Chapter 50: Your biggest fan!
We can hear a clock ticking as we see a small bit nice room filled with some books around it along with a couch in the middle of the room along with a chair that is facing the couch as we can see a familiar person laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling while we can also see someone sitting on the chair facing with his patient as we see a veiw of the patient which is Y/n as a familiar voice can be heard as he ask Y/n while he's looking up at the ceiling.
???: So have you been enjoying your time here on this island?
Y/n: Yeah I mean it's very much peaceful and everyone seems to be nice to me.
???: That's good to hear it. Have you gotten any of those dreams during the pass three months or so?
Y/n: Yeah and I'm starting to get these dreams far more now then usual.
???: Well how's about you tell me about these dreams?
Y/n: my dream I was in a garden but not my garden, a different garden. I was surrounded by these beautiful flowers that is so colourful that you might notice it in the sky. I was enjoying myself when this someone came up to me and talked to me.
???: Any idea who this person was?
Y/n: She's female and I think she's in the same race as Knuckles I think? I couldn't tell. All I do know however that she makes me happy when she's around me.
???: Is she by any chance the person you loved?
Y/n: I....I don't know but I believe she's like a mother to me. She spoke to me like she was proud of me like any mother would to their children when they did something good. Anways then I was standing in front of the Mastee Emerald and I don't know why but.....I think he was telling me something.
???: How can you tell?
Y/n: There was these voices. Whispers that said many things all around me. They sound.....familiar to me but all I can make out was all of them saying "Remember who you are." Whatever that ment?
???: Well unfortunately this is the time we have but we are making progress.
Y/n: That's good to hear. Thanks Orbot.
We see it was Orbot as Y/n leaves the couch and walk out and head to the counter where Cubot is there as Y/n hands him the payment.
Cubot: Thanks for coming Y/n! It's very nice to have you here.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Cubort. You two take care.
He make his leave as we see him within a nice village that is far away from what is happening out there. It's in a isolated island that not many kingdoms aren't aware of after the war. It was founded by Mayor Fink who is the Mayor of the village as we see Y/n walk pass a small market place as he was just minding is own business as people pay no attention to him.
Soon he felt kinda hungry so he decided to grab some lunch at Meh burgers. He gets in line like everyone else and soon he got to the counter and asked Dave his order and a few minutes later he gets his meal.
Y/n: Thanks Dave.
After that he looks around for a seat and sees that the seats are packed. However he find one that there is only one person sitting so he make his way over and ask the female Dolphin.
Y/n: Say is it alright if I can sit here? The seats are kinda packed here?
???: Oh sure thing no pro-
When she turn to see Y/n she nearly drop her burger as she was shocked while Y/n looks at her in confusing and asked.
Y/n: Um are you okay?
???: (shocked) NO WAY! IT'S YOU! YOUR Y/N L/N!!!
Other customers look over to them while Y/n is surprised that she knows about him so he sat sand across from her and ask.
Y/n: Um yeah that's me but how do you know who I am?
???: (smile) Dude how shouldn't I know you! Your the war hero that saved the world, defeated Eggman and ended the war! Your like the most famous person to many people!
Y/n: Yeah that's me alright. Say sorry to ask but who are you?
Tempest: (smile) Whoops sorry I was too excited seeing you in person I totally forgot to introduce myself. Names Tempest, it's nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. So you live in this village?
Tempest: (smile) Oh no I just came here. You see I'm an explorer, I like travelling and discovering many secrets around Mobius.
Y/n: Secrets? Such as?
Tempest: (smile) Such as this island. There have been many secrets on this island that dated back millions of years ago. I was actually told to come here by someone by the name of Cliff. He told me this island holds unknown secrets and possibly secrets that he change what we think about of this planet.
Y/n: That's very interesting and very convenient because I'm also on this island for my search as well.
Tempest: Is it about your past?
Y/n: (surprised) Yeah how did you-?
Tempest: I've heard about your mysterious past and how many people try to figure out about your past and even put theories about it on the Internet.
Y/n: They have been theories being my past?
Tempest: Sounds weird I know but a lot of people who is a fan of you are trying their best to help. Then suddenly there was this "Y/n a criminal" thing and all a sudden it wasn't no more. Weird, I guess someone was trying to frame you as a criminal ain't that right?
Y/n fell slient a bit as he continues eating his burger while Tempest let out a nervous chuckle and eats her burger as well. After they were done and paid we see them leaving whne Tempest tell him.
Tempest: Say do you if I can stay in your place for a bit? I kinda don't have a place.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Just a small warning, my roommate is quiet......a fan of new people.
Tempest: (smile) Please how bad can they be?
(Short while later)
We arrived to a nice looking hut that is facing at the beach as the two make their way towards the entrance onky for someone to bounce out and tackle Y/n into the ground.
???: You have finally come at last alien! I will not allow you to take my brains!
Y/n: Hi there Sticks.
She realised it was Y/n and she immediately hugged him whike she called out.
Sticks: Y/n! Glad it was you! I thought the aliens from another planet have taking you and replaced you with a robot!
Y/n: (chuckle) Nope just me. Say this is Tempest, he'll be staying with us for a bit.
Tempest: (smile) Yo.
Sticks: Hhhhmmmm she doesn't look like much? Tell me, what can you do?
Tempest: Well I can do this.
She then points her finger into the sky and shoots out water into the sky which impressed the two.
Sticks: Okay your in! Together we will face the upcoming alien invaders and kick them off from this planet!
Tempest: Um okay? Well nice to meet you Sticks.
Sticks: Same to you!
She then heaf inside while Tempest is completely confused as Y/n explain to her.
Y/n: (nervous smile) Let's just say......she really believes aliens might come to attack the planet.
Tempest: You know from all the things that has happened, I don't really blame her.
Y/n: (smile) Agree but she is pretty nice once you get to know her more.
Tempest: Guess so.
???: There you are Tempest.
They look over to see a person with a cowboy lioe hat and gloves as he apoorches them.
Tempest: (smile) You must be Cliff! Sorry for being late, I was kinda caught up.
Cliff: (smile) I can see. You must be Y/n is that right?
Y/n: (smile) Yes sir. You must be the person that Cliff that Tempest is talking about. Its very nice to meet you.
Cliff: (smile) Same to you. You know I was actually come here to talk to you when I see you and Tempest here.
Y/n: You wanted to talked to me?
Tempest: What's going on?
Cliff: Well it's something to do with this Eggman underground base that has been found. It appears it has been kept there for a very long time.
Tempest: I thought there was no Eggman bases on this island due to it being isolated by other kingdoms?
Cliff: We thought so as well but it seems Eggman must have made one here but then abandoned it.
Y/n: Any idea what type of base is?
Cliff: No one really knows. It looks like it hasn't been used for a very long time. In fact we have our idea what it is. Some say it's a factory while others say it's Eggman hide out when ever he lost the war. All we do know that it holds something inside that might be interesting and maybe we could use your help of finding out what it could be.
Y/n: Sure thing. We be happy to help ain't that right Tempest?
Tempest: (surprised) Wait me?
Y/n: Hey Sticks? Wanna come with us?
Sticks: Anything for you Y/n~!
Y/n: (smile) Guess that's all of us. We be right there.
Cliff: (smile) Thank you Y/n, I'll see you there.
He walked off and once that Y/n and Tempest head inside as Y/n grab some gear while Tempest was still surprised and ask Y/n.
Tempest: So when you say "we?" You were including me right?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I mean you are shown to be pretty good with your water powers and I can see you wish to come with me. So I'll be happy for you to come with us.
Tempest: (surprised) Whoa that's really sweet of you. I never actually hang out with anyone.
Y/n: Why is that?
Tempest: You see.....I was not that popular a while back. My cheerful attitude and personality made other people find me annoying so....they just avoided me as best they can. They even.....left me out in cool things that I to join. I left because I understand that no one doesn't show respect towards me and decided to find new friends. I guess....I wasn't suspected to meet such nice people who accepted me.
Y/n feel bad for her and understand the pain she's going through when she was young. He then walk up to her and place his hand onto her shoulder and assures her.
Y/n: (smile) Forget what anyone says about you. You are you and if your happy with your personality then I'm happy as well. Now let's go and search out thid Eggman base.
Tempest was surprised but smiles as she nodes and soon the trio head out to meet up with Cliff and search what's inside the Eggman base and find out what it could be.
We see a crowd of archaeologists at the site as we also see Cliff showing Y/n, Tempest and Sticks the Eggman base and once they arrive there they see the base and it looks too small for a factory. It looks like the size of a house as they look around.
Tempest: Huh it doesn't look like a factory. Could it be a storage house?
Sticks: Or maybe this is where he put his aliens that can wake up and take over the world! We must destroy it now.
Cliff: We can't. What if there is something important in there that could be useful to us.
Y/n: Cliff is right. Maybe there is some files that Eggman left behind that could be useful. Anyway we can get in?
Cliff: There is the front entrance but the door seems to be locked and there is no power.
Y/n: Allow me.
He walks over to the control console and tap his finger onto the control which zapped and the doors open which surprised everyone. Once the door was fully open and the lights flicker on. The trio make their way inside and look around.
Y/n: Cliff stay outside. We be back with something.
Cliff: Understood. Good luck and be safe.
He nodes and they make their way through the base ans see things have fallen apart and things aren't working right like the lights that flicker or some completely broken.
Y/n: If only Orbot and Cubot were here. They might know what this base is.
Tempest: You mean Eggman's services?
Y/n: Well used to but after the war they open up this therapy business to those that are trouble.
Tempest: (smile) That's good to hear.
Y/n: Yeah.
Sticks: This is very sketchy. All we know we could be walking into a clever trap by something within the shadows of this base!
Tempest: But the lights are on?
Sticks: You never know!
Y/n: Hey look up ahead.
They stop to see another door which is the only door this base had as they walk over to it. Y/n walk up to the controls and sees it needs a password she he decided to guess so he type in the password and surprisingly it worked ad the door slowly open.
Tempest: (surprised) Wow how did you know his password?
Y/n: Eggman password was basically "Eggman rules, Sonic sucks." Guess he wasn't bothered to change it.
Soon the doors fully open and once that they step inro what looks like a square room with only one cryo pod in the middle of the room as they look at it. Y/n gets close and wipe the fog and sees someone inside asleep.
Y/n: It looks there's someone in there. Looks like a mobian.
Sticks: Or a disguise robot that is waiting to be awaken! We must destroy it!
Tempest: Hey there's a computer over there.
Tempest walks over to the computer and luckily it turned on as she looks through the files and then stumble apon something which she called out.
Tempest: Experiment file: 72316. Bioweapon S.K.T.
Y/n: Bioweapon? Eggman was trying to make a Bioweapon?
Sticks: I knew it! I knew it all along!
Tempest: It says "Created through careful manipulation of DNA samples. This bioweapon was built with the ideal speed, strength and mobility to surpass all enemies."
Sticks: Um What dose all that weird words all mean?
Y/n: It means Eggman was trying to creature a powerful Mobian. Similar to how Shadow was made 50 years ago.
Tempest: Is that even possible? I mean shadow is one I can understand but making similar life form like shadow is....probably impossible.
Y/n: He's Eggman. He can make a huge space station without anyone knowing about it. Still I think we should-
Suddenly alarms start to go off and then the cryo chamber start to open as steam was coming out of as the lid start to open.
Y/n: Tempest what did you touch!
Tempest: It's not me! The pod is opening itself!
Sticks: Quick! We must kill it before it will doom us all!
Y/n: Wait! Let's see what happens.
They watched the pod open slowly and soon it was fully open. At first nothing happened but then a hand appear out, grabbing the side of the pod and then another. Then a female mobian with blue lioe furr with two fox like tails came out of the pod and yet out a cute yawn as she stretched herself while she had her eyes closed.
Then she slowly open her eyes and her vision was a blurr but then I start to clear up as she look around in amazement and then spotted Y/n, Sticks and Tempest as she let out a gentle smile and said.
???: (smile) Hey there.
The trio were a bit surprised that she said that. Still Y/n clear his throat and then ask her.
Y/n: Um hello? Do you know who you are?
???: Who I am? Umm no I have no clue who I am. Do you know?
They have no idea as well until Y/n spotted some words at the side of her cryo pod that said "Project" S.N.T" which he asked.
Y/n: Are you SNT?
SNT: SNT? Hhhhmmmmm oh yeah I remember my name now! (Smile) Yes, my name is SNT! It's very nice to meet you three!
The trio were a but surprised but also confused since she doesn't look like a bioweapon or any threat as she's just a sweet, beautiful and kind person.
Sticks: Can I still destroy her? Please?
To be continued....................................
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