Chapter 55: Rise of Lyric (Arc 3)
SNT, Orbot and Sticks are at the room where they will get the power on and have the teleporters online so they can move around the facility quicker and more safer. Sticks managed to open a panel for Orbot to reach in and tries to get the power back online by connecting the cut wires to their correct colours.
While that's going on, SNT is looking around the room and seeing how old this place was and how it's fallen apart. She then walk up to a table to see very old blueprints which she picks up and stare at them and seeing so much machinery these ancient race used to be built before all of them where gone.
SNT: Look at all of these blueprints. I can't even imagine what they will do if any of these were to be built or fallen into the wrong hands.
Orbot: If Eggman were here right now, he'll might as well steal these blueprints and immediately start building them like an existing kid.
SNT: Guess so.
Sticks: So any luck so far red ball?
Orbot: Not yet. It's strange, although this facility has been around for years, I can still detected power coming through these wires. This crystal must be everlasting power.
SNT: Must be. Say if we do get the power back online, wouldn't that turn on Lyric's huge mech like army? Why dose Lyric wants the crystal itself then just getting the power back online?
Orbot: I believe his large robot army is probably somewhere else. This island has a lot of secrets that we are unknown to us but Lyric's army must be somewhere else rather then here.
SNT: That is a possibility. After all this feels like a factory then a place to store in a huge robot army.
Orbot: It's important that we need to stop Lyric and his plan before the whole planet is doomed.
Sticks: Huh it's strange you said that even though you were created by Eggman.
Orbot: True me and Cubot were made by Eggman but after we made here to this island and get along with the village people, we realised that we can choose our own paths in life without Eggman. Even by means making things right.
SNT: (smile) I'm glad you and Cubot are on our side.
Orbot: No problem. Guess you can say just because we're made by Eggman, doesn't mean we can choose our own paths. And done!
Soon the lights immediately turn on and a teleporter near them open as they stare at the teleporter and they decided to test it as they step through the teleporter and sees what is at the other side.
The power gose online in the control room as the lights flash on as Cosmo, Zooey and MAIA as they look up and see that the lights are turned on.
Zooey: (smirk) Looks like SNT, Sticks and Orbot did their jobs.
Cosmo: (smile) Seems like it. Hey where's Cubot?
MAIA: I think he heard something so he's going to see what it was. He has been gone for a while.
Zooey: I'll go and find him.
Zooey heads off to find Cubot and now it was just Cosmo and MAIA as she stare at Cosmo for a bit while Cosmo felt her stares as Cosmo sighs and ask MAIA.
Cosmo: Are you okay? Your staring at me a lot.
MAIA: My apologies but it's just.....I've never known one of the nature race would survive.
Cosmo: Yeah.....I have a thought that is the case. But it doesn't make sense. How is it possible for me to survive such a large war that wiped out both races?
MAIA: Maybe it was the "Repopulate protocol."
Cosmo: What's that?
MAIA: It was idealed by the Nature species as a way to Repopulate their race if most of their kind were killed. It was planned so if their race was facing extinction then they will use their technology and powers to bring new life. Unfortunately due to how large this war was only a handful of your kind survived and uses their technology and powers to bring new life and that's when you come in.
Cosmo: Then how come I don't remember anything or remember seme parts of it?
MAIA: Maybe their machine must have functional and didn't transfer the memories fully to you.
Cosmo: So is there a possibility there is more like me out there right now?
MAIA: There is a small chance but I'm not too sure. If your not the last kind then that is a good thing. Who knows how many is there, seeking answers just like you.
Cosmo lower her head down a bit and knows she's not the only kind left and she will find them. Soon the door open as Cosmo and MAIA turn as Cosmo ask.
Cosmo: Zooey did you find Cu-....Oh no.
MAIA: They are not Zooey and Cubot. This is bad.
Tempest and Y/n finally made it to the room where the crystal is as they stare at the large door while Y/n can feel strong engery at the other side of the door.
Y/n: It's behind these doors.
Tempest: (smile) Awesome and sense the power is back online, we can open this door no sweat.
She walks over to the control console and pushed the button which cost the doors to crack open and soon slowly opens as Y/n and Tempest stand and wait as the door slowly opens, revealing a huge light which they have to cover their eyes as they make their way inside the room.
Once inside they were amazed to see a crystal n the middle of the room and within a clash case with wires attached to it as the two apoorches the crystal and once close they stare at it for a bit.
Then Y/n opens the glass case and takes the crystal and seconds after that the power gose out but immediately comes back online.
Tempest: Huh isn't the crystal not its power of something?
Y/n: Maybe there is something else powering this facility. Come on we should head back to the rest and-
Lyric: Too late.
They quickly turn around to see Lyric, his mind control archaeologists and his army while they have the others captured and forced to their knees. Some aimed their guns at them while Lyric smirks at the two and tells them.
Lyric: (smirk) I must say I am impressed. You two are the first to come here and witness the might of our crystal. The power for me to rule this world.
Y/n: Thsi crystal doesn't belong to you Lyric!
Lyric: (smirk) It doesn't belong to you as well. Still what are you going to do with it?
Y/n: I'll destroy it and you will lose your army forever!
He was about the smash it when Lyric suddenly grabs Tempest with his tail and dragged her towards Lyric and lifted her off the ground.
Lyric: (smirk) Not so fast. If you do that then I'll kill you and your friends.
Tempest: Don't listen to him! Destroy the crystal! We be fine!
Zooey: Yeah we be fine! Just destroy it!
Y/n stares at the crystal and lifted it into the air, about to shattered it into pieces when Lyric ask him.
Lyric: Are you willing to lose your new friends just like you've lost your old friends.
Y/n eyes widen in shock as he look up at Y/n and before he can ask how Lyric immediately tells him.
Lyric: (smirk) Do you really think I have these halls empty without any drones spying on you two? How foolish of you to believe that. I know that you abandoned your friends and all we know they might be dead and you left them all to die.
Y/n: N-No! That's not true.....I didn't-
Lyric: (smirk) I believe you did. All we know they could be losing this new war right now and everyone you ever cared for could be dead while you are here, relaxing at the beach and not helping your old friends in battle. Now you will lose your new friends because you rather to destroy the crystal while seeing your new friends die right in front of you.
Y/n stood there in slince when he shakes the crystal, hesitated and not knowing on what to do while Lyric has Tempest move closer to him and touch her chin with his long and pointy claw.
Lyric: (smirk) I'm waiting. Which will it be? Make the right choice.
There was slince from Y/n until he lower his arms and let out a defeating sigh.
Y/n: Okay Lyric. You won. Just.....let them go.
Tempest: Y/
Lyric smirked as he snap his fingers and his robots let them go and even he let's go of Tempest as Y/n apoorches Lyric and hands him the crystal.
Lyric: (smirk) You've made the right decision and here I thought you know better to not give up no matter what. Hahahahahaha.
Y/n: Guess know, there is one other thing you suppose to know.
Lyric: And what would that be?
Y/n: (smirk) Don't underestimate your enemy.
Suddenly he use lighting flash to blinde Lyric while Y/n and the others rush out of the room and once out MAIA closes the door on Lyric as he turn and race towards the door but it shuts right in front of him.
He was enrage by this trick while we see them racing down the halls as Tempest tells Y/n in amazement.
Tempest: Whoa that was amazing! You tricked us good back there.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but first we need to destroy this crystal and end this for good.
MAIA: Oh you can't. If you do the crystal will explode and kill all life on this planet within seconds.
MAIA: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know if I should tell you all that fact or not. Next time I will tell you.
Zooey: So if we can't destroy it. What should we do with it?
MAIA: Follow me! We'll take it to a secret room where Lyric will never find it.
Y/n: Lead the way then!
They follow MAIA as they race down the halls, turning each path and soon they arrived at the large circular room as they see no one here as MAIA tells Y/n.
MAIA: Just put that onto that panel and it will sealed the crystal away forever.
Y/n: Right.
He walks over to the panel and once there he placed the crystal onto the panel and it started to glow. Soon after the crystal teleported as Y/n ask MAIA.
Y/n: So where did the crystal go?
He looks back to see them frozen in place for some reason so he apoorches them and then ask.
Y/n: Hey you guys alright? Why are you-?
When he tries to touch Tempest shoulder it go through him which shocked him and soon the holograms disappeared and suddenly Lyric came out at the other side of the room with Y/n's real friends ad Lyric laughs as he tells Y/n.
Lyric: (smirk) Hahahahahahahahaha! Your such a fool! I can't believe you have fallen into it! I knew this was a good time to have my holograms to disguise your friends so you will be a fool to come to this room.
Y/n: (shocked) I.....I was......that means....the crystal!
Lyric: (smirk) Has now been teleported to where my new army is at all thanks to your. You are such a fool!
Y/n is shocked by this, so much so he collapsed onto his knees in disbelief and can't believe what he had done.
Lyric: (smirk) You know what, I'm gonna be nice to uou by releasing your friends.
He snap his fingers and the robots released Tempest and the others as they rush towards Y/n and to check if he is alright.
Tempest: Y/n! Y/n are you alright! Speak to us!
Y/n: (shocked) Wh.....What have I done. I've doomed us all.
Lyric: (smirk) Indeed you have Y/n. Now you will all witness as my massive army will crush anything that stood against and this world will be mine to rule!
Sticks: Not in our watch you snake alien!
Sticks and Tempest charge towards Lyric only for them to get wipped by Lyric's tail which SNT and Cosmo catch as Lyric tells them.
Lyric: (smirk) Enjoy your mortal life in thid facility but don't get too comfy. Because once I have rain down this world with my name, then I will come back and turn you all into my slaves. Goodbye.
He laughs while he turns and exit out of the room and once that they were alone. Y/n slowly forms a fist and then yells in frustration while he punched the metal floor, leaving a dent while everyone turned to him to see his anger.
Orbot: Y/ wasn't your fault. He tricked you just so he can get the crystal. You can't blame yourself for-
Y/n: (anger) YES I CAN CUBOT! Not only I've failed Sonic, Tails and the Freedom fighters but now I've failed everyone in the whole planet! Now Lyric is gonna unleashed his army and this is all my fault! Maybe I've failed to be a hero the second I've abandoned Sonic and everyone else! MAYBE I SHOULDN'T BE A HERO IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Tears start to pour out form Y/n's eyes as the room falls silent until Tempest tells him.
Tempest: No you haven't! You haven't failed everyone and you are ment to be a hero! You don't have to blame yourself for this, it wasn't your fault. We're not around you, blaming you for let this happen are we? No. Because sometimes being a hero is never easy. I've learned that when I became a hero and trust me it was way harder then you think. But disbite that I've learn that being a hero is never easy. Sometimes we make sense and mess up but that's what makes heroes perfect, making mistakes, owning up to it and making things right. Right now Lyric is going to unleash his massive robot army right now and we're the only ones that can stop him from happening, and we can't do this without you Y/n. This is maybe your chance to proof to yourself that you are a hero and you were ment to be one.
SNT: She's right. Your a hero and you've always have been. No matter what we should never give up.
Sticks: Yeah, I mean I never give up when I made my first traps. How many you ask? Let's just say there is a reason why the work shop is closed for some reason.
Cosmo: You've helped so many people and saved many lives. You show true care to others and never give up on others.
Zooey: (smile) Sometimes bidnga hero is hard but as long you have a group of people with them. Them it makes things even more easy. So what do you say Y/n, wanna save the day and proof to yourself that you are a hero once and for all?
There was slince for a moment and soon Y/n slowly gets himself up and soon he stand up straight and knows that he must know be filled with then guilt and blaming himself any longer and it's time to show Lyric and the planet that he is and will always be a hero.
Y/n: MAIA see you can track Lyric, Orbot, Cubot get ready the teleporter once MAIA has Lyric's location. It's time we stop Lyric's plans and save the world.
To be continued.................................
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