Chapter 32: Five months of peace
We see Y/n within a large open feild surrounded by grass around him that stretched for miles as he stand at the middle of the large feild as he look around him to see if he can see anyone but it was only just him. He make his walk through the open grassy feild, hoping to encounter someone while he make his walk.
He felt like he has been walking for a while for a long while but he feels relaxed walking through the feild as he shut his eyes and take a deep breath before he reopen his eyes and stop when he stare at the Master Emerald, it was glowing and it was staring back at him as he can feel its power and it felt like the master Emerald wants him to come closer.
So he walk close towards the master Emerald as he gets close he can strongly feel it's power as he gets close. Soon he was right up to the master Emerald as he stare at the large Emerald and his hand shook a bit, suddenly have a urge to touch it which he can't help himself. He slowly move his hand towards the Emerald and after a while he touch the Emerald, he breaths heavily so much so he shut his eyes once more.
Suddenly he reopen his eyes and he look around to see he is standing on top of the temple of the master Emerald while he see flames down below along with screams and cries among the flames as he look down at the flames as he can see spears and swords swinging like they were killing something down below. He wants to know what's going on until he felt like someone is behind him so he turn to see a dark figure as the dark figure looks up at Y/n and reach out one hand at Y/n while the figure spoke in a unrecognisable voice.
Dark figure: You must remember who you are.
Y/n: Wh-What?
Dark figure: You must remember who you are.
Y/n: B-B-But how? How can I remember who I am?
Dark figure: Your lost memories will not be lost forever. Your the only one that can save this universe from it's destruction.
Y/n: Drestruction? By who?
Suddenly there was a green glow behind him as he turn around and look up at the air and he was in shock while the dark figure fates away but not before saying.
Dark figure: Before he will destroy us all.
Above Y/n and the temple was a massive green engery ball as we get to see a figure behind the green engery ball with his hand stretched out as he smirked in a evil way and gire the large green engeyr ball that travelled towards Y/n. Then there was a massive nuclear explosion that destroyed everything in site as we see Y/n flying while within the explosion as he lend out a scream in pain and then he woke up.
He suddenly shot out of bed and he was breathing heavily and seeing he is at his home safe as he breath a sigh of relief, realising it was just a dream. He look over to see the sleeping Amy sleeping next to him which made him smile a bit, seeing her sleeping like that is soo cute.
Still he leave his bed, letting Amy sleep while he gets changed and after that he make his way out of the room and head downstairs to make some coffee and once that he leave one cup for Amy while he take his to the living room and sat down and take a sip of his coffee while he turns on the TV and the first channel was the news.
Sasha: (TV news) Morning to all citizens of Knothole, this is Sasha cat bringing you news and update all across Mubuis and what has been happening after the war. As you all may know it has been five months since the end of the war and things have been better since then, cities are being rebuild, many civilians are being found and released in slave or factory camps and what's left of both Dr Eggman and Meta Y/n's robots are found and thrown away or reprogrammed to help us to rebuild our cities. King Maximilian Acorn has formed the Loyal Acorn military to make sure another war will never come and formed the Knothole military Council which is lead by Amadeus prower who swore to protect Knothole and Mubuis at all times. In other news the city of Robotropolis, the home base of Dr Eggman has been cancelled after many complaints about some machinery being worked on their own and hear laughter that sounded like the spirit of Dr Eggman so Robotropolis is now abandoned and a large fence is covered around the area so no one will not enter. But we can help ourselves but tall about our newly hero of not just tbe Freedom fighters but also the whole Mubuis, Y/n L/n who still helps the Freedom fighters as best he can and still is to thus day. A ball is going to be hailed to celebrate this ever lasting peace and many heroic soldiers of the Freedom fighters will be there especially Y/n. I've already gotten invited to be there so I'll see you Y/n there (giggle) that is all the news for today, this is Sasha cat signing off.
The channel changed while Y/n smile while he take another drink of his coffee and breath in a sigh while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Five months since the war. Time does fly by if your rebuilding the world along with the Freedom fighters. Just glad peace is now restored.
He take another drink of his coffee while he suddenly felt someone behind him but it was just Amy who have waking up as she wrap her arms around him and bend down to give him a kiss on a cheek.
Amy: (smile) Good morning Y/n. See you got up early then me.
Y/n: (smile) Figured I get up a bit early, you know just to impress you.
Amy: (smile) You still do. Besides I don't mind you sleeping in before me.
Y/n: (smile) Guess your right. Anyways I left your coffee by the kitchen counter.
Amy: (smile) Thanks your the best.
He walks over and take her coffee and sat next to Y/n and nuzzle herself and rest her head onto his shoulder which he smile and tell Amy.
Y/n: (smile) It's been five months since we ended the war.
Amy: Yeah it's crazy, We never have peace for a very long time.
Y/n: Yeah but we did it and it's worth it.
Amy: (smile) Yep~!
Y/n: Still I wonder what everyone else are up to?
Amy: If I remember correctly Sonic is travelling around the world, Shadow is busy training the new recruit for the loyal arcon army, Sally is still active leader of the Freedom fighters, Tangle and Jewels have been protecting their village from criminals and everybody else is doing their own thing after the war.
Y/n: Oh yeah I remember sonic told me a while back he is going to take a long trip around the world since the war is over.
Amy: Yeah, but I'm glad for him and I'm glad everyone else that is enjoying their peace after the war.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Same here.
Amy smile once more and cuddle him more while Y/n gently hugs more as the two smile before they have their breakfast and head off to do their own thing around Knothole.
We see Y/n enter town as he walk through the street and as soon he enter town he was immediately recognised by the people as they wave to him while they cheer for him which he smiled and wave back to them with a smile.
The people cheer for him even more and call out to Y/n as he smile at everyone and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Guess this is what sonic felt being famous.
He make his way to Elina's flower store and once there he walks over to Elina who is at the front desk and call out to her.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Elina!
She turn to see Y/n which she smile as she turn to him.
Elina: (smile) Hello Y/n. It's been a while since you last came to my store.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah sorry about that, been busy rebuilding along with the Freedom fighters. But how is things along with the rest?
Elina: (smile) We're good. Ashley, Sophie and Laura are just away to deliver some plants to many towns.
Y/n: (smile) I can probably tell this store has been busy after the war.
Elina: (giggle) You can say that again. After he war a lot of people came here to buy some plants and we have to work twice as hard in order to please our customers.
Y/n: Guess that must be hard work. Sorry I wasn't there to help.
Elina: Oh don't be sorry you were also busy helping out so many people. You don't have to apologise, I'm glad this war is over.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Elina: Say your going to be invited to the royal ball tonight right? Any plans before then?
Y/n: I might check up on Sonic's family and see how they have been doing. I think they open their families business along with Chuck.
Elina: (smile) Yeah, I saw they have upgraded Chucks old restaurant into a bigger one.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait sonics reaction when he comes back.
Elina: (smile) Same. Well I leave you to your business.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Elina, if I'm free I can help around your store.
Elina: (smile) Of course, thank you.
Once that Y/n make his leave with Elina smiling, happy that Y/n came and visit while Y/n walk through Knothole and soon reach the restaurant which is Chucks old restaurant but now it is bigger and more eye catching to many customers ad he enter inside and see many people eating chilli dogs as he walks over and immediately Manic spotted him and calls out.
Manic: Yo Y/n! Been a while bro! What's been happening with you?!
Y/n: (smile) Nothing much Manic. Where's the rrst of your family?
Manic: In the kitchen making some foods for people. If you want I can show you them.
Y/n: No thanks, I rather let them do their work. So heard that you join Mina's band.
Manic: (smile) Yep. I became the drummer which is so cool. Sonia became the guitarist and she rocks soo well.
Sonia: Someone talking about me?
Then Sonia came up to Manic wearing a apron on her wit drinks on a tray as she turn to see Y/n which she set the drinks down and talk to Y/n.
Sonia: (smile) Hey Y/n been a while how is things with you?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. How is things with you?
Sonia: (smile) Pretty good. I'm just glad we are on Mubuis instead of the special zone.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I understood why.
Sonia: (smile) Hey my shift is about to end, how about you and I hang out and talk about things that has happened.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I like that.
Sonia: (smile) Awesome. Go wait outside, I'll be our for a while.
He dose so and once he left Manic stare at her with a smirk.
Manic: (smirk) Looks like someone is going on a date~!
Sonia: Oh shut it Manic.
He chuckle while they continue their work and soon we see Y/n and Sonia at the park that has gone a bit bigger as they walk together with Sonia grabbing his hand and cuddle his arm while Y/n smile as they walk through the park while Sonia ask Y/n.
Sonia: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Sonia: Have you.....ever figure out about your past? Like have you gotten any clues about your past so far?
Y/n: Well I think so. Tails and Rotor help me track down many Eggman bases and grab as much data as we can. If Eggman have researched me then there have to be sometime he found important but....we couldn't find anything. Seems like Eggman was about to might a file but that was before Metal Y/n betray him and.......kill him.
Sonia: Oh I'm sorry for that.
Y/n: (smile) It's fine. Besides that I've been also trying to find Whisper.
Sonia: Really, why?
Y/n: Well I want to thank her for all the help and probably offer her to join us. But that was before the party which she suddenly disappeared and since then I've been wondering where she went.
Sonia: Isn't she a mercenary? Maybe she was hired to deal something.
Y/n: Maybe but who knows. She's one mysterious person.
Sonia: (smile) Agree but also cool as well. I wish I have a mask like hers.
Y/n: (smile) Agree including her weapon, wonder how I get that?
Sonia: (smile) Who knows.
The two smile as they work together before suddenly a flash of light nearly blinds them and more came afterwards as they see news reporters taking pictures of them while a News reporter who is a duck came and ask Y/n and Sonia.
News reporter: Hello can you be happy to ask soke questions? Great? Great! First question: When we're you born Y/n?
Y/n: Uuuummmmm wh-
News reporter: Second question: Do you have a favourite type of food and if so, what is your worst food?
Y/n: W-Well I-I don't have a favourite or worst-
News reporter: Brilliant! Third question: Is it true you have a power of lighting?
Y/n: Um.........yeah, I guess
News reporter: Perfect! Final question: Which girlfriends is your favourite?
Y/n blushes deep red and everyone were looking at him while Sonia sees this and grab his arm and immediately dashes off qhich surprised the news reporters and many camera as we see the two in the woods as Y/n was amazed while he turn to Sonia.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know you can run that fast!
Sonia: (breathing heavily) Thanks but it takes a lot of power within me to run. (Sigh) Must say that is some run.
Y/n: We didn't run that far did we?
Sonia: Doesn't matter. At least we're now alone together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, well sonic did warn me about news reporters that will come and-
Then he was cut off when Sonia kissed him on the lips which surprised him a bit but he kiss her back as Y/n lend against a tree as the two make out while they hug each other while they play with their tongues and after a while of making out the two stop and look at each other.
Sonia: (smile) Your soo brave and did so much for all of us. You deserve this, we're all alive because of you.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks but we all did this. We end the war and now....the world will enjoy peace because of us, because of the Freedom fighters.
Sonia: (smile) Yeah. Still you shine our darkness hour and thanks to you, we're saved. Y/n I love you.
Y/n: (smike) Love you as well Sonia.
The two kiss one more while they kissed Y/h accidentally grab one of Sonia's back quills that are sticking out which she stop while Y/n let's go.
Y/n: You already? Sorry if I-
Sonia: O-Oh no it's fine it's just. It felt very good when you touch my back quills. Can that again?
Y/n: You sure?
She node as Y/n conplay and gently garb her ball quills which she lend out a moan while she breaths heavily as she enjoys having Y/n gently rub her back quills qhich made her smile. Soon she lend out a sigh and fell on Y/n and passed out which Y/n sat down and lay Sonia on his lap as she drifted off to sleep which made Y/n smile and lend in and kiss her on the forhead while he set his head against the tree and look up at the leafs above him while he smile to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Life can't get any better then this.
The sun was about to set down as we see the bushes move and Whisper comes out as she look around for a bit to see she isn't followed. Soon she heard something behind her which she turn and then a figure came out and what ever Whisper saw ease her as the figure walks up to her.
???: Ha! You're a hard lady to track down.
Whisper: (whisper) Was looking for you, too. Trouble. You're being targeted.
???: Yeah? So are you.
We then see something shining behind the figures back as the figure gose on to tell Whisper.
???: Heard that one of the Diamond cutters is still alive.......and I won't let any of the Diamond cutters be left alive!!
He suddenly pulls out a knife on Whisper as she quickly gets inro action and the other thing we see were fire shots being ring out and the silence as the sun sets down for the night.
To be continued............................
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