Chapter 3: Have your own team
It was a bright and beautiful morning at Knothole as see look at Y/nose own home within town as we see Y/n laying on his bed asleep until he slowly open his eyes and sat up from his bed and stretched his arms while yawning.
Y/n was giving this house by Sally so he can have a place to sleep, eat and relax which was kind of her to do. Y/n leap off of his bed and got himself change and after that he went down stairs and into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.
He slide in two bread and while it cooked he make some coffee and after that he sip his coffee and it was delicious. He walk over to the window and look out to see everyone getting up and getting some mail or do other jobs while Y/n watched.
Y/n: (thought) This is a peaceful town, I never understand why would Eggman wanna destroy this peace. But this may explains why they are fighting against him and his evil empire.
He hear a pop from the toaster and walks over and pulls out two silver of toast and put some butter on them and sat down and start to eat his toast while he read the news paper see there is any news.
After he finish his toast he hear its door bell rang and place the news paper down and walks over to the door and opens it and Amy was there as she said with a smile.
Amy: (smile) Hey Y/n, How is you?
Y/n: (smile) Good glad to see you here Amy, Wanna come in?
Amy: (smile) Sure.
Amy walks in and Y/n shuts the door and head into the kitchen to clean his dishes while Amy looks around and said.
Amy: This place is pretty nice, wish mine isn't messy from all the paper I have been giving.
Y/n: How much papers do you get?
Amy: Too many to count, I even have to pull a all nighter to get the done.
Y/n: That must of sucked. You know I could come over and help you with them?
Amy: Oh no that's alright Y/n, besides you need to do some training before going on your mission with a team member.
Y/n: Oh right I forgot about that.
Amy: Since your chaos powers made you pass out a lot I figured I teach you how to use wispon until you get use to your chaos powers.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan.
Y/n walks over to Amy and hand her some coffee to drink and she takes a drink and it was good.
Amy: (smile) Thanks, I needed that.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Amy, don't want you to fall sleep during my training.
Amy: (little blush) Y-Yeah that would be embarrassing.
Amy: (thought) He is very cheerful and pretty cute while smiling. I....kinda like him a bit.
Y/n: So you ready to go Amy?
Amy snap back to reality and quickly drink ther coffee and after that she sais
Amy: Yep I'm ready.
Y/n: (smile) Good let's go.
They exit out of Y/n's house and walk through the neighbourhood as they walk pass a few people walking by and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Hey Amy, can I ask you something?
Amy: Sure what is it?
Y/n: How did Knothole was made or who found it?
Amy: Well it all started when Eggman take over our land and destroy the Kingdom of Acorns and after that build his robot army. Knothole was founded by one Acorn family member who survived named Sally and made Knothole and she was a founder of the Freedom fighters.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait you mean that girl that I swear when Eggman's bots attack at the gates was a family member of the Kingdom of Acorns?
Amy: Yep she is the princess.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah. So she is the only family member still alive?
Amy: Yes, it's unknown what happened to the rest of her family but she still fights for her family sake.
Y/n: That's pretty sad, I felt bad for her.
Amy: Yeah same here.
???: Hi Amy!
They look up and see Elina as she walks up to them and Amy and Elina high fived as Amy said.
Amy: (smile) Hey Elina, nice seeing you here, how is you?
Elina: (smile) I'm doing well, thank you. Who's your new friend?
Any: This is Y/n, he's a new member to the Freedom Fighters and I'm gonna train him how to fight.
Elina: (surprised) Your Y/n, the one that took down a large Eggman transport ship with your chaos powers?
Y/n: Yep.
Elina: Oh my apologies for the shock I just heard about you by everyone that you use your chaos powers to destroy a transport ship sent by Eggman to take us out.
Y/n: Oh no that's alright, I'm surprised people are talking about me.
Elina: (smile) Well it's very nice meeting you in person Y/n, I need to get to my work otherwise I bet late.
Y/n: OK take care Elina.
Elina: (smile) Yeah and you to Amy, bye.
She then runs off as Amy and Y/n watch her go.
Y/n: She as nice.
Amy: Yeah, she's pretty nice and all guys wanna date her.
Y/n: I can tell why.
Amy: Come on, we don't wanna be late for your training.
Y/n: Right.
They walk off while Elina stop for a minute and felt her heart skip a beat as she thinks about Y/n and a little blush was on her cheeks as she turn back to see both Amy and Y/n gone. She was kinda disappointed she didn't have a change to talk Y/n more but she sighs and walks off to get to her work place so she won't be late.
Amy and Y/n were at a open field and on the table were different kinds of Wispon's and also a lined up of wisps as they float over the wispons. Amy stand behind the table while Y/n faces her as she start to explain.
Amy: OK these are the different kinds of wispons. Each one have different abilities that will help you in battle. The wisps are your friends and you much show them respect in order for them to trust us and help us in battle.
Y/n: Make sense.
Amy: Let's start by the one you've used. (Picks up a bust wispon) This is the burst Wispon, it is powerd by the fire wisps and can be used to fire flame attacks and can charge up to fire a fire ball or be used to rocket jump you high in the air.
Y/n: Wait so you don't get blown of if you rocket jump with that?
Amy: Well no, we haven't heard any reports about that but let's move on.
She place down the burst wispon and picks up a lighting wispon and said.
Amy: Thisnjs the lighting wispon, it can deal wip like attacks and once charges can zip pass a whole army of bots in lighting fast.
Y/n: Huh that sounds cool.
Amy: Here give it a try.
Amy hands it to Y/n and Y/n looks at it and turns to a cardboard cutout of a bot and the lighting wisp enter the lighting Wispon and a lighting like wipe appear which Y/n was surprised so he wipe the lighting wipe at the cardboard cutout and it sliced into half as it fell onto the ground.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that's so awesome.
Amy: (giggle) Yep try this one.
Amy pulls out a Drill Wispon and Y/n place down the lighting wispon and takes the Drill Wispon and turn to another cardboard cutout of a eggman bot. The drill wisp enter the drill wispon and Y/n charge at the cardboard cutout as the drill wispon spone and Y/n strikes it. The cardboard cutout fly off and lands with a large hole in the middle as Y/n stands up straight and looks at the drill wispon.
Y/n: (surprised) Awesome I never know these wispons would be op.
Amy: Yep, here try this one.
Y/n walks over and place down the drill wispon and take the hover wispon and looks at it before he aims it at a Cardboard cutout of Eggman. The Hover wisp enter the Hover Wispon and Y/n pulls the trigger and a large wind hits the cardboard, sending a eggman cardboard into he air and disappear.
Amy: (smile) Nice shot.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks I can tell I'm gonna get use of these wips-
Then Y/n start to float up as Y/n realise he was going up and calls out to Amy.
Y/n: Um Amy what's happening, why I'm I flying?!
Amy: Oh no! You must of accidentally hold the trigger that cost the Hover Wispon to fly you up.
Y/n: Seriously? What kind a person would made a Hiver mode?!
Amy: Tails did.
Y/n: Oh.......Well how can get down?!
Amy: Let go the trigger!
Y/n felt kinda stupid as he let's go the trigger and he stip flying then he fell down back onto the earth as Amy start to panic.
Amy: (thought) Oh no Oh no Oh no! I need ti act quickly before he lands hard on the ground, think Amy what should I do?
Y/n: Amy look out!
Amy: Huh? Wow!
Then there was a thud as Y/n hit the ground. The wisps looks down and Y/n slowly opens his eyes and try to sat up but he then felt something squishy.
Y/n: (thought) What is this? It felt kinda weird and what do I feel like I'm sitting on someone?
Amy: (blush) Um Y/n?
Y/n looks down and see Amy as Y/n was on top of her and his hands was grabbing her breast which made Y/n blush bright red including Amy as he quickly let's go and gets off of her.
Y/n: (blush) I am so sorry Amy, I didn't know I was on top of you and didn't know I was grabbing know, I'm so sorry.
Amy sats up and cover her chest and she doesn't know why but she kinda felt good as she also blushes and looks over at Y/n which he was still blushing as Amy thought to herself.
Amy: (thought) Why do I feel like this? I felt kinda embarrassed but when Y/n dose it was nice. Damn it Amy your such a weirdo but still.....I think I kinda like it.
???: Well that was unexpected.
They look over to see Rouge as she smirks cause she saw as the two Immediately blushed in embarrassment as Rouge giggles a little and Y/n stands up and said.
Y/n: (blush) It's not what you think, you see I accidentally hold the trigger on the hovee wispon and-
Rouge: (smirk) No need to tell me honey, I keep it a secret, besides I never know you like Amy's breast that much.
Amy: (blush) It's not like that Rouge!
Rouge giggles and walks up to Y/n and said.
Rouge: Your really a handsome hedgehog and if you really want you can touch mine, I don't mined.
Then Rouge slowly move over to Y/n which her breast was near Y/n's chest which made him blush a little while Amy was jealous by this before Shadow came over and said.
Shadow: Rouge, Y/n your coming or what?
Y/n: Shadow? What are you doing here?
Shadow: You need some combat training so I sent Rouge to get you but I see she is doing other plans.
Rouge: (smirk) Oh don't be jealous Shad, I'm just looking at my handsome jewelry right in front of me.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?
Shadow: Enough, let's go for your combat training and Rouge, stay focused.
Rouge: You got it.
Y/n: So what kind of Combat training is it?
Shadow: A hard one, We want you to be ready for anything for anything.
Amy: Wait are you sure to put Y/n in hard combat? What if he gets hurt?
Shadow: He needs to get ready for anything and needs to learn things are never easy. Hope your ready Y/n.
Y/n: Well I'm sure it's not gonna be that hard.
(5 minutes later)
He runs around the training court while Omega fires flame at Y/n as he runs around and takes cover. Y/n can feel a small fire on his quills and puts it out and peeks his head out and see Omega stomping towards him.
Y/n: (thought) I don't think training bots EVEN Omega doesn't say "be burned" during training.
Then flames went by Y/n and Y/n exit out of cover and runs around while Omega fires his flames at him. While Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Sonic, Tails were at the control room watching the training.
Sonic: (smirk) Looks like he is doing well.
Shadow: He is running around like an idiot, that fool needs to learn how to fight before he get himself killed.
Tails: Is it necessary to sent out Omega to train Y/n?
Shadow: He is a good choice for this training, but I'm sure he be fine.
Then there was an explosion and Y/n was sent flying while screaming like goofy before he lands on the ground and shadow said.
Shadow: Well maybe if he doesn't trip some traps I've set up.
Amy: Just hope he'll be fine.
Rouge: (smirk) Oh I see someone have a crush with the new hedgehog?
Amy: (blush) Sh-shut up Rouge!
Rouge giggles and the doors open behind them and Sally step in and ask while walking up to Shadow.
Sally: How is he doing?
Shadow: Well he dodge Omega's rockets, dodge Omega's flames and dodge the mines and he managed to survive five explosions.
Then there was another explosion and Shadow said.
Shadow: Make that six.
Sally: Well I think he'll be ready to go on a mission with a team member.
Amy: (smile) That's cool, which team is he going?
Sally: Well I figured she will be ready for her first team member. Tell Y/n to meet me at the control room and Sonic will take him there.
Amy: Right.
Shadow press on a button and said to Omega and Y/n.
Shadow: Training over, Y/n meet Princess Sally at the control room to meet your new team member.
Omega stops firming and walks off while Y/n slowly peeks out and around him was smoke and ashes and Y/n was also covered with black smoke and breatg out a sigh before fell backwards behind the wall.
(A while later)
We see Sonic and Y/n at a village as they walk through the street while Y/n sighs and Sonic asked with a smirk.
Sonic: (smirk) Guess that training with Omega must of tired you out huh?
Y/n: Well you could say that.
Y/n: (thought) Note to self: Try to avoid training with Omega or Shadow.
Sonic: Anyways it must be great to be a second member of her team, she will be exited to see you.
Y/n: Yeah, by away who is this girl I'm meeting up?
Sonic: (smirk) She's pretty cool, I met her a few months ago and she is awesome.
Y/n: Cool.
They arrived at the meeting point which was a street filled with shops left and right as Sonic said.
Sonic: (smile) See you back in base Y/n, and good luck.
Then Sonic dashes off leaving Y/n alone as he sat down on a bench and looks around for anyone for thsi girl but after a while she hadn't came so he took out a note giving by Sally and it said "She is a Lemur with a very large tail and swings around the village, you can't miss her."
Y/n: (thought) A very long tail? How is that possible, is she like tails or what's with her? Also "swings around the village?" What dose that supposed to mean by that?
???: (distance) Look out!
Y/n looks over and was suddenly someone crashed into Y/n and the two fell onto the ground. Y/n slowly opens his eyes and the girl also slowly sat up and stretch the back of her heard while saying to herself.
???: Ow that really hurt, sorry about that sir-
Then she looks down to see Y/n as Y/n said with a little smile.
Y/n: Um hi?
???: (surprised) Wiat your my new team mate are you, Y/n is that right?
Y/n: Yep that's right.
The lemur girl quickly stands up and jump around all exited as she said to herself.
???: (surprised) Yes I can't believe I have my first team mate, I'm so exited I can't even contain myself.
Y/n slowly stands up and dust off himself and then asked.
Y/n: So your my team leader is that right?
She realised he was asking her and she snap back to reality and turn to Y/n and her tail came over to Y/n for a hand shake which Y/n was surprised but he shakes her tails as she said.
Tangle: (smile) Yep names Tangle and it's so good to finally have a second member to my team, this will be great.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I see you are exited about it.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah sorry about that, I was thinking what my team member would be until I bumb into you, my bad.
Y/n: Oh no that's alright, accidents happen.
Tangle: (smile) Well now your here welcome to my village, allow me to show you around.
Y/n: (smile) Sure lead away.
Tangle show Y/n her village as they head to the bakery and got some delicious bread, the barber shop and then some other stuff. While they walked Tangle felt kinda nervous when near Y/n which was not like her and she asked.
Tangle: So what things do you like?
Y/n: Well a few normal things like taking a walk, reading and other things.
Tangle: Cool and I heard some Sally you have no memories about your past?
Y/n: Nope nothing.
Tangle: Well don't you worry cause I'm gonna help you remember your past and you're be happier then ever before!
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks Tangle, your more cheerful then Sonic.
Tangle: (little blush) Thanks and have nice hair.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I used hair gel giving by sonic, he said it's "way pass cool."
Tangle: (giggle) Yeah it is.
Tangle: (thought) Man he is so cute and handsome. It's not me to feel I love with someone but I think I like Y/n more then a team mate.
They arrived at a jewellery store as Tangle said.
Tangle: There is many more please I like to show you but this is run by my greatest friend.
Then she swing the door open which startled a beetle like girl as Tangle calls out.
Tangle: (smile) Hey Jewel, I brought a guest!
Y/n stwp inside and looks around to see jewellery everywhere as he was amazed by them as Tangle walks up to Jewels and said.
Tangle: Jewels this is Y/n, he's my first team member.
Jewel: Nice to meet you.
Tangle: Y/n this is Jewel, she owns this store.
Y/n: (smile) hey, This place is pretty beautiful.
Jewel: (smile) Thank you, I set up this store evee since we came here and became allies to the freedom fighters.
Y/n looks around the store and looks at the jewellery inside glass case and said.
Y/n: You two must have collected a lot of jewellery over the years. Bet you accidentally have a chaos emerald here.
Tangle: Actually that's how we join the freedom fighters. (nervous laughter) But anyways I also heard you can use Chaso powers like shadow.
Y/n: Yeah but every time I use them, I pass out.
Tangle: What is your chase powers?
Y/n: Lighting I think.
Tangle: (surprised) That is soo awesome, bet egg bots will be immediately shut off before they would even touch you.
Y/n: Yeah, so what's todays mission?
Tangle: Nothing much, We may suspect a Eggman attack but we haven't have it before you came. So I bet things are calm and-
Then there was an explosion followed by screams as Jewels ducks behind the desk while Tangle and Y/n runs out of the door and looks up to see a eggman drop ship dropping down bots into the village.
Tangle: Huh guessing I've spoken too soon.
Y/n: Let's kick these bots out of your village.
Tangle: (smirk) Same here, let's go!
Tangle use her tail to swing through the village while Y/n pulls out his Cube Wispon as they head off and Eggman's bots were at the middle of the village as they were about hurt two village people until a tail was wrapped around the bot and Tangle throws the bot into another bot making a explosion as Tangle get everyone out of the area.
Another bot aims at Tangle while he back was turned but then Y/n hits the bot with a cube wispon and the bot exploded and he swing his wispon at the bots while Tangle swings around and striking her tail at the bots. She even grab a buzz bumber in the air and throws it back at the bot as her tail was caught from the blast as she lands on her feet and said.
Tangle: ow!
Y/n: Watch out!
Tangle tuen to see a bot was about to fire at her but Y/n slams his cube hammer at the bot and once the bot was offline he walks up to Tangle and said.
Y/n: Man no wonder Amy likes hammers a lot, it's pretty awesome.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah your like one hedgehog army with that hammer.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but your pretty cool as well, I heard tails can use his tails to fly but your tail to fight is pretty cool.
Tangle: (little blush) Thanks Y/n, that is very kind of you.
Y/n nods and looks up at the eggman drop ship and said.
Y/n: Seems that's not going away huh?
Tangle: It appears so, wish we have sonic around so I can launch him and he can take it out from the inside.
Y/n looks at his hand and know he passed out if he dose it but as long he doesn't use all of it, it would be fine he may hopped.
Y/n: Tangle catch me if I used too much.
Tangle: Huh?
Y/n hands her the cube wispon and step into the middle of town facing the egg drop ship. Y/n looks at two of his hands and it sparks out as he looks up at the drop ship and reach his hands towards it and fired a bolt of lightning at it.
The drop ship's sirens start to go off while Tangle and the rest away surprised as after a short while Y/n stops and steps back as the drop ship start to fall into the ground and crashes onto the grass outside of the village.
Everyone in the village cheered while Y/n slowly steps back and Tangle caught his fell as Y/n felt kinda weak but not weak enough to pass out.
Tangle: (smile) That was the most awesomeness thing I have ever seen in my whole life!
Y/n: Yeah just wished I would have control my chaos powers a bit more.
Tangle: (smile) Still great job partner.
Y/n smiles and Tangle helps him to Jewels jewellery store so Y/n can rest up before he heads back to the Freedom Fighters base.
Y/n was in the control room with Sally as Sally turns to Y/n and said with a smile.
Sally: (smile) You did a excellent work helping Tangle against a Eggman's invasion.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Sally and Tangle is pretty nice and cool.
Sally: (smile) I'm glad for it.
Then a hologram of Nicole appears on the holo pad and said.
Nicole: Princess, Rotor would like to see you at his workshop.
Sally: I'll be there Nicole.
Nicole nods and disappeared and Sally turns to Y/n.
Sally: I'm sorry Y/n but duty calls.
Y/n: That's alright I understand, must be hard to deal being leader on your own.
Sally: Yeah it is, but helping people is one thing I like. You go and take a rest while I do some work.
Y/n: Alright, take care Sally.
Sally smiles as Y/n turns and left the control room and Sally sighs and thinks to herself.
Sally: (thought) I wish I have time to talk to Y/n a bit more. He is just too smart and very kind to others. Wish he'll be my hudban-
She then blushes a little as she thinks about that last part but she shales it off and walks off to visit Rotor at his work shop. Meanwhile we see Y/n at the cafeteria having his food as he eat his salad which was delicious.
Then Elina went inr the cafeteria and she spotted Y/n sitting alone and she blushing a little as this was her only change to have a conversation with him. She takes a deep breath and walks over and once there she asked.
Elina: (nervous) H-Hello Y/n do you remember me?
Y/n: (smile) Elina hey, nice seeing you again.
Elina: (nervous) Yeah. M-mind I sit with you?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Elina sat down next to him while Y/ continues on eating his salad while Elina sat next to him all nervous before Y/n asked.
Y/n: So what job are you in?
Elina: Me? Oh nothing important just a flower shop.
Y/n: That's a nice shop to be in.
Elina: Thanks I own the shop the shop with a few friends of mine. You can come a visit if you ever have a change.
Y/n: Sure I would love to visit your flower shop if I'm not busy.
Elina: (smile) You won't be disappointed on how beautiful it is.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait.
Elina kinda blushes a little when Y/n smiles at her and Y/n asked.
Y/n: you ok Elina?
Elina: (blush) Oh I'm sorry, just day dreaming a minute there.
Y/n: OK?
Elina: Anyways so what are you gonna do now your back?
Y/n: Well figured I finish eating and get out of here.
Elina: why?
Y/no Welllll.
Shadow: (disease) Y/n.
Y/n got scared and looks over to see Shadow at the entrance of the cafeteria as he looks around for Y/n. He then turns back to Elina and while pushing back his chair and standing up.
Y/n: Well look at the time, I better get out of here before Shadow will find me for more of his training.
Elina: More of his training?
Y/n: Trust me, you don't want to be trained with the ultimate life form and his large robot.
Shadow: (disease) There you are Y/n!
Y/n: (thought) Oh no!
Then Y/n rushes off then Shadow chase after him as they exit out of the cafeteria and through the base while Elina see them leave and giggles a little and thought to herself.
Elina: (thought) Y/n, your such a silly hedgehog but.....I really like you that way.
At Eggman's main base we see Eggman look through the footage of Y/n fighting his robot army with Tangle. What Eggman realise that Y/n didn't use his chaos ability like before and only use it when he take down a large drop ship which he finds it interesting.
Eggman: So it seems this new hedgehog can't use his chaos powers, at least not yet. I need more information about this new hedgehog.
Then Eggman snap his fingers and two dark figures appear behind him as he Eggman turns to them and said while showing them a picture of Y/n.
Eggman: I want you two to lower Y/n into a trap and capture him. Get any information from this new hedgehog and bring it to me at once.
The two nods and they turn to disappear into the darkness as Eggman turn back to the screen of Y/n as he smirks to himself and thinks to himself.
Eggman: (thought) If I would make a metal version of this new hedgehog, I will be unstoppable and not even Sonic and his friends won't stop me. I will take over the world once and for all!
Then Eggman make a evil laughter as his plans of capturing the new hedgehog and getting any information about him will be soon be done by two bounty hunter he has hired to do the job.
To be continued..............
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