Chapter 41: The raging storm of darkness (Arc 2)
The storm still continues to hit the trees and shooting down dark lighting bolts while we see Shirumi and Ava making their way to Knothole after they have gotten Nicole's message as they feel that the storm is getting stronger and stronger by the minute as lighting bolts continues to hit the ground not far from them as they continue their walk to Knothole.
Ava: Man this storm is strong.
Shirumi: Yeah maybe this is the reason for Nicole to call us back.
Ava: Yeah plus it's been a while since we last saw Knothole before we help to rebuild many cities. I wonder what has everyone else been doing?
Shirumi: (smile) Probably doing the same but probably in their homes due to the storm.
Ava: Yeah probably. You think this is a good idea of walking through the storm?
Shirumi: Maybe but as long we be careful we should be fi-
They stop when they see Knothole up ahead and it looks destroyed so they rush inside and once inside they see everything destroyed and there was no one around as they look around for anyone or anything that can tell them where they go.
Ava: (shocked) Jeez this storm really trash everything I here.
Shirumi: I don't think.....the storm done this. Something else must have done this.
Ava: Who?
???: Hey you two!
They look over to see Sonic as he walk up towards them and the two were shocked to see Sonic injured as he stumble towards them but he still smirks and said to then.
Sonic: (smirk) Glad you both came and not hurt.
Ava: (shocked) Holy cow! What happened to you?!
Shirumi: (shocked) Who did this to you? And where is everyone?
Sonic: I'll explain along the way but it isn't safe here. Come on, let's meet up with the rest.
They enter a shelter which is the Freedom fighters old base they use at the start of the war as they enter and see Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Jewels as they explain what happened which shocked them and they were even more shocked when they told them where this storm came from.
Ava: (shocked) What?! Y/n is costing this storm?!
Shirumi: (shocked) That can't be true! There's no way!
Knuckles: It's true. He enter his dark form and wipe out everything from Eggman's fleet. Once that a storm started and then he disappeared, possibly tracking down Eggman and getting his revenge.
Amy: And if we don't calm him down he might wipe out all life by the storm that he can't control.
Ava: That sounds bad.
Shirumi: And everyone else is gone?
Sonic: Not permanently gone. Eggman told me while we battle that he teleported them to somewhere where he will roboticized them.
Ava: Like Robotropolis?
Sonic: That could be it but who knows where he is keeping our friends.
Then Sonic groan a bit as he grab his waist while Tails rush up to him.
Tails: Sonic take it easy.
Sonic: I'm okay Tails. Right now we need to find Y/n and try to calm him down before he dose something he will regret.
Tails: Sonic your injured and if you go and face him while in his dark form, he might attack you!
Sonic: (smirk) I'll be fine Tails, I've got beaten all the time and lived. I should be fine.
Tails: Sonic you were close to death back there by Eggman and you now look at you! Your injured and you barely standing.
Sonic: Tails I'm fine you don't have to worry abo-
Tails: (anger) No! I'm sick of you not listening to me! Don't you see that you were close to death! Do you not realise how Eggman nearly killed you and Y/n because you were acting reckless back there!
Sonic: (anger) Tails I have to stop Eggman and his army before he could harm anyone else! How was I suppose to know he has a large mech just waiting to beat me up! Plus I've beaten many mechs throughout my life so I didn't suspect his mech to be stronger then his previous ones!
Tails: (anger) That's because you go head first into battle instead of seeing the threat and thinking another idea! If Y/n weren't arrived here sooner then you would have been hurt more or worse KILLED!!!
Jewels gets in between them before things would get worse as she looks at both Tails and Sonic as she tells them.
Jewels: Look we're all shocked, scared and stressed out by this situation but this isn't the time to fight to each other during this time. Right now Y/n is out there destroying every Eggman bot or fleet he sees in order to find Eggman and our friends are still captured by Eggman. We all must calm down and force! We can't get everything done if we stand here and argue to each other, we have to work together and think if a plan or Mobuis will be no more!
Ava: (smirk) Yeah Jewels is right. We can't just sit around and do nothing, time for some payback!
Shirumi: The two are right. We're ready to take the fight to Robotropolis and saving our friends.
There was silence from everyone as Sonic and Tails look at each other when suddenly Nicole appears behind them while she tells them.
Nicole: I have their signal!
They all jumped when she appeared and once they realised it was her they breath a sigh.
Amy: Don't scare us Nicole!
Knuckles: Yeah I thought you were a Eggman bot!
Nicole: Sorry about that but I have some good news. I've got their signal and they are indeed at Robotropolis.
Sonic: Perfect. Thanks Nicole, try to call apon more Freedom fighters to be here and once they arrive, tell them to search for any survivors.
Nicole: Right.
Sonic: Okay guys. Let's do it to it!
They agree and they make their way out of the base to head to Robotropolis and saving their friends and after that, find another way to calm Y/n down before he dose something worse to Eggman.
We see Dark Y/n floating over the ocean as the wave moves violently as he looks around like a creature hunting for hid prey as looks around for any Eggman bots or fleets to destroy. When suddenly he heard something behind him and he turn to see ten Eggman fighters flying towards him. They fire at him once they were in range and the blast hits him whike they all fly by.
When the smoke clears up we see Dark Y/n still floating there and not feeling any of the damages as he turn back around to see the jets coming back which made him laugh as he reach out his hand and fires a bolt of dark lighting, zapping all ten of the jets as their power gets shut off and they fell into the ocean with a splash.
Dark Y/n still stands there as the water his his body whioe he look down at the sunking Eggman jets and sees the Eggman logo on one of the wings which angers him and fires bolts after bolts of lighting at all the jets, letting his full rage out. Once he doesn't see the jets he floats up a bit in the air and then turn to where the Eggman jets have gone to see five Eggman fleets flying towards him.
He lend out a deep chuckle as he immediately disappeared and seconds later the fleet is immediately destroyed as Y/n appears behind the fallen ships as he turn his head to see them going down as he lend out another deep chuckle and then face forward and zapped away to continue his search of finding Eggman and ending him for good.
At Robotropolis we see the cell block where everyone frok Knothole is being kept in each different cell as we see Tangle trying to use her Tail to open the cell bars but it doesn't seem to work.
Tangle: Man those bars are very heard to pull!
She let's go as she stumble back while within her was Whisper and Sally as Sally walks up to the cell and looks over to see the control console.
Sally: If onky I have Nicole with me, she could set us free.
Vector: I knew this day would come.
Across of them was the Chaoixs as Vector sat down as he gose on to say.
Vector: I knew one day this would happen. Now we're never gonna get out of here.
Sally: Don't give up guys! We can get out of here, we just need to find a way.
Espio: We all due respect Sally but these cell bars are strong and without Nicole, we're trapped.
At a few cell blocks on the left we see Bonnie, Antonie and Rotor as Bonnie try to punch the cell door but it wasn't working.
Bonnie: He's right Sal. These cell bars ain't gonna open.
Antonie: Agree. It's pointless.
Sally: Still we can't give up.
Alicia: Sally is right. We must stay strong and never give up.
At the next cell from Sally, Tangle and Whisper's was Alicia and Elisa as Tangle ask the two.
Tangle: Wait, where's Starline and Maximilian?
Elisa: Starline managed to take my father away before Eggman captured us all. I just hope they are alright.
Tangle: (smirk) That's a relief but we should focus on getting out of here.
Vector: How? It's not like someone is gonna come and open the cell doors for us?
???: Think again.
Suddenly Rouge, Shadow and Omega appear as Rouge insert a key card into the controls and all the jail cells open. Everyone cheered that they were free while Tangle and Whisper walks up to them.
Tangle: (smile) Thanks for the rescue.
Whisper: Where were you three when Eggman attacked?
Rouge: We were searching for Eggman's bunkers when we got Nicole's singal. We were going to Knothole when Shadow thinks something bad happened at Knothole and thinks we all must have been captured.
Shadow: So we use one of the computers from Eggman's bunkers to see and it seems I was right. Apparently Eggman has teleported you all here so he can roboticized you all so you can be in Eggman's control.
Sally: (smile) Still thanks for the save. Still we gonna get out of here and return back to Knothole.
Rouge: (smirk) Copy that, let's go.
And so everyone make their leave out of the cell block and rushes through the halls of Robotropolis and soon they finally reach the exit as Shadow pressed the button and the large door open as the Freedom fighters get eveyr citizens out but then a strike of Purple lighting cost everyone to head back inside. They all see a storm happening out there and it looks like the buildings would ripe off any second now.
Tangle: Um I don't remember a thunder storm happening today?
Sally: Something must have happened while we were captured.
Alicia: What should we do?
Elina: Maybe we can find a ship?
Ashley: Yeah that's a good idea!
Sophie: But where could we get a ship?
Laura: Let's check the hanger.
Rotor: If there is one we can take it.
Sally: Right! Come on everyone let's find a ship! Go Go Go!
They all rush to the hanger and once there they see not must ships as they look around for a ship they can use. They wonder how cone they haven't encounter any Eggman bots but before they realise they were standing at the far end of the hanger when suddenly Eggman's bots appear and surrounded them. Screams can be hard from the citizens as Team Dark, Team Chaoix, Tangle, Whisper and many others who can fight stand in front when they heard something above them and looked up to see Eggman inside a large spider like mech as he crawl down towards them.
Eggman: (smirk) I see that my test subjects has escaped?! No matter, you all have fallen into my trap and now you all will become my slaves!
The Eggman bots march towards them while the rest step back and they were ready for a fight. When suddenly the hanger doors behind them opens and Sonic came through and takes out the bots within seconds while Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Jewels, Ava and Shirumi appear once the hanger fully open.
Tangle: Jewels! Your okay!
Jewels: (smile) Same to you two!
She hugged both Tangle and Whisper while Sonic looks up at Eggman with a smirk and tells him.
Sonic: (smirk) Yo Eggman! How's about you come down and show me your new toy!
Eggman: (smirk) Ah if it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog, the one that I have beaten at Knothole. You maybe back on your feet but you have no match against me!
Sonic: (smirk) That's what you've always say but in the end, I've always beat you.
Eggman: (smirk) Yes but this time I will make sure you and your little friends will fall and once they are beaten I will turn you all into my robotic slaves and once that I will take over the world once more!
He laughs as the storm gets stronger and more loud ad Cream and Cheese were scared by the thunder storm which Vanilla hug them as Eggman laughs even more and yhen suddenly they all heard someone in a deep and dark voice said.
???: Found you Eggman.
Eggman immediately stop laughing and all turn around and Sally and the rest were shocked to see Dark Y/n floating in the air with bolts of lighting shooting down behind him as the storms starts to get stronger and stronger.
Sally: (shocked) Y-Y/n? Is that you?
Sonic: Yeah that's him. He tapped into the negative engery of the Chaos Emeralds and now...he wants revenge.
Tangle: This can't be good.
Whisper: Agree.
Bonnie: What do you mean revenge?
Elina: (shocked) Like killing Eggman?!
Shadow sees this as he use his booster son his shoes to fly towards him and tell him.
Shadow: Don't be stupid Y/n! You know this is not you so don't lose yourself and don't do anything stupid.
Dark Y/n: Get out of my way.
Then Shadow was struck by Y/n's lighting as he scream and fell onto the hanger while Y/n flies by everyone as he glare at Eggman while fear takes over Eggman and he pullshis spider mech back.
Eggman: (scared) W-Wait! I-I know you might be mad for what I did to Knothole but look! Your friends are fine, I didn't harm anyone here.
Dark Y/n turns to look at them as everyone was struck with fear as Y/n look at them but either he is blind by his rage or he just want to end Eggman for good. He turns back to Eggman and then said.
Dark Y/n: I don't care if you set them free or they escape on their own. I only care one thing and one thing only.
He slowly rasied his hand towards Eggman and charge up dark lighting bolt while he yelled at Eggman.
He fired a powerful lighting bolt that struck Eggman's spider mech and sending him flying while the bolts blows up the ships around them as Sonic and the rest take cover as the ships all blow up. We see Eggman's spider broken and damaged as Dark Y/n slowly lower his arm down and floats towards the spider mech and pulls it down and sees the cockpit empty meaning that Eggman has escape once more.
He floats down and once on his feet he walks towards the door which Sonic sees this and dashes towards him.
Sonic: Wait! Y/n!
Sonic tried to stop him but he get to the other side and turn and then use his lighting to zap the controls and shut the door in front of Sonic. Sonic hits his fist onto the metal door as he continues to call out to Y/n.
Sonic: Y/n! You don't have to do this! You don't have to kill him! Everyone is okay just please calm down and open the door!
At the other side a tear pour down form Dark Y/n's eye and knows he must do this and not allow anyone to stop him or get harm. So without a word he walks down the halls of Robotropolis searching for Eggman and soon he resch the main bridge as he ripped open the doors and enter inside.
He sees a chair in the middle along with monitors showing Robotropolis as he walks up to the monitors and sees that this must be the place where Eggman sat in his throne while he burns the world with his robots and turn everyone into robots. Then he immediately kick the chair away and it slammed onto the wall and then reach out his hand towards the monitors and use his lighting that destroyed the monitors.
The whole place was now on fire as Dark Y/ n looked around to see nothing that Eggman can use anymore. Then he heard something that sounded like rushing footsteps as he walks over towards another door and opens the door to see another hallway and that must be where Eggman have gone but rather being even more mad that Eggman keeps running form him.....he's actually glad that he is running from him. Many Mobians run away form Eggman and now the tables have turned as he slowly follows Eggman while he lend out a dark laughter as he enjoys hunting down Eggman and can't wait to find him and do what must be done.
(Y/n's evil laughter)
To be continued..........................................
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