Chapter 4: A treasure hunt with the bat

It was another day Knothole as we see Y/n walking through the village with a bag of food with him as looks for where he is looking for as he looks around the place with no such luck so far.

He ask a few people for this place and they point him to where it is and soon he arrived at a flower shop which was pretty nice with beautiful plants and flowers hung at the front of the store.

Y/n can smell how great it was as he step to the door and opens it as there was a sound of a bell ring as he opens the door. Y/n step inside and looks around the place as he calls out.

Y/n: Elina? Elina are you here? If you here give me a call or-

Then suddenly there was some noise at the back of the store as Y/n looks at the back and a girl step out of the back as she look around and see Y/n as Y/n walks up to her and the girl smiled and said.

Ashley: Hello and welcome to our shop, my name is Ashley and you must be?

Y/n: Y/n, I'm here to see Elina could be here?

Ashley: Sorry she is away to deliver some plants for customers but I'm sure she be back.

Y/n: Alright, well I got this food for her if she was hungry.

Ashley: (smile) That's very nice of you. Hey your the hedgehog that I've heard around the village.

Y/n: You have?

Ashley: Yes everyone has been talking about it. How you use some kind a new chaos energy to take down Eggman's army.

Y/n: Yeah but if I use it a bit too much I passed out but I've been getting better at it.....almost.

Ashley: (smile) Well it's a honour meeting you here in our store. Your a friend to Elina?

Y/n: (smile) Yep, she told me about this store and how she owns it. So are you and Elina work here?

Ashley: (smile) Nope, there are two more that work here and they should be back with Elina any-

Then the bell ring behind them as they turn to see Elina and two of her friends step inside the store as one stretched herself and said.

??? 1: Man those deliveries were harder as I thought.

??? 2: (smile) Yeah but as least we have them done.

Elina: (smile) Yep nice work girls.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Elina, how is things.

Elina turn and she was surprised to see Y/n as she runs up and hugged Y/n.

Elina: (surprised) Y/n, I'm happy you came to visit.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Elina let's go and two of her girls walks up to Elina and one asked.

??? 1: Wait you know him Elina?

Elina: (smile) Yep, girls this is Y/n, I met him along with Amy.

Y/n: (smile) Yo.

Elina: And these are my friends. Laura and Sophie, I'm pretty sure you met Ashley by now.

Y/n: (smile) Yep, I came here to see how you doing and I got some food from Sonic's uncles restaurant, figured you mite be hungry.

Elina: How sweet of you, thank you.

Laura: (surprised) Wow so your Y/n that I've been hearing about?!

Sophie: That's kinda too loud.

Laura: Yeah sorry, exited got over me.

Y/n: That's alright, it's very nice to meet friends of Elina.

Laura: (smile) Same. So shall we talk at the office.

Elina: Yeah, let's go.

They all head to the back and enter the office to sat down and chat. Elina and Y/n have their food while the rest got their own and start to eat around the table. While they eat Y/n looks around the place and said.

Y/n: I must say Elina, you and the rest have a nice store.

Elina: (smile) Thank you. We open this store couple of weeks ago before you came. I open this store with the help with Tails and Amy.

Laura: After that we came a few days after that and Elina hired us in and we work with her ever since.

Y/n: That's interesting, so where were yous from before you came here?

Laura: (smirk) I used to be a traveller as I explore the world and discover new and interesting stuff. I've even kept some souvenirs at my place, they are pretty cool.

Y/n: Sounds pretty cool.

Sophie: I used to live a nice town and used to work as a bakery until Eggman forces attacked. Soon I was founded by Laura and we travelled together until we were joined by Ashley.

Ashley: It's true. I used to be a scientist working for other scientist to make high technology to make the world a better place. But then Eggman attacked and I managed to escape with the help of Sophie and Laura.

Y/n: That must be sad to lose two places by Eggman.

Ashley: It was but at least we got each other and that's important.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Elina: So Y/n how is your training with Shadow doing, I'm sure he is taking easy on you.

Y/n: (sigh) Nope, in fact I think he's training me a bit more harder then before. I know he is in team dark but is that how he trains them to be in a team?

Laura: Well you really can't blame him. He has lost many things from his past including someone.

Y/n: Who?

Laura: It's....probably best to not talk about it.

Y/n: Oh ok.

Laura: (smirk) Still can't help how good looking you are.

Y/n: (blush) Huh?

Sophie: Laura!

Laura: (smirk) I'm just messing around Sophie.

Ashley: So you got any plans for today?

Y/n: Nothing now, Sonic and tails are on a mission and have no news about it so far for me.

Ashley: (smile) Well I'm sure it will come up.

Y/n: Hope so.

After they finish their food they clean up and head back to the store and Y/n decided to but a pot of planet and after he buy it he wave the girls goodbye and once that he left. Laura lend back on the wall and said.

Laura: (smirk) He's so cute. You think so girls?

Ashley: What do you mean?

Laura: Come on, he's pretty nice, very good looking and show care to everyone around him. Besides like how he spoke, spoke like as smooth as cool.

Ashley: (Little blush) Well he is pretty nice when he walked in and talk to me.

Sophie: (little blush) Yeah, same.

Laura: What about you Elina, what do you see in him?

The girls turn to Elina and her cheeks blushed as she try to find the answer but Laura looks to see the same thing and she smirks.

Elina: (blush) W-Well I find him a very nice hedgehog. He's not like sonic or Shadow I've seen. I'm not saying the two of them are back or anything but I think Y/n is.....special...very special to me and to us all.


We see Y/n at his house as he was set down his flower pot at the windowsill in the kitchen and o ce that he step back and see it was perfect.

Y/n: (thought) Woah looks pretty nice. So now what should I do? I could visit Sally and see she have a mission for me or I visit Tangle and see she wanna hang out. Maybe-

Then he hear a door bell ring at his front door. Y/n walks over to the door and opens it and Rouge was at his front door as she waves at him with a wink and a smirk.

Rouge: (smirk) Hey Y/n, glad your home mind I come in?

Y/n: (smile) Hey Rouge, sure come in I'll make some tea.

Y/n let's Rouge in as he goes into the kitchen to make some tea as Rouge sat down on the couch in the living room and after a while Y/n came in and hands one to Rouge and sat down next to her and Rouge sips the tea.

Rouge: Mmm this is some good tea.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, Amy show me the best tea bags to use and they are delicious.

Rouge: I see, so you got any plans?

Y/n: Not really no, why?

Rouge: (smirk) Great I could use your help with something for me.

Y/n: Sure what do you need.

Rouge: (smirk) Check this out.

Rouge pulls out a small device and set it on the table. Once that it opens and a hologram of a map appeared into the air which surprised Y/n as Rouge explained.

Rouge: I've found this map in one of Eggman's storage stations and this holds the information about a treasure that Eggman has stored. I figured I could maybe go in and steal them but I also figured, why not bring you along on the fun?

Y/n: (surprised) Your asking me to go on a treasure hunt?

Rouge: (smirk) You could say that. Your little chaos engery can pass by electronically right? Figured it mite be useful for this situation.

Rouge moved a bit close which made Y/n a bit nervous and Rouge see this and smirked as Y/n said while scratching the back of his head.

Y/n: I don't know? Isn't it stealing, I know Eggman is evil and all but do you think stealing his wrong?

Rouge: (smirk) True but what if I told you that he got these treasures from villages that he destroyed. He steal everyone's items and store them all in secret rooms so they will never find them.

Y/n was shocked by this and looks at the map and figured if he take the treasures from Eggman, he mite give them back to the people he has stolen. He turn back to Rouge and said.

Y/n: OK, I'm in but promises me some of the treasure will be given back to everyone he has token.

Rouge: (smirk) Deal, meet me at front of the gates in 3 minutes, don't be late handsome.

Then Rouge take the device off the table and walks off and shuts the door as Y/n stands up and gets ready for this mission with Rouge.


We see Sally at the control room as Tails appear on the huge screen in fro the of her as Sally asked Tails.

Sally: Any Luck so far Tails?

Tails: (coms) No luck Sally. Where ever the next chaos emerald is must be close.

Sally: Ok, keep up the work and contact me once you found it.

Tails nods and the screen turns off as Amy enter the room as she asked Sally.

Amy: Any luck so far Sally?

Sally: No luck so far.

Amy: That figures, wish they were more easier to find sometimes.

Sally: Yeah.

Amy: Speaking of that, what about Y/n's memories, any information about him or where he came from?

Sally: That's......difficult.

Amy: Huh how so?

Slally: Nicole put up Y/n's files.

Nicole: Yes Sally.

Then a screen opens up Y/n's files and see they were empty except his name, age, hair colour and eye colour but the rest is blink which surprised Amy.

Sally: He has no history, no family, no place he was born or lived. Nothing, it's like he came out of existence.

Amy: (shocked) That's impossible.

Sally: Yes but we're trying our best to figure our his past and help him.

Amy: Well I hope so. It be sad if Y/n has no family or where he is from.

Nicole: You've seem to show care to Y/n Miss Amy.

Amy: (blush) Huh? Of course I show care to him, he is a great friend to us!

Nicole: Yes but your heart has been beating fast when I managed it. And its still beating right now.

Amy: (blush) Will you stop that!

Nicole: Apologies.

Any: (sigh) What's the use. I'm gonna go now, see you around Sally and Nicole.

Sally: Same to you Amy.

Then Amy left the room and Nicole turn to Sally and see her heart was beating fast and asked.

Nicole: Your heart is also beating fast as well, is there something in your mind?

Sally: Oh its nothing Nicole, just continue your work.

Nicole: Yes Sally.

Sally turns back to the screen and stare at Y/n files and her heart was beating a bit fast when she stare at a picture of him as she thought to herself.

Sally: (thought) Don't worry Y/n. I won't rest until I'll find your past, what ever it takes.


We see Rouge and Y/n walking through the jungle looking for Eggman's base where the treasure is at. Soon Rouge move the vins away and they see the base in front of them.

It was a large metal door that leads inside the base as Y/n and Roige step out of the forest and stare at the door.

Rouge: (smile) My this will be existing.

Y/n walks over to the controls and tap his finger in and there was a zap and then the doors slowly open and once it was completely open, they peek in and see the halls was lit up by ceiling lights as they flicker for a bit.

Rouge: (smile) My your brilliant with the finger.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks, shall we enter?

Rouge nods and they enter inside and walk through the halls of the base. It was pretty empty inside with silence fills the air as they walk through the halls of the base.

Y/n: Man this place is abandoned.

Rouge: That's what you think but this is how Eggman sping his trap.

Y/n: You seem have full knowledge about traps.

Rouge: (smirk) Yep, you could say I have a power to know where traps mite be.

Y/n: Cool.

They walk for a while until Rouge stops Y/n and pulls out some kind a smoke grenade and rolled it over and the smoke came out and there were invisible lasers.

Y/n was glad Rouge was there otherwise he may trip them without knowing. He follows Rouge as they slowly and carefully go around the laser and try not to trip them. Once at the other side they continue on forward.

Soon they reach a door that in the other side is the treasure. Y/n walks over to the controls and tap on the controls and once he zapped it the doors swing up and they step into and see piles and piles of crags as Y/n walks up to one and opens it.

The hutch opens and there was many jewels and any other viable stuff in it as Rouge peeks into the box and has a smile on her face.

Rouge: (smile) Woah look at all these jewels.

Y/n: (surprised) Yeah, theirs so many.

Rouge: Yep, let's hurry before we-

???: Well hello there.

They turn around and then Y/n was struck in the chest by something and been thrown back and slam onto the wall and onto the ground.

Rouge: Y/n!

??? 2: Lighs out!

Then Rouge turns and a green smoke appear around Rouge and it was stinky as she coughs for a while before she passed out and fell onto the ground. Y/n removes the rubble and slowly stands up and see two figures walking up to them and one said.

??? 1: Looks like we find you, see I told you we find him.

??? 2: Yep you were right boss.

Y/n: Who are yous?

??? 1: (smirk) Well you may not know us kid but get ready to be hit.

??? 2: And get ready to get smashed.

??? 1: Cause we are.....

Rough and Rumble: Rough and Tumble!


Rough: Forget it, we're here for you so come nice and quietly now.

Tumble: Yeah or else.

Y/n looks over to see Rouge passed out and see he is on his own now. He reach down to be back to grab something and said.

Y/n: (smirk) You want me?


Y/n: Then you have to catch me!

Then Y/n float up by using the Hover Wispon as Rough and Tumble try to jump up to catch him but he was too high and Y/n lands safely onto one of the shelfs and looks down at them and said.

Y/n: Wish you'd have wings to fly huh?

Rough: (smirk) Oh we have something up our sleeves. Ready Tumbler?

Tumbler: Ready Rough.

Rough turn himself a ball and Tumble grabs him and he spone around and around until he throw Rough at Y/n and Y/n dodge just in time as Rough nocks the shelf off and Y/n lands on his feet.

He then looks up to see the shelf gonna land on top of him so he moves out of the way and the shelf slams onto the ground.

Y/n looks back to see it hit the ground as he stands up but then Tumble charge at him and Y/n quickly dodges his attack and pulls out his Hover Wispon and fired a wind attack at Tumble and that hits him.

Tumble was sent flying and crash into some chest and then Rough came out and try to strike at Y/n but Y/n dodges it and try to fire at Rough but Rough knocked his Wispon away and kicks Y/n.

Y/n slide onto the floor and once stopped he slowly stands up and Rough charge at him and try to land a strike at him but Y/n dodges it and he managed to land a punch at Rough. Rough stumbled to the side and touch his cheek and look at Y/n.

Rough: OK kid, time to get really REALLY Rough.

Y/n: (smirk) Try me.

Rough charge at Y/n as Y/n was waiting for the right moment to strike and once Rough was close he leaps to the side which Rough was surprised and off guard as he looks in front and he slam into a empty chest and the chest closes on him and locked in place.

Rough: Hey! Let me out! Let me out!

Y/n: (thought) Woah, can't believe that actually worked. Neat.

Y/n runs over to Rouge and once there he bend down to her and try to shake her but she was still out cold. Y/n looks around and noticed something and runs over and pick it up.

He didn't notice as Tumble came out of the rubble with a rocket launcher as he aims it at Y/n.

Tumble: You're not getting away.

Tumble pulls the trigger and fires the Rocket at Y/n. Y/n turns to see the rocket coming towards him so he reach out his hand and strings of lightning bolt grabs hold of the rocket.

Tumble was shocked as Y/n struggled to hold it until he throw it aside as Rough kicks open the chest and stands up.

Rough: Finally I'm free!

But he see the rocket coming towards him and he panic and ducks down as the rocket went pass him and there was a huge explosion as the alarms gone off. Y/n looks at the door and see its closing so he pocket whats he can get and runs up to the still unconscious Rouge and picks her up and spring out of the the treasure room and run through the halls.

Tumble see them running and aim his rocket launcher at him but then he gets slept on the back of the head by Rougn as he said.

Rough: What was that for bro!

Tumble: Sorry bro, I was gonna aim on the kid!

Rough: We need him alive you idiot!

Then the doors shut in front of them as fire and explosion are spread everywhere in the room ae Tumble said.

Tumble: Um....the door his shut.

Rough: No door is not gonna stop us. We're Rough and Tumble and we break our way out!

Rough turn himself into a ball and Tumble grabs him and throws him towards the metal door but it leave a dent on it which was a face of Rough as Rough slowly slide down and onto the ground as Tumble walks over and said.

Tumble: So....we panic?

Rough: Yep.....we panic.

Then they start to panic as the place exploded around them. We then cut back to Y/n carrying the unconscious Rouge as they exit out the door and once in a safe place the place exploded with firming blizzard while out of the smoke was Rough and Tumble as they fly high into the skys and they were gone.

Y/n watch them gone into the sky and breath in a sigh. Then Rouge start to wake up as she slowly open her eyes and see Y/n as Y/n looks at her and Rouge realise Y/n was holding her as Y/n asked.

Y/n: You ok?

Rouge: Wh-what happened to me?

Y/n: Well these two brothers named Rough and Tumble ambush us and cost a huge explosion that destroy the base along with the treasure inside.

Rouge looks over to see the bass in flames as she sigh in disappointment as she said.

Rouge: Well so long those beautiful jewels.

Y/n: Well.....not all of them.

Rouge looks back and Y/n pulls out a hand fill of treasure and show it to her which surprised her as Y/n said.

Y/n: I figured this will be enough for you and for everyone else back at Knothole.

Rouge smirks and wrap her arms around Y/n's head and said.

Rouge: (smirk) Your one good hedgehog.

Then she lend in and kiss Y/n on the check which Y/n blushes as Rouge lend back and giggles cause of the blush as she said.

Rouge: (smirk) Their will be more if you continue on handsome.

Y/n: (blush) W-W-Well G-G-G-Glad your safe....Th-Thats more important.

Rouge: (thought) He's cute when he is all blushy and nervous.

Rouge: (smirk) So, shall we head home?

Y/n: (blush) S-sure.

Y/n set Rouge down and they head back to Knothole while Rouge looks over at Y/n as he was still blushing as she smirks while she lick her lips as she starting to enjoy doing missions with Y/n for a very long time.

To be continued..........

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