Chapter 47: The Freedom civil war (Arc 2)

Things have gone even more worse then Y/n or anyone had ever thought of. After the court house explosion, King Elias have his guards to arrest half of Knothole's citizens for siding with Armadeus disbite some not apart of it, the guards took them away and lock them up in prion. The citizens were shocked by this but either they do rise up and riot they will end up just like Armadeus and many others in prison.

Disbite them following the laws the guards will do everything in their power to make sure all citizens will follow the law, even by putting on posters that shows how corrupt Armadeus and his followers were and how they will pay for their crimes.

We see Y/n looking at one of the posters and can't believe this is happening as he looks at the poster and then walk off. Usually tne streets will be filled with many people that were talking, laughing and partying but now the streets were slient and no one dared to talk to each other in fear the guards might take this as a act of treason and throw them in prison.

Male citizen: Wait! I didn't do nothing!

Y/n looks over to see two guards pull a citizen out of his home and start uo beat him up which Y/n forms ans fist and walks over to them.

Y/n: Leave him alone at once! This is not how we do this!

The guards stopped to stare at him and then walk off. Y/n rush over and help him up.

Y/n: You okay sir?

Male citizen: Just stay away from me! I thought you were the freedom fighters.

He then walks off as he watch him go and lend out a sigh and turn and head to a nearest park. Once there he sat down near a lake and looks at the lake as he sat there in slient, trying to wash away everything that has been happening but he can't. He just can't get rid of everything that is happening and he just wish all of this was all a dream, just a bad dream so he can wake up and see everything is alright.

But this is reality and he can't escape it. Then Elisa appear behind Y/n as he sees him troubled so he walks up next to him and sat next to him.

Elisa: Hey there Y/n.

Y/n:......What do you want?

Elisa: I just came here to.....get my mind off of things.

Y/n: How your arresting half of Knothole?

Elisa: Listen.......I'm sorry about all of this and I'm trying my best but.....I just....(sigh) I just-


His yelle echo throughout the park as Y/n breaths heavily while sparks of electricity appear around him as Elisa put his head down and turn to the lake as Y/n sighs and sat back down.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry. It's just.....After everything we been through in the end we are now fighting at each other. Fighting our own friends. This has to stop.

Elisa: I agree but I just.....I just can't.

Y/n: Why? Your the king? You can apologise to everyone and have your guards to step down and release Tails parents.

Elisa: That would have be easy if it wasn't for......

Y/n: Wasn't for wha-

???: There you are.

The two turn to see Maximilian and Starline as Elisa stood up as Maximilian tells his son.

Maximilian: We must go son. We have important things to do.

Elisa: Do we father?

Maximilian: Oh yes my son.

Y/n: Um sir what important things are you planning to do?

Maximilian: It's none of your business Y/n.

Y/n: (thought) That's....kinda rude. I've never hear Maximilian spoken like that to me or anyone.

Elisa: Father he's a war hero. Besides I don't think Sonic didn't tell him.

Y/n: Tell me what?

Maximilian: If you must know Y/n I declare war on every kingdom for their treason acts against our kingdom.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Is I because of the court house explosion?! We don't know who done it, Besides wherever the proof?

Starline: We don't need proof or look for any clues who done it. If Maximilian believes it was the work of Amadeus allies outside of our kingdom then we must make them pay.

Y/n: But should we ask them if they done it? At least let them explain themselves and probably we can-

Maximilian: (anger) That is enough Y/n! You will obey to my orders or you will be locked up like the rest! Is that clear!

Y/n is shocked by his outburst as he lower his head and node.

Maximilian: (sigh) Let's go son. We're wasting time here.

Elisa: Yes father.

The trio left leaving Y/n alone in the park as he turn to the lake and try to figure our which side is he really on. He's just so confused and don't know what to do.


We see him walking up to the Freedom fighter base when he heard some commotion inside so he open the door only to see a crowd gathered to break Knuckles and Sonic up as fight each other while yelling at each other. Y/n push through and soon sees the two fighting each other while Team Chaotix hold Knuckles back while Amy and Shadow hold Sonic back.

Knuckles: (anger) YOU MUST BE CRAZY OR STUPID!


Y/n: What the hell is going on here?!

Cream: Mister Sonic and Mister Knuckles are fighting about the master Emerald. Sonic agrees to Elisa to use the Master Emerald to power New Mobotropolis which Knuckles refuse so they argue and then they start to fight each other. It's very scary to see them fighting.

Y/n: I'm sorry you have to see this Cream. Go somewhere with Cheese until things are calm down.

Cream: O-Okay.

Once the two left Sonic and Knuckles continue to yell when Sally gets in the middle and calls out.

Sally: That is enough! Both of you! We are the freedom fighters, we don't fight each other!

Sonic: (anger) But Sal-

Sally: Enough Sonic! That's.....enough. You both are acting like children, this ain't how we do things here.

Knuckles: Well tell that to him! Your a idiot to agree with the king to use my Master Emerald.

Sonic: Your master Emerald! Whoa your a real friend aren't you! After how you beat me up after being tricked by Eggman many times. I don't know if your really are on Eggman's sidd or your just an idiot.

Knuckles was even more angry by Sonic so he released himself and then walk towards the door and exit out of the base as everyone watched. Sonic turns to Vector and the rest as they look at Sonic in disappointment and they head out as well.

The crowd break apart in slient as Y/n sees Sonic walking away so he gose after him and soon he stop him at the hallway.

Sonic: What do you want?

Y/n: What the heck is wrong with you Sonic. You know what will happen if you remove the Master Emerald from tne island.

Sonic: Yeah. I know.

Y/n: So your just gonna do I either way!?

Sonic: Looks the island can br in the ocean for a while its no big deal. Knuckles is such a selfish person to not let us use it for a few weeks.

Y/n: That because it's IS his Emerald and he's a guardian of it. I thought you respected his choice but this.....words can't describe how disappointing I am with you.

Sonic: Your disappointing at me?! How can you say that after everything I did for you. Help you train, fighting along side you and everything we did together, you just rather stick with them then me?

Y/n: Sonic I am with you including the Freedom fighters but right now.....I don't know if I can trust you or not.

Sonic: Well you better pick fast. Your either with us, or against us.

He then walk off leaving Y/n in the hallway as he looks down and slowly forms a fist while he shakes in frustration and within a second he punches his fist onto the metal wall, leaving a dent as he stumble back and sat on the floor and sat there in silent.

Tangle: You okay?

He look up to see Tangle and Whisper as the two sat down next to him as Y/n sighs and tell them both.

Y/n: I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should trust anyone or....or....damn I don't know who to trust!

Tangle: (smile) You can trust us Y/n and your not the only one. Many others are confused just like you.

Whisper: (smile) But it's important that we trust those who really care for each other.

Y/n: Yeah. You two are right. Thank you.

The two smile as the two stand up and they were about to go when Nicole suddenly appear in front of them.

Nicole: Y/n! We have a situation!

The trio jump in a fright and breaths heavily while Tangle tells Nicole.

Tangle: I know your a super computer that appear around town but don't scare us like that.

Nicole: Sorry about that but we have a problem at the prison.

Y/n: What's going on?

Nicole: Someone had broken into the prison. I think someone is trying to release Armadeus.

Y/n realised who this person was and tells Tangle, Whisper and Nicole.

Y/n: I'll sort it out. Don't tell anyone where I'm going especially Sonic. I'll be back before anyone noticed I'm gone.

Nicole: Um sure thing.

Tangle: (smile) No problem Y/n.

Whisper: (smile) Be safe.

Y/n nodes and he rush through the halls and soon reach towards the exit. But as he opens the door he heard someone behind him call out.

???: Wait.

He turne to see Shadow there as he look at him at if he knows what he's going to do while Y/n realised this as well as Shadow approaches him.

Y/n: Try to stop me all you want Shadow but I'm going to-

But rather then stopping him, Shadow hands him a hover and Drill wispon which surprised Y/n while Shadow tells him.

Shadow: Don't get yourself caught alright.

Y/n: I promise. Thank you Shadow.

He runs off while Shadow walks away. But within the bushes we see the same figure from before as he smirks while he get into his coms and says at the other end.

???: Sonic. What I'm about to tell you may hurt you.


At the prison it was dark and raining as lighting is heard while we cut inside the prison halls as we see guards patrolling the hallway and soon stop by a elevator door and wait for the lift to arrive at their floor.

Once the elevator doors open they step in and the elevator doors close. Once the hallway is clear we see a vent from then ceiling open up and Tails land on the floor and look around to see no guards around. He make his way through the halls, turning each corner while avoiding the guards that were patrolling.

Soon he arrive at the door to the cell block where hid parents are at. He kneel down and was about to open a panel and start to work on it when the door open which Tails look to see Y/n.

Tails thinks he must be bursted but Y/n looks over to see a someone coming around the corner so he grabs Tails and enter the cell block as Y/n shuts the door.

Tails: You won't stop me Y/n!

Y/n: I'm not. I want to help you free your parents.

Tails: (surprised) Really? B-But why?

Y/n: Tails......I'm very sorry for everything that you have to deal with. Your best friend betrayed you, your parents thrown in jail and.....basically everything that is going on! I want to help you Tails because your my friend and I won't allow you to suffer of losing your parents again.

Tails is surprised by this which he tear up and hugged Y/n. He hugged Tail back and once that the two rush through the prison cells looking for Tails parents. Other prisoners watch this happen even Eggman across his cell is seeing this and smirks as if things are going well as he thought.

Tails: Mom! Dad!

They arrive at the cell where Tails parents are at as Y/n pushed a button which open their cell. Tails rush up and hugged them both.

Rosemary: (smile) Tails I'm so glad that your safe.

Armadeus: (smile) Same here son. Thank you for coming for us.

They look over to see Y/n as they approach him and Armadeus place his hand onto Y/n's shoulder.

Armadeus: (smile) Thank you. Your truly are a true Freedom fighter.

Y/n: Thank you but we have no time until the guards will figure out what's going on. The cameras maybe down bit they will now soon.

Tails: We can take the back exit. We can escape into the woods.

Rosemary: And then what?

Armadeus: Then we make a small base and try to figure out what to do next. Y/n I want you to come with us, you be a great allie to us. What do you say?

Y/n is surprised by this as he look down and doesn't know what to do. He looks up at them and tells them.

Y/n: I.....I don't know. I'm just-

Suddenly he was hit by something fast that sent Y/n flying as he crashed onto the first ground floor. The prison guards cheered while Y/n slowly gets up and looks over to see Sonic as he glare at him in anger.

Sonic: (anger) How can you do this Y/n. We trusted you. I TRUST YOU! But now, your a traitor to us all. Not just the Freedom fighters but your friends as well!

Y/n slowly gets up but then Sonic dashes towards him and lands a punch at his face which sent him flying and then another blow at his stomach and soon he slammed onto the wall. He land on one knee while he looks up at Sonic as he slowly gets up.

Y/n: Sonic. This is wrong. Don't you realise what you're doing is wrong!

Sonic: I'm doing what is right Y/n! We're bringing Freedom everyone!

Y/n: By what?! Poisoning those who didn't do nothing?! Bringing order to those and forcing innocents of people to follow by the law! If this what you call Freedom!?

Sonic: We're keeping people safe!

Y/n: Safe how?! Locking them up in prison!? Forcing them to follow by the law! For mobius sake sonic we're not like Eggman! We form the Freedom fighters to bring peace not.....not this!

Sonic: Just shut up! Your nothing but a traitor as such I have to take you down.

Y/n: Don't do this sonic. Please. I don't want to fight you.

Tails: But I will!

Then Sonic was hit from behind while Tails gets in front of Y/n as he tells him.

Tails: Get my family out of here! He's mine!

Y/n: Tails please don't do this-

Tails: Go now!

Y/n looks at Tails and with aheavy heart he rush off to grab Tails parents and get them out of here. Sonic and Tails glare at each other as Sonic tells Tails.

Sonic: How can you do this Tails. I treat you like a brother and now you do this to me? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!

Tails: We were until you lock up my parents!

Sonic: Your parents armed everything including my parents! Dose that mean nothing to you!

Tails: My father didn't harm anyone!

Sonic: I gave you one last chance Tails. Stand down or else.

Tails: You have this coming Sonic. Now, put them up!

Sonic stood there a bit as his hands slowly forms a fist as he look up at Tails and said.

Sonic: Fine then!

To be continued...................................

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