Chapter 59: A heroes return (Arc 3)
After Sonic is done running around Angel Island so he can burn off some of the Metal virus, he return back to the camp site and regroup with everyone else ad they try to figure out how to fix this before it will be too late and the whole world will be turned into a planet filled with Zombots.
Y/n: Okay we need a plan to fix this and we need to think fast. Any ideas?
Starline: Let's tackle the issue in manageable portions, perhaps the master emerald could use it's power to burn all the Zombot virus and we can use that to defeat The Conquest.
Tails: No that will be too risky, we can't lower the Conquest here so he can infect everyone here.
Knuckles: And your not touching the Master Emerald.
Y/n: Okay but what we really need is find a way to get into the Conquest ship and get the Seven Chaos Emeralds.
Espio: Maybe you can use chaos control to get to the ship?
Y/n: I would but I worry that Conquest ship have chaos engery detection, it be too risky so we need to find another way to teleport there.
Sonic: It's unfortunate that the only ship we have is the transport ship that we've used to get here.
Amy: We can't risk of one of us get captured and infected. We need something else.
They think of a idea and that's when Y/n looks at the Warp Topaz and then ask Starline.
Y/n: Starline that Warp Topaz you have, is it powered by Chaos engery?
Starline: No it's not, why?
Y/n: Then that's perfect! We can use your Wrap Topaz to teleport onto the ship without detection and after we gotten the Chaos Emeralds you can use the Topaz to teleport us out of the ship.
Eggman: Huh that's not a bad idea.
Starline: Still we don't know where the ship is.
Nicole: I've managed to locate the ship. Its somewhere near a village and it's in the middle pouring out Metal Virus onto the village.
Starline: I see.
Y/n: We don't have much of a choice here Starline.
Starline: (sigh) Agree but it will be wise if I tag along in case things go wrong.
Y/n: Understood. Rouge, Sticks, Whisper, Espio, you four are with us.
Espio: Roger.
Sticks: (smirk) Always want to smash some alien ship.
Rouge: It's not a alien ship?
Sticks: You don't know that.
Sonic: Well be safe guys and be back soon as possible.
Y/n: We will. Come on guys, let's save the world.
Somewhere within the Conquest ship a wrap Topaz is open and Y/n and his team made it through without any problems and once they are through Starline closes the Wrap Topaz and they look around. They find themselves in the middle of the hallway within the ship as they make theie walk through the ships halls while being careful for any guards.
Sticks: This ship is a bit spooky.
Rouge: I don't see any guards anywhere.
Y/n: Has the Conquest ever have anything besides Zombots?
Rouge: Come to think about it no. Apparently he just use his Zombot army to attack us then having his actual army to attack us.
Starline: Perhaps he thinks Zombots are far more use as an army then robots due to them being invisible.
Espio: Still we should be careful and keep out guard up.
Y/n: Right.
They keep on going and soon they come across a door which opens once they get close and they see containers that hold the metal virus within as they enter the room and look at the containers.
Sticks: Now that's a lot of those Metal liquid.
Rouge: He has enough to infected the whole planet.
Espio: And infect everyone in the world.
Starline looks at the containers and then have a feeling that someone is looking at him from behind and we see it's Y/n as Starline sighs and tells him.
Starline: I know you want to talk to me about something so go ahead, what is it you want to talk about?
Y/n: Oh I don't know, let's start how you set everyone up and have my friends fight each other for your plan.
Starline: It was a good plan that would have succeed if your team hadn't shown up on time.
Y/n: Still why being loyal to Eggman after everything he has done? He was a mad man.
Starline: Quite the contrary Y/n, he knows what to do ensures a bright future for Mobius.
Y/n: So you don't show no care for those who have suffered? To those who have to live in the streets, being alone and being afraid? You don't show any sympathy to anyone?
Starline: You just don't understand what Eggman was trying to do. True some of his actions were extreme however it was your Freedom fighters that have been bothering him for years so he had no choice.
Y/n: So you think Eggman is some hero to you and those who are blindly loyal to? Like the Dark Legion?
Starline: You must understand that there is no good or bad, there is only in between. Sometimes we need to do whatever we can to bring peace to this planet even by means sided those who have a perfect vision of Mobius while others do not agree on. Now we must keep moving before the Conquest locate us.
Starline walks off while Y/n just glare at him until Espio grabs him on the shoulder.
Espio: There's no point. He'll still be Eggman's pet either way.
Y/n: Yeah but for how long.
Espio nodes in agreement and they continue on walking and after what seems like a while Y/n suddenly felt the chaos engery so he stop and turn to the hallway.
Rouge: What is it?
Y/n: I can sense it. Come on!
They follow Y/n as they race down the hallway and after a while of running through the hallway they enter the room and across the room from there was the Seven chaos Emeralds inside a glass case.
Y/n: There it is!
They make their way towards the Seven chaos Emerald but suddenly they froze when they hear a growl. They look around them and they see lots of red eyes glow within the darkness around them and then realising hit them as they are surrounded by Zombots as they stood there while they growl at them.
Conquest: It looks like we have some visitors.
Then Conquest appears above them as he slowly comes down with his boosters and then lands onto the ground in front of them as the Conquest stares at them.
Y/n: So you must be the Conquest then?
Conquest: That's correct Y/n, I am, a pleasure to meet you and your new friends.
Y/n: How do you know my name?
Conquest: I've heard about a war hero and researched about you and how you left the Freedom fighters because of this Civil war.
Y/n: Well now I'm back and we're gonna fix the world!
Conquest: Fix the world? Don't make me laugh, I'm making a perfect world for me and my children.
Sticks: Children?
Conquest: My Metal virus are my children. They wished to be free so i give them that wish and now they are free to walk around the world, infecting others around them and making this world a peaceful and happy world for them. I'm making a world where they will be free.
Sticks: And some say I'm crazy but your even more crazy.
Conquest: But this planet will be the start of it, once I've build more ships, I will use my new ships to infect more planets within the galaxy and soon the universe. This whole universe will be ours and once that no one will not stop me.
Y/n: That will not happen!
Conquest: It will but first I will finish your little freedom fighters and lucky I know where they are.
They were shocked by this news while the Conquest takes the Seven Chaos Emeralds and make his walk while he tells them.
Conquest: It's been nice talking but now I must go now. Zombots infect-
Suddenly a Wrap Topaz open and Y/n quickly kicks the Conquest and takes the Chaos Emeralds. The Conquest crashes onto the ground while Y/n rushes back to the rest and tells Starline.
Y/n: Get us out of here!
Starline opens a Wrap Topaz and they jump on through and once that the portal closes just as the Conquest gets up. Instead of being mad he just laughs while he gets up.
Conquest: You may have the Seven Chaos Emeralds now but your time has come. This will be the day your rebellion ends here!
Y/n and his team arrived back to Angel Island with the Seven Chaos Emeralds as they rush over to everyone else who were standing at near the edge of the island as Y/n tells them.
Y/n: We got the Chaos Emeralds but we have a problem.
Eggman: Too late to tell us, look!
They look over and see the Conquest ship staring at them as the Conquest has found them and he is ready to launch his attack.
Knuckle: Why do you guys always bring trouble onto my island!?
Sonic: (smirk) Well look at the right side Knuckles, at least this is gonna be like a party.
Knuckle: (anger) There's no time to be making jokes Sonic!
SNT: Look out!
They move back the Conquest ship flies over them and then they drop down Zombots from the ship. The Zombots lands onto the ground and then roared as Y/n and the others realised there is too many of them and they have no chance of holding them back.
Y/n: We need to get everyone off the island now!
Amy: The transport ships has ran out of fuel! We can't leave the island!
Sticks: Then it looks like we have to hold them back.
Knuckle: Then let's do it!
Sonic: Knuckles wait!
But it was too late as Knuckles land a punch at one of the Zombots and get some metal virus on him while he called out to Y/n.
Knuckles: Y/n! You want to make things right for us? Then try to find out how to get our friends back!
Sonic: Yeah, we'll hold them back as best we can.
Y/n: But you know you all be infected right?
Sonic: Yeah but you left because of us even know it was our own fault and mine as well. You've risk your life for us so we risk ours for yours now go and save the world!
And so they battle them and trying to hold them back while Y/n watch them battle. He nodes and rushes where the Master Emerald is at. He was climbing up the steps when a beam hits in front of him, making him stop and he turn to see Conquest aiming his wrist cannon at him while he said to Y/n.
Conquest: You must be a fool to try to stop me and my goal.
He charge up a beam and fired at Y/n but he dodges and he uses lighting at him but Conquest blocks it and then he flies down and slammed onto the steps, making him drop the Chaos Emeralds while Conquest grabs him and then tells him.
Conquest: Do you really think your still a hero? Do you really think you can save the lives of others? Well your not. You wished to leave so you don't have to deal with anymore battles, anymore wars and anymore suffering from others. You thought they will be fine? Well you thought wrong.
He throws Y/n down the steps and he crashed onto the ground. Y/n gets up and fired lighting balls at Conquest which hits him and then he leaps up in the air and strikes a kick at Conquest and then a punch.
Y/n: I've left because I didn't want to fight my friends! Now I see it was a mistake, now I won't abandon them ever again!
The Conquest grabs him by the arm and throws him onto the ground and strike blow after blow at Y/n many times.
Conquest: You were their friend! You were suppose to be with them no matter what but you left and now look what has happened!
Conquest: Your friends are now scared, weak and doomed and it's all your fault! You abandon them and now they are gonna turn into my Zombots because of you!
He then fired a beam at Y/n in stomach as he screams in pain and then the Conquest tosses Y/n back down onto the ground and he land hard onto the ground. He slowly groan while he slowly get up only to see someone in frontbof him.
He slowly looks up and fear struck him as he step back while he slowly shake his head.
Y/n: (shocked) no!!!!
A Zombot Sonic stood in front of him as Y/n kneel down, realising what his actions have done as more Zombots appear around him and even the rest of the Freedom fighters are now turned into Zombots and now he is all alone while Conquest tells Y/n.
Conquest: And now you will be turned just like your friends and Mobius and soon the whole universe shall be turned for my children to play!
The Zombots approaches Y/n while Y/n doesn't move as he believes he has failed everyone, failed the Freedom fighters, his friends and.....the world.
(Theme start)
Suddenly the Mastee Emerald along with the Seven Chaos Emeralds glow which the Conquest immediately see as we see Y/n slowly forms a fist and then sparks of electricity appears around his quills and then he open his eyes to see nothing but white as he leaps up in the air and then lend out a yell.
Then the Master Emerald glow even more brighter and the Seven Chaos Emeralds grows big and flies towards Y/n and circled around him.
Conquest: What is this? How can this be-
Suddenly there was a huge shock of electricity that blasted out of Y/n and across the world, q wave od electricity hits the Zombots and the Metal virus malfunctions and them dies which turned everyone who was infected back to normal and even his friends.
Conquest: (shocked) What?! No! My children! How can this be-
Suddenly he was hit with a bolt of lighting, he was dragging along the stairs until he was lifted up in the air and thrown onto the ground, crashing onto the grass.
Everyone turns as Y/n slowly lands onto the ground and at first some like Sally and Tangle didn't know who this person was.
Tangle: Um did I miss something because who is this guy?
Sonic: (smile) A hero that we need.
Sally: A hero? Wait you mean he's Y/n?
He nodes and everyone was in shock by this and they cheered while the Conquest stood up while he called out to Y/n.
Conquest: Do you really think you have won! You may have killed all my children but I destroy you and all of you friends!
He then charged up with maximum power while Y/n didn't look back as the Conquest tells Y/n and his friends.
Conquest: I've drain most od the Chaos engery so now i can be far more powerful then you! Now you will die here and now!
Y/n: Is that so? Well that means your stronger then in my super form. But I have bad news for you, this ain't my super form.
Then the Super Chaos Emerald appears around him and then there was a burst of light that made everyone to cover their eyes and soon the light lower down and now Y/n quills is now all white with his quills pointing up in the air while Sonic, Silver and Shadow suddenly felt his Chaos engery and it was even more higher then his super form.
Conquest: (shocked) Wh-What is this? What form are you even in?!
He then finally turns to him and once he turned to him he looked at him in a serious face and tells him.
Hyper Y/n: This is my Hyper form Conquest. Your gonna pay for everyone you have done, everyone you have ruined while I was away! I GONNA MAKE SURE YOU WILL PAY! MESSING WITH MY FRIENDS IS THE GREATEST MISTAKE IN YOUR LIVE!!!!!!!!
(Theme ends)
To be continued............................................
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