Chapter 61: My past revealed

(Billions of years ago)

The Echidna tribs lived on the floating island called Angel Island for years and we see a small village around the large temple that holds one od the most powerful items in the universe which are the Seven Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald.

We see a female Echidna singing a beautiful song while the Chao's were around her as they sat down and listened her sing the song while the Master Emerald glow gently. Then footsteps can be heard behind her as someone walked up the steps and made it at the top.

???: Lady Tikal.

She smiled and turn to see Y/n as he give her a smile while he apoorches her.

Y/n: (smile) My apologies for being late, I've lost track of time.

Tikal: (giggle) That's alright. How are things?

She said this while the Chao's stood up and runs up to Y/n while he smiled, bend down and pet them on the heads while he reply to Tikal.

Y/n: (smile) I'm doing great Lady Tikal. I've explore around the island and seen many amazing things.

Tikal: (giggle) You've already explore the island many times.

Y/n: (smile) I know but I can't help myself but to explore even more. There's so much to find and I wonder if there's any chance we can explore the bottom.

Tikal: I afraid that wouldn't be possible.

Y/n: (smile) Why? There could be so much pretty better then what's on the island? Plus, it can expand the tribes more and-

???: That will not be allowed!

They looked over to see the leader of the tribes came up the steps while two Echidna warriors were behind him as the leader stared at Y/n and tells him.

Pachacamac: We've been living on Angel Island for years. This is our home! Also it's unknown horror that are behind those clouds, that is why we must stay on this island for the rest of our lives!

Y/n: I understand that this island is our home I really do but still we have the whole world to explore and what if the Echidna civilian grows too much, we don't have enough room to-

Pachacamac: I know what I am doing and I will ensure pur survival. While you and your brother are suppose to guard the Master Emerald and the Seven Chaos Emeralds is that clear?

Y/n: Y-Yes sir.

Pachacamac: Speaking of your brother I suspected he is at the archives researching?

Tikal: I believe so.

Pachacamac: Very well then. You should be like your brother Y/n. He's researching and studying about the master Emerald and how to get stronger while you do is exploring. Do your job just like your brother.

Y/n nodes and Pachacamac leaves with two od his guards. Tikal sees how upset Y/n is so she placed a hand on his shoulder and ensures him.

Tikal: Don't worry. You can choose whatever that makes you feel happy.

Y/n: Still grand elder Pachacamac is right. What if a threat comes? I'll be too weak to face it.

Tikal: You are strong no matter what. Your bounds with the innocent life around you makes you stronger. It's the reason why the Master Emerald give birth to you both, it forseen a future where this world gets destroyed so you both were born to protect not just the master emerald and the Chaos Emeralds but this world as well. In time we will explore the world from below, I can ensure you.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right. Thanks Lady Tikal.

Tikal: (smile) You know you can just call me Tikal.

Y/n: R-Right I'm so sorry.

Tikal just giggled while she smiled while Y/n also smiled as well. Soon we see Y/n arrive home as he open the door and close it and enter the living room where he looked over to see his brother sitting on the couch and reading a book that he got from the archives.

Y/n: See that your still reading some books brother?

His brother stood up and turn to face him with a smirk on his face.

Nazo: (smirk) You know me brother, I wish to learn the powers that the mastee Emerald may hold.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's a mysterious thing and I don't blame the tribes worshipping it.

Nazo: Yes they have for years but that's when we were brought to this world and now they see us as just guards and not chosen once.

Y/n: I'm sure they respect us.

Nazo: Do you really think so?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah? I mean we are powerful then everyone else and we are destined to protect this world from evil threats.

Nazo: Still they don't see us as more then just guards.

Y/n places a hand onto Nazo's shoulder and then ensures him.

Y/n: (smile) I'm sure they will respect us. We just need to proof something to them that we can be greater. Now let's get some lunch starred, I'm hungry.

He heads to the kitchen to make some lunch while Nazo turns back to the book that was on the table opened that shows a drawing of a person standing on top of the master Emerald while the Seven Chaos Emeralds are around him.

Nazo smirked to himself as he closes the book and decides to set his plan into motion after lunch.


We see Nazo walking through the village and arriving at Pachacamac's home when two of his guards stopped him.

Nazo growled a bit, clear his throat and tells the Echidna guards.

Nazo: I wish to speak with the elder.

Echidna guard: Elder Pachacamac is busy.

Nazo: I wish to speak to him right now.

Echidna guard: Sorry but you can't enter.

Nazo: Do you know who I am?

Echidna guard: Yes now move on.

Nazo glare at them and forms a fist but then Pachacamac came out and tells his guards.

Pachacamac: It's okay, he may enter.

Two of his guards node and Pachacamac leads Nazo inside and once inside we see the two at the meeting room as Pachacamac turns to Nazo and asked.

Pachacamac: So what brings you here?

Nazo: Well I wish you ask you the future of the Echidna tribes? What are your plans in the future?

Pachacamac: Do not fear I have everything planned out for thr future of our tribes.

Nazo: I see however can you not considerate the possibility that pur lives maybe different if "things" would to happen.

Pachacamac: What do you mean?

Nazo: You and I know that we can't be up on this island forever. What if the master emerald runs out of engery and we be floating down to the surface.

Pachacamac: That's nonsense! The master emerald has unlimited power!

Nazo: But how do you know?


Nazo: My point exactly, if the island dose to land on the surface then we have a huge problem in our hands. Who knows how dangerous the surface maybe and soon.....we might all be killed.

Pachacamac: But you and your brother will protect us right?

Nazo: Yes but for how long?

Pachacamac stood there in slince while Nazo smirks and then pulls out a book that he hads and said.

Nazo: Lucky I've found a solution.

He turned the page's and shows him what he found earlier as he shows it to Pachacamac and tells him.

Nazo: I've learned that once the Master Emeralds and Chaos Emeralds are together while a person is standing on top of it, it will make them as God's. If you allow me to use that power then I can use it to wipe all dangerous threats on the planet and only the Echidna tribe empire will survive.

Pachacamac: I'm not too sure about this.

Nazo: (smirk) Do you wish for our empire to fall if we land on the surface?

Pachacamac thinks about this and with no choice he let's out a sigh and looks at Nazo and tells him.

Pachacamac: Okay then. Tonight we will use the Master Emerald and the Seven Chaos Emeralds powers for our survival but what about your brother?

Nazo: (smirk) Leave him to me.


Night came on Angel Island and we see Nazo standing at the edge of the island while Y/n rushed up to him and said.

Y/n: There you are I've been looking everywhere for you! So what do you want to see me for?

Nazo:......Brother our time is now.

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Nazo: (smirk) It is time to show the Echidnas and this universe who we really are and become something far more than guards.......God's.

Y/n: Brother what are you talking about?

He laughed while he turn to Y/n and then tells him.

Nazo: I've tricked this pathetic and fooled leader to try to storm the Master Emerald and take it and the Seven Chaos Emeralds and give me their power.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Tikal told us we shouldn't be using it for power! Only to use it for powerful threats!

Nazo: She doesn't understand us and what we are capable of! We are gods, we're suppose to be ruling them, not be treated like pathetic guards! I wanted respect, you want respect as well right brother?

Y/n: Yes I do want respect but not this type of respect! What your saying is wrong and I'm gonna tell Pachacamac about this.

Nazo: (smirk) It's already too late.

Y/n: What do you-

Then he sense trouble and looked back and sensed that the Master Emerald is in trouble. He turned back to Nazo only to see him reaching out his hand to Y/n and he ask him.

Nazo: (smirk) Join me brother and together we can rule this world and we can do anything we want. We can explore around the world as much as we want and maybe the universe itself! This is something you've always wanted right? So now you can if you join me?

He smirked while he waits for Y/n to shake his hand. Y/n move his hand towards his..........then he slap it away which shocked Nazo while Y/n glare at him and tells him.

Y/n: I'll never betray Tikal or the life on this world. Every living being deserves to feel free then having us tell them what to do. We're not gods Nazo and I will never dare to rule this world, not in my life.

Nazo watched as Y/n turns and runs back to the temple while Nazo growls in anger and mutters to himself.

Nazo: (mutter) So be it brother.

(Short while later)

Y/n arrived to see the temple in flames and was shocked to see the Chao's all hurt ad he rushed over to them and see if they are alright. Then he hear a cough and looked over to see Tikal on the floor.

Y/n: Tikal!

He rushed over to her and helped her up.

Tikal: Father. Please Y/n, stop my father!

He looked over to see Pachacamac and his warriors marching up the step. He leaps up high and soon Pachacamac landed on the last step when Y/n lands in front of them and stretched out his arm at them.

Y/n: Not a step elder Pachacamac.

Pachacamac: Move out of the way Y/n!

Y/n: No way! Elder Pachacamac you know this is wrong. We can't use the Master Emeralds or the Seven Chaos Emeralds power for selfish things! It's wrong!

Pachacamac: It's for the survival of our race! Now you move out of our way or we make you!

His warriors get ready while Y/n doesn't want to hurt them. Suddenly Nazo kicked Y/n away. Y/n land hard onto the ground while Nazo look down at him and then he calls apon the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emeralds power and he can feel their powers enter his body.

He let's out a laughter and then with a flash of light, he changed into perfect Nazo form as he open his eyes and let's out a smirk.

Perfect Nazo: (smirk) Finally, I feel like a god.

He looked over to Pachacamac and his guards as he smirked and then stretched out his hand at them and then said.

Perfect Nazo: (smirk) Thank you Elder Pachacamac.....but your no longer needed anymore.

He then fired a beam that killed Pachacamac and his guards as Tikal watched in horror as she called out.

Tikal: FATHER!!!!!

Y/n stood up and see what Perfect Nazo did which he grind his teeth and called out.

Y/n: TRAITOR!!!!

He turned Super and charge towards Perfect Nazo and strikes a blow. Perfect Nazo was sent flying back and Super Y/n was about to strike another blow but Perfect Nazo teleported and appear behind Super Y/n and blast him with his beam.

Super Y/n was sent flying but Perfect Nazo strike at him and strike at him even more and then grabs him by the arm and throws him down at the ground and in front of the temple as he crashes onto the ground.

Super Y/n changed back to normal while Perfect Nazo appeared as he grabs him by the neck and lifted him up in the air as he let's out a evil chuckle.

Perfect Nazo: (smirk) Not even your super forms can't stand a chance against me. I'm all powerful them before, nothing you can do that will stop me! I'm now a god! And now I will use this god like powers to wipe Al life on this planet and remake it whatever I like. As for will either join me....or you will die.

He squeeze his nedk more and soon Y/n forms and fist and fired a bolt of lighting st Perfect Nazo, making him let go of him ehile he stumble back. Y/n fired more lighting at Perfect Nazo and then he managed to separate him with the Seven Chaos Emeralds and one landed near Tikal as she looked over to it.

Y/n: Tikal use the Chaos Emeralds power and sealed Nazo inside!

Nazo: No! I will not be sealed!

He try to get away but Y/n rushed over and grab him as he hold him while Y/n called out to Tikal.

Y/n: Hurry!

Tikal: I-I can't! Your in the way, you be sealed away as well!

Y/n: That's okay.

Tikal: No it's not okay! Please Y/n!

Y/n: Tikal. I'll sacrifice my life so this world will be st peace forever. I will not allow my brother to destroy the life on this planet. Please Tikal, do it for me.

Tikal looks at the Chaos Emerald and with no choice she shut her eyes and called out.

Tikal: Chaos.....control!!!

Nazo: Wait no! What are you doing brother?! BROTHER?!

Y/n: (smile) Thank you......mother.

A tear came down from Tikal's face as there was a flash of light and everything became white as both Nazo and Y/n were sealed inside the blue Chaos Emeralds for years.

(Y/n's mind)

Y/n came out of the door that he just walked in and was breathing heavily while looking at the door and remembered everything now. He slowly gets up and turn to Tikal who was standing near the door as Y/n ask her.

Y/n: did I lose all my memories?

Tikal: Nazo must have beaten you up soo much and torture you so horribly while trapped inside the Chaos Emerald. It may cost you to lose all of your memories when you were freed.

Y/n: I see......and Nazo?

Tikal: Still trapped but I'm not too sure how long.

Y/n stood there in silent and then he apoorches Tikal and then hugged her.

Y/n: Thank you Tikal........thank you for restoring my memories.

Tikal started to tear up and hugged Y/n back. Soon Y/n felt something and he step back and Tikal knows what is going on and tells Y/n.

Tikal: Your waking up.

Y/n: Yeah. Tikal....Will I ever see you again?

Tikal: (smile) I'm always with you.....always and can call me.....mother.

And so Tikal disappeared in front of Y/n's eyes and then everything around him moved as he starts to wake up from hid coma.

(Real world)

The sound od the life monitor can be heard as he slowly wakes up and he find himself laying in a hospital bed. He had a breathing mask on him so he took it out amd leave the bed, he nearly fell but slowly got himself up and look around him and something was different.

He wasn't sure what it is until he hears car horns outside of the closed curtains so he appoch them and opens them to reveal what looked like a future like city with cars driving by while there was clear blue skies above him.

Y/n: How long was I in a coma for?

Suddenly he hear a door open and he turn to see Dr Quack enter and when he looked over to see Y/n awake he dropped his clip board and rushed over to him.

Dr Quack: (surprised) Y/n! Your finally awake! It's americal! We all thought you never wake up!

Y/n: long was I in a coma for?

Dr Quack somehow knew he'll ask him that question so he tells him which shocked him.

Dr Quack: 3 years. You were in a coma for 3 years.

To be continued..............................................

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