Chapter 51: I'm I still a hero?
We see SNT outside of the Mayor Fink building as she is sitting down of the bench and just minding her own business as she hums to herself while she looks around the nice and beautiful sky. Soon a few birds fly down next to her which she turn to see one as the bird looks up at her which she let out a friendly giggle and gently pet on the birds head while we cut to Y/n at Mayor Finks office as we see Fink looking out of the window to watch SNT and then leaves the window while he tells Y/n.
Fink: Looks normal or not she was founded in a Eggman base and I'm afraid she might try to do something if she stays here any longer.
Y/n: Mayor Fink we have do respect she hasn't done anything evil ever since we open her cryo chamber and she's actually very friendly to everyone she met. You can't just assume she is up to no good?
Fink: You know how Eggman is when it comes to tricks. All we know she could be trying to trust us and seconds later this island is now an Eggman control.
Y/n: How? She doesn't even know who Eggman is or we don't even know if she's a machine or not. Look let me keep an eye on her and if she tries anything suspicious I'll stop her.
Fink: Right. Still I rather put her in prison for a bit then having you take care of things. Don't forget this island may not know you fully but I do.
Y/n just stare at Fink and turns as he leaves the room and shuts the door. Soon he walk out of the building as he sigh to himself whike SNT stood up and makes her way up to Y/n.
SNT: (smile) Hi Y/n! Say you okay? You look kinds stressed out.
Y/n: It's nothing. So SNT are you sure you don't remember anything or you don't know who brought you to that facility?
SNT: Not really no. I can't remember anything besides waking up and seeing you three and everyone else. So....where I'm I? What is this wonderful and nice village?
Y/n: Oh this is a island called Bygone Island. Its a small isolated place that no other kingdoms know about.
SNT: Why?
Y/n: It's kinda hard to keep track on islands and lands so they decided to leave most island isolated and let the people like this one do whatever they want.
SNT: Oh I see! That make sense! So are you like the guardian of this island?
Y/n: Um Well.....not really but why?
SNT: Tempest told me that your like this war hero who fought many battles and I figured your the guardian of this island.
Y/n: Oh no I'm just here for a vacation. A break that's all.
SNT: Oh I see! So what should we do now?
Y/n: Well let me show you around and meet you with many people.
SNT: (Smile) Sounds great! Let's go!
The two make their walk around the village so Y/n can show SNT around. Their first is Meh burgers as Y/n introduce Dave to SNT.
Y/n: This is Dave, he works at Meh burgers and his boss Mr Slate owns this place. Dave this is SNT.
Dave: Nice to meet you. Care for a Meh burger?
SNT: (smile) No thanks but I would like to try one someday. I believe I never have one before.
Y/n: (smile) It's really good.
???: Good evening Y/n.
Then a officer walks up to them with a nice smile as Y/n tells SNT.
Y/n: This is officer Beaver. He's the officer of this village and make sure crime never happens on his watch.
SNT: (smile) Nice to meet you and your doing a great job Officer Beaver.
Beaver: (smile) Thanks kid. Make sure you stay out of trouble okay?
SNT: (smile) Sure thing.
Then we see them behind a large crowd of people as they watched a someone on stage cracking up some jokes and puns as Y/n tells SNT.
Y/n: That's Chimp. He dose TV comedic like shows and likes to make some jokes to make people laugh.
SNT: (smile) That sounds like fun!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's okay but not as bad.
They continue on meeting other people around the village such as Lady Walrus and her baby, Leroy the Turtle, Mike the Ox, Mrs. Vandersnout, Tommy Thunder, Beth the Shrew and Doc.
It night was about to set down as we see the two return home and once home they see Tempest and Sticks there as they look over and see them back.
Tempest: (smile) Hey there you two! How is things?
Sticks: Did she do something suspicious? Did she blow up?
SNT: Blow up?
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry about that but yeah it was good. I just show SNT around the village and meeting some people.
Tempest: (smile) That's awesome! So SNT what do you thinm about this place?
SNT: (smile) It's wonderful. There is a lot of very nice people and they were nice to me as well.
Sticks: Aaww that's we're not gonna destroy her then or what?
Y/n sighs and then Cliff step inside which they turn to see him.
Cliff: See your back Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. What's happening Cliff?
Cliff: I want to talk to you about something in private.
Y/n: Oh sure thing.
He step outside with Cliff and once they were gone SNT turns to Sticks and Tempest and ask them.
SNT: Say can I ask you something?
Sticks: If you wish to eat my brian for information well too bad! You will not have it.
SNT: Um no I was hoping if you tell me more about Y/n and what he did before he came here? I mean you told me he was a war hero but what did he do?
Tempest: (smile) Oh my so many things! He was actually apart of the Freedom fighters, a group of people fighting against Eggman's empire and bringing Freedom to all those who deserve it. He saved many lives and risk everything so others will be happy. I heard he stopped an army of bombs dropped down from the sky and he stopped all of this which his chaos powers.
SNT: Chaos powers?
Sticks: It's a thing that gives some cool powers. Y/n is lighting powers.
SNT: (surprised) Wow!
Tempest: (smile) No kidding! I also heard he travelled to another zone and made it back alive while returning the important leaders and the King and Queen back to this world!
SNT: (surprised) Amazing!
Tempest: (smile) That's not all! The best thing I heard is that he blow up a huge space station and defeated a very strong robot that threatened the whole world.
SNT: (surprised) Whoa that's amazing! He's like a super hero. Was there many people say that he is taking a vacation or a day off?
Tempest: I......I.....Huh. Actually now I think about it. I never heard something like that. I also heard about him being a wanted criminal or something but I'm sure it was some Eggman trick or something like that.
Sticks: Yeah and who ever wants to harm Y/n will be destroyed by my hands.
SNT: Huh.....I see.
(Short while later)
It was night as we see Tempest and Sticks sleeping in the hut while we see Y/n outside of the hut and watching the ocean as he sat there in silence thinking about something whne SNT walk up next to him and sat down.
Y/n: Shouldn't you be sleeping?
SNT: Guess I could say the same to you.
Y/n: True.
The two were slient a bit as they stare at the ocean a bit until SNT turn to Y/n and then ask him.
SNT: How come your not with the Freedom fighters?
SNT: I mean.....what Tempest told me you were the greatest and most strongest and most kind member to the Freedom fighters to ever lived. You were very loyal to your friends and to the cost your fighting for. You've saved many lives and lived such.....a wonderful and great life. So why are you here alone and not with the Freedom fighters?
SNT: Tempest told me that she looked up to you because it shows that anyone can be hero. You were once a nobody at the beginning but you did such amazing things that you rise up to become a hero. I'm very glad I can meet a hero like you.
Y/n:......I'm not a hero.....not anymore.
SNT was a bit confused as Y/n stood up and turn away from SNT as she too gets up as he lower his head and then says to SNT.
Y/n: I did everything for them. I've helped them throughout my whole life and sacrifice everything so I can keep them safe. But disbite everything I did.....all I get from something that I never think of would happen.
Y/n forms a fist which SNT sees so she gently grabs his shoulder and gets close to him as she ask him.
SNT: What....happened to you and the Freedom fighters?
Y/n was hesitated as he bite his lips but he let out a sigh and tells SNT.
Y/n: When Eggman attacked Knothole and "killed" the people I care for.....I feel like Eggman doesn't deserve a second chance, he doesn't deserve to be redeemed. He deserved only one thing and that is death.
SNT was shocked when he said that as Y/n's fist shaking a bit and he feels like he's gonna cry as he Goss on to tell
Y/n: I.....I tapped into the dark enegry of the Chaos Emeralds and became my inner darkness. The darkness that is only fill in rage, anger, suffering and violence. I was out of control and gone out of ny way to destroy everything that involves Eggman and his army. Ships, robots, bases and everything else. I in rage about this I didn't know that my friends were all okay and they were in fact teleport to Eggman's base. I almost killed Eggman if sonic and then other arrived and convinced me to snap out of my rage. After that I was back to normal but....the trauma of almost killing still in my mind.
SNT: (shocked) Y/n. I have no idea. I'm so sorry.
Y/n: (tear) Yeah. But you know the worst thing after that! All od suddenly Tails father started this riot to have King Elias to step down and......and......just everything changed after that! I tried I really did tried by best to fix things or try to have everyone to just listen to me but no one listened and I ended up breaking every prisoners out and even Eggman! (Sniff) In my fit of rage I destroy the prison and Sonic......Sonic.....a brother figure of mine....the person that I trusted the most blames me for all of this! He! Blames! Me! After I try by best to have him listen but he refuse and just blames me for it! I did everything for them, I sacrifice everything for them and this is what I get! Being blamed, ignored and being called a god damn criminal! I'm mad at Sonic for ignoring everyone, I'm mad at Tails father for starting the riot, imagine mad at everyone for not doing their jobs but I'm also mad
He then started to tear up as he fell on both of his knees and place his hands onto the sand as he slowly forms a fist and punched the sand as he also tells SNT.
Y/n: (tears) I'm also mad at myself the most. For not trying hard enough, not doing best and letting everything turn out worser then before. I'm not a hero SNT......I'm a failure.
He cries for a bit until SNT tells him.
SNT: I know you can redeem yourself Y/n. I know you can.
He turns to her as she bend down with a friendly smile on her face as she wipe the tears off from his face and then she tells him.
SNT: (smile) I'm very am sorry foe what you have to go through but don't let your guilt and blame get to you. I may not know what really happened between you and the Freedom fighters but I know you can make things right. Tempest told me how you never ran away from a fight when things her bad, when you face the greatest threat and never flee and how you be willing to sacrifice your own life for the sake of protecting the people you care for and those that wanted peace. Your hope to them and I know you would never let your guilt get to you because in the end of the day....we all make mistakes but you'll bounce right back up and keep on fighting. Because this world needs heroes to fight against the darkness and your one of that heroes Y/n. You are a hero no matter that you call yourself a hero or not, your still a person that will save lives no matter what.
Her words surprised Y/n. She's similar to how he too give encouraging words to those who given up everything so I surprised him how someone else is telling him to never give up just like he tell others as well. SNT helps up Y/n as he wipe the tears away and says to SNT.
Y/n: Thanks SNT. I really appreciate with it.
SNT: (smile) It's no problem. So what should we do now?
Y/n: All Cliff wants us to investigate something deep within this island.
SNT: Is it another Eggman base?
Y/n: Actually's something else.
We see spot lights shining as we see Cliff and many archaeologists gathered by what looks like a huge door that looked to be ancient and it seems like it's been around for millions of years ago.
Cliff: Any idea what it could be?
Male archaeologists: No idea. But it doesn't look like another Eggman base or facility. This one is way too old to be one.
Cliff looks at the huge door for a bit and then tells everyone as he turns to them.
Cliff: Okay listen up. We're going to make camp here and try to find a way to get this door open. Still we must be ready for anything you hear. Whatever is behind these doors may hold something very dangerous.
Everyone agreed and they set up camp as Cliff turns back to the door ans stare at it for a bit and walk off while we cut to the other side of the huge door and see what looks like a circular like room with bits of ruble fallen apart and at the middle looks like a frozen figure. It has the body of a snake while wearing what seems like an old high tech suit with a glass bowl like helmet around it's head as the frozen figure is like a statue frozen in place.
Then we see it's one of its eyes move a bit along with its robotic claws as the figures moves and bit and then one of it's eyes quickly moved to the viewer and then everything turn dark as a possibility new threat will come soon.
To be continued.................................
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