Chapter 58: A heroes return (Arc 2)
A fog pours through the abandoned Robotropolis as the streets were filled with many Zombots as they groan while walking around trying to find anything to touch. They made a lot of groans and noises that can be heard throughout Robotropolis. We then see Y/n, Sticks, SNT, Tempest, Orbot and Cubot and Rouge hiding within a building which was build with metal so they will be safe.
They were on the second floor as Rouge looks out of the window and making sure they are clear. Once she sees the ghost is clear she sat down next to Y/n as the others breath a sigh after they have run all the way here so they will be safe.
Sticks: Huh it's a bit foggy outside.
Tempest: That's it? We nearly made it out a room filled with Zombots and that's you all have to say?
Sticks: What? I bet the Freedom fighters handle those types of situations then us.
Rouge: No. This is the first time we've faced something impossible and something......horrible.
Y/n: Rouge you need to tell us what happened and why I'd everyone is turned into those.....things?
Rouge: I'll tell you but first things first, has any of you touched anything that is metal liquid?
They look at her very confused and shake their heads for no which Rouge breaths a sigh and finally tells them what's going on.
Rouge: Okay to start we were battling Eggman and his forces at the abandoned mine. Amy and Sonic head in to see what they found when they came out, Sonic was covered by this metal liquid and soon thus huge ship came out from the ground and start pouring out this metal liquid that start infected anyone who was on the ground. Some managed to escape but some were infected.
SNT: (shocked) My goodness.
Tempest: Wait what about this Civil war? I thought the Freedom fighters were fighting each other?
Rouge: Well it turns out Starline was behind all of it and use Minic to disguise himself as Sally's father so in hopes to make him as a villain. Fortunately Tangle and Whisper managed to ruin Starlines plan.
Y/n: When was this?
Rouge: That was when you left the Freedom fighters.
Y/n: I see.
Rouge: Anyways soon most towns, villages and cities were infected by what "he" calls it a Metal virus.
Sticks: Whose he?
Rouge: He calls himself The Conquest and he wished to take over the world with his metal virus and his Zombot army. It's unknown where he came from or who made him but his goal is to infected the whole world with the metal virus and soon infected other planets across the stars.
Orbot: What about Dr Eggman? What happened to him?
Rouge: I believe he along with Starline is working with what remains of the Freedom fighters so they can find the cure.
Y/n: Any luck so far?
Rouge: Well I heard that Tails almost got the cure when his lab was attacked by Zombots and he lost all data. Amy try to hold out Knothole after Sally was infected but that place soon to fell apart and most of the Freedom fighters were infected.
Y/n:.....Tell me.....who are the once that were infected?
Rouge: Charmy was the first to be infected. He try to save someone that was infected but he didn't came back. Shadow was infected but he tries to take off his rings so he can burn off the virus but it wasn't long until he ran out and he too was infected. There were a lot of people who were infected at Knothole and the only once that made it out there without being infected......were Amy, Espio, Cream and Gemerl.
Y/n: Wait what about Vanilla?
Rouge lowee he heard while Y/n eyes widen in shock and then he lower his head and slowly forms a fist and then slammed his fist ontonthr ground.
Y/n: I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed and help you all! Damn it!
Rouge: Don't blame yourself Y/n. You left because things were too much for you. How you nearly killed Eggman in your dark form, having your friends turn against each other, the new laws and being betrayed was too much for you. You left to find peace and you did.
Then Rouge touches his hand and then kissed him on the cheek as Rouge smiles and tells him.
Rouge: (smile) Now your back and ready to save the world.
Y/n: Yeah......your right. So where is everyone else now?
Rouge: No idea. I got separated when Knothole was attacked but they have token some transport ships so they could be somewhere safe.
Sticks: Um this world place isn't safe? It's literally filled with Zombots!
SNT: Sticks is right. Where could they go if everything is infected?
Tempest: Yeah nothing here is safe.
Y/n:.......Except one place.
They turn to Y/n as he gets up and then tells everyone.
Y/n: Grab hold, I'm gonna try to use chaos control and hopefully we be at the location.
They get up and they hold on to Y/n as he shut his eyes and forced. After a while he started to glow and then shoot out lighting and then calls out.
Y/n: Chaos....control!
Suddenly they all teleported and left Robotropolis without alerting the other Zombots as they head to one location that the other Freedom fighters may go to.
On Angel Island we see what remains of the Freedom fighters setting up camp and helping out the injured and scared people. Gemerl is seen scanning people to see they were infected by the metal virus and once a group of them was clear they enter. Then Amy walks up to Gemerl and looks at everyone as she sighs and said to Gemerl.
Amy: I never know this would happen. Everything has turned to hell and now we're up here and hoping The Conquest will not find us.
Gemerl: This island is floating in the skies and away from the ground. There is 22% chance the Zombots will not get up here unless there is some among them are infected.
Amy: Let's keep it that way. (Sigh) We could have soke good luck right about now.
Suddenly Gemerl detected something and suddenly a flash of light appears behind them and they turn around to see Rouge, Sticks, Tempest, SNT, Orbot and Cubot which surprised them and ask Rouge.
Amy: (surprised) Rouge?! Where did they come from and how did you-
Then she stopped mid sentences when they move away and she sees Y/n as he look over to her while Amy stood there stunned as Y/n said.
Y/n: Hey there Amy.....long time no seek?
Gemerl: None of them are not infected. They are all clear.
Once that Amy rushed over and immediately hugged Y/n with tears in her eyes while Y/n hugs her back.
Amy: (tears) I thought we never gonna see you again.
Y/n: (smile) Amy I'm so so sorry for abandon you and all of you. Please forgive me.
Amy: (smile) I don't care about that. I'm just glad your back.
He smiled and suddenly there was a huge wind and a familiar voice called out behind him.
???: Y/n?.....Is that you?
Y/n: Sonic? Sonic yeah it's me, I'm ba-
When he turned around to face him, he and the others accepted Rouge and Amy were shocked to see Sonic coved with the metal virus while he smiled at Y/n.
Sonic: (smirk) Guess this is not what you expected to see Huh?
Y/n: (shocked) Sonic........God I'm terribly sor-
Sonic: No. Don't apologise, it was all my fault for making you leave. I should have listened to you or anyone else. If anyone needs to apologise it should be me, I'm sorry for everything i said and I'll take everything back what I said.
Y/n: Sonic.
He then lower down his head and then he looks up in a serious face and then he turns to Amy and then ask.
Y/n: Where is Eggman?
(Short while later)
They were gathered at the camp base with Eggman and Starline there as Eggman was a bit surprised to see Y/n back and not infected.
Eggman: Huh and here I thought you get infected by now.
Y/n: I can say the same to you, especially you Starline. Rouge told me everything so after this, your gonna pay for what you did.
Starline: To be fair you were the one that free Eggman form his cell so you partly help.
Y/n: (anger) Why you-
Tails: Wait Y/n! We need them so we can find the cure to the metal virus.
Y/n: Well let's start by where did they metal virus started?
Eggman: Well I was the one who made the virus.
Y/n: (anger) YOU WHAT????!!!!
Amy: Please calm down Y/n.
Knuckles: To be fair I would also be mad as well.
Espio: Agree.
Eggman: You see I made the virus so I can control the world but I found out they were mutating and they become unstoppable. So I lock up the virus and promised myself to never use it. Unfortunately it was found by The Conquest and used it to infected most od this land.
Starline: We believe he has high tech equipment or powers because he is shown to control the Zombots very easy then Eggman. We believe he must be a robot or the suit allows him to control them while protecting him from the virus.
Espio: He also has a ship that dunks out Metal virus to anything that is shown of life. Not only that but he managed to capture the seven Chaos Emeralds and use them as power for his ship and for himself.
Eggman: Also there is something else I should have also tell you. My research found that as the metal virus mutates. It becomes unsustainable. Any infected heterotrophic eukaryote cells will eventually suffer form of apoptosis. Autorophic cells will endure slightly longer, but not by much.
Sticks: Uumm can anyone tell me what this fat egg guy said because I'm lost here?
Tails: It means the Zombots will disintegrate along with our friends who are infected.
Y/n: (shocked) No! How long do we have?!
Eggman: Eh, 200 years, give or take. I'll have evacuated to a different planet well before then.
???: He's right.
Suddenly Sliver enter the room looking badly hurt and nearly fell but Amy catch him and help him up.
Y/n: Sliver, are you saying Eggman is telling the truth?
Silver: That's right. I came back here because something happened in the future. Everything was covered in metal and there was no one around. If that is true then that means the future is doomed.
Y/n: No! The future is not doomed, we can save this world if we work together. We need a plan on how to destroy the hard virus and stop The Conquest before he success his goals.
Amy: Y/n is right. Let's start figure out of a plan.
They agree and start thinking of a plan. Then Whispers wisp enter the tent and singal Y/n to follow them up he believes Tangle and Whisper are here so he follow them to see them.
We see Whisper on a cliff and looking at the sky with her mask on when she hears footsteps and Y/n walk up behind Whisper as he sees her. Whisper doesn't turn him as Y/n stood there in silent and then he called out to her.
Y/n: Hey there Whisper.....been a while hasn't it?
Y/n: I....I bet Tangle is gonna try jump scare me any minute now right? You guys try to scare me right?
Y/n:.....Whisper?.....where is Tangle?
Whisper:.........You know what happened to her.
Y/n eyes widen in shock of realising as he look down at the ground and then look back up at Whisper and tells her.
Y/n: I'm truly am sorry that I wasn't there. I didn't know all this would happen. I have no idea this would-
Whisper: (anger) SHUT UP!!!
She then immediately turn around and aims her wispon at Y/n while Y/n is shocked that she aimed her Wispon at him while Whisper tells him with a upset ton.
Whisper: (anger) I......I thought you left us for good Y/n. I thought you abandoned us after everything we've been through! After the times we help each other! After all the times we stick together but you left us and now Tamglr and Jewels......they are now gone and now you just came back! I......I.......I........
Y/n looks down, understanding her anger and walks over to her very slowly until he is up close to her as he tells her.
Y/n: Whisper your right. I've abandoned you, Tangle amd Jewels without telling you guys where I'm going or even take you guys with me. I shouldn't actually left in the first place. I didn't realise how you lost your previous team and now you've lost me, Tangle and Jewels. I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed and help you all but now I'm here right now I'm gonna make things right.
Y/n slowly grabs the barrel while he looks at Whisper through the mask and tells her.
Y/n: You may not forgive me right now but please Whisper. Let me make things right for you, Tangle, Jewels and the others by finding out how to cure everyone and save our friends. I know my apologise will not make things better but I promise at the bottom of my heart that I will never abandon you all ever again. That's a promise.
There was slince for a moment until Y/n noticed tears dripping out from Whisper's mask as she took her mask off to show her face to him.
Whisper: (tears) promised you won't.....leave us.
Then Y/n huges her which Whisper hugs her right back as she drops her Wispon and starts to burst into tears as she let out her yells throughout the woods as the two kneel down while Y/n tells her.
Y/n: I promise I will never abandon you or anyone ever again. I promise.
Whisper: (tears) I'm......I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry.
Y/n: No. You have every right to get mad at me. I deserve it.
She cry once more as she let everything out while Y/n continues to hug her and helping her let everything out as Whispers cries can be heard throughout the woods as we see a mysterious spirit like figure watching this in the distances.
???: I knew you will come back Y/n. I'm so glad for your return.
To be continued...........................................
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