Chapter 30: The death egg (Arc 3)

At the bridge of the death egg we see Metal Y/n sitting on his throne looking at Mubuis through the window believing that soon all life down below will bow down to the Badnik empire and he'll have finally won the war that Eggman have failed to do from the beginning.

The door opens as the Badnik captain enter the bridge and walks up to Metal Y/n.

Badnik Captain: My lord, Y/n is not found we've searched the whole station and and couldn't find him.

Metal Y/n: Do not bother. He might have some help with Orbot and Cubot, if I am right those two robots will enter the escape pods right about now.

Then one singal escape pod is seen through the window as one of the Badnik crew turns to Metal Y/n and ask.

Badnik crew: Shall I blow it up?

Metal Y/n: Do not bother. They are no threat to us. Let them be.

Badnik Crew: Understood my lord. I also haveno contact from bridge control C-3.

Metal Y/n: It seems my flesh self must have found his captured friends and brock them out.

Badnik captain: Do you believe they are trying to escape?

Metal Y/n: I believe some are while I believe another group are making their way to the Chaos Emeralds right now.

He then leave his throne chair and orders the captain while he make his way out of the room.

Metal Y/n: Order the rest of the Badniks to stop Sally and the rest from escaping while I will take care the rest at the core.

Badnik captain: Yes lord Metal Y/n.

Metal Y/n leaves the throne room as the doors shut behind him while the Badnik crew sounds the alarms.


The alarms blurred out throughout the halls of the Death Egg as we see Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Y/n rushing through the halls making their way to the core to get the Chaos Emeralds and make their escape with Sally and the rest.

Sonic: (smirk) Looks like they  know we have already escape. It's about time!

Shadow: Forced Sonic, we only have one shot to grab the Chaos Emeralds and get out of here.

Silver: Yeah and save the future!

Y/n radios in Sally as he ask her.

Y/n: Sally you read me? Are you all at the ship?

Sally: (radio) Yes, Tails, Rotor and Nicole are doing their best to open the hanger while the rest of us are holding off Badnik forces.

Y/n: Alright be safe Sally. We be there with the Chaos Emeralds in no time.

Sally: (radio) Understood. Good luck you guys....and be safe.

The line ends while Sonic turn his head to Y/n.

Sonic: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Yeah?

Sonic: (smirk) That was a great speech you did back in that holding cell.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, It's just that we can't give up hope, not right now.

Sonic: (smirk) Yeah that's right!

Silver: Still I can't believe Eggman is dead. I mean I know he was evil but did he really deserve to die like that?

Shadow: If he deserve to die or not doesn't matter no more. Right now we need to grab the Chaos Emeralds before it's too late.

Silver: Right!

Sonic: Hey there it is!

They see a door to the core and once the door slide open they step into a large room with electricity zapping around along with the seven Chaos Emeralds above them strapped within a machine as they look up to see them.

Sonic: Looks like it's up to you Silver.

Silver: Right!

Silver floats up in the air and flies towards the Seven Chaos Emeralds and reach out us hands and use his powers to pull them out. Just before they were about to be pulled oit, Silver as strike by Metal Shadow with a spine dash as Silver fell only to be caught by Shadow and Y/n. They look up to see Metal Shadow, Metal Silver, Metal Sonic and Metal Y/n hovering in the air as all four float down and land on the floor while Sonic and the rest turn to him ad Metal Y/n tells them.

Metal Y/n: It seems destroying half of the moon wasn't enough to strike fear into you.

Sonic: (smirk) Gonna do better to make us scared.

Metal Y/n: We'll see about that. Once I finish you and your friends, your planet will be turned and I will be their ruler.

Y/n: But you don't have to be this evil. Listen we can tell you're different to the rest of the Badnik bots that were created by Eggman. You can make your choice, have free will and more importantly feelings. I know you hate Eggman treating you like trash but we won't. Please, don't do this and change your ways, Eggman is no more, you and your Badniks are free so why not end this war peaceful and come with us? We can show you that the world is filled with beauty and joy. So...what do you say?

There was silence as the three Metal Hedgehogs turn to Metal Y/n as he lower his robotic eyes and look back in Y/n and fire a electricity blast that hits Y/n and sent him flying across the room and crash onto the wall.

Metal Y/n: Eggman maybe gone but I want to rule the world with fear and terror. I don't care about the beauty or the life down below, I only care about taking over the world and all will die! Attack!

Metal Sonic, Metal Shadow and Metal Silver flies towards Sonic, Shadow and Silver as the three face off against their robotics self's while Y/n slowly open his eyes and see the battle happening as he slowly gets up. Then Metal Y/n appear in front of him and he try to punch him in the facebit he rolled to the side, dodging Metal Y/n's fist that go through the metal wall. He turn to Y/n and charge towards him while Y/n took out his lightning wispon and try to land some lighting wipes at him but he dodges the wipes and even grabs the lighting wipe itself and adsorbed the lighting while he walks towards Y/n.

Once close he grabs him by the neck and lift him up in the air but Y/n blast a burst wispon at his chest and fired a fire ball at his Metal stomach as he grab to the ground and look up while smoke was in his way. Suddenly lighting bolts shoot out from the smoke which he quickly dodges the electricity while we see Metal Y/n completely fine as he zap Y/n around while we see Sonic, Shadow and Silver getting overwhelmed by their own robotic counter parts as they slam to each other while Metal Sonic, Shadow ans Silver circles around the trio.

Shadow: Damn it! How can we even beat them?

Silver: It's no use. Metal Y/n have upgraded them to combat against all three of us. There's no way we can beat them.

Sonic thinks of something then he looked over Metal Sonic to see the battery's and he thinks of an idea.

Sonic: Hey I have an idea.

Shadow: Your gonna do something reckless are you?

Sonic: (smirk) You know me too well Shadow. Listen, we just need to tick them off enough so they will try to spine dash at us.

Silver: How can that work?

He nodes towards the battery's and the two realised this and node ad they break and split off as they dodge their robotic counter parts attacks while they start to mock them.

Sonic: (smirk) Seriously Metal, disbite be giving an upgrade you are still slow then me. Plus you can't speak just like your new master, that blows. Show me what you got tin can!

We see Metal Silver lifting many objects around him and throw them at Silver which he caught them while he too said to Metal Silver.

Silver: (smirk) Whoa is that the best you got? I can throw more heavy stuff then just some small objects. Either you can only three small objects or your just too scared to throw heavy objects.

Then we see Shadow and Metal Shadow firing Chaos spears at each other many times over and over again while Metal Shadow disappeared and reappear behind Shadow but Shadow turn to catch his Metal arm while he look at Metal Shadow tell him.

Shadow: Look at you, you may have defeated me before but your just as pathetic as any enemy I have faced.the reason how you've manage to defeat me is because of your troops taking me down while you only fight me long enough unril you call backup. I rather fight you if I were you, to me your not the ultimate life form, I am.

All three Metal Hedgehogs get mad and try to use their spine dash at them but they were in front of the battery's and move out of the way as the three Metal Hedgehogs crash at the battery's and they were zapped in electricity before they were blown up along with the battery's as the power and shields of the Death Eggs shut off.

Metal Y/n turn to see this while Y/n rushes pass him and wipes a lightning wipe at a pipe and swings towards the Chaos Emeralds while Metal Y/n try to zap Y/n but Y/n dodges the bolts and gets to the Chaos Emeralds.

He pulls them all out and once the final Chaos Emerald was out he slide down onto the floor and once on the ground and rushes towards Sonic, Silver and Shadow.

Y/n: Guys I got the Chaos Emeralds!

He throw them towards them which Silver catch them with his psychic while Sonic pulls up a thumps up with a smile while Y/n dose the same.

Shadow: Y/N BEHIND YOU!!!!

Then Metal Y/n appear behind Y/n and within a second he stabbed his Metal claws throw Y/n's back to his stomach and blood spilled out while the three Hedgehogs were shocked as Y/n's eyes widen in shock as he slowly look down to see that he was stabbed while Metal Y/n lend out a evil laughter before he pulls his bloody claws out and Y/n fell onto the ground.

Blood pours out onto the floor while Sonic, Shadow and Silver were shocked by this and see no movement while Metal Y/n lend out a chuckle.

Metal Y/n: What a fool. Dose he not know to not turn away his enemies in a middle of a fight. He was a fool indeed.

Sonic slow forms a fist while the Chaos Emeralds glows and circle around the three Hedgehogs while Metal Y/n looks at them and knows what they were about to the do as all three burst into bright gold and all three were turned into their super forms.

Super sonic: Your gonna regret that!

Metal Y/n: (evil chuckle) I see you three have finally turned into your super forms. Good, I have been waiting for this moment.

He took off his cape and throw the aside as his Cape flies away while the three super Hedgehogs glare at Metal Y/n while Metal Y/n was waiting for one of them to make the first move which Super Sonic did as he dashes immediately towards Metal Y/n and strikes a blow at Metal Y/n and sent him flying.

He crashed into a wall while Super sonic turn to Y/n still not moving fearing the worst has come. Then laughter is heard as Super Sonic looks over to see Metal Y/n stping oit from the wall and laughing while he looks at Super Sonic and tell him.

Metal Y/n: That was a powerful punch. I thinm you nearly dented my belly a bit. But now....I think it's my turn to show you what I can do against Super form beings like you three.

He immediately disappeared and reappear in front of Super sonic and strikes a powerful electricity punch at Super sonic in the stomach while he strikes another blow once more and then a kick that sent Super Sonic back but both Super Silver and Super Shadow catch him and Super Shadow took off his rings on his wrist and rais his hand towards Metal Y/n and gire Chaos spears at him they multiple and there were now hundreds of Chaos spears coming towards Metal Y/n.

He lend out a chuckle while he rais his hand and fire a bolt of electricity that catchnthe Chaos spears and destroy them all which Shocked Super Shadow but he grind his dteethn and he and Super Sonic dashes towards Metal Y/n and form a spine dash and strike at Metal Y/n many times over and over again as Super Silver ripes off the metal parts around the room to form a large metal ball while Super Shadow and Super Sonic move out of the way as Metal Y/n looks up and he was crushes by the huge Metal ball before both Super Sonic and Super Shadow appear over the metal ball as Super Shadow fires a Supee Chaos blast while Sonic use Super wind dash to blow up the Metal ball along with Metal Y/n as the two stand with Silver as they look over to the smoke and think they have won.

Then a red glow appear with the smoke which shocked the trio.

Super Shadow: (shocked) No way?!

Super Silver: (shocked) There's no way he would have survived those attacks! It's impossible!

Metal Y/n: It is impossible you fools. Try your best you three but you can never defeat me.

He then dashes towards and lands a powerful electricity kick at Super Sonic as he crashed onto a wall and turn back to his normal form. Then Super Shadow summons a Chaos spear and try to stab him but he grab his arm and lift him up in the air while Super Silver throws sharp objects at Metal Y/n but he use Super Shadow as a shield as Super Shadow was hit by the incoming sharp objectives which hurts Super Shadow a bit but he open his eyes to be met by Metal Y/n's hand as he blast electricity at his face which sent Super Shadow flying towards Super Silver as the two were hit by the electricity and slammed onto the wall as they turn back to their normal forms and fall unconscious.

The Chaos Emeralds dropped in the middle of the room while all four Hedgehogs are seen down bit Sonix try his best to get up before he stomped down by Metal Y/n and then grabbed by the neck and lifted up in the air as Metal Y/n stare at Sonic as he tells him.

Metal Y/n: You can never defeat me! Sally and your friends may have escape but no matter, once I install the Chaos Emeralds back, I will turn the whole planet into robots and there is no way you pathetic Hedgehogs can stop me!

Sonic was gagging for air while Metal Y/n see he needs air so he chock him even more, squeezing his neck as Sonic is starting to lose breath and trying to speak but he can't. Then Metal Y/n slammed sonic to the ground with sharp objects stabbed onto his body behind him which hurts while Metal Y/n lift him up in the air once more.

Metal Y/n: You will join my flesh self in the afterlife along with Shadow and Silver. Your plan has failed......

He then reach out his hand towards Sonic and charge up his electricity while he finished off by saying.

Metal Y/n: I have won this war.

Sonic lend out one last smirk before he falls unconscious due to lost of breath. Metal Y/n was about to finish him off when a glow light uo behind him and he turn to see the Chaos Emeralds floating in mide air and then they fly towards the lifeless Y/n as they circle around him whike his body floats up in the air.

Metal Y/n drops the unconscious Sonic while he turn in shock.

Metal Y/n: (shocked) That is impossible! I stabbed him through the heart, how can he be alive!?

Bolts of electricity appear out fork his quills and body as his large wound start to heal up due to the Chaos Emeralds which Metal Y/n detected a lot of Chaos power within him, far more powerful then any of the three Hedgehogs including himself.

Metal Y/n: (shocked) No! There is no way! HOW CAN HE BE POWERFUL THEN ME?! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

Then there was a burst of gold as Silver and Shadow slowly wake up and sat up while Silver was the first to see the glow follow by Shadow as they and Metal Y/n see not only Y/n revived but turned into his Super form as the golden glow burst out follow by golden dust that slowly fly down while they see Y/n in his Super form with his gold far more brighter and Shadow can sense of lot of Chaos enegry within him.

Shadow: (thought) He's.....he's even more powerful then any of us in his Super form! I never know he can be this powerful in his Super form!

Metal Y/n: No matter. I have defeated your Hedgehog friends in their Super forms, I can easily beat you as well!

He flies towards Super Y/n who is just floating there with his eyes shut ad Metal Y/n gets close to him and try to strike at him but within a second Super Y/n grab his robotic arm whichever shocked Metal Y/n as Y/n opens his eyes and star at Metal Y/n.

Super Y/n: You will not harm my friends.

He then tipes off Metal Y/n's arm before Y/n strike a powerful punch at Metal Y/n that sent him crashing through walls and then crash into the factory and crash into many factory equipment as we see a large mess while we see Metal Y/n's face dented which is impossible while he looks up to see Super Y/n floating over him while he glare down at him while Metal Y/n slowly gets up.

Metal Y/n: Th-Th-That can't be possible. N-N-No other life c-c-can strike a b-b-blow at m-m-me. Just.....Just....Just who the hell are you?

Super Y/n look at both of his hands and he was surprised that he was brought back to life by the Chaos Emeralds but he felt like he already used this form before but he glare at Metal Y/n and tell him.

Super Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, I'm member of the Freedom fighters and if your gonna harm Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Nicole, Tails, Sally, Rotor, Antonio, Bunnie and the rest of my friends! Then you have to get pass me because no matter what happens, I will protect them! But not just the Freedom fighters but Mubuis as well!

Metal Y/n slowly gets up and glare back at Super Y/n as Super Y/n said to Metal Y/n.

Super Y/n: It's time to end this Metal Y/n...once and for all.

Metal Y/n: I agree. It's time to end this endless war and see which one of us....will stand victories and which one of us....will fall.

To be continued........................

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