Chapter 34: The Diamond Cuters (Arc 1)

It was nice and warm weather as we see Y/n at his backyard doing his gardening as he plant some new flowers near his fence along with the other flowers around it and once that he was done. She stood up and wipe the sweat from his face and look around and we see a very beautiful garden with a wooden chair to sit along with a table next to it and a umbrella over the two to give Y/n some shade from the sun.

A small bridge with a small lake that gose to the other side of his other garden along with some gnomes holding some tools and other equipment as Y/n smiles to himself and walks over to his chair and take a seat as he rest back and breath in a sigh as he lay back and relaxed.

Y/n: (thought) Man this garden looks amazing! Bet to show this to everyone and they may be surprised by how much I did. Now who to call? Well Sonic is still away, Tails is hanging out with his family by the lake, Shadow is busy training new Acorn solders and Amy is looking for a job. Boy, everyone is busy and I'm the only one who isn't. Who knew.

He look up at the sky watching the clouds floating slowly around as he breath a sigh as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Its been five months since we ended the war and everyone is busy trying to restore things that Eggman have taking. Still it be great to have someone to come and visit or maybe I'll vi's them? But who isn't busy so I can go and- Wait a minute!

He leaps from his chair and calls out to himself.

Y/n: (smile) I know! I can visit Tangle and Jewels and see what they up to. Bet they are having some fun once I arrive there.

He enter his house to gather his stuff and once that he make his leave from Knothole and head off to visit Tangle and Jewels and see what they have been up to.


Once there Y/n was immediately welcomed by everyone who saw him and they waved and say "good morning" to him which he smiled and continues on walking. He noticed some new buildings being build as he thinks to himself while he walk by them.

Y/n: (thought) Those buildings look new. Seems like this town has been upgrading after the war. Actually I see new people here, guess they moved here a while back. Still if was a long tailed Lemur jumping around, looking for some adventure where would I be?

Then he heard something in the distances so he follow and see a few people gathered as Y/n walk over and look over and smile a bit to see Tangle swinging her tail through lamppost to lamppost while he calls out to anyone down below.

Tangle: (smile) Come on Everyone! It's a gorgeous day! Race you around the village! Anyone! Everyone!

Y/n just smiles a bit to see her like this but he kinda see that she's a bit too excited then usual. Then Jewels fly over with a worry look on her face as she called out.

Jewels: Tangle!

Tangle: (smile) Hey-Hey Jewels! About time you got out of that stuffy old museum!

Jewels: Because you nearly knocked the sign off from over my door. And you're going to run into somebody.

Tangles wipes her tail on another object as she turns her head towards Jewels while she zips through.

Tangle: (smirk) I've been flinging myself around these streets since we were little. I know every rooftop, alley and street corner like the back of my-

Then she hit the back of the head on a hotdog stand which must have hurt ad Tangle fell to the ground. She sat up while rubbing the back of her head while Y/n walks up to her and rdach out a hand to her.

Y/n: (smirk) Your still the same old Tangle I always knew.

Tangle is surprised to see him, so much so she hugged him along with her tail wrapping around them.

Tangle: (smile) Y/n~! It's been forever since you cam ehere and visit!

Y/n: (smirk) It's only a week since I can here and visit and I always come here when ever there is nothing else to do.

Tangle: (smile) Oh yeah right.

The hotdog stand guy looks at Tangle which she nervously smiles and said.

Tangle: (nervously smile) Sorry about that. Three plane hotdogs please?

(Short while later)

We see them at Jewels museum as they sat around near Jewels desk as Y/n ask Tangle while Tangle have a bag of ice on the beck of her head.

Y/n: How's your head?

Tangle: Not as sore as my pride. Ambushed by a stationary object. How embarrassing is that?

Jewels: (smile) To be fair, it was hiding in a front of the street lamp. Clearly it was out to get you.

Y/n: (smirk) I can agree with that.

Tangle: (smile) Ha Ha ow Ha Ha!

Y/n: (smile) Say Tangle you doing alright? Your a bit more excited since after the war and you've been bouncing around walls. Both literally and figurative.

Tangle: (sigh) Sorry for being annoying. It's just we've been through so much during the war. So many adventures, action and other stuff has been happening ever since we first met. We took part of a city like warzone, go to a fighting tournament at Casino Park, facing a Metal Verson of yourself and even battling him at a large super powered weapon where you turn into your super form! Now, five months later, nothing has happened. Just peace and quiet.

Y/n: Don't blame you. Going on battles, adventures and saving lives and now the war is over there's not much we can do.

Jewels: (smile) But how about you go on yoru own adventures? Sonic is going around the world taking on adventures, what's stopping you from going some adventures like him?

Tangle: I was thinking about it but what if something bad happens here. I won't be here to protect you and everyone else.

Jewels: (smile) You have nothing to fear. Surely without Eggman's army or his strong allies, there's no way this town will be in any danger.

Y/n: Well actually disbite the war ends and Eggman defeated, crime has always being rising in most out parts across Mubuis.

Tangle: Really? Why would a group of Mubuis start to make chaos after after Eggman has done?

Y/n: Most of these mobians used to work for Eggman and apart of the Dark egg Legion, after Metal Y/n destroy theie bases they go to hiding but after the war some of these members start to form gangs or criminals to cost as much chaos as they could. Some mobians turn the life of crime after the war, most of them lost their homes, money and more importantly their lives. They have to do what every they can to survive so they turn to crime as a way to survive this new world disbite this new world is now in peace.

Jewels: That sounds terrible.

Y/n: Yeah I know. What's even more scary is that the leader of the dark egg Legion were not found. Rumours say they are still alive and hiding while some say they are hiding in the abandoned robotropolis.

Tangle: Why there?

Y/n: They believe the leaders are forming some kind of a council and rebuilding what Eggman have left behind to create a new army and once that army is done, they will strike on Knothole and soon take over the world.

Jewels: But surely they are just rumours right?

Y/n: I hope so Jewels. If not, then we might have a problem.

Suddenly they hear what sounded like gun fire outside ad Jewels panics amd hide underneath the table.

Jewels: (scared) I hope those aren't the criminals you've mentioned!

Y/n: Don't know. Stay down these Jewels!

Tangle: (smirk) Yeah we go and check it out.

They rush over and open the door and the two were surprised to see Sonic running pass them but something ain't right for Y/n.

Tangle: Is that Sonic?

Y/n: Looks like him but who is he attacked by?

He turn back ready to face who ever is attacking Sonic but was shocked to see Whisper firing at Sonic.

Tangle: (shocked) Wait Whisper is firing at Sonic?!

Y/n: (shocked) What the hell is going on?!

Sonic turns to a alleyway whike Whisper follows but before Tangle and Y/n chase after her, her hover Wisp adsorbed her wispon and she float away, chasing down Sonic.

Y/n: Tangle you go and check on Sonic, I'll go and see what's going on with Whisper!

Tangle: You got it!

The two split up as Y/n chase after Whisper and see her landed onto a roof of the building so he leaps onto a few objects that were in the way and he landed on the roof. He looks around to see her at the other side so he race over and land back onto the ground and race over and climb onto the roof.

He looks over to see Whisper aiming down of her Wispon so he rushes over and grab the wispon out of her hand.

Y/n: What do you think your doing?! Sonic is a friend!?

Whisper: (whisper) Y/n, you don't understand!

Y/n: Understand what? You try to kill him?!

Whisper: (whisper) He's not Sonic!

Y/n:.....I'm sorry what?

Tangle: Sorry about this Whisper!

Then Tangle tackles Whisper and pulls out of her mask.

Tangle: (smile) I did it! Your welcome!

Whisper: (whisper) Give that back!

Tangle: (smirk) Not a chance. Sonic told you were controlled and this mask is the reason for it.

Whisper: (whisper) That's not Sonic!

Tangle: Wait what? You sure?

Y/n: I'm just as surprised as you are. Look, if we talk to him maybe we can-

He looks over to where Sonic was but he was gone. So he turn to Whisper and ask her.

Y/n: Okay tell us what is going on here and if that wasn't Sonic then who was that?

Whisper: (whisper) Not here. Exposed.

Y/n: Alright then, let's head back to the museum and you can explain to us there.

She agrees as the trio head back while we see "sonic" as he smirks and walk off while his body changed into a new form as he disappeared from the crowd.


We see the trio back at Jewels museum as Jewels has tea ready for them to drink while Whispers wisps foy around and look around Jewels museum while Whisper tells them.

Whisper: (whisper) What you saw was not Sonic. His name is Mimic and he can turn to anyone he wants.

Jewels: You mean...he can transform how he looks at will? That sounds a little far-fetched.

Tangle: (smirk) But you were fine with a lighting over powered Hedgehog, a teleporting ultimate life form Hedgehog, a fastest Hedgehog and a time traveling Hedgehog that can turn super?

Jewels: Yes....Well....

Y/n: Still I agree with Jewels. I can understand most powers what this world has but someone turning into anyone at will? Still though, what can you tell us about him?

Whisper: (whisper) He's a mercenary. Betrayed his team. Helped Eggman wipe them out.

Y/n: I see, so he's Eggman's go to Bounty hunter during the war. But what happened to him after the war?

Whisper: (whisper) He took Sonic's form and cost many crimes across Mubuis. Went to investigate. Found it was him. Been tracking him. Knew he'd likely target you-and others too.

Y/n: So that's why you were gone for five months? So you can track him down while protecting us?

Whisper: (whisper) Yes.

Y/n: (smile) That's very thoughtful for you to protect us from him. Your really are the best.

Whisper blushes a but while she node in agreement. Y/n realised there is something else she's not telling them but still, heset his tea aside and tells them.

Y/n: Okay it looks like we may have a problem here. If this Minic guy is out there making Sonic a criminal, who knows what he can do. He could turn to anyone we know and try to do anything to destroy the Freedom fighters within.

Jewels: (smile) Wel, that certainly sounds like a "call to action" to me.

Tangle: Who dose the what now?

Jewels: (smile) You've been looking for a reason to be out into the world and seek adventure, right? Helping one of your friends track down and defeat villainy sounds like the perfect excuse to me.

Y/n: (smile) She got a point. I mean, I've been dieing to go out and do something for a long while. I think it's our call for Team: Lighting-Swinger's to go out and get some action!

Tangle: (smile) Hey-Yeah! Tangle, Y/n and Whisper! Kicking butt together again!

She then clap her hands to the wisps while she tells them.

Tangle: (smile) Hey Wisp! We've got a mission!

They gather around her as Tangle places one foot onto a chair while pointing up to the ceiling as she gose on to say.

Tangle: (smirk) Let no Eggman crony-robot or otherwise sleep well tonight! Because Team: Lighting- Swinger's are on the case! And we've got a whole wave od wisps backing us up!

Y/n: (thought) Man feels like forever since we gone on adn adventure as a team but now. I think it's time for us to finally go out and-

Whisper: (whisper) No.

Tangle fell onto the ground while Y/n turns to Whisper.

Y/n: No? What do you mean No?

Whisper: (whisper) You two can't come?

Y/n: Why not? Haven't we work together when we first met?

Whisper: (whisper) Yes.

Y/n: And another time we work together along with bow and his Freedom fighters against Lord Hood and his Dark Egg Legion forces?

Whisper: (whisper) Yes.

Y/n: (smile) And we all worked together to fight against Metal Y/n at the death egg and made it out there alive and well?

Whisper: (whisper) Yes.

Y/n: (smile) If this Minic guy is just like the rest we have faced, then it's no problem of us to go after and take him down right? So are we doing this?

Whisper: (whisper) No.

Tangle stood up and asked Whisper.

Tangle: But we're friends right?

Whisper: (whisper) Yes.

Tangle: Then why can't we help you?

Whisper has a worry look in her face which Y/n noticed as he place a hand on her shoulder and tell her.

Y/n: Look I get it. Mimic can turn to anyone he wants and if we split up then he will use that as an advantage to take us out and I understand. But doing this on your own is even more dangerous then being a large group like me and Tangle. We may not know more about this Mimic guy but if he is going out there, using Sonic's form to make Sonic bad, then he has to be stopped. Like it or not we're coming with you and we're stopping him, together.

Whisper was hesitated at first but the blue Wisp looks at her and there was silence for a bit until she sighs and said.

Whisper: (whisper) both can come.

Tangle: (smile) Awesome! We promise we won't disappoint you!

Y/n: (smirk) Besides this will be like the old times right Whisper. Can't wait taking down this guy together.

She blushes once more but then suddenly a thud is head at Jewels door. Whisper open the door first and look around. There was no one as the rest came out, then Y/n noticed a note with a blade stab through the note and into the door as he pulls out the note and looks at it.

Jewels: My door!

Tangle: What's that?

Y/n: (smirk) Seems like he is inviting us for a battle. Seems like he'll be at one of Eggman's bunkers not far from here.

Tangle: Sweet! So what are the possibility it could be a trap.

Y/n: I may not be Tails but I believe there is 86% a chance it maybe be a trap set up by Minic.

Tangle: (smirk) Yeah but he'll be facing against us so now there will be lower then what you said.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. Ready for this Whisper?

He hands her the note which she looks at him, Tangle and the note and knowing there is no turning back now she takes the note while she said.

Whisper: (whisper) Yes. Let's move out.

Tangle: (smile) Awesome! Let's move out team!

The trio head out to meet with  Mimic but in the distance we see a figure as he zoom in with his scope to see Whisper along with Tangle and Y/n which he smirks to himself.

???: (smirk) Ah, I see your bringing the war hero to try and stop me are you Whisper? No matter......

He turn and walk off while we have a clear look at him as he walks off while he gose on to say.

Mimic: (smirk) I'll make sure you along with your pathetic team will be taking out. Maybe....I'll pay handsomely if I bring the head of a war hero to my client. That would be....perfect.

He leaps off from the roof and changed into a form to disguise himself as he make his leave and disappeared from the darkness of the alleyway.

To be continued...............................

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