Chapter 40: The raging storm of darkness (Arc 1)
It was a nice day as we see a small village called windmill Village as we Y/n, Tangle and Whisper hoding off a bandit raid as we see the trio taking down the bandits as we see Y/n using his lighting attacks to zap the bandits as they were sent flying back.
More comes at his way so he beats up the bandits qith no problems and knocking them up. Then another bandit behind him screamed whioe he cheered towards him but Tangle wrap her tail around the bandit and then throw him, sending him flying as Tangle walls up to Y/n and they were back to back as they continue to beat up the bandits while Whisper covers the village people along with Jewels.
Tangle: (smirk) So much for a nice walk to this peaceful village huh.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah but look at the bright side. At least you can finally get some action.
Tangle: (giggle) You know me~!
Y/n: Whisper, Jewels what's the situation on the village people?
Whisper: (radio) They are safe and it seems the bandits are getting hammered. Let's finish this up!
Y/n: (smirk) You've read my mind!
He pulls out a hover wispon and fires a strong qind blast that sent all the bandits back as they fell onto the ground as the two regroup with Whisper and Jewels and the trio clear up the last bandits and soon the bandits were defeated as they make a run for it and pull back.
Once that the village people came out and they cheered as Elder Scruffy approaches the four and he shakes on Y/n's hand.
Scruffy: (smile) I can't thank you enough for this amazing job. Those bandit think twice before they invade our village. Apologise if this not part of your plan for a nice walk.
Y/n: (smile) It's fine sir just glad we can help.
Tangle: (smirk) Yeah we're the best team around and don't you forget it.
Whisper giggles while Scruffy nodes and then tells the four.
Scruffy: Perhaps you four would like to stay here for a bit and have our delicious foods. They are on the house.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing sir. We're honoured to-
Tamgle: (surprised) Ow kinda hurt Nicole.
Whisper: That's a distress signal. Something is wrong.
Y/n: Nicole what's going on? Do you copy?
Y/n: Sorry Sir but it looks like we need to head back. I hope it isn't serious.
Scruffy: (smile) It's alright. You four can come back any time you like.
Y/n: (smile) Alright, thank you sir. Okay let's go and see what's going on.
The four agree and they make their leave out of the village and make theie way back to Knothole so they can find out what is going on and hope it isn't serious.
We see the four almost to Knothole's entrance as they pass the time by talking to each other and laughing as they share some jokes. But they felt something wrong as they look up at the sky to see dark clouds but Y/n looks up at the sky and realised something.
Y/n: (thought) Those aren't dark cloads.....their smokes!
Jewels: (shocked) Oh my goodness!
He looks down at the rest to see their shocked and horrified faces as Y/n looks at theie direction and his face turned into shock and horror. They see the entrance was blown open and there was fire as they enter inside and see that Knothole was up in flames. They were horrified to see everything is destroyed and there was no one around as they walk through Knothole while seeing everything destroyed.
Elina's garden shop, the Hedgehog chili dog restaurant and even the neighbourhood was destroyed. The most scary part is no one is here as we see the four standing at the neighbourhood as they look around and then Tangle was the one to break the silence.
Tangle: (shocked) What happened here? Where is everyone?
Whisper: (shocked) I-I don't know. Come on, we got to find survivors.
Jewels: Let's split up!
The trio agree and they split up whike Y/n is still in shock as he walk through the neighbourhood looking at all the empty houses until he reach to his home which was destroyed but he wished someone is in there so he enter inside and see his home was trashed.
He look around for anyone but there was no sign. He check upstairs but there was nothing. Then he check his garden but not only no one is there but hid garden was a mess, everything was destroyed as he walk in the middle of the garden and can't believe it. He fell onto his knees and wants to think this was a dream, he just want this to be one bad dream or just some prank that Sonic have in mind but he doesn't think this is not sonic's idea.
Y/n: (thought) Please.....Please just be a bad dream. Please.
Then there was an explosion in the distances and Y/n realised it came from the castle so he rushes over in hopes to find someone there.
Y/n arrived and he was shocked to see he castle destroyed and up in flames as he felt tears about to burst but then he noticed something up at the sky and looks up to see a fleet of Eggman ships hovering over Knothole as Y/n thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) A fleet! Wait, those belonged to Eggman's fleet but he's dead. There's no way he could be-
Y/n: (thought) Sonic?!
He rushes to where the sound came from and soon sees Sonic on the ground and looked hurt ad he rush over and help Sonic up.
Y/n: You okay? What happened?
Sonic: He's back. I don't know how but he's back.
Y/n: Who? Who is back?
Then a familiar laughter is heard as he froze and slowly turn to see a large mech suit walking towards the two and piloting it was Eggman as he laughs whioe he sees Y/n staring back at him.
Eggman: Long time no seek Y/n. Nice to see you again.
Y/n was shocked by this but his shock turn into anger as he pulls out his burst wispon and rushes towards him whike he fired at him but he blocks his attacks with his shield and slaps Y/n away as he hits the ground but he stood up and Y/n demands to know.
Y/n: How! How are you alive! Metal Y/n killed you so how are you alive?!
Eggman: Oh so you wish to know how I survived huh? Well allow me to explain. Before Metal Y/n was about to blast me, I used a prototype teleporter to get out of there before he kill me. I was nearly hurt because it was taking too long but I've managed to survive. After you destroyed my Death Egg I have to be in hidden so I hide myself deep within Robotropolis to rebuild my fleet and my army. Now the time has come to restore my empire and thanks for my hidden, I've found out your Freedom fighter base and now I will end it once and for all!
But then Sonic spin dash and hits Eggman's mech from the side and try to hit him once more but Eggman grabs him and slammed him onto the ground. Y/n sees this and fires lighting at him but Eggman blocks it with his shield and then fired rockets at him which Y/n creates a blast that zaps all the rocks and they fell onto the ground and blow up. But then Y/n came out from the smoke with Void Wispon the fires it at Eggman's mech but then Eggman hits him with his wrecking ball, sending him flying and crashing into a building.
He slowly gets up while Eggman walks over to Y/n and then use his Wrecking ball to slam Y/n over and over again which made him yell in pain.
Sonic: Y/n!
Sonic spine around and then gose extremely fast which Eggman turned around and quickly blocks Sonic's powerful spine attack with his shield while Sonic tries to break through but Eggman just slammed his front shield onto the ground, crushing Sonic while Y/n slowly gets up to see Eggman's mech lifting up to a now beaten up Sonic as he tossed Sonic away.
Y/n: N-No....Sonic.
He reach out hand towards him which Eggman turns his mech and charge up his laser beams and fires it at Y/n as he scream in pain while Eggman laughs.
Eggman: (laughs) Do you all think I was dead?! You all are such fools! You've all let your guard down for once and look how that turned out! Your nice little Knothole is now burned and destroyed and everyone you've cared and love are gone!
Tears start to come out from Y/n as he can't imagine the lost of everyone he knew while Eggman laughs even more and then stomp his foot on him which he lend out a yell of pain. Then Tangle, Jewels and Whisper came out and they see this happen as Tangle and Whisper charge towards Eggman.
Tangle: Hey you! I don't know how your alive but leave Y/n alone!
Whisper: Yeah!
Eggman smirks as he reach out his mech arm and them it start to charge up as it glows Green while Y/n realised this and slowly sat up.
Y/n: T-Tangle.....Wh-Whisper....get away! Get away no-
But it was too late as bith Whisper and Tangle get hit by the beams as they screamed and they were gone in frontnof Jewels, Sonic and Y/n's eyes. Y/n was horrified to see what Eggman as done as he start to cry as he lower his head at the ground while tears drips out of his eyes and onto the ground as Y/n cried.
Eggman: Aaaww look at the poor and pathetic war hero. Crying to lose now more friends. That's what you get if you mess with Dr Eggman and the Eggman empire!
He laughs even more whioe he walk off while Y/n sat there as Eggman gose on to say.
Eggman: I'll allow you and Sonic to free but I dare you both to try to rebuild a new Freedom fighters group because no one will not join you now I have a massive fleet and a huge army backing me up. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ho ho ho, hahahahahahahahaha!
His laughter echoed within Y/n's ears as he heard it as he slowly makes a fist and and then he slowly gets up but not looking down down Eggman as he ask Eggman one question.
Y/n: Why?
Eggman stops and turns to see Y/n standing while we cut to the rubble where we see the Seven Chaos Emeralds as they suddenly glow.
Y/n: Why doing all of this? We didn't do nothing to you, we didn't kill no one you've cared for, we didn't harm you or anything. So why? Why doing all of this? What did we do that turn you this way?
Eggman: (smirk) Are you seriously asking me that? Because I'm evil and I wished to rule a world and have everyone to obey to me and only me.
Suddenly his quills immediately turn black qhich Sonic noticed including Eggman as Y/n take a few steps towards Eggman while he says.
Y/n:'ve came to this world, made robots to take over the world, use Chucks roboticizer to turn anyone into your robot slaves, try to kill all of my friends, ruin their lifes, their home, their freedom and their planet just because your evil and you have every right to harm so many lives?!
Eggman: (thought) What is this? Can it....can it be. Oh no.
Then the Chaos Emeralds burst out of the rubble and circle around Y/n and at first Jewels thinks he is turning into his super form but suddenly the Emeralds turn black one by one while Y/n spoke a threatening and dark tone.
Y/n: You've murder all of my friends, destroy our home and took away everything that is happy to everyone. You should have just leave us alone, you should have just realised to just give up and leave us alone. But no and now.....I have a enough of your crap.
Sonic: Y/n don't! Please calm down!
Y/n: It's time to end this once and for all Eggman but this time....i won't just defeat you and your army.......I WILL KILL YOU AND END THE RAIN OF EGGMAN ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then a burst of darkness sent everyone back including Eggman's mech as his mech crashes while Sonic lands hard on the ground as Jewels rushes up to Sonic and aks him.
Jewels: What's happening to him?!
Sonic: It's a the negative engery of the Chaos Emeralds! Once he tap into it he can't control himself! He gose berserk and blind in rage and anger.
Jewels: So since there is a super Y/n then that means that must be Dark Y/n?!
Sonic: Yeah.....pretty much.
There was a rumble of thunder as the two look up and they see dark clouds in the sky as Purple lighting flashes follow by lighting bolts tht hit the ground as Sonic and Jewels dodge and find cover while Eggman stood up and looks over to see a large tornado but he can see two white eyes glowing inside the tornado and suddenly the tornado burst out word and Eggman is shocked and horrified to see Dark Y/n as he glare at him while Eggman moves his mech back in fear in his eyes.
Dark Y/n slowly move his arm towards Eggman and then he charge up his purple dark lighting and fired a massive blast of Eggman. Eggman panicked and try to block it with his shield but once the dark lighting hits Eggman's shield, it suddenly turn into dust along with his mech's arm. He stumble back while alarms inside his mech start to go off as he try to get things working but he looked up to see Dark Y/n floating and he was right at his face as he lend out a yell in fear.
Dark Y/n just smirks and then pulls back his fist and punched through his mech's chest like they were paper and ripe off the mech's core and crushes it into pieces. Eggman's mech gose offline and fell backwards and slammed onto the ground. Eggman managed to enjiect out of their and fly his egg mobile as Dark Y/n watched as Eggman flies towards his fleet and turns back and yell out.
Eggman: F-FIRE!
All cannons aimed at Dark Y/n and all fired at him. Y/n just reaxh out his hand and all the missiles which scared Eggman even more and he fly away while Dark Y/n thrust his arm back and then forward as tne missiles return back and blow up parts of Eggmans fleet but Dark Y/n reach out both of his hands into the air and then pulls them down as a dark lighting strike zaps all of Eggman's fleet with a singal shot, zapping at each other ships and blowing them up. All the Eggman fleets that he has build is now fallen down from the sky while Dark Y/n looks at the sky to see Eggman's fleet fallen and he start to laugh. He laughs like a mad man while Sonic and Jewels came out to see Dark Y/n's laughter as he watches as Eggman's fleet falls from the sky as he laughs even more.
Then he stopped and immediately leaps up into the air and looked around and then zap to where Eggman have gone while Sonic and Jewels just watched where Dark Y/n have gone when Knuckle's, Tails and Amy rushes over to them.
Tails: What happened? Did we win?
Amy: Wait, where's Tangle, Y/n and Whisper?
Sonic: They were taking by Eggman just like everyone else and as for Y/n......he tapped into the negative energy of Chaos Emeralds he is going into a rampage and planned to kill Eggman.
They gasp in shock but then there was a strong wind followed by more purple lighting bolts striking down onto the ground as Tails looks through his tablet and tells everyone.
Tails: This is not good. According to this, there is many raging storms and thunder strikes around Mubuis and it's getting worse at the minute.
Sonic: It must be Y/n's chaos power right?
Tails: It looks like it but we have more bad news. If this keeps up the storms will get even more stronger and stronger and soon.......
Amy: And soon what?
Tails: All life in Mubuis.....will be gone by the thunder storms and lighting.
Everyone gasp in shock when Sonic groan a bit and grab his arm but he doesn't have time to feel pain and tells everyone.
Sonic: W need to head to robotropolis before Y/n dose and about to do something to Eggman. Come on guys, let's head gather who is still around and head to Robotropolis.
They all agree as they search around for anyone they can find while they hoped Y/n would snap out of his darkness and rage before he dose something that he might regret for the rest of his life.
To be continued....................................................
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