Chapter 45: The day things changed

Flying over the desert below we see Tails flying his plane while we see Sonic, Knuckles and Y/n on the wings of it as they fly to an Eggman facility just to gather some metal parts and gears for Tails work shop. While flying there we see Y/n struggling to keep his balance on the plane as he shakes a bit, trying to stay on the wing so he will not fall while Knuckles and Sonic have no problems with it.

Soon Tails have the plane down as he make his landing on the ground and soon Tails gently lands on the plane and once they landed they climb out of the plane. Knuckles, Sonic and Y/n leap off from the wings of the plane as Y/n stood up and looks around to see nothing but sand as they get in front of the plane as Tails looks around and tells them.

Tails: Looks like we're not far to on of Eggman's facilities. All we have to do is to get in, grab what ever we need and get out as soon as possible.

Knuckles: I still have no idea why you guys bring Mr along for this mission?

Sonic: (smirk) Oh come on Knuckles you've been sitting on that floating island for a long while. Best you leave that island and go on some adventures with us.

Knuckles: Well good then the Chaotix will mind the master Emerald while I'm away. So what dose this facility look like?

Tails: Well it's like pyramid but rather have a point at the top there is a hole instead.

Y/n: Kinda like that one.

They all turn as Y/n points in the distances and they can see the pyramid up ahead. The same pyramid they have been looking for.

Knuckles: That was easy.

Sonic: (smirk) Alright then let's head in!

Tails: Sonic wait! We don't know what traps are. We need to be careful about this.

Sonic: (smirk) Relax Tails I can just run by them with no problem. Race you guys there!

Before Tails could say anything Sonic dashes off. Thid annoyed Tails a bit while Y/n noticed the annoying look on Tails face. The trio catch up with Sonic at front of the pyramid as there was a large door blocking their way so Y/n uses his lighting powers to turn the console on and Tails Hawks through the system. After a while the doors slowly open in front of them and once the doors open they see nothing but darkness.

Tails hand them flashlights and they make their walk through the facility. They place looks abandoned as they walk through the facility to see nothing but dust and some sand being blown into the facility.

Knuckles: This reminds me that pyramid we enter that was hunted by ghost.

Y/n: How did they turn out?

Knuckles: Let's just say I was nearly possessed by a large ghost with a face that might gave you nightmares for five weeks.

Y/n: Damn. Well should we be looking for the storage room or repair station?

Tails: Maybe but it will take us a while to look for those rooms. Maybe we should split up.

Sonic: Right. Knuckles you go with Y/n while me and Tails be-

Tails: Actually I figured I'll go with Y/n this time. In case I needed Y/n's electricity power to get this facility on and get the lights on.

Sonic: Good idea. Come on Knuckles, your with me.

Knuckles: How exciting.

Sonic and Knuckles go a different path while Tails and Y/n keep on going. Y/n can tell something is wrong with Tails and he thought he always like to be with Sonic so having him say that made him worry. Soon they stumble into a room so Y/n use his electricity powers to have the console turned on while Tails work on it.

Tails: This might take a while so stand guard.

Y/n: Right.

There was silence between them as Y/n glance over at Tails and soon he can't take it and ask him.

Y/n: You okay Tails?

Tails: Yeah I'm okay. Why do you ask?

Y/n: It's just......I've seen you and Sonic kinda.....drifting away after Eggman attacked Knothole. Is there something you wanna talk about?

Tails stop what he is doing and lend out a sigh and then he tells Y/n.

Tails: It's just......I always thought of him as a brother to me. We've gone so many adventures and did so many great things that I thought we be a great team. But.....its just....Sonic always take these reckless things and sometimes get us into more trouble. I mean I do care for him yes but I just wished he'll just listen to me for once and understand me more. I thought we're friends but I just think he's just looking down on me because I'm not as great as he is.

Y/n: What do you mean? Your a genius, you make these amazing technology and help us many times. Sonic maybe fast but your brain is your real power. Just because Sonic, Shadow or I have these amazing powers, that doesn't mean we see those are useless or nothing. Besides it's Sonic, he's always reckless but have a good heart. How's about you just talked to him and he'll understand.

Tails: I was thinking about that but every time I try to talked to him he always runs off to do his "some solo adventures" whatever that means. I just think he's avoiding me for some reason.

Y/n: Why would he avoiding you? Tell you what, after my day out with Shirumi you and I will talk to him okay?

Tails: (smile) Okay. Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Tails.

Tails gose back to work and soon the doors open and they head inside. They realised this must be the control room as they walk up to the controls and Tails press some buttons on the controls and everything turns on around them.

The screens above them flickers on and they can see Sonic and Knuckles through the security cameras as Knuckles tries to force the door open when the door suddenly opens up and he fell on the ground.

Y/n: Looks like we got power.

Tails: (smile) Seems like it. Now let's see what Eggman has in his storage room.

Tails type his way while Y/n looks around and after for sometime Tails opens a screen to show the storage room and it was completely empty.

Tails: That's weird. There is nothing in there?

Y/n: Maybe Eggman must have used everything to attack Knothole?

Tails: That would be the case but remember Team Darks mission to raid an Eggman factory for some supplies and weapons?

Y/n: Yeah?

Tails: They reported that everything was gone and it's not just that. Many other facilities, factory's and other bases are empty. I was hoping this one was not but I guess I was wrong.

Y/n: Maybe Metal Y/n use all of them?

Tails: I don't think so. All these supplies were taking after  his fall and it can't be Eggman because we'll get a report about his return a while back.

Y/n: So you think someone stole all of these supplies? Who?

Tails: No idea but I have a bad feeling about this.

Y/n: Yeah. Same here.

Tails: We should regroup and get out of here.

Y/n: Right.

They leave the facility and they regrouped with Sonic as they make their way out of the facility with no problems what so far. Knuckles and Tails were at the plan while Sonic was about to join them when Y/n place his hand on his shoulder and ask him.

Y/n: Can we talk?

Sonic: (smirk) So what do you want to talk about?

Y/n: Well have you noticed that you and Tails have been.....drifting off?

Sonic: Drifting off? What are you talking about?

Y/n: It's two have changed ever since Eggman attacked Knothole a while back.

Sonic: Okay true, I kinda got mad at Tails but that was one time. Besides we were all a lot of stress but now things are fine.

Y/n: Looks us at Tails place when ever I come back okay?

Sonic: (smirk) Sure I'll come but like I said, we're fine.

Sonic walks over to the plane while Y/n just watch him go as he sign in worry while he join the rest as he climb onto the plane and they take off as they return back home.


We see Y/n at Sunset City as we see Y/n sitting at the park bench waiting for Shirumi to show up. While he waited he can't help but think about how things have changed ever since Eggman attacked Knothole and he doesn't really what to do.

Y/n: (thought) I can't believe after Eggman's attack on Knothole things suddenly changed within seconds. New strict laws are made, plans of rebuilding new Mobotropolis are already planned and....just everything is changing. Well let's just hope things can't get any worse.

???: Sorry I'm late!

He turn to see Shirumi rush up to him while wearing new clothes that looks pretty as she give him a nice smile and ask him.

Shirumi: (smile) You like it?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah looks good on you.

Shirumi: (smile) Thanks. Say you okay, you seemed to be worried about something.

Y/n: Oh I'm okay it's just. Well things are changing around me and I'm worry things will not be great.

Shirumi: Yeah I know that feeling. But we can get through of this so don't you worry about it.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right. So where do you wanna go first?

Shirumi: (smile) Well there is this cafe that i like to go so let's go there.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Lead the way.

She smiles as she takes Y/n hand and they head off. She smiled while she cuddles his shoulder as they walked together. Y/n smiled and all of his worries suddenly wash away as they walk together through sunset city. Soon they arrive to the cafe and they ordered their drinks and food and start to talk as Shirumi tells Y/n about her job and how's that been going on.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds interestin. What about Ava, how is doing?

Shirumi: (smile) Pretty good. She's hanging out with some of her friends while also helping our rebuilding towns that were damaged by Eggman's forces.

Y/n: So what is she doing right now?

Shirumi: I believe she's helping out a village from a groups of bandits. Hope she'll be alright.

Y/n: Same here.

Shirumi: So did you heard the news?

Y/n: Heard what?

Shirumi: Most of the other freedom fighters are cutting ties with Elisa Acorn and his Freedom fighters. One of them even threatened to declare war on the Acorn family if they ever dare try to invade.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You got to be joking!

Shirumi: I wish I was but it's true. It's all over the news. Not only that but new laws are being made and one rule says that any freedom fighters who dares to travel to the other freedom fighters base will be marked as a traitor.

Y/n: (shocked) That's not fair. They have a right to choose a long they are fighting for what is right. I thought the Acorn family were fighting the same thing as the rest?

Shirumi: That's what I said to Sally when she came to visit and she told me she try to convinced his brother but he refuse to listen and gose through with it.

Y/n: That's weird. Elisa would never ignore Sally. Is there a reason why?

Shirumi: No idea but I worry that things will turn south within seconds.

Y/n: Yeah but I'm sure we can stop it before it's too late.

Shirumi: (smile) Yeah your right.

After they were finished and pay for it. They make their way out of the cafe when Y/n stopped and noticed something across the street. Across the street looks like a casino but it looks familiar to him so he walks across the road with Shirumi catching up to him and they enter the casino and sees customers here along with old Eggman bots walking around and handing out some drinks of foods to the customers.

Shirumi: (surprised) Wow this is a very nice casino.

Y/n: Yeah but looks familiar. Why do I feel-

???: Hello Y/n~!

Then suddenly Y/n was pulled and hugged by Breezie as she hugged him while Shirumi is surprised including Y/n as Breezie stops hugging him and kissed him in the lips which made Shirumi blushing while also jealous a bit as she let's go while Y/n stumble back.

Breezie: (smirk) It's been a while since we last met isn't it.

Y/n: Y-Yeah it has. Say what are you doing here Breezie? What happened to your Casino park business?

Breezie: That stupid metal counterpart that looks like you blows up my whole city with his massive army. Due to that I need to start small so I open this Casino within Sunset City  so I can continue my business. So, whose your friend?

Y/n: (smile) Oh this is Shirumi. We're just walking about and just having a chat.

Shirumi: (smile) Nice to meet you Breezie.

Breezie: (smile) Same here. Well I better get back to work but I'll call you when ever I'm free. Take care darling.

She then wink at him and walk off. Once that they exit out of the casino and walk through the side walk while Shirumi ask Y/n.

Shirumi: So how did you and Breezie met?

Y/n: Let's just say it was suppose to be a small vacation that turned into a mission.

Shirumi: Oh that's interesting. So Y/n I got a question for you?

Y/n: Yeah?

Shirumi: If you were a villain, what would your villain name be?

Y/n: (smirk) I think I'll be "Lord Electro" the most powerful villain that ever lived.

Shirumi: (giggle) That's a shocking name.

Y/n: (smile) Face my might young Shirumi!

The two laughed as the two share a look and then the two kissed on the lips. They moved to a nearby alleyway as they continue on kissing. After a while of kissing thetwo stopped and look at each other as Shirumi tells him.

Shirumi: (smile) I'll always love you. Not just me but those around you. No matter what happens, we'll always be with you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. I'll always be with you as well. Always.

The two were about to kiss when suddenly there was an explosion coming from the street follow by screams. The two rush out and the two see in shock that a riot was going on on the street as Mobians wearing mask while wielding base balls march through the street, mashing up cars while costing some property damage.

Shirumi: What's going on!?

Y/n: No idea but I'm gonna stop this.

She nodes and taps away while Y/n charge up his electricity powers and slammed it onto thr ground, creating a large electricity like dorm that traps the rioters. They try to break out but the electricity dorm will not break through. Y/n tried to figure out what is going on when Shirumi called him.

Shirumi: Y/ need to look at this.

He turn to see her among the crowd looking through the window where the TV's are as Y/n joins her and was shocked to see the news as Sasha tells everyone who is watching this.

Sasha: (TV news): To all those whose just change to this channel, we have reports of massive riots all across the city and it's not just one. Many cities, towns and villages have been erupted into a riot and many property were damages and lives were injured. Knothole as even been attacked once more by three rioters and we still have no idea who their leader is-

Suddenly she stop as she got something through her ear pieces as she nodes a few times and then she tells everyone who is watching.

Sasha: (TV news) I just got words that the the riot leader as revealed himself and wants the royal Acorn King Elisa to step down as king. This is a the footage that we have gotten from one of the camera crew.

Then it changes to the footage and what they saw shocks everyone and even Shirumi and Y/n as they can't believe their eyes and didn't believe that "he" wouldn't fo this.

Y/n: (shocked) No.....this.....thid can't be true. There's no way!

To be continued.....................................

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