Chapter 42: The raging storm of darkness ( Arc 3 final)

Rushing footsteps is heard echoing throughout the halls deep underneath of Robotropolis as we see Eggman rushing down the halls while looking back making sure Dark Y/n is not behind him and luckily he wasn't. He quickly turn corner to corner, trying to lose Dark Y/n as he can't help but feel that he is following him which was impossible since he is going slow but he doesn't care about that, he only cares about not allow him to get near to him.

Soon he come across a door which needed his finger print which he place his finger onto the pad and second later it flashed red on the pad.

Eggman: Come on you stupid thing! Let me in!

He tries it again and again but it doesn't seems to not let him in as it flash red over and over again. Then he suddenly hears slow and waking footsteps echoing from behind as he slowly turn to see the lights down the halls quickly gets zapped by the dark electricity and the halls slow turns dark one by one meaning Dark Y/n is getting closer and closer.

Eggman decided to take off his glove and place his actual finger into the finger pad and finally it flash green and the doors open which he rush in and immediately shuts the door behind him just as the last light that was right at the door bursted and the door shut in front of Eggman.

He steps back while looking at the door and after a while of silence he breaths a sigh of relief.

Eggman: Oh thank god. Here I thought he was gonna try to break down the door and-

Suddenly there was a large dent came out of the room which Eggman lend out a yell in fear while more punched dents appear as Eggman runs along the lathe and circular room and to the other room as he pushes the button to open the door but also push some buttons to release some extra and powerful bots before he rush through the door and shuts it behind him. More dents keeps on appearing as the door gets damaged more and more. Then there was silence but suddenly a powerful dark electricity punch burst open the door as the door was sent flying and crashes onto the wall and onto the ground.

Then Dar Y/n step into the room looking around for Eggman but he sees nothing but a door up ahead. He walks towards the door but he only got to the middle when alarms start to go off around the room he was in and soon all Seven doors around the room open and gaint and elite class of Eggman bots came out of the Seven doors and stomp their way towards Dark Y/n who just stood there and look at them as they come close to Dark Y/n and look down at him.

The bots look at Dark Y/n while he look back at them and then lend out a dark and evil laughter and then he said with a sigh.

Dark Y/n: Is this the best you got Eggman? You really are pathetic when it comes to making robots and active them to stop me.

Then one of the bot rasies it's metal arm and pulls it down at Dark Y/n but he catches with one hand and then he immediately disappeared which the gaint bots search around and trying to locate him.


Suddenly the bot who try to land a strike at him have its head slice off and fell onto the ground along with it's body as the bots sees Dark Y/n behind tye fallen bot and then look at the two bots and before they can attack him. He stretched out bot hands at the two bots and fired dark electricity quills at them which they get shot and fell onto the ground.

Then Dark Y/n looks at the bot across of him as they fire ten missiles at him and the missiles fly towards him but he immediately disappeared and appear seconds later when he gose through the bot and came out behind with parts and oil flying out of the bot as Dark Y/n just stood there as another gaint bot fell and he turn to see missiles tracking him and turn to attack him but Dark Y/n reach out his hand and fired a bolt of electricity to grab all the missiles and then he half of the missiles at the three bots as they get it and then he finished things off as he flies around the room and made a dark tornado that shoots out dark lighting that hits the two giant bots and then the last bot gets sucked into the tornado and gets ripped apart within.

The parts spits out from the tornado and fell onto the ground while Dark Y/n appear in front of the door that Eggman has gone through and immediately rips the door open and walks through while the dark tornado disappeared and the rest of the parts fell onto the ground. Minutes later Sonic and the other Freedom fighters came into the room and they see the destruction Dark Y/n has done and they were shocked by this.

Sally: (shocked) Y/n.  We got to stop him before it's too late.

Vector: But how can we reason and berserk Dark form Y/n?

Sonic: We got to try some how. Even by means fighting him but we can't allow him to kill Eggman. Eggman may have done evil things but Y/n will go down to a dark path if he kills him.

Amy: Then let's hurry before it's too late!

Knuckles: This way! I can sense the chaos engery over there!

They follow Knuckles as they go through the ripped doors that Dark Y/n and Eggman have gone through while we cut to Dark Y/n where we see scattered parts of Eggman's bots that were actived to stop Y/n from getting to him but they have no chnace and they were taking out. We even see Dark Y/n dragging a Eggman bot that is trying to break free but Dark Y/n holds it tight until he reach the door and then he throws at the bot towards the door, bursting the door open while the bot lands hard onto the ground and now offline.

Dark Y/n enter the room and looks around to see nothing but knows Eggman is here and he can feel it as he step in the middle of the room and called out to him.

Dark Y/n: There's no escape Eggman! Your ran out of hallways to escape! No where else to run! Come out here so I can end you for good!

There was silence and Dark Y/n figures he was not here so he turns to leave but suddenly a large foot stumps pm top of him, crashing him while we see Eggman piloting a new and more bigger mech.

Eggman: (smile) Hahahahahaha!!!!! How was that!? Now who's the pathetic one now!

He laughs once more but then he felt something and looks down to see Dark Y/n lifting his mech's foor with one hands while he slowly gets in. He spits out some blood from his mouth while he growl in anger and gose through the mechs foot and then flies up to Eggman cockpit where the two look at each other.

Eggman was now scared once again and nervously tells Dark Y/n.

Eggman: (scared) Oh...u-um h-h-hi there. I thought you were a bug so I stomp on it but accidents happen rig-

Suddenly Dark Y/n strikes a punch that sent Eggman's mech flying and crashing through several walls behind him and then crash into another room and fell onto the ground. Eggman made his mech to stand up and looks through the hole to see Dark Y/n flying towards him.

Eggman: Oh no.

Eggman panics and actived his weapons systems and once all of his weapons he have and then gire everything at him. Bullets, rockets, later beams, basically anything so he can slow him down or beat him but Y/n gose through all of that with no problems and soon gets towards Eggman and punches his mech that cost it to stumble back and then Eggman try to land a punch but Dark Y/n grabs his mech's arm and then he rides it off like it was just paper and then use it to beat his mech as parts fly everywhere in the room.

Eggman try to block it with his other arm but Drak Y/n tossed the ripped mech's arm towards him, once hit this cost Eggman's mech to stumble back and then he charge up his dark electro beam and fired it at Eggman's mech that  chops off his other mech's arm and then the waist as the body gets separated from the legs as the body fell and slammed onto the ground while the legs fell to it's knees and slammed onto the ground.

Dark Y/n flies towards the body and sees Eggman panicking to try to get the systems back online but Dark Y/n punches through the glass which Eggman protected himself from the glass and then he was immediately grabbed by Dark Y/n as he glare at him and tossed him out of his mech and land hard on the ground.

Eggman slowly sat up and turn and crawl back when Dark Y/n walks slowly towards him and then Eggman starts to beg for his life.

Eggman: (scared) Pl-Pleasw I beg of you! I promise I won't harm anyone of your friends! Just please, show mercy!

Then Dark Y/n stop which Eggman noticed as he stare at Dark Y/n and thinks he's gonna let him go when suddenly he spoke.

Dark Y/n: Mercy? How many times have you heard that from the mobians that you've slaved!

Before Eggman can say anything Dark Y/n slammed his foot onto the ground hard, creating a dark lighting that zapped Eggman's legs a bit but it still hurt as Dark Y/n Goss on to say.

Dark Y/n: A lot of people have lost their homes, family, friends and most importantly of all.....their freedom. They haven't done anything to you but you didn't care and just attack them! They were living in happily and peaceful when you came and ruined that! I've tormented many people across this planet, destroy their homes, their city, their town and everything else! You show no mercy towards them and it's not just the men and women.....BUT ALSO THE CHILDREN AS WELL!!! YOU SHOW NO MERCY TOWARDS ANYONE AND NOW YOUR TELLING ME TO SHOW MERCY TOWARDS THE MEN THAT RUINED EVERYBODY LIFE!!!!

Then he grab Eggman by the shirt and lift him up in the air as he forms a fist with a zaps of electricity appearing on his fist as he growl at Eggman while Eggman looks at him in fear and terror.

Dark Y/n: I'm going to end this, once and for all. Goodbye Dr Eggman.

He was about to end his life for hood when suddenly sonic spin dash and hits Dark Y/n, making him let go of Eggman and land across the room. He looks up to see Sonic standing in front of Eggman as Dark Y/n growled and yell at Sonic.


Sonic: I won't let you do this Y/n! This isn't you, this is never you. You never take your vengeance apon anyone or even kill anyone. I know it's the negative engery of the Chaos Emeralds but it's not too late to calm down and turn back to normal.


Sonic: I do. I am angry at Eggman for what he did and I am angry for what he did to everyone throughout the years. But he deserves to be trailed because that's true justice. Killing him without a train isn't justice. Your smart then this Y/n and I know you want to protect us but is this what your doing to protect others? Killing those who try to harm us? I know Knothole is destroyed but we can still rebuild it and our friends are okay. Just please....don't do what your about to do. Please.

Dark Y/n just look at Sonic and he take a few steps towards but suddenly he stop all of a sudden and his body start to shake as he slowly look at his hand to see it shaking and then he heard more and looks over to see everybody else arrive to reason with him.

Amy: Y/n please calm down! Don't do this!

Rouge: I know your smart and you know this isn't right! We know you could make the right choice.

Tangle: Yeah! Remember all the laughs we have and the adventure we did as a team? You helped us and show us to never give up.

Whisper: That's right! You've help so many including me. I too want revenge on Mimic for what he did to my team but you helped me to move on and now I want to return the favour by helping you let go of your revenge on Eggman and come back to us.

Espio: Don't forget your a war hero and I know its stressful for seeing Eggman's return and believe me we all are but we won't let our inner darkness out and we're here to help you as well.

Vector: Yeah your the best kid! Don't ruin it by killing Eggman. Do the right thing and going it him to justice.

Charmy: Yeah your soo cool! Never let your anger get to you.

Creem: Please don't harm him. He maybe bad but he doesn't deserve this.

Ava: Please come back to us Y/n!

Shirumi: We love you and we don't want us to see you this way!

Ashley, Sophie and Larura: Please come back to us!

Everyone were cheering to Dark Y/n as he froze there as he body shake more and more. Then Sally walks up to him and gently grabs both of his cheeks and made him to look at her in the eyes. She smiled at him and tells him.

Sally: (smile) I know your afraid of losing us and I completely understand your reason to snap. I know you can make things right and not harm Eggman. Please Y/n, come back to us. We care for you and we love you...I love you as well.

She then hugged Dark Y/n and after a while tears start to pour out from Dark Y/n's eyes as he slowly grabs Sally ans hugs her as he start to cry and slowly his black quills slowly turned back to normal and soon the Chaos Emeralds came oit of his body and fell onto the ground as everybody sees that Y/n is back to normal as he slowly open his eyes and looks at Sally and everyone else. He then look around to see the destruction he has done and looks at Sally and start to cry.

Y/n: (tears) Sally....I am so so so sorry for everything. I'm so so sorry! I didn't (sniff) didn't mean to.

Sally hugs him once more as he let's it all out while Sally smiles to see that Y/n is back while the rest smiled as well. Then Eggman sees this and crawl away to make his escape when he bumped to Knuckles and Shadow which he looks up to see the two.

Eggman: (nervous smile) Oh um hey there! I'm just gonna go and leave but thanks for the save. So how's about we call it truths okay?

Then shadow and Knuckles look at each other and then Knuckles hits Eggman on the head and he fell on the ground unconscious while Shadow handcuffs Eggman.

Knuckles: So is that it? Is it over?

Shadow: Yeah. I think it's over.

The two look over to see Y/n still crying while Sally and everyone else support Y/n while Omega walks towards Knuckles and Shadow as he tells him.


Shadow: Good. Take Eggman to the prison but don't try to kill him when he wake up.


He picks up the unconscious Eggman and Takes him away while Knuckles breaths in a sigh and says.

Knuckles: Thank the Chaos it's over.

Shadow: I don't think so.

Knuckles: Huh? What do you mean? We captured Eggman, Y/n is calmed down and Robotropolis is now ours. I think we finally brought peace to Mubuis once and for all.

Shadow: I don't think so. I don't know why but I'm getting a feeling something bad is coming.

Knuckles just shrugged and walks off while Shadow turned to make his leave but he looks behind him, having a feeling they were being watched but he can't see nothing so he turns and they all leave the room. Little did they all know they were already spied on as we see a room with a walls turned out to be dark to see through windows as we see a figure watching them leave as the figure have a smirk on his face and then types something onto his laptop.

Once that was done he turns and leaves the room while he still smirks to himself while he tells himself as he leaves the room.

???: My plan is going as well. Now, time to execute my next phase of my plan. (Evil laughter)

To be continued.....................................

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