Chapter 49: The Freedom Civil war (Arc 4 Final)

We see Tangle and Whisper have Maximilian free from his cell and sit him onto a chair as he breath a sigh of relief while Tangle and Whisper look at each other in confusing and then back to Maximilian as Tangle ask him.

Tangle: Um Maximilian? Is that you?

Maximilian: Indeed Tangle. It's me. Thank you for freeing me. I thought no one isn't gonna find me here.

Tangle: Yeah but what happened to you and why are you here?

Maximilian: It was a blurr for me. I....went through a portal with Starline and it was dark which I can't see anything. That's when I was hit from behind and I fallen unconscious. Next thing I knew I was in a cell as I was given food by.....Starline.

Tangle: (shocked) Starline?! He put you here!?

Whisper: When did this happen?

Maximilian: It was when Eggman attacking Knothole which Starline pulled me to safety.

Tangle: That's impossible. We just saw you with the other Acorn family putting a arrest for Armadeus, Rosemary and Tails for crimes against the kingdom while also declaring war to the other kingdoms.

Whisper: Not to mention placing Y/n a traitor after he blow up a prison.

Maximilian: (shocked) What?! I would never do such a thing to my loyal allies and friends! Especially Y/n who saved the whole planet!

Tangle: Okay I'm confused. If your here and would never do such a thing. Then whose this other Maximilian in the castle right now.

Whisper: (shocked) Oh no.

Tangle: What is it?

Whisper: (shocked) It's Mimic! He's the one inside the castle right now!

Tangle: (shocked) What?! But I thought he was in prison....Well before it was blown up.

Whisper: He must have escape somehow. Sir I believe Mimic is personate you and now taking control of your thrown right now!

Maximilian: (shocked) What?! We must get to castle before it's too late! We must not allow this imposter ruined our kingdom including many others!

Whisper: Right.

Tangle: (smile) Yeah and let me just say it's good to see the real you sir.

Maximilian: (smile) It's good to see you two as well. Now let's go now!


We see Jules at the hospital as we see him in his room sitting on his bed and looking out of the window as the birds fly by his window. He continues to stare through the window for a bit until he hear a door open and turn to see Sonic and not himself as he walk up to him.

Jules: (smile) Hey Sonic. How's things?

Sonic:......Not good dad.

Jules: (smirk) What's wrong? No chili dogs left the the house.

Sonic: Dad it's serious!

Jules: (sigh) Yeah I'm sorry. Just want to cheer you up a bit. Anyways what's on your mind?

Sonic: I.....did and say things that......isn't me.

Jules: Well tell me, I'm all ears.

Sonic sigh and tell his father everything that had happened while he was in the hospital. How he fight his friends, broke Tails friendship and now Y/n left due to him not trusting him or the Freedom fighters any longer. Jules listened and node his head and after Sonic tell Jules his story, he sat there slince and let out a sigh.

Jules: Sonic....I'm not mad at you. I'm just...disappointed. You know your friends have your back and yet after that court destruction you suddenly do things that isn't you. You care for your friends and do anything for them and now....Sonic my boy.

Sonic: I know. I'm just......afraid of losing anyone. When.....When you and the rest were injured when the court house blow up I just......I have no idea what to do.

Jules: And you believe Armadeus is responsible for it?

Sonic: I mean! I don't know anymore! Now everyone hates me now and I don't know what to do. I feel like i have no one to talk to no more.

Jules: What about your siblings and your mother?

Sonic: Sonia is upset and told me to leave her along. Manic just told me off that I've betrayed everyone I know and even Y/n. My mother and Uncle Chuck.......they are busy so your my only one to talk to.

Jules: I see.

Sonic: Still what can I do? How can I make things right?

Jules: There is. Be a actual hero and do things right.

Sonic: I guess but......I think I lost I when I betrayed everyone I know.

Jules: (smile) Sonic I know you've always bounce right back up when situation like this pull you down. You know it, everyone knows it, I know it. You protected your friends and save many lives. I know you made many mistakes but did those mistakes made you think that your not a hero?

Sonic: No.

Jules: (smile) That's right. Heroes ain't always perfect Sonic. No one is. Heroes can make mistakes even if they are huge or small. I've made many mistakes in my time but rather giving up right there and now, I learn from my mistakes and be a better person. You should do the same as well Sonic. Learn from these mistakes and be a greater hero. I know you can make things right Sonic, I know you can.

Sonic: Guess so. Thanks Dad, I'll speak to you later.

Jules: (smile) Okay then Sonic. Take care.

Sonic leaves the room and leaves the hospital as he decided to take a walk rather then running as he walk through Knothole as he look down at the ground and remember what his dad said. He looked up to see that he thought was Y/n so he rushed over while he calls out.

Sonic: Y/n! I'm so sorry for-

But a citizen turn which made Sonic stop after seeing it wasn't Y/n as he sigh as the citizen walks off while he looks at where Y/n's statue was and remember the times he saved many lives and even his as well, how he risk his own life to protect others and shown to be the heart of the Freedom fighters and the fighter that never give up his friends and shown to be very loyal to not only his friends.....but the name "Freedom fighter" as the name means Freedom to everything they stood and fight for rather then absolute control over eveyr citizens of Knothole or anyone in the world.

Y/n was right about anything and yet he viewed him as a traitor and now he's gone because of him. He sigh as he turn to leave but suddenly someone grab him from behind and he was teleported into what looks like a circle field near Knothole as he was thrown into the ground.

Sonic stood up and look up to see Shadow looking down at him as Sonic tells Shadow.

Sonic: What do you want Shadow?

Shadow: I'm here because your an idiot.

Sonic: What do you mean?

Shadow: Are you stupid! You throw away everyone that is your friends and now look at you, your alone all because of your stupidly.

Sonic: Shadow please no more! I know what I did was a mistake but-

Shadow: But what? Do you honestly think that everything will suddenly go back to normal like it was nothing?!

Sonic: It's not like that!

Shadow: Then what then?! What are you going to do instead of walking around Knothole and doing nothing!

Sonic: (anger) SHUT UP!!!!

Sonic dashed over and grabs Shadow by the neck and slammed him into a wall. Sonic pinned Shadow into the wall as he breaths heavily while Shadow stare at him for a bit until Sonic weakly let go which Shadow land onto his feet as Sonic starts to cry while he tells Shadow.

Sonic: (tears) I'm sorry okay! I'm really am sorry. It's just......I don't want to lose anyone after what Eggman did whne he attacked Knothole. I was afraid......that I will lose anyone else again. I thought I was doing something right but I was wrong. Just please.....I'm sorry.

Sonic continues to cry while Shadow look down at him and look away when he tells Sonic.

Shadow: Do you want to know why I show Y/n more respect then anyone else?

Sonic turn to Shadow as he look back at Sonic and explains.

Shadow: Because he was someone that is stronger then me but rather flexing on his powers or use it like a toy.....he use it responsible and even train to gain stronger. I even caught him one time in the training court in tne middle of the night training none-stop. He was desperate to be stronger so he can learn more about himself and use his powers to protect others. Rather then just getting stronger just to show who is the best. True i didn't trust him when I first met him but after a while he shown to be far more different and it impressed me. Say i said it, he "impressed me." He even shown his effecting towards others around him, something I myself find hard to do. Disbite his lack of memory or unknown history he shown to be in the light and be himself while i used to deal with the trauma and memory lost until I've found my past. He was someone.....that is like myself. Since then....I show respect towards him and even help him free Tails family form prison.

Sonic is shocked that Shadow helped Y/n break Tails family from prison but he didn't care no more. Shadow reach out his hand to Sonic which he looks at a bit and then wipe the tears away, take Shadows hand and Shadow help Sonic up.

Once that Shadow turn while he tells Sonic.

Shadow: The guards managed to capture Armadeus, Rosemary and Tails and they are at the castle right now to be killed in front of the Acorn family along with live TV. If you went my respect Sonic.....finish what Y/n had started. End this foolish war once and for all.

Sonic knows that Shadow is right as he finally cracks a smirk and tells Shadow.

Sonic: (smirk) Right! No time to waste! Gonna go fast!

Then he dashes off as Shadow is seen walking away whioe he cracks a smirk as he walks off.


We see all cameras in thr throne room as we see Armadeus, Rosemary and Tails kneel down in front of the Acorn family with Sally in fear including Alicia while Elisa, Starline and Maximilian are seen staring at them as Starline starts off by calling out.

Starline: Armadeus Prower, Rosemary Prower and Miles Tails Prower. You was guilty for treason acts against the kingdom, costing a riot against the kingdom, attempting assassin on the royal family and escape and blowing up the prison. You are here by sentenced to death!

They were pushed to the ground as three guards came up with large sharp axes as they get into positions and stood there as Elias stood up from his chair and ask Armadeus or his family.

Elias: Is....Is there any last words from any one of you?

Maximilian: (anger) You should be a shame to even call yourself king "sire."

Elias sat back down while Starline and Armadeus sees this but ignore it as Maximilian calls out the guards.

Maximilian: Ready!

The guards ready their axes as Tails looks at his family for the final time as the guards raised their axes into the air and they were ready for Maximilian to call them to take off their heads when suddenly the doors burst open and Sonictake down the guards and once that lands in front of them and calls out.

Sonic: Stop right there! I won't allow you to harm my buddy and his family!

They were shocked by this as Sonic turns to them and helps them up. He turn to Tails as he sigh and then bend down to him and said.

Sonic: Tails.....I'm truly am sorry for what I did. I was afraid of losing you or anyone else. I know you my not forgive herself but let me make things right, for you and your family.

Tails shakes a bit and then hugged Sonic as he cried while Sonid smiled and hugged him back.

Starline: You traitor! Guards get them!

The guards walk towards them with spears in hand as Sonic and the rest turn and they wee ready for a fight when suddenly Sally snapped and yell out.


Everyone stopped and turn to Sally as she walked up to Elias and slapped him in the face which shocked everyone.

Sally: (anger) How can you let this happen!? You know this is wrong and yet you allowing this to happen?!

Elias: Sally....sis.

Maximilian: (anger) That's enough Sally! You have no right to-

Sally: (anger) And you! What happened to the respectful, kind hearted and cheerful father that I loved! You told me what Freedom is and now you allowing this to happen! We are not like Eggman! We decid what we to things and fought for what is right! That's why I've formed the Freedom fighters and now you and my own brother is abusing it's name and what we stood for!

She then walks over to Sonic, Tails, Armadeus and Rosemary as she gets there and turn back and said.

Sally: If you wish to harm them, then I'll join them then.

Alicia: (shocked) Sally.

Maximilian: (anger) How dare you join with those...terrorist! Guards, kill her as well!

Alicia: (shocked) What?!

Starline: She is a traitor and will be executed along with Armadeus and his followers. Elias?

Elias turn to Sally and the rest as he look down and then said.

Elias: No.

Maximilian and Starline turn to Elias as he stood up and said.

Elias: I'm sick of this! You told me to be a good king and now I'm being forced to give out a order to kill innocent and most loyal people!

Maximilian: (anger) I am your father! Obey to me and order the guards to kill them!

Elias: (anger) You maybe my father but I won't do it!

Maximilian stare at Elias and then sigh to himself and said.

Maximilian: Very well then. Guards....kill my son and the rest.

The guards have no choice but aim their spear at them including Elias as Alicia could not believe this and calls out to Maximilian.

Alicia: Love please stop this! This is wrong!

Maximilian: (anger) Fine then! Kill my wife! I'll rule this kingdom myself and no one isn't gonna stop me for securing ever lasting peace to this world!

???: I don't think so!

They all turn and Tangle and Whisper came into the throne room along with the real Maximilian which shocked everyone in the room and even those whose watching on live TV.

Stareline: (shocked) What is this?!

Tangle: (smirk) What's wrong? Didn't know we found your secret prison Starline?

Elias: Secret prison?

Whisper: Everyone we have been tricked. That's Mimic who's disguising as Maximilian!

Sonic: (shocked) What?!

Tails: (shocked) For real!

Maximilian: Indeed and Starline is behind all of this!

Starline: What?! How can I be? Plus how can we know he's not the-

Suddenly "Armadeus" was shot by Whisper's wispon which shocked everyone as they turn and see Mimic standing up as he shake from his attack and look around to see he was caught.

Mimic: Ah crap.

Tangle: (smirk) Take that Mimic!

Suddenly there was a clap as they turn to see Starline clapping as he let out a chuckle and then said.

Starline: (smirk) Well done. Well done indeed. It was great when it lasted but I guess we can't keep this up in the end.

Elias: (shocked) What?! So your behind all of this all along!?

Starline: (smirk) Indeed. It was my master plan to break apart the Freedom fighters from the inside, and it nearly worked if Whisper and Tangle hadn't found the real Maximilian. It was I who set the coordinations to Eggman so he can attack Knothole which gives me a chance to place Maximilian inside of a cell within the Freedom fighters base and kept him there until the Freedom fighters have been broken apart. Then I've quickly and quietly broke Mimic out of his cell and build a robot replica of Mimic with a hologram to make him act like Mimic and use the hologram technology to change into different people to have the same powers as Mimic. Once I've broke Mimic out I have him disguise as Maximilian so he will be the main reason of this civil war. My true goal to have Armadeus and his family killed on live TV which cost the public to start a even more riot which resulted to have the Fred fighters to be broken and alloying Eggman to retake the world once again.

Tangle: (shocked) Whoa......good plan.

Elias: (anger) You will pay for this Starline! I've trusted you!

Starline: (smirk) Oh that's cute. Well I'll be rejoining Eggman's forces, Mimic come, we're done.

He opens the portal as Sonic sees this and dashes to stop them but the two go through the portal and the portal closes as Sonic missed his chance.

Sonic: They got away.

Armadeus and Elias walk up to Maximilian as Armadeus bow in front of Maximilian.

Armadeus: Please forgive me actions sire.

Maximilian: (smile) No need to apologise Armadeus. You did a right thing if standing up what is right.

Armadeus: Thank you sire.

Elias: Father....I.....I-

Maximilian: (smile) Son it's okay. It was not your fault. They take control of your lack of leadership and use it against us. It was never your fault.

Elias: I.....Thank you father...I promise this will never happen again.

Maximilian smile as everyone else smiled as Tangle leaps up into the air and called out.

Tangle: (smile) Yeah! Looks like everything is back to normal!

Whisper: Well.....not everything.

They realise that Y/n is not with them no more which they were sadden by this but then Maximilian tells them.

Maximilian: (smile) Then we must find him. After all he's not only a loyal solder.....but a great friend.

Sally: (smile) That's right. We got to find him and convince him to come back.

Tails: (smile) I'll get the tornado ready to take flight!

Sally: (smile) I'll assemble everyone! Let's go and find Y/n Freedom fighters!

They node as they all leave the throne room as Sonic was going a different way when Tails calls out from behind.

Tails: (smile) Hey Sonic!

He turn back to see Tails waving for Sonic as he tell him.

Tails: (smile) Where are you going? The Tornado is that way!

Sonic is surprised but smiled as he dashes over to Tails and then the two walk off as Sonic tells Tails.

Sonic: (smile) Let's go and find Y/n and bring him back!

Tails: (smile) Right!


At the beach of a unknown island we see some birds flying by enjoying the nice sun and then landing onto a tree branch just to take a break. Then they spotted a cloak figure with a hood over his head as he stare at the sea in slince. He stare at the ocean as if he was reflecting everything that has happened as we take a glance at his face and we see it's Y/n.

He looks at the ocean thinking about everything he been through, every battles, friends he saved, the people he care for and now.......he is alone. A singal tear roll down from his cheek and then he turns around and walks off into the forest and disappeared into the darkness of the forest as all he wants to do to be alone.

To be continued....................................

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