Chapter 38: Back from the dead
At the Knothole graveyard we see a few Mobians at the graveyard to pay respect to their love once or family members who either passed away or died during the war against Eggman and his army. Among those we see Maximilian and Alicia are looking at the many graveyards from falling soldiers who fought in their battles against Eggman's forces as the two look at the grave stones while we see Y/n approaches them and once he walked up to them Maximilian spoke to Y/n by telling him.
Maximilian: Ah Y/n, glad that you have came.
Y/n: Of course sir. Is there anything you want me to do?
Maximilian: Not at all Y/n. I've called you here just for a chat.
Y/n: Oh alright sir.
He turn to the many grave stones and looks at them and then ask Maximilian.
Y/n: How many do you think they have died?
Maximilian: A lot but their deaths will never be forgotten. They have did their part of bringing peace to this world and now they rest easy know the war is over.
Y/n: It's sad. Some may have families but Eggman took them away from them.
Maximilian: Indeed but that mad man will no longer going to bother us anymore.
He agrees as the trio walk around the graveyard about to make their leave as Y/n look at all the gravestones and recognised all who have fallen. But then on enough his eyes which he stopped and stare at the gravestone while Y/n asked Maximilian which both he and his wife stop and turn to him.
Y/n: Hey who's Fiona?
They walk up to him and see the gravestone that he was talking about. Unlike many gravestone that have flowers around them, Fiona's doesn't have one to which Maximilian tells him.
Maximilian: If I remember correctly before you came Fiona was the best inflator and best know of sneaking her way inside and getting out without any problems. Fiona was close friends with my daughter and they see each other as sisters. They were soo happy when they were kids.
Y/n: What happened to her?
Maximilian: According to Sally, she and the rest sneak themselves inside a prison camp, trying to save some prisoners but then they were caught and most of them gotten out....some were captured and one of them was Fiona. Sally and Sonic try to go back for her but the bots were too many so they have no choice but to leave her. Of course they did return back.....they haven't found her. They believe she was killed which saddens Sally and the rest. She was like family to them until you came and join them.
Y/n: I see. Wished I could have met her if she was alive.
Maximilian: Agree. It be nice to meet Fiona after for soo long. Anyways, we should be leaving. Time for me to get some rest right honey?
Alicia: (smile) You always need some rest sweetie.
Maximilian: (smile) Indeed. Take care Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) You too sir.
And so the two left while Y/n look at Fiona's grave and decided to stop by Elina's flowers shop and get some for her. He make his leave while at the background we see a cloaked figure who watched Y/n leave the graveyard and once he is gone, the cloak figure slowly followers him.
We see Amy, Sally, Tangle and Whisper arruve at Rouge's home which look pretty nice as they see she lives in a mansion as they walk through the gate while Tangle says in a amazing tone.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow Rouge's place is amazing! She lives like a rich person!
Sally: (smile) Well she is a treasure hunter after all.
Tangle: (surprised) Still wow!
Whisper: Gonna say she lives a nice place. You think this is what she spent after the war?
Amy: (smile) Probably. Let's hope she is home.
They walk up to the door and before they knock the door Rouge opens the door and sees them here as she tells them.
Rouge: (smile) Welcome to my Palace girls!
The four enter inside and the inside is a lot more nicer in the inside as Rouge shuts the door behind them as they look around.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow nice place Rouge! There is so many crystals then Jewels shop!
Rouge: (smile) Thanks. I have collected a lot of things after the war. It's a good thing as well so i have all the free time to travel and collect as many beautiful Jewels in the world.
Whisper: You must be good treasure hunter. How did you get good at it?
Rouge: (smirk) It's part of my quirks. Now please, make yourselfs home and I make some tea for all of us.
They node and they start looking around. Everywhere they go was great Jewels and expensive items that Rouge can buy which amazed them. Soon after they sat around at the living room as Rouge came with some tea and set them on the table and they start to chat.
Rouge: (smile) So how's things been?
Sally: Well me and Nicole are trying to rebuild most cities and take down any Eggman facilities, prisons and anything that involves around Eggman. We've also been trying to track down the drak Legion for a while but no news what so far.
Rouge: (smile) Sounds like busy work.
Amy: (smile) Well nothing much for me. I've helped around Mina and Manic for their concert while also helping Big trying to find his Froggy. Still besides that, nothing important happen to me.
Rouge: (smile) That's nice to hear.
Tangle: (smile) As for me and Whisper. Well we are a better time with me, Y/n snd Whisper as a strong team. Unfortunately there isn't no great threat that try to kill us but it's awesome for us and our small adventure right Whisper?
Whisper: (smile) That's right.
Rouge: (smile) That's interesting. Still Whisper we're sorry for what you have to go through. How are you feeling?
Whisper was silent a bit until he tells everyone.
Whisper: Disbite my team gone, I know their sacrifice will never be forgotten and with the help of Y/n and Tangle, Mimic will no longer going to threating us any more.
Amy: Still it's scary to think Mimic can turn into anyone he wanted. It's a good thing he is locked up.
Sally: Indeed. He'll be a massive threat if he ever transform into anyone we know, especially those who are higher ranked.
Tangle: (smirk) Yeah but we teach him a lesson about mess with us.
Whisper: (smile) Indeed. If weren't for Y/n convincing me to help....I wouldn't be here to tell you all of this.
Sally: (smile) Indeed. You three worked soo hard to stop him.
Rouge: (smirk) Yes especially Y/n. Have you ever thought of rewarding him?
Whisper: Rewarding him?
Tangle: Well Whisper did give us mask so that's his reward right?
Rouge: (smile) Indeed but how about an reward like say....."something that he may like?"
Whisper blushed a bit while the other girls realised what Rouge is saying as she smirked and stood up while she tells the girls.
Rouge: (smirk) Get up girls. I believe we show Y/n our gratitude to Y/n by giving him "A special Reward" for all of us.
The four look at each other and with no choice they followed Rouge upstairs and into her fancy bedroom and open a door and turn on the lights as the four look inside and they were surprised.
Sally, Amy, Tangle and Whisper: (surprised) Wow!
We see Y/n walking through Knothole with a bag with flowers for Fiona's grave as he walk through town, trying to get to the graveyard when he stop and see a large crowd. He peaks over to see there was an accident upahead.
Y/n: (thought) Damn an accident. Maybe I can take the alleyway then.
He turn to the alleyway and make his walk there. He walk through the alleyway and it's less creepy but he was calm as he walk through the alleyway but he can't help but feel like someone is following him from behind.
Then we see the cloak figure following him while Y/n hasn't noticed the cloak figure yet. The cloak figure slowly looks up at Y/n and slowly pulls out something which was a knife and slowly gets closer and closer towards Y/n and once close the figure rasies the knife and within a second the figure pulled it down but the figures arm was grabbed by Y/n who quickly turn around and now the two were looking at each other as Y/n just smirked and asked.
Y/n: (smirk) Do you really think I would not noticed someone walking uo behind me in the alleyway? Well kinda off but still-
Then the figure kicked him which he slammed onto the wall with a groan as he slowly stood up as the figure spoke in a female voice.
???: So you must be Y/n huh? Its very nice to finally meet my replacement.
Y/n: Replacement? What are you talking about? Who are you?
???: Oh.....thought they already told you? Guess it's probably the hood huh? Well....allow me to show you who i am.
She then pull down her hood to allow Y/n to see her and he can see her who is a female mobain fox as she glacé up at him and pointed her knife at him while she tells him.
Fiona: Then names Fiona and I'm that Freedom fighter who was "killed" on that mission.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! But how are you alive?
Fiona: (smirk) Well I was captured and put into a cell with no way out. At first I've waited for my goof old friend Sally and the rest to show up.....but they didn't came. Then heard from one of the bots that they retreated and left me! So I made my way out by digging the floors of my cell and soon I made it out before the alarms went off. I was betrayed by Sally and the rest od the Freedom fighters so I disappeared for a while. Then I heard they have a new member which is you, this anger me! I've worked along side them all these years and now they give up on me and replace me with you!
Y/n: Fiona you got it all wrong! They didn't abandoned you, they have no choice but to leave you but they did come back to free you but they thought you were-
Fiona: Dead?! Yeah they all said that but look at me now! I'M STILL ALIVE!
She launched at him but he moved out of the way as Fiona continues to swing her knife at him while Y/n dodges her strikes.
Y/n: Fiona please stop! They were sad and they didn't allow me to join just to replace you, I just want to help them! That's all!
Fiona: Stop lying and let me kill you!
He leaps back and quickly grabs her arms and slammed her onto the wall. She struggled to break free but Y/n was strong as Y/n squeeze her arm that she is holding her knife and soon she drops it and it hits the ground.
Y/n: Look i don't want to hurt you but you need to stop and listen. I didn't mean to replace you and I'm truly am sorry. But you got to understand that the Freedom fighters didn't abandoned you. There was too many Eggman bots and they have no choice but to leave you but not for long. Please allow me to take you to Maximilian so the rest can see that you are alive and well.
Fiona looks down not wanting to face Y/n and then ask him.
Fiona: Do you honestly trust his words?
Y/n: What?
She look back up at him and explained to him.
Fiona: Do you ever listen to Maximilian and every word he says?
Y/n was silent a bit as Fiona sees his confusion and gose on to explain.
Fiona: Looks even if the war is over what happens next? You think everyone will live out happily ever after? Well no. What about other Freedom fighters that are still active, what about the robots that are still everywhere, all around Mubuis just waiting for someone to use to overthrow or what about the dark Legion huh? Disbite Eggman gone there is still scars that Eggman have left behind and those scars ain't going away for a long time. Sooner or later those scars will get bigger and bigger and soon another war will start. The real question is......who will start it first? The dark Legion, one of the Freedom Fighters across Mubuis....or maybe Maximilian and the Acorn family will?
Y/n: That won't happen. No matter what we will stop it from happening.
Fiona: (smirk) Don't make he laugh. Look even if you succeed there is also a way a war will start. Its only the matter of time until the timer on the clock counts to zero and all hell breaks lose.
She then strike a kick at his stomach which he slammed onto the wall as Fiona picks up her knife and tells Y/n.
Fiona: Damn your lucky. I've ran out of time but don't worry, I'll come back to kill you. See you around Y/n~!
And so she left as she disappeared around the corner while Y/n slowly gets up while Fiona's words were in his thoughts and it's similar to what Mimic told him.
Chuck: Y/n?
He turn to see Chuck as he rush over to him and help him up.
Chuck: What on Mubuis name happen to you?
Y/n: I'm fine. I've just fell that's all.
Chuck: I see. Well you better be careful okay?
Y/n: Yeah thanks. H-Hey Chuck?
Chuck: Yeah?
Y/n: Can I ask you something. Something important?
Chuck: (smile) Sure anything.
Y/n: Was it true.....that you made the roboticizer many years back?
Chuck was shocked and surprised as the two were silent until Chuck sighs and tells him.
Chuck: Follow me. I want to show you something.
(Short while later)
We see them at the Hedgehog's home with no one home apart of Chuck and Y/n as we see the two at Chuck's office as Chuck looks around while Y/n stood there and look around until Chuck found it and place it down on the table and opens it up.
Y/n looks over to see the Blue prints of the roboticizer as Chuck gose on to tell Y/n.
Chuck: You see....many years back when I was young, there were brave and skilled soldiers that fought in many wars. But it was not just that, but their battle strategies and intelligence was very brilliant and the Acorn royal army won many battles. However they were getting old and losing them will mean we will lose our greatest warriors and best generals and commmanders. So I decided to create a project that can allow them to live longer so after discussing with Maximilian....he agree with the Project. I've called it "Project: Life expansion" and I've worked very heard to think of an idea. Soon I've got one which is incaseing them into a metal suit and the suit will keep them alive long enough. Their age will get slower once they wear the suit and they can take it off anytime they want.
Y/n: So you try to make their life's lasted longer?
Chuck: Indeed. When it was done I've shocked it to Maximilian and many high ranking leaders. The first subject was a great general who served the Acorn Royal for years and have the highest intelligence count in the world. We placed him into the machine and it worked....but too well. You see, I've programmed the machine to have the user to be safe from any threats.....but the programing believes the only way to keep them safe is by taxi away his emotions and make him very loyal. Too loyal in fact qhich feared Maximilian and all higher ranking leaders...including myself. I've shut down the project but some how in some way....Eggman found it and reprogrammed the Roboticizer and use it to take over the world.
Chuck sighs to himself while Y/n is shocked by this as Chuck place his hand on his face.
Chuck: This was all my fault. If I have made that blasted machinery.....none of this wouldn't have happen. I blame myself for those who were roboticized everyone in Mubuis.
Y/n gently place a hand on his shoulder and assures him.
Y/n: It's never your fault Chuck. You were trying to help but went wrong and you did the right thing by throwing it away. It's Eggman fault for using your machine and use it to slave many Mubains. But now the war is over.
Chuck: Yes that maybe so.....Still I can't help but blame myself for the chaos what I've bring.
Y/n: Then don't. We all make mistakes but we fix our mistakes and now everything is over. No one blames you for all of this to happen.
Chuck: (smile) Yeah....Yeah your right. Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Still I have one last question. Where did Eggman came from?
Chuck: That's actually a good question and that is unknown to all of us. All we do know is there was some rumours about a unknown being and then next thing we know he appeared with a massive army of bots. Some believe Eggman is from another world or something else.
Y/n: Strange. Guess we never know now Eggman is gone.
Chuck: Agree.
Y/n: Well I better go now, see you later Chuck.
Chuck: (smile) You too Y/n. Catch you later.
Y/n left leaving Chuck alone as he sigh while he look at the blueprint of the Roboticizer. Then he torn the blueprints up and throws it into the bin and leaves the room, forgotten about the past and move on.
We see Y/n walking home while he can't stop and think about Mimic and Fiona's words to him and how their words are still stuck in his head.
Y/n: (thought) I know the Freedom fighters are the good guys. They did everything they can to bring peace, why would they ruin it after what Eggman has done? But.....what if they are right? Eggman left behind a lot of mess and who knows how long until another war will break out. Still we can stop it from happening, I know we can. I just need to stop thinking about it and just enjoy myself.
He nodes to himself as he arrive home and walk up to his front door and was about to pull out his keys when the door suddenly open and Rouge appears in front of him.
Rouge: (smirk) Well hello there Y/n~!
Y/n: (surprised) Oh Rouge! Didn't suspect you to be at my house.
Rouge: (smirk) Well it's great to have you home. We were just waiting for you to arrive home.
Y/n: We?
Then he was pulled inside as Rouge shuts the door and take him to the living room as Y/n was about to ask until he heard.
Amy, Sally, Whisper and Tangle: Hello there Y/n~!
Y/n: (surprised) Oh you girls are here as well? How did you all get in-
He turn and froze to see Amy, Sally, Tangle and Whisper wearing Rouge's outfit as they smirk at him while they glacé at him in a sexxy way.
Y/n was speechless while his cheeks was blushing bright red while Rouge lend out a giggle behind him and tells him.
Rouge: (smirk) We figured we give you a "Special Reward" for all the hard work you did for all of us. Ain't they right girls?
They agree as Amy walks over to him and takes Y/n from Rouge and before Y/n could say anything she kissed him in the lips which made him blush even more as she stop and lend out a giggle.
Amy: (smirk) Your really cute when you blush like that. Blush even more and I might kiss you more.
Y/n: (blush) H-H-H-Huh?
Then Sally came up behind him and wrap her arms around him to give him a hug while she press her breast on his back while she said.
Sally: (smirk) Your soo warm. You've must be very busy out there. I like hot and strong heros like you.
Then Amy joined in on the hug and now both Amy and Sally were hugging him as Y/n feels blood coming out at both of his nose when Tangle wrap her tail around him and pulled him towards him.
She wrapped Y/n around her tail as she lend out a giggle and kissed him on the cheek.
Tamgle: (smirk) Like our clothes Y/n? You wouldn't believe how many clothes Rouge has at her place. It's a good thing they all fit on us. Still do you like it~?
Y/n was lost for words when Whisper walks up to him and kissed him at his other cheek and she said in a nervous and whisper like tone.
Whisper: (whisper) I think he loves us wearing it. Look at him, acting all cute seeing us like this.
Rouge: (smirk) Well in that case. Let's give him the night he would never forget.
The girls agree as they approached Y/n as he looks at them all and without a word they pulled him towards them and then next thing we hear are moans and soft gasp outside inside his home as night came as the girls have some "Special time" with Y/n and it seems there is nothing to ruin their peaceful life.
(Next day)
At the throne room we see Maximilian and Alicia and in the room was Amadeus as Amadeus gose down the list down the things that the public needs when Amadeus looks up to see Maximilian not listening so he ask.
Amadeus: Are you okay sir?
Maximilian: My apologies Amadeus but I feel....something not right. I don't know why but I feel....strange.
Suddenly a portal appears behind Amadeus as they turn to see the portal. The royal guards raised their spaers ready to faced intruder. They they see a figure walking towards the portal and the figure came out of the portal as the person tells Maximilian.
???: My deepest apologies for the intrusion but do not be alarmed....I am not here to harm you or anyone here.
Amadeus: (anger) You dare enter the thrown room without announced!
He then pulled out his sword and aimed it at the figure while he ask him.
Amadeus: (anger) Just who are you?
The person smirked as he finally introduced himself in front of Maximilian and everyone in the room.
Starline: Yes apologies for my rudeness. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr Starline.....and I have come to pledged my legions towards the Freedom fighters.....if you allow me?
To be continued............................
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