Chapter 57: A heroes return (Arc 1)

After a few days within the island helping out a lot of people rebuilding their homes, shops and other things after Lyric's attack and sort out several problems that the village people has, Y/n has finally decided to make his return to sonic and the others and see how they have been while he is away. We see him loading up his stuff onto a small boat he has that first got him to this island as he start loading them up.

Soon SNT, Tempest, Sticks, Orbot and Cubot approaches him while he's packing up as Tempest ask him.

Tempest: (smile) So you going back to the freedom fighters?

Y/n: Yeah. After a while of thinking I can make things right for them and I wish to help them as any best I can.

Tempest: (smile) That's good to hear.

Sticks: Aww but I really like you living on this island with us. Well guess I this is goodbye then.

Y/n: Well actually I was thinking if you guys wanna come with me?

SNT: Really? You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I think you guys will be great for the Freedom fighters if it's still around. Plus Tails or Rotor might dig in more about your past SNT with the laptop we have gotten.

SNT: (smile) Yeah that would be great!

Orbot: Do you think they will allow me and Cubot to join?

Cubot: Yeah I mean we are Eggmans creation.

Y/n: (smile) Well Omega and Gemerl were Eggman's creations but join he side of good.

Cubot: Oh yeah you got a point. Guess we're not gonna be the odd one out in the group.

Orbot: Still i worry if Eggman will find out that we betrayed him.

Y/n: Whatever happens I will make sure he won't harm you two. So what do you say? Wanna come?

Sticks: (smile) Sure thing!

Tempest: (smile) Absolutely!

SNT: (smile) Same.

Orbot and Cubot: Same here as well.

Y/n: (smile) Good, climb inside and we be sailing off soon.

They did so as they climb inside the boat. Y/n was about to leave when Zooey and Cosmo walk up to him.

Zooey: (smirk) Looks like you guys are leaving.

Y/n: Yeah you two can come if you like?

Zooey: No thanks we're okay. Besides there's some secrets that involves around Cosmo's past and we figured we go and find them.

Cosmo: Yeah, I wish to know if I'm not the only race and if possible there is more still out there.

Y/n: Well I'll keep an eye on that. Until then, hope to see each other again.

Zooey: (smirk) Same here.

The two shake hands and then both Cosmo and Zooey kissed him on both Y/n's cheeks which made him blush in surprise as the two head off while Y/n watch them leave. Soon he shake it off and climb onto the boat and ready to set sail. He looks at the island for the final time and then he sails off back to see how Sonic and the rest are up to while he was away.

(Hours later)

Sun was about to set down as we see them sailing through the ocean and it wasn't long for them to see civilization as Y/n sees the city of Seaside city where Team Chaotix detective agency is at.

At first they were suspected to see lots of people who they make their dock but when they do and climb out of the boat and head to the street the place was empty. There was no one anywhere as the whole city was silent as they look around in confusion.

Sticks: Is it me or is this city has no people around?

Tempest: Where is everyone? Doss this have to do with this Civil war the Freedom fighters are after you left?

Y/n: I....I don't know. Something isn't right.

They make their way through the city as they search for anyone they can find that might still be around. Unfortunately there was no one but what they door see are windows were smashed and cars were flipped over.

Soon they stop and see several cars stood up around kinda like a prison for someone inside of the cars as they wonder what went down here.

Tempest: What is this?

Orbot: It seems someone or something was trying to contain something inside.

Sticks climbs on top of the cars ans look down to see nothing as she tells them.

Sticks: Well whatever it was its gone now.

SNT: (scared) This is giving me the creeps. This feels like a horror movie.

Tempest: How do you know what a horror movie is?

SNT: Well let's just say Sticks show me a horror movie that give me nightmares for 5 days.

Sticks: You need to be ready for anything!

Y/n: Come on, Team Chaotix agency isn't far, we'll find answers there.

They make thwie way while at the dark alleyway behind them we see something stalking them as the thing growls while dripping something onto the floor.

Soon they made it to the Team Chaotix agency as they immediately see that their front entrance was open so they step inside but the place was empty. They look around and then Orbot found a ninja star which he picked up and tells Y/n.

Orbot: Look i found a ninja star. Do you thinm this belong to someone?

Y/n walks over and takes it as he looks at it for a bit and then nodes.

Y/n: Yeah, this belong to Espio. Strange it looks bend, like he throw it at something strong.

SNT: Where they attacked by something?

Tempest: Whoever attacked them needs to pay.

Cubot: Hey guys come and check this one out.

Cubot was standing outside as they follow and they were shocked to see a tree and grass was covered by metal. Y/n kneel down and look at the metal grass as he move his hand towards it, he was about to touch I when Orbot stop him.

Orbot: Wait! It may not be wise not to touch it. Whatever this might be, it could be dangerous.

Y/n: Right.

Tempest: I've seen weird trees and grasses before but I've never seen a metal tree and grass before.

Sticks: Something tells me someone is behind of this.

Y/n: Yeah and I think I know who but first we need to check on Knothole. Hopefully we might have answers there.

And so they heard off to Knothole so they can find someone and see they can find out what is going on. As they walked off we see Seasides cameras come to life and watch them leave the city as we cut to a mysterious figure within some sort a bridge as he watches them leave.

???: Ah the war hero has finally returns. Well soon he heads back home....he will be in a surprise.

He laughs while we see a mysterious ship flying through the clouds above the surface as if they don't want anyone to notice the ship above them.


They arrived at Knothole and Y/n was horrified to see Knothole was in ruins once again. They make their walk through Knothole hoping to find anyone but there was no one.

Y/n: (shocked) No....this.....this can't be happening.

Tempest: They must have some sort a battle or something.

Sticks: Yeah but where is everyone and is anyone around?

Soon they step into the city as Y/n looks around to see nothing as he thinks something bad must have happened while he was away but he must find anyone andfind answers. Soon a fog came pouring in and covers Knothole, then they heard something and they look over to see someone stepping out in the distances.

Tempest: Hey that's a person!

Orbot: It looks familiar for some reason.

Y/n: That's......That's Sally! Sally!

Y/n rushes towards her while Sally stops in her tracks as Y/n rushes up behind her as he smiles and says.

Y/n: (smile) Sally I'm glad to see you. I'm sorry i left but I'm here now so can you tell me what's going on?


Y/n: Sally? Are you alright?

He really out to grab her shoulder but suddenly stop himself. Something doesn't feel right as he slowly steps back while he calls out to Sally once again.

Y/n: Sally? Please talk to me....are you alri-

Then she finally turn around to face them and step out into veiw but they were shocked and horrified to see her covered in metal but not roboticized but something else.

Y/n: (shocked) Sally! What....What happened to you.

She then growl and launch to attack him but he moved back within seconds while the rest were shocked by this as Sally try to slash at him.

Y/n: Sally stop! It's me! Y/n! Please you must snap out of it!

She continues to swing at him but he keeps dodging her attacks and with no choice he fired a lighting bolt at her, sending her flying and land hard onto the ground.

Y/n: Sorry about that Sally.

The rest rush up to him while Sally gets up and growls once more as they stare at her.

Sticks: What in the world is wrong with her?!

SNT: And what's with that metal stuff on her?

Tempest: No time to figure that out, come on we gonna get out of here!

They turn to run but immediately they stop when they see two more figures coming out and it was Rough and Tumble as they too were covered by the same metal that Sally has on her.

Y/n: (shocked) Rough and Tumble?!

Tempest: Other way!

They turn to the other way but they were blocked again by Ashley, Sophie, Laura and Elina who were also covered by the some metal stuff as well.

Y/n: (shocked) No...not you four.

Then suddenly more Knothole citizens came out while also covered by the same metal as well as they slowly make their way towards them.

SNT: (scared) Now this feels like a horror movie for sure!

Sticks: Don't just stand here, let's run!

They make a run for it trying to get away from them and soon it wasn't long for them to manage to escape Knothole and make their escape. Once they were far away they catch their breaths and look back to see if any one of them is followed but luckily they lost them.

Tempest: What in the world of Chaos was that?!

Orbot: It seems they are infected by something all over their bodies.

SNT: So they act like zombies while looking like robots?

Sticks: So put them together and you got Zombots!

Cubot: Zombots, I like that name.

Y/n: How long did this happen and are we the only one that aren't infected.

Orbot: It's unknown if there are survives but right now we need to find out who started this and why.

Y/n: Oh I think I know who done this.


They arrived at Robotropolis as we see Y/n kicked down the doors and march inside as he look around and yell out for Eggman.


The rest walk inside and search around but the room was empty. Just like Knothole and Seaside city, Robotropolis was left abandon as well. No robots around as they look around the room.

SNT: So dose this mean Eggman is behind of this or what?


Orbot: Please Y/n you must control your anger. I do not believe Eggman is behind of all of this.

Tempest: What do you mean? What we saw this could be Eggmans work.

Orbot: Even that be true why is Robotropolis left abandon?

SNT: That's true. This pkace is huge so if it was Eggman then why did he abandon it.

Y/n: (sigh) Guess your right. Still we need answers and we need them now!

Suddenly they heard something behind the close doors as they look at each other and slowly move towards the door. They by the door as they look at each and node and then Y/n immediately open the door and peak inside and Y/n was shocked to see Rouge as she turn to see him.

Rouge: Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n: (surprised) Rouge?!

They stare at each other for a bit when suddenly Rouge tackle him to the ground and kissed him on the lips while she hugged him.

Rouge: (smile) I'm glad to see you! I thought you were turned into a Zombot but I'm so glad your alive and not infected!

Y/n: (little blush) Same to you.

She kissed her once more and noticed everyone else as the two gets up and ask.

Rouge: Whose your new friends?

Y/n: Well this is Sticks, Tempest, SNT and you know Orbot and Cubot but don't worry, these two on our side. SNT, Sticks, Tempest this is Rouge.

Rouge: (smirk) Sup.

SNT: (smile) Nice to meet you.

Tempest: (surprised) Wow your the special agent Rouge the bat! Its a honor!

Sticks: What's with those balloons on your chest?

Rouge: (smirk) I see someone is jealous.

Y/n: Rouge you need to tell us what's going on here and how did our friends were turned into-

Rouge: Zombots? Yeah I think you've missed everything while you suddenly disappeared.

SNT: Wait how dod you know of that name?

Rouge: Sonic made that name a while back.

Y/n: Is he?

Rouge: He's.....alright but still these people were infected by a metal virus.

Orbot: Metal Virus?

SNT: You really heard it before?

Orbot: I think do. It was a project by Eggman to create nano bots that can control people and make them as slaves.

Sticks: So this Eggman is behind of this!

Rouge: For once he's not responsible for this. Sure he did made the virus but he didn't unleashed it apon the world.

Y/n: Then who?

Rouge: Well I'll tell you everything but it's not safe here. Zombots might be around and we can't be standing here for lo-

Suddenly they hear like something banged at the door they came in. After a few more a hand burst through the metal door follow by a growl and then the door gets ripped open as they look over and soon they see a Zombot shadow along with a huge army of Zombots behind him as he growled at them.

Rouge: Come on! We need to move now!

And so they make a run for it as Zombot shadow charge towards them very fast but missed and crashed into computers and monitors as he growl while he try to attack them.

Tempest stopped and shoot out water at Zombot Shadow, sending him flying as Tempest is surprised.

Tempest: Did I just hit the ultimate life form! AWESOME!

Rouge: Keep moving!!!

Tempest catch up to them as they reach another door while the army of Zombots walks towards them but then Zombot shadow races towards them and was about get to them but Rouge shut the door just in time and once that she turns to the rest as she tells them.

Rouge: Come on, I know a place we can hide and tell you all what's going on.

They node in agreement as they follow Rouge to somewhere they can hide while back at the room we see Zombot shadow and many Zombots try to break through when suddenly the screen lights up which cost them to turn and soon their master appears on the screen as he tells his army.

???: (screen) My its time to proof yourselves worthy enough to be apart of my new world. Find Y/n and his friends.....and infected them.

They obeyed to their master as they turn and find another way while the mysterious person watched them and soon the screen cuts out as it turns to static.

To be continued......................................

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