Chapter 60: A heroes return (Arc 4 final)

Throughout most areas of the world we see Zombots enter many cities, towns and villages, spreading their metal virus liquid everywhere they have touched including anyone else that got near to them. They continue to spread the metal virus within no one cannot do nothing but except theie fate as we see a group of survivors hiding within a small shop while Zombots found them and trying to break through.

A group of survivors ready themselves with Wispons and other weapons they can find. We see a mother kneeling down to bith of her children, kiss them on the forheads and hugged them as the Zombots were about to break in.

All of a sudden there was electric wave that hits the shop and all power suddenly turned on around them including the TV as well. They were confused at first, thought the power went off a while ago.

Then they hear growns and they all peaked out of the windows to see the metal virus is burning off of the Zombots and the infection Mobians changed back to normal. They were shocked by this and look around to see metal virus burning and all over the world, the electric shockwave is killing all the Metal virus, shutting down the nano bots within and killing the virus and turning everyone who is infected back to normal.

We then cut back to Angel Island as we immediately see Conquest getting punched by Hyper Y/n and was sent flying back but Hyper Y/n appear behind him and grabs him behind the head and then slammed him onto the ground, creating a huge creator follow by a "boom!"

Hyper Y/n slowly gets up and see Conquest laying on the ground while his body sparks out of electricity as Hyper Y/n stare at him a bit and then heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

???: Y/n?

His eyes widen and looks over to see Sally and everybody else was back to normal and they were staring at Hyper Y/n. He disappeared only to reappear in front of Sally which Sally cannot believe it is him and slowly reach her hand and touched his left cheek and then smiled with tears in her eyes.

Sally: (tears) It is you! Y/n my god I am so so sorry! I should have helped. I've should hav-

Hyper Y/n: No. I left all you to be in this nightmare instead of being with you all. I'm the one that should be sorry.

Elisa: No. It was my fault, I've should have realised I was played and in the end you left while I made you as a criminal. This was my fault.

Amadeus: If anything should be blamed it's me. I shouldn't have started a riot from the beginning. It was reckless of me and you wouldn't have lifted if i was smarter enough and done something instead of starting a riot. I'm sorry Y/n.

Maximilian: I think we all should apologise for Y/n for not listening to him in the first. We were all arguing each other and yet Y/n is the only one that is trying to keep us together and still believe the freedom fighters code. We should have listened to him after all the things he have done.

Knuckles: He was a great guardian and shown to be less patient then Sonic.

Shadow: He is a well trained person and a person I can trust.

Silver: (smile) Yeah and he saved the future and bring peace!

Cream: (smile) He's a very nice person and always took care with me and Cheese all the time.

Cheese: Cho.

Whisper: You helped me go through the traumas of my past and help me to move on. (Smile) I was alone all these years until I've met you.

Tangle: (smile) Your a great team leader and great person to hang out with!

Sonic: (smile) You've changed us Y/n, all of us. You've risk your life time after time just to save us and make us happy. I may do the same to you in thr future.

Tails: (smile) We shouldn't have made you leave or we should have listened to you from the beginning. Your more then just a Freedom fighters member, your family to us.

Amy: (smile) And family stick together no matter what.

Sally: (smile) And we love you no matter what and we will never ever made you leave ever again.

Hyper Y/n: Guys........Thank you.

They all smiled while they hear a clap behind Hyper Y/n so they turn to see Conquest getting up, clapping while he let out a small laughter.

Conquest: Hahahahaha, how adorable of you all. Feeling so happy that your "friend" came back and you immediately forgive him and apologise to him. How cute.....and pathetic.

Hyper Y/n: I may have abandon them once but this time I won't, never again.

Conquest: Good. Because I'll kill you all in one hit!

Sudden his ship burts and the Metal virus spread throughout the ship while Conquest active his boosters and flies towards his ship and consume within the metal virus as it start to change.

Rotor: I thought all the metal virus was all gone!?

Tails: That ship must have protected the metal virus from the electrical shockwave.

Sticks: Well what is it doing?

Orbot: It looks like it's changing!

Cubot: Can I do that?

Suddenly there was a huge thud and they look over to see the transformation is complete and now the ship and Conquest merge with the metal virus to become a titan robot that is far bigger then the tallest mountain and it stood over Angel Island as it look down at it.

Vector: (shocked) Holy molly!

Espio: (shocked) Look at the size of it!

Charmy: (shocked) We're doomed!

Hyper Y/n stares at this and looks down, knowing he must end this once and for all. He looks up at the titan and starst to float up in the air.

Tangle: What are you doing Y/n?!

Hyper Y/n:.........I have to end this. I won't allow him continue to spread his nightmare apon the world again. This ends now.

With that Hyper Y/n flies up and soon he hovers in frontnof the titans face as the titan stared at him while Hyper Y/n charges up his electricity around him and then said.

Hyper Y/n: Alright Conquest.....let's end this apocalypse once and for all.

(Epic theme start)

The titan pulls up its metal fist up in the air and then he swings it forward, towards Hyper Y/n but within seconds Hyper Y/n catches his gaint fist. The impact cost a huge blast and then Hyper Y/n charged up his fist with electricity, flies seconds towards the titan and punched the titan in the face, costing the titan to stumble backwards.

Each step costing shakes on the ground below. The titan stable itself and looks over as Hyper Y/n flies towards him in Hyper speed. The titan charges towards Hyper Y/n and throws its fist back, ready to punch him once more but Hyper Y/n dodges it as he circle around its arm and then flies around the titans neck and charged up both his hands and shoot his Hyper lighting at the titan, the titan stumble forward while the metal virus burns off of it.

The titan swings his arm back and hits Hyper Y/n which cost him to fly backwards while farther away from the Titan. The titan turn and pulls out two powerful shoulder cannons and fired at Hyper Y/n.

Hyper Y/n flies back while dodging the beams that were coming at his way. Then the titan charged up his twin shoulder cannons and fired a mega beam that there was no way Hyper Y/n to dodge on time. But then he pulled out both his hands and blocks the shot. There was a blast while Hyper Y/n holds the mega beam and then he pushed the beam back towards the Titan and then he breaks through the mega beam and cuts both his shoulder cannons as they blow up while Hyper Y/n appears behind the titan and turn his head to him.

Then the titan open thousands of missile pods from his back and filled dozens of locked on missiles at Hyper Y/n. He then fly around, dodging the incoming missiles as best he can. He even shoots them down withhis lighting bolts, managing to take out a few but not all.

So he lead the missiles towards the titan while he slowly turn to face him. Hyper Y/n smirked and then he use his chaos control to teleport behind him and within seconds the missiles hits the titan many times. The titan was sparking out now while Hyper Y/n appears in front of him now and float there while he fold his arms while staring at him.

The titan made a loud robotic that shook around them but Hyper Y/n was not phased by this. He then bends down and turns himself into a ball as he spins while his quills starts to charge up more and more while electricity across the world was pulling out and emerging with Hyper Y/n.

Within seconds there was a Hyper sonic boom as Hyper Y/n flies towards the Titan and then spin dashes through the titan in the stomach. Parts pours out from the titan and then Hyper Y/n continues spin dashing through titan and making a lot of holes around Titan and then he finish it up as he spin dash through the Titan's head and once that the titan slowly fell and then crashed onto thr ground, creating a huge earthquake while Hyper Y/n looks down at the Titan and then float down.

(Epic battle theme ends)

He landed on top of Titan and looks at it for a bit and sees that Conquest is no more and defeated. He turns to leave but then Titan laughed which Hyper Y/n is confused when suddenly he felt the ground is getting warm and realised the titan is burning up.

Hyper Y/n: Tails what's going on?! I've defeated Conquest but it's heating up!

Tails: (radio) This is not good! Conquest must have activated the titan to self-destruct! But that's not the bad news, the bad news is that this blast will be enough to wipe out all life on Mobius!

Vector: (radio) Are you serious?! That means all of us will die!

SNT: (radio) There's gonna be something we can do!

Tails: (radio) I afraid there's nothing we can do. I don't have my tools and even if I do we don't have any time left. We onky have 30 seconds until this planet is blown up.

Sliver: (radio) So......we failed to save the world.

Everyone was about to lose hope but Hyper Y/n will not give up and has an idea but with a heavy breath he tells them.

Hyper Y/n: I can use chaos control teleport it outside of the planet. That way the blast will not harm any planets nearby.

Tails: (radio) But that will take all of the Chaos engery and that will leave you a little left! You will turn back to your normal form as soon you even leave the blast area.

Hyper Y/n: I know........but If we don't do something all life on this planet will die. I have to use this.

Sally: (radio) Y/n no please! We've lost you once, we can't lose you again!

Hyper Y/n:......I'm sorry everyone. But I got to do this. Goodbye and.....thank you.

Then he kneel down and with only 10 seconds left he shut his eyes and then he called out.

Hyper Y/n: Chaos...........CONTROL!!!!!

Within seconds he and the titan disappeared while back on Angel Island everyone tried to call back to Y/n but he wasn't not responding.

Sally: Y/n do you read me! Y/n please do you-

Suddenly there was a huge flash of light in the sky and they all looked up, the whole planet of Mobius looked up in the sky to see a huge ball of a explosion as Sally and the other Freedom fighters were shocked that Y/n has sacrifice his own life to save the planet and now.....he is gone.

Sally collapse to her knees and started to cry while her parents comfort her while they too cried. Everybody was crying that Y/n is gone forever however we see Eggman and Starline looking up in the sky to see that Y/n had sacrifice his own life to save them.

Starline: Well while everyone is distracted, we should make our leave before they noticed.

Eggman: Agree.

Stareline opened a portal and they walk through and disappeared from everyone while Amy looked up while still in tears and noticed something falling down towards them.

Amy: (sniff) Guys look!

They all look up to see something fallen down from the sky and heading towards Angel Island. Seconds later the object crashed heard onto the ground and everyone cover themselves from the dirt and looked over and they were shocked to see Y/n laying on the ground and not moving.

They all rushed towards him and try to weak him up but he wasn't waking up.

Sally: We need a doctor!

Dr Quack: Right here!

Dr Quack rushed over and check on Y/n and trying to find out what is wrong with him. After a while of checking his pules and heart he looked at everyone and tells them.

Dr Quack: He's alive but......he's in a coma.

Everything gasp in shock and they turn to the now coma Y/n and they have no idea how long till he will ever wake up again.


We see Y/n laying on the white floor all alone as he slowly open his eyes and let out a groan. He slowly sat up and looked around him to see nothing but whiteness around him.

He then gets up from his feet and looks around, trying to see anyone but there was nothing but himself.

Y/n: What is this place?

???: You saved the world.

He turned around to see a mysterious figure as Y/n turns to the mysterious figure while the figure gose on to say.

???: You've saved your friends and sacrificed your own life for them. I knew you can do it, I've never doubted you q second.

Y/n: Thanks but who are you and....where I'm I?

???: Your in a coma. The explosion cost you to be critical injured when you changed back to normal and the explosion and the crash cost you to be in a coma.

Y/n: So I'm in a coma. Everyone must be worry for me right now.

???: They are. Oh and to answer your question about who I am.

Then with a snap of a finger there was a flash of light and he figure revealed herself to be an Echidna like Knuckles but female with jewellery around her neck and wearing a ancient trib like outfit.

Tikal: My name is Tikal and I'm glad to finally see you after all these years.

Y/n: I.....I don't know you.

Tikal: I know, you've suffered an amnesia but for not worry, I'm here to help you to remember everything.

Y/n: You can? How?

She then snap her fingers and suddenly a door open left from him and he turn to the door as Tikal said to him.

Tikal: Enter and your memories will return within seconds.

Y/n looks at the door for a short while and then he grab the door handle, turn it and then with a deep breath....he open the door and was hit with a blindly light that show him his memories of his past at long last and he can finally find out where he came from and what happened to him.

To be continued....................................

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