Chapter 46: The Freedom civil war (Arc 1)
Things have suddenly gone down hill. Many riots across the world have been made by the citizens and all were telling Elisa Acorn to step down as king and have theie Freedom back.
This was lead by Amadeus, Tail's father as he lead his rioters to the capital within Knothole in hopes to have Elisa to stand down as king. But the guards came out instead and arrested everyone who is taking part of the riot. Amadeus gives them a good fight but soon he took gets arrested and now things have been crazy and no one has no idea what to do.
We then cut to Tails family home as we see Sonic, Tails, Rosemary and Nicole watching the news about Amadeus arrest when suddenly Y/n burst into the house and sees them there as he approach them and ask them.
Y/n: Did you all seen-
Nicole: Yes we have and it's not good at all.
Tails: I don't understand why my father would do such a thing. Why would he even do this.
Y/n doesn't know as well but he looks at Rosemary and she had a look as if she knew of this so Y/n called out.
Y/n: You knew of this, didn't you?
Rosemary: Yes. I do.
Tails: But why?! Can you not just talk father out of it or do anything?!
Rosemary: We thought the time was right, Tails. We're safe from Eggman so now would be the best time for change.
Y/n: But Rosemary you can't be-
Sonic: Yeah, but you don't get that with a angry mob. Seriously, i thought this guy was a tactician.
Y/n: Sonic!
Tails can't believe what Sonic just said and started to cry while Y/n see he is upset and tell the two.
Y/n: How about you two go outside and get some fresh air.
Rosemary: Good idea.
They went outside and once the door closes Sonic sees both Nicole and Y/n were looking at him in disappointment.
Sonic: What?
Y/n: Sonic you do realise that "guy" is Tails own father. Aren't you a little bit worry about Tails father or his own family?
Sonic: Look I am worry but that was a dumb move. Tails risk his own life time after time of saving the Freedom and us and now his father pulls this stunt?
Y/n: Look I know your disappointed at Tails father for doing this but there has to be a reason for this. We need ti head down to the prison right away and ask him about it.
Sonic: Look you do whatever you want to do, I'm gonna ho and see I can help out with he king.
Y/n: Sonic wai-
But then he dashes off out of the house before Y/n could even tell him anything. He slowly forms a fist of frustration as sparks of electricity appear out of his hand when Nicole walk up next to him.
Nicole: You okay? I know things doesn't seem to be going but we'll find a way.
Y/n: Yeah I know. Still I need to head to the prison to talk to Amadeus. Tell the prison guards I'll be coming to visit Amadeus.
Nicole: Alright. Good luck.
Once that Y/n leaves the house while Nicole turns to the TV to see the news about the riots still going on as she lend out a sigh and disappeared to maintain Knothole as best she can.
Y/n arrived at the prison as the guards let him in into the cell. He walk pass many cells that contain prisoners as they call out to Y/n, trying to mess with him but he ignored them and soon reaches to Amadeus where he sees him laying at his bed until he looks over to see Y/n.
He leap off his bed and approach him and stops as he get close to the cell bars.
Amadeus: I was suspected my son and my wife to be here.
Y/n: They are.....sadden by your arrest.
Amadeus: Oh.....I see.
Y/n: Look I wanna know is why? Why did you start a riot? You were loyal towards the Acorn family and when Elisa is king you start a riot.
Amadeus: (sigh) Look Elisa is not fit to be king. I've survived the Acorn family for years but when Elisa took the throne, he put strict laws for citizens as well banning anyone to made contact with the other Kingdoms. Elisa is forcing all citizens to be apart of what Elisa calls it "peace." All I see is him telling others what to do and if they do anything then he just throws them in jail.
Y/n: You don't really believe he is you?
Amadeus: I don't know. I just don't trust them now, especially Starline.
Y/n: Starline? Why can you not trust him?
Amadeus: There is something off about him that doesn't suit me. Don't you think he acts weird around Elisa and how he runs the Royal family as Elisa assist?
Y/n: Well now I think about it I've seen a few times Starline act like that.
Amadeus: That's right. I believe there is something going on here and we need to figure out what. (Sigh) Look I may have betrayed the Acorn family but not my people so please.....can you trust me. If not for me, for my son and my wife.
Y/n stare at him a bit and then he nodes to him and tells him.
Y/n: Amadeus I've always trust you, Tails and Rosemary. If you think there is something up then I will help you.
Amadeus: (smile) Thank you Y/n. I knew I can count on you.
He nodes and after that he make his leave. He walked pass Mimics cell and looks inside to see him sleeping in his bed but he find it off but he can see hi breathing so he continues on walking as he heads to the castle to speak with Sally.
We see Sally in her room getting changed while humming to herself. As she put on her bra on the door swing open and Y/n came in and calls out.
Y/n: Sally we need to-
Then Sally turn towards Y/n and he sees her getting changed which made him blush and immediately shuts the door and embarrassingly called out at the other side od the door.
Y/n: (blush) Sorry about that Sally! Didn't know you were getting changed.
Sally: It's fine. Gave me a second, I'm almost done.
After a second has passed she let him in and once inside he sat onto Sally's bed while Sally lend out a giggle while she tells him.
Sally: (smile) You never act this rushed unless something happened. What's going on?
Y/n: It's about your brother and Starline, have you noticed them acting a bit weird?
Sally: Huh.....Well know you mention it I did and I find it suspicious.
Y/n: I think there is something going on here and Amadeus think so as well.
Sally: (surprised) You've spoke to him?!
Y/n: Yeah but listen, we need to figure out what's going on and find it out now before it's too late.
Sally: Yeah your right. I've actually have Nicole to keep an eye on them. But until then we must-
Starline: Hello Princess Sally Acorn.
They turn to see Starline at the door as he walk inside whioe Y/n stood up as the two look at him as Starline looks at Sally and says.
Starline: (smile) Your looking nice as always Princess.
Sally: Thanks I guess.
Starline: (smile) Your very much welcome and Y/n, been a while since we last met. How is things with you?
Y/n: I've been busy. Look were kinds talking about-
Starline: About how Amadeus prower of betrayed all of us? Yes I know such a tragic for a hero like him to fall such a dark way. Well that's what happened to power hungry generals like him who wanted nothing but power.
Y/n: He wasn't hungry powered! He only want to protect his people!
Starline: (smirk) I rather not say that war hero. The guards might mistaken you as one of his men.
The two look at each other until Sally ask Starline.
Sally: So what brings you here Starline?
Starline: I came here to remind your about the court that will happen soon.
Y/n: So Amadeus?
Starline: Correct. They want to know why he done it and after that decid on what to do with him along with his supporting people. Be there soon as well Y/n, all citizens are invited after all. Anyways have a good day.
Once that he make his leave as Sally and Y/n watch him go until he exit out of the room.
Sally: Yeah I don't like him.
Y/n: Same here.
(Sometime later)
The trail of Amadeus was aboit to begin as we see many people of Knothole sat down on their chairs while we see Amadeus in front of the crowd as he stand in the middle of the court with handcuffs on him only with two guards with Wispons on them.
In front of them were the generals as well as the Acorn family and Elisa as he sit in the middle of the chair with the other generals. Among them we see Y/n and many others sat down as he look over to see Rosemary crying a bit whike Tails support him. Y/n feels bad about the two then Elisa hits the gavel which ment everyone stay quiet as court has started.
Elisa: Amadeus Prower, you are here because you have not only betrayed your own kingdom but have a full on riot happening all across the land. You have cost many destruction and a lot of damage by your rioters. Is there a reason to start a riot?
Amadeus: I assure you it was not personal. I've observed you for some time now, and I thought you would have listen to your people. It was not a riot.
Elisa: You had many cities calling for me to step down!
Amadeus: As well you should, if you have any love for these people. We're safe from tne madman abroad, it is time we fix the problem within. We have been surviving a massive war and we have lost many terrorist across Mubuis by the hands of Dr Eggman and his army and all hope have seemed lost until a group of children start to fight back and start to win many battles. When Y/n destroyed the Death Egg and Eggman is gone, we thought we be safe bit when Eggman returned it surprise all of us but now, now Eggman is in jail and we figured we can finally fix things that he had destroyed but you made it worse. Now strict laws, cut our connections to our greatest Freedom fighters allies and now you wished to use the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald to power up New Mobotropolis.
Y/n and Knuckles: (thought) Elisa was gonna do what?!
Amadeus: We don't need all of this, all we need is peace and freedom! We have been fighting all these years from the likes of Eggman and now we can rebuild what he can took and finally bring peace! Not strict rules or anything! We should be free to do whatever we want without Eggman ruling us with an iron fist!
Then there was silence as some whisper to each other while Elisa is a bit shocked by this and looks down a bit and then stood up and tells Amadeus.
Elisa: You may have started the riot but.....I believe we can gave you a second chance along with your people.
Y/n lend out a sigh as Elisa grabs the gavel as Tails amd Rosemary smiled as Elisa calls out.
Elisa: I here by Amadeus power is not gu-
Suddenly there was an explosion that suddenly everyone within the court as there was screames while explosions still gose on around them. The Freedom fighters were caught off guard when suddenly the whole court started to collapse and start to fell onto everyone while some managed to escape as they turn back to see the whole court house fell apart and fall into pieces.
Everyone was shocked by this while those who were inside were alive and well as most Freedom fighters help out anyone who is still alive and we can see Tangle and Whisper removing the rubble out from Y/n and soon they pulled him out as he coughs while he was filled with dust.
Tangle: You okay?
Y/n: (coughing) Yeah. I'm okay. Where did that explosion ha-
Sonic: DAD!
They all looked over to see Sonic, Sonia, Manic and Bernadette digging out Jules as Y/n, Tangle and Knuckles rushed over and help them lift out the rubble and pulled out Jules who was unconscious as Bernadette cry for her husband.
Bernadette: Jules! Jules please wake up! Jules my love! No!
She cries while Sonic and the rest were shocked by this. The they hear something behind them and Y/n turn to see Tails and Rosemary pulling out Amadeus and asking him if he is alright.
Sonic also sees this as well and his slowly forms a gist and dashes over and before anyone would do anything, Sonic punches Amadeus in the face which shocks everyone as Amadeus fell onto the ground hard.
Tails: DAD!
Amadeus: Wh-What? I didn't do this.
Sonic was even more raged and was about to do something when Y/n get in front of him to stop him.
Sonic: (anger) Get out of my way Y/n!
Y/n: He didn't do this! There is no way he would have done this!
Sonic: (anger) He planned all of this all along, trying to kill the king and my friends!
Y/n: But why would he harm is son and wife?! It doesn't make any sense!
Starline: We can take this from here.
The Starline along with two guards approach them as the two guards walk over and grabbed Amadeus off the ground and was dragging him away as Tails called out.
Tails: Where are you taking him?! He's innocent!
Maximum: Not anymore.
Then Rosemary and Maximum approaches them as Maximum tells Tails and the rest.
Maximum: After what he did, he must be punished for hie crimes. Including many others who dare to riot at us.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! But Maximum you know Amadeus would never do such a thing. He was your royal soldier, why would he-
Maximum: (anger) He is a traitor to the Acorn family and he along with his supporters will be arrested and be imprison for this act of treason!
Y/n: (thought) I've never seen Maximum get this mad. He's always kind and thinks before he acts. What is going on.
Rosemary: You can't do this! My husband didn't cost all of this to happen!
Starline: Hhmm then maybe he had gotten help with someone. Do you think so?
Maximum: I agree. Guards, arrest her as well.
Rosemary: (shocked) What!
Then the guards arrested Rosemary as well and took her away while Tails can't believe this and was in tears. Y/n try to stop this but Sonic grab his shoulder and tells him.
Sonic: They betrayed us Y/n. After what they did, I don't see them to even be redeem.
Tails: (shocked) What.
Y/n: Sonic how can you say that! Your talking about Tails is parents! They're gonna be thrown in jail and Tails will never see them again!
Sonic: They hurt my friends, my parents and my father is unconscious! HOW CAN I FORGIVE THEM AFTER WHAT THEY DID TO YOU AND TO EVERYONE HER-
Suddenly Tails punched Sonic in the face which everyone was shocked that happened. Sonic slowly step back while he grab his cheek and look at Tails as Tails glare at him in anger and then yell at him.
Tails: (anger) I HATE YOU!!!!!!
Then he runs off crying. Amy, Vector and Knuckles go after him and help him while Y/n just watch him ran off and then he turn to look at Sonic in disappointment while Sonic looks at him back and then turns and tell him.
Sonic: You need to pick a sidd here Y/n. Your either with us, or with him.
He then walk off while Y/n stand there and slowly he forms a fist and sparks of electricity came out along with his eyes turning white but he shakes it off and calms down a bit. Once that he turns and leaves while in the distances we see a figure looking at the white house destruction as the figure smirks and turns and walks away.
???: (smirk) Now.....let the show begin.
To be continued...............................
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