Chapter 53: Rise of Lyric (Arc 1)
We see Cliff's team planting some explosions in front of the temples doors ad the only way they can get inside and see what secrets maybe in it. Cliff's team carefully place some explosions and as soon they were done, they step back slowly and rejoin Cliff and the rest of the archaeologists as they stare at the temples doors as one of his team as him.
Male archaeologist: Are you sure this is a good idea Cliff?
Cliff: We have no choice. If we can't open this temple then we have to use extreme measures.
He was given a detonator device which he takes it and once that he looks at the temples doors and stares at the bottom as his finger was about to press on the button whne suddenly there was shake and soon the door suddenly open all of a sudden on it's own.
They were surprised by this as they watched as the door slowly open followed by dust falling out from the door as some cough due to the dust. Once they stop they look over and see nothing but dust but they do hear something moving out from the temple and soon a large figure appear.
Cliff: What the-
Before they can figure out what this figure might be, suddenly a small group of unknown figures that have green glows around their bodies charge towards them and the onky thing we hear was their screams.
At Y/n's hut we see both he, Sticks, Tempest and SNT just chilling and relaxing as they have nothing else to do today so they chill. Then for some reason Y/n lat on SNT's lap which surprised her a bit as she ask him.
SNT: Um what are you doing?
Y/n: I....I don't know. I just feel doing this for some reason.
He then sees sparkles around SNT which made him blush a bit but also feels very nice as he shut his eyes and smiled as he nuzzled her lap which SNT find it weird but at the same time find it adorable so she wasn't bothered by this.
However Tempest looks at SNT and can't help there is something wrong with her while Sticks gets a bit jealous.
Sticks: I would allow him to lay on my lap anytime he wants. Why dose have to be her.
Tempest: Say Sticks?
Sticks: Yeah?
Tempest: Is it me or is there something wrong with SNT?
Sticks: Not too sure what your talking about?
Tempest: Well ever since we try to figure out what her special abilities might be, things started to get...weird. Like guys suddenly treat her right but some don't even know her yet they treat her with respect anyways. She was even robbed only for the robber to apologise and left.
Sticks: Maybe she has brainwashing abilities! Quick! We must not think of anything!
Tempest: What?
Tempest: I don't thinm she has brainwashing abilities. If I have to guess, maybe she has a ability to make men respect her more and maybe even fall to her like Y/n without him realising.
Sticks: What do you think we should do? I can take her down, tie her up and sacrifice her to the aliens when they come?
Tempest: Well it's not like she's not doing it on purpose. So let's just stick back and relax because I don't think there is nothing that can ruin this nice and warm da-
Suddenly there was a explosion that snap Y/n out from SNT's abilities and they rush out and see smoke coming from the village.
Sticks: You just have to say that huh.
SNT: (shocked) My goodness! Is the village under attack?
Y/n: Come on, let's check it out!
They arrived at the village and they see the Village is under attack by unknown robots that were firing beams at houses and destroying everything that stood against them as they march forward.
SNT: What are those things?!
Tempest: For once they do not look like Eggman bots.
Sticks: They are aliens that have come for us! I knew this day will come. Y/n, let us kiss before we go into battle!
Y/n: Guys force, we need to keep the village people safe. SNT, Sticks evacuate the village people, don't let these robots get near them.
SNT: Right!
Sticks: Fine I'll go with her, for once.
Y/n: Tempest take out the fire before they spread. We don't want this island to be up in flames.
Tempest: Right, and you?
Y/n: I'll save anyone that is in trouble while taking care with the bots. Let's do this!
He charge up his lighting and dash towards them and kicks one bot away, sending it flying and then turn to catch a punch from the bot and then shock it with electricity as tne robot blows up.
Then he leaps backwards whne a bot tries to land a stab but missed as Y/n lands behind him and used lighting blast to blast the bot and sent it flying. He turns around and sees more coming towards him which he just smirks and charge towards them and fight them.
We see SNT and Sticks getting everyone out from the battle while we cut to Tempest putting out the flames with her water blast as she take down the flames.
Lady Walrus: My baby! Someone save my baby!
Tempest looks over only to see four bots surrounding Chumley and they were about to blast him when Tempest leaps into the circle and spin around as she shoot out water blast at the bots, sanding them flying and once that pick up Chumley and rushed over and hands him to Lady Walrus.
Lady Walrus: (smile) You saved my baby. Thank you soo much.
Tempest: (smile) No problem.
SNT: We need some help!
She looks over to see SNT and Sticks are having a hard time dealing with the bots so Tempest summons two water like tentacles and grabs both bots and use them to sent the other bots flying and once that tossed them away as she dust off her hands.
Tempest: (smirk) Looks like these bots are heading to the scrap pile.
Sticks: (smile) Thanks. I would have handle them myself.
SNT: (smile) Way a ago Tempest!
She smiled and she got distracted when a bot appear behind her and blast her with its energy cannon and sent Tempest flying and land hard onto thr ground.
SNT and Sticks: Tempest!
Y/n blasted a bot away when he looked over to see Tempest fallen and looks over to see a bot about to finish her off. Suddenly flashes of Tamgle and Whisper being vaporized appear which his quills turns dark as he growls while Tempest turns around and sees the bot standing over her and was about to kill her.
Suddenly a hand burst through the bot from behind as Tempest was shocked including SNT, Sticks and the others as they see Dark Y/n behind the bot and then throws him over and slamming it onto thr ground, with parts sent flying as Dark Y/n breaths in frustration until he looks at his hands and suddenly he snap out of hid rage and his quills go back to normal.
Tempest: Y/n?
He turn to see Tempest surprised to see his Dark form as he stood there and then shakes it off and helps Tempest up while assuring her.
Y/n: I'm fine. You?
Tempest: Yeah I'm good but Y/n...what was that?
Y/n: Its.....Its nothing. Let's just focus on the situation right now.
Tempest: Um okay?
Once the village people return to their homes SNT, Sticks, Tempest and Y/n look around at the broken unknown bots that just attacked the village as Y/n bend down and looks at the broken bots.
Sticks: I knew aliens are here! I knew it!
Tempest: But are they? It can be aliens, there have to be something else?
SNT: Can it be new Eggman bots?
Y/n: No. These bots look too old and I've never seen any bots like those in my life. We might be facing a new threat.
Sticks: It's aliens! I've been trying to tell you they are aliens come to steal our brains!
SNT: Why brains?
Sticks: I don't know, I always thought they go with our brains.
SNT: Really?
???: I've seen those things before.
They turn to see Cosmo and Zooey as Cosmo had a shock and horrified face on her as Y/n stood up and ask her.
Y/n: You've seen these bots before?
Cosmo: No-Not in real life no. But I have dreams about these bots. Nightmares about them killing people, burning villages costing destruction.
Zooey: You sure Cosmo?
Cosmo: I'm sure of it.
Tempest: Wait how is that possible for you to know these bots?
Y/n: Wait? You told me you just woke up in the forest andmeet with Zooey right?
Cosmo: Yeah.....that's right. Unfortunately I can't seem to remember anything else.
Tempest: So what can we do?
SNT: We need to figure out who is responsible for this and stop it.
Sticks: But how? It's not like we have another bot that can plug into one of them and show us the way?
Then a light bulb appear on Y/n's head as he had a idea as he tells the girls.
Y/n: (smile) Actually, we do.
(Short while later)
They drag a offline bot to Orbot and Cubots place and ask either of them to plug into the bots systems and find out what they are and also locate their leader.
Orbot: Hmm well I haven't done this for a while. But I can see what I can do.
Orbot plug himself into the bots back and downloads the information as Tempest ask Y/n.
Tempest: Say aren't they not Eggman's bots?
Y/n: Well they decided to retire and runs a therapist business.
Cubot: Yeah, we kinda get tired of working for Eggman so we figured we follow our dream together and help out others in need.
Tempest: (smile) That's cool.
Orbot: Oh my! This is interesting. Interesting indeed.
Y/n: What is it Orbot?
Orbot unplugged himself and turns to the others and tell them.
Orbot: You may not believe what I'm about to tell you.
Sticks: Spill it already! Are they aliens came here to harm us?!
Orbot: Actually no, these are ancient robots called Destruction troops. These troops were made by a Ancients to be served as soldiers billions of years ago.
Y/n: (surprised) Billions of years ago?!
Tempest: How is that possible? There wasn't any advance technology billions of years ago.
Orbot: Well I'm not too sure myself but according to it's memory banks, I believe there was technology before any of us were born.
Y/n: So why are they active now? What cost them to be active?
Orbot: I believe they were active by someone by the name of Lyric.
Cosmo: (thought) Why dose that name sound familiar.
Zooey: If he's responsible for this then we gonna take him down.
Y/n: Any idea we can find him?
Orbot: I have downloaded a map before everything was gone. We can head there now and find Lyric and stop his evil plan.
Cubot: So we're the good guys now? Huh, that feels a good way?
Y/n: Then let's go then. We can't allow this Lyric to ruin this island or destroy it. Let's do it, to it!
They node and they head off as they follow to find Lyric and stop him before he will do anything else.
Cliff groan as he slowly wake up and find himself strapped onto a wall as he try to get out but his arms and legs were trapped within engery like brace as he look around to see hid team still unconscious as Cliff calls out to either of them to wake up but no such luck.
???: Looks like you finally awake.
Then he looks over and sees the same figure coming won't of the darkness as he slides towards him as Cliff gets a clear look at his appearance as he came up to him and he was bigger then Cliff himself as he stare at him and then said.
???: I see this world has already given birth to new beings. Small and weak, how pathetic this world give birth to and not only that, their technology hasn't been close to ours.
Cliff: Who are you?!
Lyric: I am Lyric, the last ancient that might still be alive in this new world.
Cliff: Last Ancient?
Lyric: Never mind that! You will tell me about this new world and how powerful your army are?
Cliff: We don't have a army!
Lyric: Don't have a army? Good. This means I can rule this planet with no problem.
Cliff: What do you mean? You wish to take over thid world?
Lyric: Indeed. You see, i wished to build this world a new age billions of years ago. A perfect society that no one will not dare to disturb our peace. Then I was betrayed by my brothers and now, since they are gone I can remake this world that I wish to make.
Cliff: That will not happen! This island may not have a army but there are the Freedoms that will stop you!
Lyric: Ah so there is armies outside of this island?
Cliff let's out a smirk, suspected he'll be mad but Lyric laughs whihc confused him until he lifted up his tail and pushes a button. Suddenly a bright light appear behind Lyric which nearly blinds Cliff a bit. He open his eyes and looks to see something that shocked him.
Cliff: (shocked) Wh-What is that?
Lyric: (chuckle) The future of my world. Although they are not complete yet but once they are done, they will do the work for me.
He laughs while Cliff is shocked by this. He stare at it shile Lyric pulls down a level with his tail and suddenly a catch opens above Cliff and his team and headgear like devices came down and attached onto Cliff and his teams heads as there was a bolt of purple electricity that made Cliff and his team scream in pain while Lyric smiles as they scream for a bit until they stop and they fall silent.
Suddenly they lifted their head up, revealing their purple glowing eyes as Lyric released them and they fell onto the ground, landing in their feet at the same time and they bow down in front of Lyric.
Cliff and his team: All hail Lyric. Master of worlds and supreme ruler of Planet Mobuis.
Lyric: Hahahahahahaha! Very good. Now go and work on the project. It will not be long for my plan to start and soon I will rule this world and my dream for a new world will begin!
He laughs as we see a shadow of something over Lyric which his brainwashed Cliff and his team turns to the left at the same time and march their way to work on the project so Lyric plan will succeed.
Y/n and the others arrived to the location as they stare at the open temple doors and see it completely open. There was no guards around so they were in the clear.
Y/n: Come on, let's move in.
Y/n gose in whike the rest follow as they make their way inside the temple. Once inside they were amazed how huge the temple was and how there are ancient writing on it. Suddenly they felt a shake and turn to see the temples doors closing behind them and soon the temple doors close and now they are trapped inside the temple.
SNT: I have a bad feeling about this.
Orbot: So what's the plan bos- I mean Y/n?
Y/n: Let's look around. Maybe we can fin-
Suddenly they heard something fallen which they turn to where the noise came from. They were at guard and they were ready for anything when suddenly a circle like robot with one eye appear out of the darkness and flies over towards them and rather attacking them, he ask them.
???: Hello, I request your help to stop Lyric before it is too late.
To be continued............................................
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