Chapter 33: The royal ball celebrating

It was the middle of the night and we over see the Acorn family castle that has been upgraded through out the five month peace. It now has a fance ball for anyone who is invited to come and dance at the dance floor or having a drink at a small bar and talk about things that have happen throughout the five month of peace. We see Sally, Alicia and Maximilian as they greet many passing by people as they enter the Royal ball.

It wasn't long for a familiar Hedgehog to enter wearing a white fancy dress with a black tie wrap around his neck as they spotted him and Sally call out with a smile.

Sally: (smile) Y/n! Glad you came!

He smile as he walk towards them as Sally walks over guve him a warm hug and a kiss on a check while Y/n says to Sally.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you along with your family Sally. Want to take a break of all the hard work?

Sally: (smirk) I could say the same to you war hero.

Y/n nodes and turn to her parents has he bow to them but Maximilian yells him.

Maximilian: (smile) There's no need for the bow. Still glad to have you here.

Alicia: (smile) How is things with you?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good actually. Just stop by Tails place just to check up on him and his parents. Looks like Tails is making new devices to help out the rebuilding of Mubuis.

Maximilian: (smile) Indeed, it's a good thing we have a few intelligent people love Rotor to help out.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Honey: Hello Y/n~!

He turn onky for Honey to came out of nowhere and hugged him which surprised Y/n but smile to see Honey here as he ask her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Honey, been a while since we last met.

Honey: (smile) Yeah but soo glad to be here and get to see you. Especially a war hero like you, just imagine the fans  reaction if you appear on one of my broadcast!

Y/n: (smile) That be fun. Say Sally, any news about Sonic or Whisper?

Sally: Not really. Nicole never heard anything from those two for a long while.

Honey: Wonder what they are doing?

Y/n: Probably doing their own thing and exploring the world and saving towns and cities from crime.

Honey: (smile) Well I wish them good luck!

They smile while Maximilian thinks about something and then ask Y/n.

Maximilian: Y/n, do you mind we talk in private for a minute?

Y/n: Um sure thing sir.

Alicia grabs Maximilian's wheel chair and push him while Y/n follow as they walk through a empty hall way of the castle while Maximilian asked Y/n.

Maximilian: I do not judge one of your friends but are you sure you can trust Whisper?

Y/n: Yeah she helped us facing Metal Y/n on the Death Egg and shown to be a great person to trust.

Maximilian: I see. Well do you know about Whisper? Like, have you learn about her past?

Y/n: Not really no. It seems like she really doesn't want to tall about it for some reason. Still can I ask why?

Maximilian: You see, I do trust Whisper and I believe her to be a great allie for us near the end of the war. But there is something you must know that might surprise you.

Y/n: Really, what is it?

They stop as Maximilian turn to Y/n and tell him.

Maximilian: You see, she's actually apart of a team of Mercenaries named "The Diamond Cuters" they were the best, they target at slavery camps and raid supplies during the war. According to theie file, each team was given especially equipment in order to battle against Eggman and his force throughout the war.

Y/n: Like Whispers Wispon that can change into different abilities as she wants?

Maximilian: That's correct. They were the best.....until they were mystery disappeared and never heard from again. There was one member though who was the only one but not much people known that she was apart of the Diamond Cuters. Some say she killed them all and took their equipment or some say she just stole their equipment after they were killed.

Y/n: So Whisper was apart of a team? May I ask how you know of them?

Maximilian: After we escape from the special zone, Nicole tell me what has happened throughout the years and she mentioned a group of mercenaries taking down Eggman's forces long ago before you join. Later we soon find out it was the Diamond cutters but it was too late to contact them since they were wipe out.

Y/n: That is strange. How are they gone except Whisper? What happened to her team?

Maximilian: I don't have all the answers but what I could say is Whisper is may going through tough times, especially after the war. If you by any chance see her again, try to comfort her while also finding out what really happened to her team.

Y/n: I will sir, you can count on me.

Maximilian: (smile) Good. Now let's rejoin with everybody else shall we?

Y/n: (smile) Of course.

(Short while later)

The ball was filled with a lot of mobian at tne ball celebrating as they dance around enjoying themselves as we see a band on stage playing some classic tones. We see a few people including Maximilian and Alicia clapping along as we see Sally and Y/n in the middle as they slowly dance to the song while Sally smiles and looks at Y/n.

Sally: (smile) Your pretty good at this.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. But your even better then me.

Sally: (giggle) Oh stop it. Still though, I'm so glad everything we fought for was worth it. I thought the war will never end but....I was wrong.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess that's the first time you were wrong about something.

Sally: (smirk) Say the person who thought using a burst wispon to light up a campfire?

Y/n: (nervous chuckle) You got me there.

Sally giggle and lend her head onto Y/n's chest which made him smile as the two continue to dance. Soon we see Maximilian and Alicia on stage as he tap his wine glass which made everyone stop and turn to Maximilian as he look at everyone and gose on to say.

Maximilian: (smile) I would like to thank everyone for being here today to celebrate this month. After years of fighting we finally bring peace by to Mubuis. I would like to thank everyone in this room who have taking part of the war and battle enter the end. We are doing what's necessary to restore our world and get ride of everything that is apart of the Eggman empire. Even though the war maybe over there is still crime and other gangs out there that might start a new war. In order to protect Mubuis, I decided to create a military to be ready for anything when war comes. We will no longer be jumped by Eggman like we did in the past, now we be ready, and so I declare "The Mubuis military" to be made and it will be lead by General Amadeus Prower!

The crowd clapped as Amadeus gets on stage and shake hands with Maximilian as the two share smiles and he turn to the crowd and says.

Amadeus: I promise I will train the best of the best to be ready for anything that comes at our way. This is our home, our world and more importantly...our peace. We will not allow a dictator like Eggman ruining our peace and freedom. This is my world to you all, I will bring justice and ever lasting peace to this world!

Everyone cheered and clap including Sally and Y/n as Amadeus walks off stage while Tails and Rosemary approaches him as Tails hugs his father.

Tails: (smile) Nice speech dad!

Amadeus: (smile) Thanks son. I promise I won't fail Mubuis like I did years back.

Rosemary kisses him on the cheek and tells him.

Rosemary: (smile) You don't need to feel bad. It wasn't your fault, we were surprised by Eggmans attack and it wasn't your fault.

Y/n: Yeah she's right. No one here doesn't blame you for the rise or Eggman.

Then Sally and Y/n walk over to them as the powers turn to them.

Sally: (smile) Congratulations Amadeus. What is your first order of business?

Amadeus: (smile) Recruiting any Mobians who want to join to protect Mubuis while also construction a new headquarters.

Sally: (smile) Why not use our Freedom fighters base for a while until your new Headquarters is complete?

Amadeus: (smile) Thanks Sally, I really appreciate with it.

Y/n: (smile) Bet Tails will also make some new Wispons for new soldiers in your military.

Tails: (smile) Yeah, I even been making new kinds of Wispons so we can be ready for anything.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool to hear. Bet the Wisp are also helping you as well.

Tails: (smile) Yeah, they are pretty fun to be around and I've been meaning of making a translation devices so we can understand them.

Y/n: (smile) Well good luck with that.

Bernadette: (smile) Hello Y/n, nice to see you here.

They turn to see Bernardette, Jules, Sonia and Chuck as they approach them.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you all here. Wait, where's Manic?

Sonia: He's not a fan of royal ball dancing so he is at home practicing for his upcoming concert.

Chuck: Still it's good to see you and sorry we didn't get to see you when you came by to our restaurant.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright Chuck, I can tell it was business when I first enter the door.

Sally: (smile) Any words from Sonic so far?

Bernadette: He has been sending in letters to us, telling us how he's been and many cities he has been.

Jules: That's our boy, care free and going on adventures. Still we can't thank you enough for saving our boy while on the Death Egg.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Jules. Always glad I can help.

Jules and Y/n shake hands when suddenly a electricity zap onto Jules metal body and it suddenly break, freeing him from his robotic shell body while everyone else turn to see.

Sonia: (surprised) Wow dad!

Bernadette: (surprised) Jules....your body!

Jules: (surprised) Wow how did this happen?

Y/n: Ooooooohhhhhh I'm sorry I totally forgot I can do that.

Jules: Do what?

Y/n: When ever I touch a mobian that was roboticized....I....kinda shut the systems inside down and the armor just pops out freeing you from your robot body.

Jules: (smirk) And you could have done that because.....?

Y/n: I.....kinda forget that I can do that.

A few just shake their heads but Jules just lend outba chuckle and tells him.

Jules: (smile) Well look at the bright side, at least I'm not like Metal Sonic hanging out my sons house.

Y/n: (chuckle) I can bet he mistaken you ad him right?

Jules: (chuckle) Several times but we laugh it off.

The two smile as the partu continues as we see Jules and Y/n at the bar as Jules have been dieing to drink something so he order two wines and once the bat tender place two wine glasses on the table, Jules drink one while Y/n look at the wine which Jules asked.

Jules: What's wrong?

Y/n: I just never drink these types of drinks before. I usually drink water and other drinks but not alcohol.

Jules: (smile) Well this might be your first time. So, what are you waiting for, drink up!

He take a drink of his wine while Y/n look at as wine glass and shrugged while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) What's the worst it can happen if I take a drink?

He decided to screw it and take a drink and it tasted pretty good and might have another one, like he said what can it go wrong?

(Next day)

We see Y/n feeling very dizzy and feeling like hell as he slowly wake up and see that he was in bed as he slowly sat up and look around to see to be a royal room that he find it familiar but can't remember. He had a headache as he grab his head and groan a bit in pain.

Y/n: Oh man....what happened last night? I feel like my head is gonna burst.

He was trying to remember what happened last night until he felt something underthe blanket and the blanket moved as the figure sat up and it was Honey wearing nothing but her bra which made Y/n blush right red while Honey sees Y/n awake and gone down all fours and crawl up towards him with a smirk on her face.

Honey: (smirk) Good morning~glad your awake. Have a nice night?

Y/n: (blush) U-U-Um y-yeah if I wanna know what happened last night?

Honey: (smirk) Well let's just got drunk and we find you passed out at the bar while Jules also got a bit drunk and he was taking home early by his family.

Y/n: (blush) I was drunk?! Oh god, please tell me I didn't do anything embarrassing?

Sally: Don't worry you didn't do anything embarrassing. In fact, you were cute while being drunk.

Then Sally sat up next to him wearing a bunny outfit which made Y/n blush even more as Sally too smirk the him.

Sally: (smirk) I decided to take you to my room for aome rest and once there we play some "games" together and it was a really "fun" game ain't that right Honey?

Honey: (smirk) You know it.

Y/n: (blush) N-Now I'm soo confused right now. What game are we talking about?

???: The "fun" kinda Y/n.

Then Sasha appear the left wide of Y/n also wearing nothing but her bra which made Y/n blush even more as Sasha wrap her arms around Y/n and press her breast onto his arm while Sally grabs his other arm as two girls cuddle each of his arm while Y/n's blushes even more.

Sasha: (smirk) I maybe a news reporter but I would like to get a scope on you if you know what I mean.

Sally: (smirk) Agree, what do you say we can do it again~?

Y/n was left speechless as his face was covered in red and Sally and Sasha node and they lend in and kiss both of his cheeks while placing their hand onto his chest which made Y/n nosebleed and then he passes out once more as he fell onto the bed while the three girls giggle to see him passes out and find him even more cute then ever.


We see Maximilian at the throne room as Shadow enter his throne room and kneel to Maximilian while Maximilian allow him to stand and ask him.

Maximilian: What is the situation on the other kingdoms?

Shadow: It seems some are enjoying their peace while some weren't. Even though Eggman is gone, there is still the dark Legion out there still battling a already defeated war. It seems they are not gonna give up.

Maximilian: I see. We must do what ever we can to take them down before they would start another war.

Shadow: I agree, I also discovered something.

Maximilian: What have you discovered?

Shadow: We believe there is someone working with the Dark Legions and acting in the dark. Apparently who ever this person is is similar to Eggman but different.

Maximilian: Any idea who this mysterious enemy might be?

Shadow: After a while of digging we only know a name. Doctor Starline, it seems he doesn't want to show his face to anyone for good reasons.

Maximilian Doctor Starline. That's a name we never heard of before. If he's acting as leader of the dark Legions then he might start a war. We must not let that happen.

Shadow: I'll send my team to investigate more aboit Starline and his identity.

Maximilian: No use. It's unknown where he might be, it will take weeks or years and once we do, a war will start. I want you and your team to stay here and train the née Freedom fighter soldiers until the Mubuis military is complete. We need to do what ever we can to prevent another war to happen.

Shadow: Understood.

Shadow stood up and make his leave and once he left the throne room, Maximilian is worried about a war to happen as he look down and thinks to himself.

Maximilian: (thought) Who ever this Starline is, we must do what ever we can to stop another war to happen. I refuse to let Mubuis go through another war again.

Then on the others of the window we see a small spy camera watching at Maximilian while we cut to a secret bunker base at a unknown location where we see a mysterious figure facing the monitors as he look at all the Mobians enjoying their peace as he lend out a laughter while he says.

???: Enjoy your peace while you can but it will not last, soon I will seek vengeance on Eggman and I will do so by having your own allies and friends....turn against each other.

On his left hand was a glove along with a mysterious stone on it as it glows a bit whike the figure lend out another laughter as he start his plan bit first.....wait for someone to finish his business.....with someone else.

To be continued.......................

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