Chapter 6: The battle of Sunset City (Arc 1)
It was a nice and beautiful day at sunset city. The birds were chirping, wind calm, sun rising up of the skys all beautiful as we pinned down to the city and see Mobius people walking by and enjoying their peaceful lives.
We then cut to a female wolf mobain named Shirumi at a cofe shop were she works at as we see her behind the till giving out Coffees to customers and some other stuff as she says with a smile.
Shirumi: (smile) Thank you and have a nice day.
Once the customers are gone and there was no line she start cleaning up the till and trying to make sure they are clean. Once that she went to the back to have her break where we see a her co-worker who is a shark girl mobain named Ave who's is texting someone on her phone which Shirumi sighs and asked.
Shirumi: I thought you say your texting someone really quickly?
Ave: Oh right! I'm sorry Shirumi I didn't mean to, my family are just checking up on me.
Shirumi: That's alright Ave.
Ave: Hey Shirumi you alright, you look kinda tired?
Shirumi: Yeah just been busy with college and my part time job.
Ave: That might explain why you fell asleep in class yesterday.
Shirumi: (little blush) Yeah that was embarrassing for me to do. I'm a straight up student, I shouldn't sleep in class like that.
Ave: (smile) Hey relax Shirumi, it's just a one time thing and besides........
Ave hops out of her chair and walks over to Shirumi and wrap her arms around Shirumi and says.
Ave: (smile) We're a few weeks until we congrat college and move to the real world. Just keep drinking up some coffees and you'll be fine.
Shirumi: (smile) Yeah guess your right.
Ave: (smile) Of course I'm right and nothing is not gonna ruin our future.
Shirumi nods with a smile and Ave the same. Then they hear some commotion outside the break room so they walk out the break room and once were the commotion was they see their customers were gone and see everyone looking up at something at the sky.
They can't see because they are inside so they head out and Ave was the first see what everyone else is seeing and this troubled her. Shirumi came out and she look up and what she saw scared her.
Over at the city was a few fleets of Eggman's ships hoving over them strucking fear inri everyone at Sunset city.
At the training room within the Freedom Fighters base, we see Y/n standing at the starting line and get into a running stand. He gets ready as a familiar voise calls out.
???: Ready, Go!
Y/n sprint off around the training court before he see robes hanging above him and water below it so he leaps up and grabs the first robe and start to swing one robe to another to get to the other side.
Once that he lands perfectly at the other side and keep running. Soon he claim up the stairs and once at top he looks over to see square like platforms that leads to the other side so he leaps on one platform to another in quick speed until he reach the end and runs down the steps and keeps on running.
He dodge the incoming flames coming out of the walls and nearly buring him but he dodges them and once that he claim up a wall and got on top and then jump down, landing on his feet perfectly.
Soon he race alone the tracks and see the finish line at the other side of a large hole that is filled with water. Y/n use all his speed as he got to make this job and soon he leap up into the air and in slow motion he see the finish line so he reach out his hand to grab it.
Y/n: (thought) Yes! I gonna make it! I gonna make it!
Y/n's fingers were close to the edge but it missed and Y/n fell into the water with a splash. Bubbles appear before Y/n emerge out and spit out the water out of his mouth and says to himself.
Y/n: I....Didn't make it.
The lights turn on as we cut to Shadow in he control room watching all this and shaking his head with disappointment. With him was Sonic, Tails and Amy who Sonic says.
Sonic: At least he nearly made it.
Shadow: Still he failed and that's gonna get him killed.
Tails: I got to admit, Y/n is getting stronger and better during missions.
Shadow: That's because he was lucky, but soon his luck will ran out.
Amy: Hope he's alright.
Sonic: I'm sure he's fine, it's just water.
Tails: Say to the guy who panics when he enters water.
Sonic: That's a different story Tails.
Talis chuckles a little while Amy watches Y/n getting helped by two mobain soldiers out of the water and safely on land before Y/n heads into the changing room to get changed before he head to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat.
We see Y/n at the cafeteria sitting at a empty table eating his food while he thinks about how he nearly succeed on the training but failed at the last second.
Y/n felt kinda disappointed but he will not give up on his training and make the Freedom Fighters proud.
Tangle: (smile) Hey Y/n~!
Y/n turn to see Tangle swinging towards him passing by a few mobain soldiers until she reach to Y/n's table and set her tray down with food on it and sat down next to him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Tangle, how is things?
Tangle: (smile) Pretty good, Jewel is telling me to be careful where I swing otherwise I might hit someone.
Y/n: And let me accidentally hit someone?
Tangle: (nervous chuckle) Yep. Hey why are you wet all of a sudden?
Y/n: Huh? Oh right, I kinda fail my training but I was close.
Tangle: Well at least your getting better. Can you control your chaos powers without you getting weaken or passed out?
Y/n: Still working on it but it's getting there. That reminds me, how did you get use to your tail when you were young?
Tangle: (smile) Oh that's simple. My parents help me train when I was young. After a few errors and a few injuries to me and to some people, I've gain the master skills of swing with my tail.
Tangel proofs this by using her tail to catch a falling rubbish that was accidentally dropped by someone behind them. When Tangle's tail catches it, her tail zips back and Tangle grabs the rubbish which surprise Y/n.
Y/n: (surprise) Cool.
Tangle: (smirk) Thanks, like I say, I'm the master.
She then throws the rubbish backwards so the rubbish can land at the trash can but instead it hits someone on the hit when that guy was about to be rubbish in the bin.
Male mobain: (distance) The heck was that?
Tangle nervously chuckles a little while Y/n smiles a bit at her. Amy walks over to their table and sat down across from them and says.
Amy: (smile) Hey Y/n and Tangle, how are things?
Tangle: (smile) Pretty good Amy. Just showing Y/n that I'm a tail master.
Amy: Cool. Hey Y/n, just wanna see your alright with todays training?
Y/n: I'm good just that Shadow thinks that I'm kinda a fool when I fail his training.
Tangle: Oh that's just shadow for him. He thinks that everyone is a fool because he is the ultimate life form or something like that.
Y/n: Ultimate Life form?
Amy: Well you see, Shadow isn't like many of us here. He was created by a scientist 50 years ago at a space station called the Ark.
Y/n:..........Wait........50 YEARS AGO?! How is that possible, he looks like the same age as Sonic and me!?
Amy: He was frozen for 50 years until he was awaken and used to serve Eggman until he betray him and join the side of good.
Y/n: So he was created instead?
Amy: Yep but he's good so you don't have to worry. Oh I forgot to show you this.
Amy pulls out a box and set them onto the table. She opens it and inside were chocolate chip cookies which looked delicious to Tangle and Y/n.
Tangle: (surprise) Whoa, they look delicious!
Y/n: (surprise) Yeah.
Amy: (smile) Thanks, I made them myself. Here wanna try some.
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Y/n takes one out of the box and take his first bite on it. Amy watch as Y/n eats the cookie and then he swallow it and it was delicious.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa Amy, this is the best cookies I've ever tested.
Amy: (blush) Th-thank you Y/n. G-Glad you like them.
Tangle: (smile) I wanna try!
Tangle takes a few and eats them and they were delicious to her as well.
Tangle: (surprises) Oh whoa! There soo delicious, I think my tongue is having a party in my mouth!
Amy: (smile) Thanks glad you like then,
Amy blushes a little as she realise that Y/n like her cooking and hopes she can make more for Y/n so Y/n will not only like her food but one day like her as well.
Then Amy's day dreams pop when sirens is heard throughout the base followed by Nicole to call all Freedom Fighters to the control room right away through the speakers.
Nicole: (speakers): Attend all Freedom Fighters, report to the control room immediately! I repeat, all Freedom Fighters report to the control room immediately!
Tangle: (smirk) Well time to see what's up. Let's go Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Right. Coming with us Amy?
Amy: (smirk) Yep, let's go.
The three follow the rest of the Freedom Fighters to the control room to see what's the problem.
(Short while later)
We see everyone gathered around and wondering whats going on. Sally step forward and next to her was Nicole as everyone turn to her as Sally start off by saying.
Sally: We have a report that eggman's forces are attacking a city called Sunset city with a full fleet.
Nicole snap her fingers and a screen above them turns on showing them a fleet or eggmans ships followed by Eggman bots patrolling the streets and rounding up prisoners as everyone watched.
Tails: Why has Eggman sent a whole fleet at sunset city?
Rotor: I agree with Tails. Sunset city is just normal city, why would he sent a whole fleet there?
Sally: We have no clue as well but it is our duty as Freedom Fighters to find out, rescue any survivors and put a stop to it. Here is the plan.
Nicole snap her fingers once more to show line up to the city along with A,B and C at the bottom which is were the ocean is as Sally says to everyone.
Sally: We will go by teams and we each set up our own bases in order to rescue survivors and beat eggman's forces. Team A will secure the Collage campus and push and set up a communication station there so we have connection to here. Team A will be leafy Sonic.
Sonic: (smirk) On it Sally.
Sally: Team B will secure the hospital and help many survivors as much as they can and get some to Team A's base by any means possible. Team B will be lead by Tails, Good luck Tails.
Tails: Right.
Sally: Finally Team C will secure the Museum and hold it there for back up to arrive and once that push back as much Eggman bots away either the hospital or Collage campus. Team C will be lead by Shadow.
Shadow: Alright.
Sally: This might be a dangerous mission but do your best. We will give you more orders once we figure out how to deal those Eggman's ships. Good luck.
Everyone nods and they head out and once they get their gear and Wispon's, they head outside where the drop ships were at and head inside. Tangle and Y/n where with Team C which is shadows team along with Rouge and Omega.
They hop into the drop ships and just as they were about to leave, Amy runs over to the drop ship where Y/n is and once there she hands him a box of cookies and says.
Amy: Here, you needed them in case your hunger.
Y/n takes the box of cookies and then says.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Amy, I'll keep them save.
Amy nods with a bit of worry as once the drop ships closed,the drop ships take off into the sky and then fly off to sunset city to help the incident mobains within the city from Eggmans fleet.
(A long while later)
Freedom Fighters dropships fly over the ocean as we see sunset city up in flames with some building destroyed while couple of Eggman's ships are over head the city.
Team A, B and C split off to do their own objectives and within Team C we see Y/n, Tangle, Rouge, Omega, Shadow and few Freedom fighter soldier awaiting for their drop. Then Eggman's cannons from the ships open fire at them as the drop ships try to dodge them with a few shakes a bomps.
Tangle: Wow this is like a roller coaster but not the fun one!
Shadow: How long pilot?
Mobian pilot: 2 minutes!
Then there was a shake that sent a few up into the air and back down. After a while the Team C managed to break through the city and once there they made a touch down at the street.
The doors open and Freedom Fighters troops exit out along with Shadow and his team Dark. Y/n and Tangle came out and blast fire nearly hits them as they turn and see an army of Eggman bots marching towards them and firing at them.
Shadow: Take cover!
Everyone took cover and fired back at the Eggman bots and taking them out. Shadow fires his chaos spears at them and taking them all out.
Omega fires his armed machine gun at the eggman bots and taking them out. Rouge flush over to a few bots and taking them out by kicking them. One was about to attack her from behind but a fire blast hits the bot behind Rouge and saving Rouge's life.
Rouge looks over to see Y/n with his burst Wipon.
Rouge: (smirk) Thanks for the save cuite.
She blow kiss him which made Y/n blush a little while Tangle feels a bit jealous but she focuses on the battle as she swings her tail around and taking out the Eggman bots.
Y/n leaps into the air and swap his burst wispon to his Hover Wispon and fires wind blast at the bots and senting them back. He lands on his feet and fires more wind blast at the eggman bots and soon they clear the street and once that they lower their wispons as Shadow turns to Rouge and says.
Shadow: Rouge see there is a museum nearby?
Rouge: Right.
Rouge flys up over the city to search for a museum. While she dose that Shadow walks over to Tangle and Y/n and says to them.
Shadow: Listen you two, this is a serious mission so I want yous to stay focus no matter what, got it.
Tangle: (smile) No worries Shad.
Shadow: Don't call me that.
Tangle: (nervous chuckle) Sorry.
Y/n: Still why has Eggman sent a whole fleet here?
Shadow: No clue but once we set up a base at the museum and then get orders from Sally, then we can investigate.
Rouge hovers down and walks over to Shadow.
Rouge: It looks like we're not far. Just a few buildings and we be there.
Shadow: Right, everyone let's move out!
Everyone nods and they start walking across the street trying to get to the museum without any trouble from any Eggman bots. Soon they arrived at the museum which looked trashed like many buildings but it will do.
They enter inside and they set up their equipment up. Y/n help them including Tangle until they were down and they sat down on a bench near a statue behind them and Y/n took out a box of cookies that Amy give him and take a few bites of it.
Tangle: Mind I have some?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Tangle takes a few and takes a bite or it.
Tangle: They are delicious I tell you that.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah same.
Rouge: (smirk) Mind I try some.
Y/n and Tangle were startled to see Rouge standing next to Y/n. Rouge reach over and grabs one cookie and eats it.
Rouge: Hmm these are good. Did you made this Y/n?
Y/n: Um no, Amy did.
Rouge: (smirk) I see. It's no wonder they taste familiar. I would like to taste anyway that come syo my mouth. Including someone that is right. Next. To. Me.
She lend in close to Y/n which made Y/n blush a little as Rouge's lip was close to Y/n's face. Tangle was now jealous as Rouge noticed it and moves away from Y/n and says.
Rouge: (smirk) Well better see of the equipment are working properly. See yous around and you too cutie.
She winds at Y/n and walks off.
Y/n: (little blush) W-Well that was....something.
Tangle: (little angery) Yeah agree.
Y/n: You alright Tangle?
Tangle: Yeah I'm fine.
Tangle was a bit jealous how rouge starts to flirt with him and not only that but was jealous about how her breast are slightly bigger then hers and wish she has bigger breast as well.
Y/n looks around and realise shadow isn't around so he decided to look for him. We then cut to shadow at the roof of the museum looking veiw at sunset city and trying to figure out on why Eggman's fleet is here and what for.
Y/n: Hey Shadow.
Shadow turns his head and see Y/n. Shadow looks away while Y/n walks up next to shadow and holds out a box of cookies to him.
Y/n: Want some?
Shadow: No thanks.
Y/n: You sure?
Shadow: Do I have to repeat myself?
Y/n nods not want ti cost any trouble so he puts the box away and looks at the view or the city.
Y/n: So anything from Sally?
Shadow: Nothing yet but we will soon enough.
Y/n: Alright. Hey I wanna ask you something?
Shadow: If you want to ask to skip training after this, then no.
Y/n: (thought) Well that was gonna be my second guess but at least I tried.
Y/n: No, I'm actually wonder on why did you betray Eggman and what for?
Shadow: How did you know that?
Y/n: Amy told me but if don't wanna tell me then that's alright, I understand.
There was silence for a while until Shadow sighs and says.
Shadow: Because I remember the promise someone told me and I kept it.
Y/n: The promise?
Shadow: Like you, I too lost my memories long ago and I was found by Eggman who I served him for a while. Then I start to get these memories of a girl in my head and soon I remember her promise and betray Eggman and join Sonic and the freedom Fighters.
Y/n: What was the promise?
Shadow: "Shadow, Keep everyone on this planet happy, and help them no matter what."
Y/n: Those are.....kind words there.
Shadow: Yeah they were and I kept that promise and fight for whats right.
Y/n: Well at least that's good. I may not know my memories of my past but I will do the same and we fight together to stop eggman and help everyone.
Shadow: Right.
Shadow: (thought) Something isn't right. I feel like something is here but what?
Mobain soldier: Sir!
They turn to see a soldier at the door as he says.
Mobain soldier: Sally has called, she is giving us new orders.
Shadow and Y/n head down and once down they see everyone gathered around as Shadow and Y/n gets through and once in front of everyone Sally on the radio asked.
Sally: (radio) Shadow you there?
Shadow: I'm here Princess, report.
Sally: (radio) Nicole and I have detected something large moving through the city. We don't know what it is but it looks huge, I want your team to investigate it and find out what it is.
Shadow: Copy that Princess.
Sally cuts off and Shadow turns to everyone and says.
Shadow: You heared her, let's move out!
Some freedom Fighter soldiers move out while some stay behind and mind the museum. Shadow, Tangle and Y/n head out while Rouge and Omega stay behind and watch them leave to investigate something large within the city.
We see them walking through the street looking around for anything huge but nothing. They slowly walk through the streets making sure nothing will not jump up at them and attack them. Tangle looks around before she's Y/n.
Tangle: (whisper) Wonder where are the rest of Eggmans bots?
Y/n: (whisper) Maybe they head to wither Team B or A's bases to combat sonic or tails.
Tangle: (whisper) Maybe but something isn't right. They usually attack villages to set up bases or facilities but......
Y/n: (whisper) But what?
Tangle: (whisper) They never attack any large city's because it's either risky or a waste of time. But this is different, it's like their looking for something or what ever their here for.
Y/n thinks Tangle has a good point. Why would Eggman sent his fleet to this city? He was about to say something until they feel a huge thud. And then another thud. And then another thud.
Everyone raised their wispons while Shaodw charge up his chaos spear as they look around to see where it is coming from.
Then the thuds gets closer and closer until a building not far form where they are crashes through and a very huge eggman bot breaks through the building and stomps onto the street. Everyone was shock to see the size of this huge eggmans bot as it's the size of tall building next to it.
Mobain soldier 1: (shocked) What the heck is that?!
Mobain Soldier 2: (shocked) It's huge!
Shadow: Stay your ground everyone!
Then the large bot turns to them and make a loud noise that cost everyone to cover their ears for a second until it stops.
Then the huge bot turns to them and opens fire massive cannons at them that blows up the street in front of them.
Everyone makes a break for it as they fall back while the huge bot chases after them as it slowly stomps through the street while firing it's massive cannons at them.
There were explosions that nearly hit them but that's not gonna stop them from escaping from it. Then one of the rockets within the huge bots shoulders fires and fly over to them.
Y/n see this and stops dead on his tracks and charge up his chaos powers and fires lightning at the rockets, freezing them in place.
Everyone stop and turn to see Y/n holding off the rockets and then more fires at them which Y/n catches them but he slowly losing his control.
Tangle: Y/n!
Y/n: Yous get out of here! I'll hold this thing off!
Shadow: Don't be an idiot Y/n! This is too riskyfor you!
Y/n: JUST GO! I'll catch up just go!
Shadow grunted in anger but he has no choice and order everyone to fall back. Tangle stand there looking at Y/n for a while her too falls back.
Once gone Y/n use up as much as his chaos powers as he got and pushes the rockets back at the huge bot which land hits at the huge bot and damages it with a huge explosion.
Y/n stumbled back as he feels himself weak and tired as he fell on one kneel taking a breather before he looks up and see the huge bot gonna fall on top of him.
Y/n: Oh Crap!
Y/n runs off so he will not be crush and he was a inch away for being crush as once the head lands onto he ground, a large explosion sent Y/n flying and he crash on the fro t window of a car which injured him more.
Y/n slowly rolls to his side until he lands hard onto the ground and looks up at the sky looking at the fleet of eggman ships as he is losing consciousness.
Then two black figures appear over Y/n before he shut his eyes as tne two talked about something which Y/n can't understand what they are saying before one of them reach over to him before Y/n shut his eyes and passed out.
To be continued...........
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