Chapter 44: Race against the Babylon rogues!

It was a nice and warm evening as we see a massive lake where we see mobians either taking a walk around the lake, on boats to relax or taking on fishing. Some where around shore relaxing by the lake as we can see Cream, Cheese and Gemerl standing by the lake as Cheese and Cream kneel down and looking at the water to watch the fishes swimming by.

Cream: (smile) Look all the little fishy's. Aren't they cute and happy.

Cheese: (smile) Chao.

Y/n: I'm back!

Then Y/n walks kver to them with some ice cream as Cream and Cheese rushes over and once there Y/n hands them the ice cream they like.

Y/n: (smile) Here you go you two.

Cream: (smile) Yummy! Thank you Mister Y/n.

Cheese: (smile) Chao!

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Glad we can spend some time here and not to worry about anything going on.

Cream: Agree. Things have changed a lot ever since that sudden attack by Eggman.

Y/n: Yeah and speaking of that I'm sorry for scaring you two while I was in dark form.

Cream: (smile) That's alright Mister Y/n! You know wanted to protect us and you can't control your anger when ever one of us is hurt. Besides, my mother told me to never blame others for something they can't control.

Cheese: (smile) Chao Chao.

Y/n smiles and pets the two on the heads and looks over to Gemerl and walks over to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Gemerl. You know, you don't have to come with us if you find it to be boring for you?

Gemerl: My objective is to protect Cream and Cheese at all cost. Also I do not get bored.

Y/n: (smile) Right. Still I feels good to be here and get away the stress and frustration that all of us have been through after Eggman's sudden attack.

Gemerl: I have no clue what they feel like.

Y/n: Well it's kinda like your body is building up with hate started to get angry and lose control.

Gemerl: I see. I have scanned you and it seems you are 45% stress.

Y/n: (sigh) Guess it's just many people sees me as a threat after I've tapped into the native enegry of the Chaos Emeralds. When ever I walk by they just look at me in worry that I might turn.

Gemerl: Should I make it stop? I can tell them to-

Y/n: No that's alright. All I have to do is just ignore them and move on.

Gemerl stood there and stare at Y/n a bit and then he turns and gets into a fighting stand which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Gemerl: Threat approaching.

Y/n looks around and then sees something approaching them through the water as massive waves pushes everything away, even boats that flipped people off and they fell into the water. The three figures riding on something come approached towards Y/n, Cream, Cheese and Gemerl, soon the three figures immediately stop, costing a wave to splash onto all four and getting them all wet.

Cream: My clothes is all wet!

Cheese: (anger) Chao Chao chao!

Y/n: Hey what is the big idea!

Gemerl: Identify yourselves!

Then the water clears up to reveal three bird like mobians with one being green, the other purple and the last one big and gray.

???: (smirk) Well Well Well, look what we have here. Freedom fighters enjoying their break by the lake. How nice.

Y/n: (anger) Okay man who are you?

Jet: (smirk) Huh so you don't know about me. Well the names Jet the Hawk, that's Wave the Swallow and Storm the Albatross. We're the Babylon Rogues and you must be this war hero that we've heard about ain't that right?

Y/n: Um yeah that's me? Names Y/n and-

Jet: I don't care by your name kid. I just wanna see if your that war hero that many people were talking about. To be honest I thought you be a bit more....tougher but guess your nothing but a wimp.

Y/n: (anger) Say what?!

Cream: You leave Mister Y/n alone! He saved a lot of lives.

Jet: (smirk) Oh really? Well what do you two think?

Storm: Um......I think he is a hedgehog and had white quills and has-

Jet: Not how he looks you idiot! How tough he is!

Storm: Oooooohhhhhhh. Hhhhhhmmmmmm yet, he's not as tough. Probably just like you bos-

Then Jet punches Storm in the face before he could say anything while Jet shake his head and then asked Wave.

Jet: Wave can you tell me about this kid?

Wave starts at Y/n as he turn to face her which the two lock eyes and she felt never that she never thought before until Jet snaps her back into reality.

Jet: Yo Wave! I need an Answer!

Wave: (nervous) O-Oh umm he is....pretty weak....I guess.

Jet: (smirk) There....much better.

Y/n, Cream, Gemerl and Cheese stood there for a bit and then Y/n said.

Y/n: And here I thought Rough and Tumble were the only comedic relief people in this world.

Jet: (anger) Are you trying to say we're stupid!!!????

Storm: I think he is sir.

Jet: (anger) Okay that's it! You and me, tomorrow, we have a race here! Let's see which one of us is stupid! See you around losers!

Then the trio ride away on their hover boards while Y/n and the rest watch them leave as Y/n was confused and asked.

Y/n: What just happened.


We see Y/n at Tails place after he drop Cream off to her mother and once at Tails place he sees him and his mother bounding on machines and when they noticed Y/n came he told them what happened at the park which Tails tells them.

Tails: The Babylon Rogues?! Great, thought we never get to heard about those guys again.

Y/n: You know them?

Tails: Let's just say....we encounter them several times and have races to see who is the best.

Rosemary: I think I've heard about those people before. They steal some viable jewelry while also costing some trouble with thier hover boards.

Y/n: So they are like street gang criminals?

Tails: Short off but Jet did say he challenged you to a race is that right?

Y/n: Um yeah. I guess I needed to get a hover board in order to race him.

Tails: (smile) Oh don't worry I actually have one at the back.

Tails walks over to the back to get it and after a while he came back with it and hand it to Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow this looks nice. Thanks.

Tails: (smile) No problem. Too bad sonic is busy to not train you.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I think it looks easy to us.

Rosemary: Are you sure? We don't want you to get hurt.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Miss Powrr I'll be fine. Besides it's just a board that moves a bit. How bad can it be?



It was the afternoon as we see Y/n on a hover board and try to ride it but he was spinning out of control and doesn't know how to control it. He managed to dodge some incoming trees but soon he was hit by a tree branch and land hard on the ground.

His hover board land on the ground as Y/n sat up a bit to see it land and sigh as he lay down and look up at the sky.

Y/n: (thought) This sucks. I've spend several hours and try my best but I can't control it. If sonic would be here, he might teach me.

???: H-Hey there? You okay?

He looks over behind him and was shocked to see Wave as she immediately stood up and ask her while he is on guard.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Wave: Chill Y/n. I was just taking a walk when I saw you trying to ride on a hover board.

Y/n: Yeah but I don't know how to ride it. So....are you gonna tell Jet about this or what?

Wave: Well.....I never much like Jet anyways so no.

Y/n: Huh? You don't?

Wave: Yeah! He's cocky, annoying and he always challenging us for a race, there was even one time he challenged sonic to a race while he had one of his friends as a prize! I mean we are a street gang but we're ain't criminals! We just vost some trouble and that's it!

Y/n: Oh........I see.

Wave: Anyways if you want some help then how about I'll help you.

Y/n: (surprised) You be willing to help me? Why?

Wave: (little blush) I-I don't know. I guess it be ashame to go to a race if you hurt yourself a lot.

Y/n: (smile) Whoa thanks. Your not soo bad after all.

Wave blushes even more and node to him back. So Wave gose on to teach Y/n how to use a hover board and there were many errors and fails but after a while of Wave teaching Y/n a tricks and tips on hover boarding Y/n managed to control it and the two have a small rave around the woods that they were on.

Wave and Y/n race around and soon they gone through a Fallen tree which made Y/n smile and turn to Wave and gave her a node while she smiled a bit while she blushes.

Soon night came as we see the two sitting on their hover boards as the two look up at the night sky as Wave is a bit nervous and turn to Y/n and ask him.

Wave: (nervous) S-So Y/n. How is things?

Y/n: Well good I guess. It's just.....we've managed to capture Eggman and lock him up. I mean the war is officially over right? So why do I feel like something bad is coming?

Wave: Guess we have that feeling after some happened to us I guess. After one choas happen we can't help but feel when's the next will begun.

Y/n: Yeah. So how did you join the Babylon Rogue?

Wave: Well during the war, I was alone and my parents were killed. After a while I became a thief and soon I join the Babylon Rogue. I think Jet and Storm also have a similar paths as I have.

Y/n: I see. So many criminals being born during or after the war.

Wave: Well that's what happens to those that either experienced war or born in war. Before you know it, your life will change.

Y/n agrees to her as Wave sat up from her Hover board and before she leave, she tells Y/n.

Wave: Get some rest Y/n. Race is tomorrow and good luck. You needed it.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Wave. Same to you.

Wave node and rides off while Y/n watches her go. He smiled a bit and hop onto his hover board and rides off to get some rest for he tomorrow.

(Next day)

At the park we see The Babylon Rogues and Y/n at the same area they have met as we see Jet and Y/n on thier hover boards while Wave and Storm were at aside as Jet tells Y/n.

Jet: The finishing line is on top of that hill. Who ever gets there first wins. Hope you get ready to lose kid, because nobody beats me!

Y/n: (smirk) You gonna eat those words once I win!

Storm: Ready......Set........

Jet and Y/n ready themselves and active their hover boards and have them off from the ground as they take quick glances at each other and then storm calls out.

Storm: Go!

The two dashes off through the woods as they dodge many trees, bushes and rocks that were in their way. Jet dodges them witbno problem while he looked over to see Y/n struggling to quickly dodge the incoming trees and bushes.

He nearly fell off when he dodges a rock but the tip of the rock hits his hover board, costing him to stumble back and nearly fell while Jet lend out a chuckle and said.

Jet: (smirk) I can tell you've trained but not enough against mine!

Y/n ready himself after his comment and the two rids off as they finally break out from the forest and ride through a open feild of flowers. Jet quickly did a sharp turn while Y/n dose the same as the blast sent the flowers flying into the air as the two ride along the open feilds and they can see the mountain up ahead.

Jet: (smirk) Maybe you should give up now while you have a chance. This mountain is very tricky for noobies like you.

Y/n: I'll show you!

Jet smirks even more and the two were out of the open feild and ride around up of the mountain as the path they were riding on gets a bit smaller and smaller but they don't slow down.

Jet was in front of Y/n as he try to get in front of him but Jet was blocking him as he sees him trying to get through him and he lend out a laughter.

Jet: (laughter) Trying to get by me kid? Ha! Get ready to lose!

Y/n grind his teeth and try to think of an idea. Then he got one and he chargeup his lighting chaos powers and soon he created a blast that sent Y/n flying, going over Jet as he look up in shock. Then Y/n lands his hover board and himself in front of Jet and rides off towards the finishing line.

Jet: (thought) He had Chaos powers?! WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET CHAOS POWERS!!!!???

Jet can see the finishing line up ahead and Y/n is going to win which frustrated him. Soo much so he slammed his fist onto the wall that shock a large boulder ahead of them and it suddenly collapse and fell which Jet looks up and immediately stopped his hover board but the boulder units the path between Y/n snd Jet ad the path breaks apart and Jet starts to fell.

Y/n turns and sees Jet was about to fall to his death so he stopped his hover board and turns around as he race back and after Jet lose his hover board, he thought this was it for him when suddenly Y/n grabs him by the hand and turns around and rides back towards the finishing line while Jet opens his eyes and sees Y/n grabbing hid arm and just saved his life.

Y/n: Hang on!

Jet was surprised by this and soon they made it to the finishing line together and once there Jet fell onto the ground and breath a sigh of relief while Y/n stood over him as Jet looks up at him and ask him.

Jet: You saved my life? But why?

Y/n: (smile) Disbite you doing bad things, a hero will save others no matter what they are.

He reach out his hand towards Jet which Jet looks at his hand while Y/n tells him.

Y/n: (smile) I think this is a draw since both of us got to the finishing line together.

Jet looks at him a bit and then takes Y/n hands and he stood up as they shake on it.

Jet: Agree.

Storm: You okay boss!

Then Wave and Storm ride up to them as Jet let's go of Y/n and walks over to his team and they turn to Y/n.

Jet: We might not have a winner of this race but I respect you saving my life.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. I-

Jet: But! Don't you think I'm letting off this time Y/n! The next time we met, we're have another race and we can see who is the best one ever! If lucky, sonic might join us as well!

Y/n: (smile) Guess so. Well take care you guys. Hope to have another race someday.

Jet just smirks as a sign of respect and he and Storm ride off while Wave walks up to Y/n and ask him.

Wave: (nervous) S-Say....since now you and Jet are now you mind you and me hang out? I mean if you want?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Just, no harming or costing any trouble okay?

Wave: (giggle) I'll try my best.

She then kissed Y/n on the cheek which surprised him as she hop onto her hover board and calls out.

Wave: See you later~!

Then she was gone. Y/n stood there by surprised from the kiss but he smiled and then turn to see a perfect veiw of everything as he stood there as he breaths in deep and then out. He then grabs his hover board and leaps off the hill and gets on his hover board and ride off back home, knowing that no matter how bad things might get....he'll always have people to support and back him up no matter what.

To be continued.........................................

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