Chapter 35: The Diamond Cuters (Arc 2)
It was the middle of the night as we see Whisper and Y/n laying on top of a hill and looking at the bunker where a mimic would be in. Y/n looks through his binoculars and see no guards outside or anyone as far as he can see. He and Whisper think this could be a trap so they need to act quietly in order to enter inside the bunker and-
Tangle: Sneak-Sneak-Snkea~!
Tangle appear behind them walking towards them in a sneaky way while the two breath in a sigh.
Y/n: Um you do realise we're trying to Sneak into the base withoit being spotted right?
Tangle: (smile) Yeah sorry.
He just smiled while shake his head while both he and Whisper stood up.
Y/n: So good news, it looks like he doesn't have any army that can shoot us down. Bad news is it might be a trap.
Tangle: So we go in anyways?
Whisper: (whisper) Yes.
Y/n: Say Whisper can you mask see through inside that building?
Whisper: (whisper) Yes but Unfortunately I can't see what's inside.
Y/n: Damn. Even if we back him into a corner, he might have something planned once we did.
Whisper: (whisper) Agree.
Tangle: So would it be best we back off and plan another way?
Whisper: (whisper) No. Its now or never.
Y/n: Agree. All we have to do is stick together and not get lost.
Tangle: (smirk) Sounds like the plan! Let's do this!
The trio make theie way towards the bunker while they can't feel but being watch as they get close to the bunker. Once at the bunkers entrance Tangle use her tail to open the door and they enter inside. Inside was bigger then what they thought to be when they first see the bunker. There were lots of supply's that were stacked and left there during and after the war.
Y/n sees dust appear on the boxes as he walk over to one of them, open one and pull out what looked like a robot arm as he turn to the rest.
Y/n: Looks like this bunkers is for spare parts and robot replacement until Eggmans death. You think this might be Mimic's hide out?
Whisper: Maybe but we should stay focused.
Tangle: Great! I'll go high and see what I can find.
Before Whisper could tell her something, Tangle was already on the shelves as she give them a thumps up for good luck while Y/n smiles.
Y/n: (thought) Same old Tangle.
Y/n: Guess we should be looking for him from the ground right?
Whisper nodes and the two start their walk through the bunker. Whisper aimed around making sure they won't be spotted and while they walk Y/n decide to ask Whisper.
Y/n: So how dose Mimic know you? Were you two once rival's during the war?
Whisper: (whisper) Its.....Its a long story.
Y/n: I see. But still I wanna know, dose he havethe technology to changed into anyone he wants or dose he have actual powers?
Whisper: (whisper) Actual powers. Which is why we must be careful. Who know what he can turn into and try to trick us.
Y/n: Right. Let's just hope he doesn't have any more surprises for us.
She Agree as they keep on moving while a figure appears behind them as he watches them move before disappeared from the darkness.
We see Tangle leaping onto shelf after shelf as she look around for Mimic but no such luck.
Tangle: (thought) Man this has been a while since we go on existing adventures like this. It's a good to be out and save the world....Well from a guy who can turn into anyone. Still need to forces, Whisper and Y/n are counting on you don't let them down.
She land onto one shelf and looks around to see nothing but she thinks about Whisper and thinks to herself.
Tangle: (thought) This Mimic guy needs to pay for hurting one of my friends but I wonder what did he do to hurt Whisper? What ever he did he's not getting away on my watch.
Jewels: (distances) Tangle, Whisper, Y/n help!
Tangle: (surprised) Jewels?!
She spotted Whisper below her so she leap down and run next to her while she tells Whisper.
Tangle: That was Jewels but I thought she was safe at the museum?!
Whisper: Mimic must have taking him after we left. Me and Y/n got split up but he'll find us!
They reach to where Jewels was at and ut was inside of a opened safe as Whisper turn around while she tells Tangle.
Whisper: Looks clear. Go check inside the safe while I stay out here and wait for Y/n.
Tangle: Got it.
She walks over to the safe while she thinks to herself.
Tangle: (thought) Whisper must be worried too. I've never heard her speak so plainly.
When she step between the inside safe and outside of the safe a realising hits her as she realised something.
Tangle: (thought) Wait, did she not have her wispon?
Suddenly she was kicked from behind by the fake Whisper and once she is inside she close the safe and locked it. Tangle stood up to see the safe locked as she race over and hit on the safe.
Tangle: No-No-No! Let me out! Fight me in the open! Hello!? You jerk! Open up right now!
The fake Whisper just smirked and walks off to take care with Y/n and Whisper now.
We see the two looking around after they heard Jewels calling out as Y/n search around but there was no sign of her.
Y/n: I can't see her. You think that was Mimic?
Whisper: (whisper) No doubt about it. Stay close. Let's hope Tangle will be alright.
Y/n: Right. Wait, I hear someone coming.
They hear rushing footsteps in front of them and soon Tangle appear around the corner and she immediately stop when Whiser aimed her Wispon at her.
Tangle: Wow its me!
Y/n: How do we know your the real Tangle?
Tangle: Well i come across Mimic and he attacked me. I barely got out of there alive and that's how I got this torn shirt.
She show the torn up shirt to them which Whisper lower her wispon while Y/n ask Tangle.
Y/n: Any idea where he want?
Tangle: Yeah he's heading to the back of the bunker bit and think we got him, let's go!
They follow Tangle but she was too fast and they lost her. When they were about to catch up to her Y/n suddenly felt something as he glance over to see something at the other side of the shelves as he quickly grabs Whisper from behind and pulled her back just as a large wacking ball slammed through the shelves and nearly crushed Whisper if weren't for Y/n.
Whisper: (whisper) Thanks.
Y/n: No problem. So my guess being that Tangle is Mimic right?
Whisper: (whisper) Yep.
They stood up to face a super Eggman bot whole riding on top of it was the fake Tangle who laughs while telling Whisper.
Fake Tangle: (smirk) I can't believe you fall for that! You know I can mimic damaged clothes!
Y/n: (smirk) Maybe so but the only damaged you will get is a damage nose once we beat you.
Fake Tamgle: (smirk) Try your best!
The super Eggman bot swings its wacking ball at them which they dodge. Y/n roll to the side while he charge up his hands and gives lighting at the Super Eggman bot, zapping tye super Eggman bot while it start to shoot out bombs at both Whisper and Y/n. The bombs exploded but Whisper grabs Y/n and use a hover Wisp to sent them flying using her Wispon.
Y/n: (smirk) Whisper spine me around!
Whisper: (whisper) What?
Y/n: (smirk) Trust me. I've seen Sonic and Tails done it before, figured we give it a try.
Whisper just nodes and the two spone around and around and soon Whisper let's go and throws Y/n towards the Super Eggman bot as he make himself a ball and lands a strike through the super Eggman bot as it start to fell. The fake Tangle fell off of it while Y/n rolled onto the ground and crashed into a few boxes.
Whisper landed down and rush over to him see he is alright. She help him up as he gets up and felt very dizzy as he step back a bit.
Y/n: Wow I need to question sonic on how he stay focused after his spine attack because I feel very dizzy.
After he stop feel like he was drunk, they look over to see the fake Tangle slowly getting up but they stood over her.
Y/n: Okay tells us where the real Tangle is.
Fake Tangle: (smirk) You mean this cute face? She's in a safe place.
Then he suddenly changed to a Ocelot wearing similar clothes as Whisper's.
Fake ???: But i can't say the same for others. And whose fault is that, hmm?
Y/n have no idea who Mimic changed into but he looks over to see Whisper scared face which is something he never seen her act like this before.
Whisper: (whisper) Don't you dare-!
He then changed into a female Voyance also wearing the same clothes as Whispers as he also said.
Fake ??? 2: Why not? They were my friends just as much as yours. And you failed to protect them.
Then he changed into a brown lion as he continued.
Fake ??? 3: You have one job- Look after us! But where we you in the end? Certainly not with us!
Then he was punched by Y/n hearing enough from him as he stumble back while Y/n tells him.
Y/n: Now you listen here! I may not know what happened between her, you and many of those people you've turned into but what I can say it's not Whispers fault! I know she would never abandoned anyone especially me or Tangle! You better choice your words wisley man because if you ever dare to make Whisper upset then you have one thing coming!
Whisper is surprised of him defending her while Mimic just smirked and tells him.
Fake ??? 3: (smirk) So you don't really know about her past? How she failed us? Pathetic, thought yo were started then this Y/n. But I suppose your loyalty towards the Freedom fighters is in your blood.....Well to the group of Mobians who lie after the war.
Y/n: Lie? What are you-
Suddenly he was struck by Whisper with her cube wispon that slammed him to the ground. Whispers walk pass Y/n and raised her wispon at him while she was in rage which is something he never seen her act in his life.
Whisper: (whisper) You sold us out! I will make you pay! For all of them!
Fake ??? 3: So you've already given up on your other new friend? If you hurry you both might open the safe before she runs out of air. I doubt you'll three get out before the bombs go off, though. But I'm counting on you trying.
Y/n realise this and walk up to Whisper and tells her.
Y/n: Whisper I know you want him to pay but if we don't rescue Tangle right now. This place will blow up or she will
die without air. Whatever he did to you must have hurt but right now we should rescue Tangle and fight him another time.
Whisper stood there a bit and then agree. The two race to find Tangle while Mimic stopd up and make his escape. Soon they found the safe and Y/n opens it up and once open Tamgle came out and fell to Y/n's arms.
Tangle: Yes finally! Some fresh air!
Y/n: Tangle we need to get out of here! This place is aboit to blow up!
Tangle: That's....not good.
Suddenly there was an explosion in the distances and it be too late to make a run for it now. So Tangle pushes all in and once Tangle closes from the inside the whole bunker blows up sky high. Soon smoke fills the air as we see what was the bunker but now it was completely destroyed except for a safe that Tangle, Y/n and Whisper were in.
Then Tangle punches the nearly damaged safe using her tail and they leave the safe with Tangle fell to the ground.
Tangle: Air! Don't cate if it smells like burning!
Y/n look around to see nothing but some fire and some metal parts.
Y/n: He got away. He must have found another way ti escape.
Tangle: Yeah but crap. He wasn't messing around, there's nothing left.
Y/n: Yeah. So Whisper what's pur next plan?
Y/n: Whisper? You oka-
Whisper: (whisper) Y/n, Tangle, go home.
Tangle: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: No way! What ever Mimic did to you must pay for his actions and we won't allow you to do this on your own.
Whisper: (whisper) P-Please leave.
Y/n: Whisper you can't do this on your own! Mimic will just play mind games with you and I won't allow you to be mess with by him!
Whisper: (whisper) Y/n......
Y/n: Whisper please let us help. We can bring him to justice and-
She then turned to Y/n while taking off the mask to see his scared and worried face as she call out in a plainly tone.
Whisper: I won't lose another friend! Don't you get it! I can't afford losing both of you! I just can't!
Her voice echo around them as she sat near the vault and start to cry. Tangle feels bad for her including Y/n as he thinks about something and then ask Whisper.
Y/n: Were you apart of the Diamond Cuters along side Mimic?
Whisper look at him in surprise while he gose on to say.
Y/n: King Maximilian told me about a group of mercenary during the war and he believes one of them is you. Is it true that you were once a team member along side Mimic during the war? Before I join the Freedom fighters?
She looks down while her Wisps appear around her, telling her they must know which Whisper believes so and turn to Tangle and Y/n as she reach into her pocket and pulls out a photo and shows it to them.
Whisper: Yes. I was once a Diamond Cuter member. Slinger, our marksman, Smithy, our crafter, Claire our Psy-op, me, the scout and....Mimic, the infiltrator.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow you guys look soo cool!
Whisper: We took on many jobs during the war. Jobs like prison break outs, sabotage and many others. We were the best.
Y/n: And these Wisps, they were once bounded with them until something happened to them is that right?
Whisper: Correct. We were like a family. Working together, keeping each other safe didn't last long.
Y/n looks at the picture more importantly looking at Mimic as he stare at him and then ask Whisper.
Y/n: I know this may hurt you but can you tell us what happened to them and how did Mimic betrayed you all?
Whisper breath a sigh and hands Y/n her mask and tells them.
Whisper: The video of our masks was networked. Let us review the missions. Study each other's perspectives.
Y/n: I see. Dis one od your team members made both 5he mask and Wispon?
Whisper: Yes.
Y/n look at the mask and with a deep breath he puts it on as he thinks to himself as he start to watch the first video.
Y/n: (thought) gose nothing.
We see Mimic riding through after he escape from the explosion and he was smirking to himself whe he got a incoming call. He stop his bike and pulls out a small device and a hologram of a cloaked figure wearing a hood over his head as he spoke in a deep voice to hide his real voice.
???: (hologram) Mimic I see you have escaped from the explosion. Did you managed to get what you want?
Mimic: (smirk) Let's just say it be hard for the Freedom fighters to find their bodies unless they found their ashes.
???: (hologram) Right but I hate to break it to you but I believe they are still alive. According to the security tapes they've managed to survive by getting inside the safe in order to survive the explosion.
Mimic: Crap. Knew I should have finished that long tail Freedom fighters off. Oh well, I'll come back later and see if they did survive. If they did survive, maybe they will pull out a letter for a rematch.
???: (hologram) Very well then. Once you are free meet me by these coordinates. We must plan out our way to destroy the Freedom fighters once and for all.
Mimic: (smirk) Sounds fun. When ever I'm free, I'll be there to ruin the Freedom fighters once and for all.
He needed the call and rides off to do some other stuff before he return back to check to see Whisper, Y/n and Tangle survived or not while Y/n and Tangle will learn the truth about Whisper and her teams past and what happened to them many years ago.
To be continued..............................
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