Chapter 48: The Freedom civil war (Arc 3)
Flash of lighting along with a heard of thunder in the distances as rain pour down at the prison as we see Y/n, Rosemary and Amadeus exit out of the prion as Rosemary and Amadeus run off while Y/n looks back at the prison and knows that Tails and Sonic are fighting each other in there and he can't allow them to battle.
Amadeus: Y/n let's go! We don't have no time before back up would come.
Y/n: I'm....sorry but.....I have to stop Sonic and Tails from fighting each other.
Amadeus: Look I know your worry for them but Tails knows what he is doing. Right now we must escape now before more guards will show up.
Y/n: And then what? Your son will be imprison as well while Sonic and Tails will be hurt!? No! I have to stop them from fighting otherwise.....I can't imagine what will happen next.
Amadeus: I understand. Take care Y/n....and good luck.
Rosemary: Keep Tails safe okay!
Y/n: I will!
The two rush off as they disappeared into the trees as Y/n lost them from sight and then Tangle, Whisper, Mighty, Ray and Matilda rush up to Y/n.
Mighty: What happened? Where's Sonic and Tails?
Y/n: Inside fighting. Listen I need you all to stay here and keep the guards away from the prison. Stall them long enough for me to calm both Tails and Sonic.
Tangle: You got it.
Whisper: We'll buy you some time.
Ray: Th-That's right.
Matilda: Now go and break those two up before it's too late.
Y/n: Right.
Y/n race himself back into the prison and rush by unconscious guards as he race down the halls when an explosion followed by a shake made him stumble a bit as the lights flicker a bit as Y/n thinks to himself as he continues running.
Y/n: (thought) Let's just hope the prisoners are still inside their cells by the time I get there.
Soon he arrived at the door and he was suspected the doors to open but he slammed into the door which didn't open. He stumble back and try to open the door but no such luck.
Y/n: Nicole can you hear me? The doors aren't opening? What's going on out there? Hello? Nicole can you hear me? Damn it, guess I need to find another way inside.
He turn to the another door which open and he heads through and head up the steps and soon reaches the control room as he enter inside and sees no guards around. There is security footages as Y/n looks at the cells and sees all the prisoners are still in their cells.
Y/n: (sigh of relief) That's good. Here I thought there will be a large prison break.
Then his eyes landed on Mimic's cell and finds him still sleeping at the same place as the last time he see him in his cell. He finds it very suspicious but then there was a shake which he use the controls to switch the cameras and sees Tails and Sonic fighting each other as he radios in Sonic and Tails.
Y/n: Sonic, Tails can you hear me! Stop this right now!
We cut to Sonic and Tails still fighting each other as Sonic and Tails get into a arm lock as they share a glare and then Sonic tossed Tails across the prison which Tails slide across the hall.
Y/n: (coms) Sonic please stop this right now! Think about what you are doing!?
Sonic: (anger) Shut it Y/n! This is between me and my so called best friend who back stab me!
Tails: (anger) Back stab?! Your the one who betrayed me Sonic the hedgehog!
Sonic: (anger) Well at least I didn't blow up a court house and injured a few people!
Y/n: (coms) Will you two just calm down and let's talk!
Tails and Sonic: (anger) No!
They crush their coms as Y/n can't connect them any longer as he sighs and said to himself at the control room.
Y/n: This is probably me being like Amy but why dose boys do that. Okay just calm down Y/n, calm down. This room may help me break those two from fighting each other. Wait a minute, the turrets systems are not only online but it can be set to stun mode if there was a prison riot. Perfect! I just need to get into the system and just stun them.
He type into the turrets systems and then take control as we see a turret going online behind Sonic as the turret aims at Sonic.
Y/n: Sorry about this Sonic but I have to-
Suddenly it fired a red beam that Sonic dodged and the beam hits the floor as the floor was burned and steaming a bit.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! It's supposed to set to stun mode! Not blast mode! What's going on?!
We then cut outside as we see a cloak figure with his laptop as he hacks into the turrets systems while inside the prison we see more turrets being deployed and the turrets open fire at Sonic and Tails that is set to kill.
Sonic: (anger) So you allow Y/n to try to kill me huh? Smooth move Tails.
Tails: (anger) Me?! Don't blame me for this! If anything it's your thing!
Sonic growled as he spin dashed and take out the turrets and then gose back of fighting Tails as Y/n gets a bit frustrated as sparks of electricity appear out of his hand as he start to panic and said to himself .
Y/n: (panic) Okay. Okay. I can fix this! I can fix things. I just need a new plan.........oh! I got one! The cells have sleeping gas that can be activated if the prisoners inside try something or fighting each other. I just need to lower Sonic and Tails into a prison cell and active the gas.
He looks around for a empty cell that he can use to trap Sonic and Tails in and release the sleeping gas and soon he find one and luckily I was close to them. So he waits for them to be pushed towards the empty cell near them and after a few blows by Sonic and Tails the two were sent towards the cell which he immediately pushed a button which the cell open and Sonic and Tails were sent into a open cell.
Y/n: Yes! And now close it!
He pushed the button but it wasn't working as he try pushing it again and again but it wasn't working.
Y/n: (panic) Nonononononononono! Come on! You can't feel me now! Come on! (Angry) YOU STUPID MACHINE!
In frustration he slammed onto the controls will immediately all the cells open and all prisoners were free as they race out while Sonic and Tails continues to fight.
Y/n: (panic) Oh no no no no!!!!!!!!!
He race out of the room while sparks of electricity appear out of his hands and his quills even more and more. Soon he sees the entrance of the cell blocks open and all prisoners were making a run towards freedom.
Eggman: (smirk) Finally I'm free! Thanks for the freedom Y/n! Hahahahahaha!
Eggman runs by as Y/n can't believe this as he rushes towards the cell block and looks down at the bottom floor to see Tails and Sonic continue fighting as he called out to them.
Y/n: Sonic! Tails! Stop fighting right now! We have a problem!
They don't listen so Y/n make his way down and soon he made it to the bottom floor and rushes towards them as Sonic pushed Tails back and the two were about to go one whne Y/n gets in between them.
Sonic: (anger) Get out of my way Y/n!
Tails: (anger) Move now Y/n!
Y/n: Don't you see what you two are doing?! Everything we did in the past, the times we laughed, the times we smile and the times we spend! Dose that mean nothing to you both! How we ended the war and now this! This ain't us! WE'RE NOT THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS THAT WE ARE!
Sonic punches Y/n in the face. There was silence between them and soon Y/n's quills turn dark and his bolts turned purple as he start to glow purple as purple bolts or electricity sparkle out everywhere at the prison, destroying everything as Y/n slowly forms a fist of frustration, ange and pure rage as he let out a mighty yell.
Y/n: THAT! IS! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then there was a huge explosion that blows up the whole prion even sending Tangle, Whisper, Mighty, Ray and Matilda flying as there was a shock blast that hits Knothole and knockout all of the citizens power and even Nicole disappeared from Sally in front of her as she turn to her window and see the large explosion and hopes everyone is okay while the other freedom fighters see the massive explosion and they were hoping the same as well.
(Next day)
The sun rises at the destruction of thr prison as we see Y/n laying among the rubble as he slowly wakes up with a groan and slowly he came out of the rubble and one's out he looks around to see nothing but what was left of the prison.
He realised what he had done as his arms starts to shake and he start to cry. He start to sob as he can't believe what he just done and how he let all of this happen. Suddenly Sonic burst out of the rubble with a spin dash and looks around to see the prison destroyed along with Y/n on his knees as Sonid dashes towards him and then swing a kick which made Y/n fell onto the ground.
Sonic: (anger) Look what you have done! Not only all prisoners are free but now we have no prison.
Y/n: (tears) Sonic I-
Sonic kicked Y/n one's more which hurts as Sonic gose on to say.
Sonic: (anger) What?! Your sorry? Your sorry that you let the dangerous and most evil beings out including Eggman free! Now he's somewhere in the world and it's all your fault!
He kicked Y/n one's more and then grabbed him by the neck as he swing his fist as Sonic glare at him while he tell him.
Sonic: (anger) I thought I teach you about friends and what we stood for. But guess not, because your betrayed us.
Sonic swing his fist towards Y/n face but suddenly he grabs Sonic's fist as Y/n glare at Sonic and then he strike a blow at Sonic in the face.
Y/n: (anger) I HAVEN'T BETRAYED NO ONE!!!!!
sonic stumble back as Y/n was breathing heavily while with tears in his eyes with frustration and anger within him as he tell Sonic.
Y/n: (anger) I have been loyal towards the Freedom fighters for a VERY long time! I shown to risk my own life for the sake of others and sacrifice everything I know to protect the people of cared and loved! I've died once Sonic only to protect the planet and even after the war I've shown to risk my own life to help others that all needed! I was trained, I was paired up with many people, I've bounded with them, I've made friends with them and I've even see them as family to me! I SEE YOU AS FAMILY TO ME AS WELL SONIC! I've actually look up to you because your something on what it means to be a hero, what it means taking risks and what it means of being a member of the Freedom fighters! Tails even tells me stories how you do whatever you can to keep your friends, family and many others safe and happy during the war! And I was glad of meeting someone who I can look up to for guidance and advice of being a war! Now.......Now I don't know what to look up to now. The Freedom fighters.....or you.
Sonic stood there a bit as he look up at Y/n while Y/n just look at him and then points over to Knothole and ask him.
Y/n: Is this what you wanted? You wanted a war against all the kingdom disbite some your allies or close friends that you fought along side for years?
Sonic: I-I-I-
Y/n: Do you wish to have your friends locked away for years!? Do you wish to lock up Tails yourself!
Sonic: No I-I....I just-
Y/n: (anger) Your just what? How your father was a respected person knows the sacrifice he must make to see his friends and family alive!? If he were here right now then what will he say huh?! WHAT WILL HE SAY!?
Then Sonic fell onto his knees and start to sob as he look up at Y/n, begging for forgiveness but Y/n wasn't sure if he should or not. He then turn away and then tells Sonic.
Y/n: I'm done Sonic. I've ended the war Sonic a long time ago. Now.....this is a war I will not be apart of anymore.
Sonic: (tears) Y/n....please.
Y/n: I.....need some time for myself. Tell everyone.....I say goodbye.
He then use chaos control and disappeared from Sonic as he can't believe this and how all this whole time he was really the one who betrayed everyone including Y/n, the person he look up to now.
The citizens of Knothole gathered in front of the castle as we see Maximilian, Alicia, Sally, Elisa and Starline as Starline shows footage what happened at the prison as he tells the crowd.
Starline: Your war hero has not only try to kill Sonic and Tails and released the prisoners along with Eggman bit also blown up the whole prison. Injuring many guards and members of the Freedom fighters. Y/n has now turn traitor on us and will be found and arrested for treason.
The crowd dose not believe this including Elisa but Maximilian looks at him which he sigh and step forward and tells the crowd.
Elisa: I......I will have my royal guards and police forces to hunt Y/n down and bring him to justice. As for Amadeus and his rebels will be tracked down and be immediately be executed for their crimes.
The citizens did not cheer as the crowd breaks apart after that. Elisa sees everyone's eyes of shame looking at him as he look down and feel very much ashamed while Starline pushes Maximilian into the castle as the rest leaves. Sally stood there and she break down in tears as she worry and wonder where Y/n is and hope he'll be okay.
At the Freedom fighters base we see all the members watching Elisa's news and all were silent. They didn't believe Y/n would betray them and it must be a misunderstanding. Then the door open and they all turn to see Sonic. All eyes were on Sonic as everyone glare at him and then all leave the room in silent.
Sonic watched as everyone leaves the room and now Sonic was alone as he walk over to the couch and sat down as he look down at the ground and then look across to see a picture of the Freedom fighters winning the war with Y/n on it with a smile as he stood next to Sonic.
Sonic have a tear in his eyes and grab his head as he felt ashamed, hurt and awful as he mutter out.
Sonic: (mutter) I'm so so so sorry Y/n. I'm really am sorry.
We cut to Tangle and Whisper walking down the halls of the base as Tangle and Whisper can't believe Y/n is gone but Tangle step forward and tells Whisper.
Tangle: We can't just sit here and do nothing. We going to find Y/n and stop this war from happening again.
Whisper: I hate to say it but how?
Tangle: I don't know anything. We're the freedom fighters! We always think of something we just need....damn it!
She hits the wall with her tail for frustration but suddenly there was a crack opening up. The two looked surprised as the two walk up to the crashed wall and they open it.
It was a secret door that they didn't know as the two look at each other and then climb down the steps and soon reach at the bottom. Tangle find the light switch and the lights turned on to reveal what looks like a small room with a metal cell.
Tangle: What is this place? I didn't know this place have a cell?
Whisper walked over to the cell and looks inside and then gasp in shock which made Tangle turn and walk over next to Whisper and gasp in shock as well.
Tangle: (shocked) It can't be!
They were shocked, confused and surprised as inside the cell, looking up back at them alive and well.......was Maximilian as he stare at the two while the two were shocked and realised....if the Maximilian have been here this whole entire time then.....who is the Maximilian inside the of castle with the rest of the Acorn family then?!
To be continued.....................................
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