living room Buunie and Antoine's baby daughter named Belle is seen playing with some toys that are laying in the living room while Y/n watched her play and then turn to Bunnie and Antoine.

Y/n: (smile) You've raised well, bet she's gonna grow up as a strong girl.

Bunnie: (smile) Thanks, her daughter have got her toughness from me and her fathers honour.

Y/n: So how did it feel being a father Antoine? Nervous?

Antoine: (smirk) Me? I was not nervous, however I couldn't feel my hand after Bunnie give birth to her for 2 months.

Buunie: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry about that sugar.

Antoine: (smile) That is alright.

Y/n smile while he turn to stare at Bella for a bit while he start to think about something which the two noticed.

Bunnie: Hey you alright?

Y/n: Oh I'm alright it's just.......I've missed so much while I was in a coma, your daughters birth, Cream growing up, New Metropolis being build and.....everything else. It feels......different and new to me. I might what other new things are out there.

Bunnie: I understand what you are feeling and you're ain't the only one. Many people who was roboticized felt like they were in a coma and once they were free, they felt different seeing the world soo different now.

Antoine: Indeed, some was a robot for years.

Y/n: That must be terrible for them.

Bunnie: Yeah. In fact, when we were zombots, it was like darkness has token over us and we were in some sort a sleep only to be waking up on Angel Island. But the point I'm saying is things may seem different and you may missed a lot, but don't worry about it, no one here isn't upset about it and we're glad you woke up.

Y/n: I suppose your right. (Smile) Guess I have to live and learn right?

Bunnie: (smile) Yeah.

Antoine: (smile) Indeed.

Then Bella crawl over to Y/n and look up at him. Y/n look down at her and then pick her up and let out a smile.

Y/n: (smile) Your one cute little girl aren't you?

Bella smiled and cheered while Bunnie and Antoine' smiled as Bella makes friends with Y/n. After that he left their house and he was heading home when a familiar voice stopped him.

???: Hey there Y/n.

He turn to see Fiona as she smirked whioe she wave to him. He step back a bit, ready for her to attack him but then she said.

Fiona: (smirk) Relax, I just wanna see you since we haven't chatted for a long while.

Y/n: Really? Because the last time we met you tried to kill me.

Fiona: (smirk) That was years ago. I just came here to have a chat with you?

Y/n: About what?

Fiona: (smirk) Well how's about we grab a drink and have a talk.

Y/n was not sure to trust her or not but it seems Fiona isn't pulling any tricks so he decided to go with her to grab a drink but had his guard up as the two heaf off to grab a drink.


We see Amy, Blaze, Rouge, Tangle and Tempest at Y/n's home and we see them looking at the strange gun like devices on the kitchen table as Tangle picks it up and looks at the device and then ask Rouge.

Tangle: So what is this, some sort a laster gun?

Rouge: (smirk) Not just a laser gun, it's a growth gun.

Blaze: Growth gun?

Amy: So this gun can make things big?

Rouge: (smirk) Indeed. I found it at one of Eggman's abandoned bunkers and took it.

Blaze: So he master the ability to make things bigger?

Rouge: (smirk) Well, not just things.

Tangle: (surprised) You mean it can make people bigger?! Awesome!

She turn hee tail and fired the growth gun at it and it makes her tail big but also a bit heavy as she nearly fell but catch herself as she slowly get up.

Tangle: Wow! It works alright.

Tempest: (surprised) Whoa that's so cool! Hey Amy maybe you can make your hammer bigger!

Amy: Hhhmmm I would like a bigger hammer but we can use it to help others like construction working or other jobs.

Rouge: (smirk) Sorry but I have other plans of using it.

Blaze: Like what?

Then Rouge takes the growth beam and fired at Tangles tail again but this time it gose back to normal as Rouge explains to them.

Rouge: Not only it can make people and things bigger but it can make any of the body parts bigger as well.

Tempest: I don't follow?

Rouge: (smirk) How's about I show you.

She then aim the growth gun at Tempest and fired that hit her chest and to everyone's shock they get bigger and bigger while Tempest was shocked herself.

Tempest: (shocked) Wow, what the?!

Blaze: (shocked) That's some technology.

Amy: (shocked) Yeah!

Rouge: (smirk) You see, just one shot from this gun and "boom" you have big chest.

Tangle: (surprised) That's pretty neat.

Rouge: (smirk) Here, you have one as well.

She should Tangle chest with the growth gun as well ans seconds later her chest grows big as well.

Tangle: (shocked) Wow! They are a bit heavy.

Rouge: (smirk) You'll get use to it. So, whose next?

Amy and Blaze look at each other, thinking and same thing and so they have a go at it.


We wee Fiona and Y/n a the cafe and as soon their drinks came Fiona takes a drink while Y/n stare at her while Fions noticed and then starts the conversation by saying.

Fiona: So I heard you got your memories back. How does it feel?

Y/n: Good, say aren't you worry people will recognise you?

Fiona: (smirk) Nah everyone will forget for a few years.

Y/n: I'm sure that's not true.

Fiona: Well....seems like it to me.

Y/n:.........Okay so why are you here Fiona?

Fiona: (smirk) Oh well I'm just here to warn you about something.

Y/n: And that is?

Fiona: Well do you know about other worlds?

Y/n: Other worlds?

Fiona: You know, Zones, different dimensions, parallel worlds? Know anything of those things?

Y/n: Well I've been through the Special zone which counts right?

Fiona: Guess so but there are different worlds you can never dream off.

Y/n: Like what?

Fiona: (smirk) Well here's an example, your having tea right? Well in a different world, you choice coffee.

Y/n: I see what you are saying. These worlds are based on choices we made in our current universe. The choices we made infects the other worlds in different universe correct?

Fiona: (smirk) You are a smart cookie. Yep, whatever choices we made infects the other world and makes more like a "What if" scenario.

Y/n: I see but why are you telling me this?

Fiona: (smirk) Well likes just say someone is coming, someone from one of the different universes and I was wondering you can help me stop this threat.

Y/n: Why me?

Fiona: (smirk) Because your a strong and brave hedgehog who is also so powerful. Need someone like you to stop this upcoming threat, if you can?

Y/n was not sure as he stare at her but if this is a possible new threat but this time from a different world, then he cannot refuse so he tells her.

Y/n: Okay I'll help, just like me call Sonic and the others and we can.

Fiona: Um would it be fine it will be just the two of us? Remember I'm still dead so if they found out I'm alive then...well.

Y/n: (sigh) Fine but you gonna promise me to show yourself to the others once this job is done.

Fiona: (smirk) Sure I can do that for sure.

She then finished her drink and once that she stood up and said to Y/n.

Fiona: Well better go, meet me at the New Metropolis Park at midnight, be there soon~!

She then head off while Y/n watch her disappeared from the crowd and have a bad feeling about this but he made a promise and can't abandon it now.

We then cut to Fiona turning into the alleyway where we see what seems like her leader and his team as Fiona tells them.

Fiona: (smirk) He agree on it.

??? 3: Man what a idiot, he really thinks you needed his help?

??? 4: How can we sure he will come?

??? 2: He will come you fool, and when he dose-

??? 1: He'll walk into our trap and we'll have our target for sure.

Fiona: (smirk) Got the doc to be on our side?

??? 1: I have him and his dumb bots get everything set up in our world, now all we have to do is to wait.


We see Y/n home as he walk up to the front door as he reach into his pocket to grab the keys while he still thinks about Fiona and wonders if she is planning something for him.

He does wish to speak with Sally or Sonic but they could be busy and may not answer so he'll think of something. Then he managed to pull out his keys and unlock the door and enter inside.

Amy: (smile) Hey there Y/n, how is things?

Y/n: Oh it was alright. Just visited Bunnie and Antoine's house and was introduced to theie daughter, gonna say she's gonna grown up to be like her par-

He turn to face Amy only to be shocked to see her chest lot bigger then usual as she smirked at him and ask.

Amy: (smirk) What's wrong? Noticed something you like?

Y/n: (blush) W-W-Well I-I guess you can say that.

Blaze: Welcome back Y/n.

Then Blaze walked him to him, hugging him while her chest were also big as well as Y/n can feel her chest pressed against his body while she smirked at him.

Blaze: (smirk) You like them? Mine is bigger then theirs

Y/n: You mean?

Tempest: Hey Y/n!

Then Tangle and Tempest appear with theie chest also big as well as the two apoorches Y/n including Amy as they press their breast onto Y/n while Y/n blushes more and more.

Amy: (smirk) So which one of us is bigger? Mine probably is.

Blaze: (smirk) No, mine is bigger now right Y/n?

Tangle: No he thinks mine is bigger!

Tempest: No my chest is bigger.

Y/n: (thought) What the hell is going on here?!

Rouge: (smirk) You all are wrong.

Then Rouge apoorches them while her chest is bigger then the four which got Y/n a nose bleed.

Rouge: (smirk) I have the biggest breast in the whole world, ain't that right Y/n~?

Then she apoorches Y/n and then she grab his head and place it onto her breast as she hug him while his face was on her breast while the others were jealous while Rouge telle them with a smirk.

Rouge: (smirk) No matter how big your chest may get, mine will always be bigger and Y/n here likes it.

Amy: (anger) That's not far Rouge!

Blaze: (anger) Of course he likes mine!

Tangle and Tempest: (anger) Yeah!

Y/n: (blush) Wait hold on!

Then the girls tackle on the two as they show their big chest to Y/n, asking him which one of their breast is bigger while Y/n was blushing more and more as this continues on all afternoon.

(Hours later)

It was the middle night and an hour since they shrink their chest back to normal since things have gotten a bit heated earlier.

We see Y/n walking up to his front door as he was about to live but stop and thinks about something and then called out.

Y/n: Nicole.

Then Nicole appears as she smiled and ask.

Nicole: (smile) Hey Y/n, how can I help you in the middle of the night?

Y/n: Is it possible you can track me and sent me last known coordinates to Sonic or the other Freedom fighters?

Nicole: Of course, you want me to do that now?

Y/n: Yeah, see you soon Nicole.

Nicole: Be safe Y/n.

Once that he left and he make his way to New Metropolis Park and once there he look around for Fiona but couldn't see her.

Y/n: I don't like this one bit.

Suddenly he heard a motorcycle bike starting up and then a motorcycle bike bursted out of the bushes and got in front of Y/n as the bike rider climb off his motorcycle bike and apoorches him.

???: Well, Well, Well, looks like we finally met.

Y/n was surprised to see Sonic but he was all green while wearing a black jacket and chains around him.

Y/n: Sonic? Is that you?

Scourge: (smirk) Your close but my name is Scourge and you be best you'll come with us.

Y/n: And what if I say now?

Fiona: Then we have to take you with us by force.

Y/n: Fiona, what are you-

Suddenly he felt like a syringe was jabbed into the back of his neck as Fiona appears and stood next to Scourge while Y/n suddenly felt dizzy and try to use his powers but he fell on both of his knees while he look at his hands and his vision was in a blurr as Fiona walked up to him and kneel down to him as he tells him.

Fiona: (smirk) You see, your strong enough to make us very powerful and take over more worlds then this one.

Y/n: You.....You lied to

He then fell onto the floor and try to stay awake as best he can but whatever Fiona injected onto him must be very strong. Soon he couldn't hold it and soon passes out.

Fiona: (smirk) Always have been war hero.

Scourge: (smirk) Huh he's one tough kid, but not as tough as I am.

Fiona: (smirk) Your always tough to me.

She kisses him on the cheek while a portal opens and two figures walk out and lifted the unconscious Y/n up as Scourge tells them.

Scourge: Put him in the docs lab and once that, let's bring this party started!

And so Scourge and his team take the unconscious Y/n through the portal and once through the portal closes and they were gone.

Seconds later another portal open and another hedgehog came out of the portal and once tne portal closes he looks around and then pulls out a small device and scan around, only to see they were here as he puts it away and said to himself.

???: Crap, I'm too late.

To be continued..........................................

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