Chapter 29: The Death Egg (Arc 2)

We see Y/n, Eggman, Sonic, Tangle, Whisper, Tails, Silver, Rotor, Antonio, Bunnie and Sally were trapped within their own ship as we see Metal Silver holding on to it as he takes them to the Death Egg where Metal Y/n is waiting for them. Rotor and Tails try their best to activate the defenses but there was no point.

Rotor: Theirs no point! All systems aren't responding.

Tails: We're trapped!

Eggman: Who knows what Metal Y/n is planning to do with us once we get on board.

Sally: We need to find a way out of here before it's too late.

Silver: But how? Metal Silver got us trapped here! There's no use.

They tryto figure out of a plan as Y/n look out of the window to see the Death Egg and look at his hand as he got one as he turn to everyone else.

Y/n: I might have an idea....but I don't think it will not work.

Eggman: Really, what is your idea?

Y/n: This may sound crazy but I can use Chaso control to get myself inside the Death Egg.

Antonio: But for you need the Emerald to use Chaso control?

Y/n: Actually I don't have to. Shadow cause chaos control without the Emerald qnd during my fight with Jack, I use chaos control to dodge his attacks. The problem is i don't have enough power to teleport all of you will me so....if I do this....I'll be on my own.

They were silent as they were getting close to the hanger as Sally turns to Y/n and tell him.

Sally: Do it. Where ever you are, try to find us and then we find the Chaos Emeralds and end this. Take Nicole with you, she can help you.

She hands Nicole to Y/n which he takes and nodes to her.

Sally: Be safe Y/n. We hold off as much as we can while you make your way to us.

Y/n: safe alright.

Tangle: (smirk) We be fine.

Whisper: (whisper) Now go.

Y/n: gose nothing. (Clear throat) CHAOS CONTROL!

His body sparkler in electricity and the  he disappeared as they cover their eyes from the flash of light. They see Y/n gone just as they arrived at the hanger were they see turns of Badnik bots as they aim their weapons at their ship.

Bunnie: (smirk) Looks like this will be an interesting party.

Antonio: And a tough one.

Sally: Indeed. Everyone get ready, we're going in loud.

Tails gets over to the door control and waits for Sally which she node and immediately Tails opens the door and they rush out and attack the bots. Everyone was battling the bots and trying to clear the way while we see Metal Y/n watching this in a room through a window as he watch this as the Badnik bots dodge their attacks and open fire at them.

Sonic dodges the incoming bullets and then Tails pushed him away when a few behind him open fire as the two land hard on the ground as Badnik bots surround them.

Bunnie see this and rushes over to savethem but she looks over to see Antonio being overwhelmed so she gose to help him but she suddenly get knock away by a rocket and slammed onto a wall and fell onto the floor unconscious.

Antonio: Bunnie!

Antonio try to swing his sword at one but his blade was grabbed a snapped followed by a slap as Antonio was sent flying and land hard on the ground. Silver stop most bost but Metal Silver tackle Silver to the ground and pinned him to the ground while Metal Silver reach out his metal hand and freeze Sally, Tangle and Whisper in place qs the bots captured them and force them to their knees in line.

A few Badnik bots drag Eggman out of the ship when he try to get the ship to work so he can escape but it was too late as he too was captured and was forced onto his knees. Then the door open and Metal Y/n came into the hanger and looks at everyone who is captured but noticed Y/n is not there.

Metal Y/n: I see my flesh self is within this station then. I'm not surprised, I've already known he will do that and this will be a fun game. Captain, take your troops qnd find him.

The badnik Captain node and he and the rest of his squad march out to find Y/n within the Death Egg.

Sonic: (smirk) So you give them ranks?

Metal Y/n: Within my military, someone must take command rather then always be me. So what do you think of my new army, pretty....powerful don't you think?

Sonic: (smirk) Give it a 10/6.

Metal Y/n: You've always have a sense of humour Sonic the Hedgehog and always filled with joy and hope within you....but that will be crushed sooner or later.

He walks over to Sally as he garbs her cheeks and stare at her.

Metal Y/n: Princess Sally Acorn. I was suspected more to you.

Sally: What is that suppose to mean?

Metal Y/n: You believe in Freedom and rights to all but what you are lacking within your forces is power. You need power to rule an army, a power to succeed a power what is necessary of winning the war. Throughout your war you were giving many chances to end the war by killing Eggman but instead you let him live and now...the war continues because you rather let your enemy go rather then killing him and ending the war once and for all.

Sally: That is not the Freedom fighter way! We be like Eggman and many other criminal organisations!

Metal Y/n: I hate to break it to you but there is no good nor bad. The world is black and white, you must understand that killing your greatest threat is the only way.

He then walk over to Eggman as he stare at Eggman and stood there in silence while Eggman gose on to say.

Eggman: (anger) You may have taking control my bots, my station and my plane of taking over the world but no matter what happens my Dark Legion will be loyal to me and to me alone. So even if you destroy the Freedom fighters and tooking over the world, you still have the Dark Legion that will be the pain of your back.

There was silence and Eggman smirked to himself until Metal Y/n start to laugh as he snap his finger and a large hologram behind them and they see pictures of the Dark Legion base being destroyed and torn apart with the Dark Legion forces been destroyed which shocked everybody.

Metal Y/n: I've already take care of your Dark Legion army, tool care their leader and now.....they are no more. Some who may have survived will be hunted down and be killed on sight. I hate to be tbe bad news to you but unfortunately no one ain't coming to save you. In one is coming to save you all.

Then a door behind Metal Y/n open and a badly injured Shadow was dragged with Metal Shadow as he stood there next to Metal Y/n as everyone was shocked to see Shadow beaten and not opening his eyes.

Sonic: (shocked) B-But how?

Metal Y/n: I've upgraded Metal Silver, Shadow and Sonic to be able to be unstoppable and fight in their own will. Now your ultimate life form is now....defeated.

Sally: Still we won't give up! Our Freedom fighters will bang together and will fight for freedom.

Metal Y/n: Is that so? Mmmm we'll see about that.

Suddenly the whole station moved as we see the station turning around while back on Mubuis we see everyone watched as the Death Egg turning and aims at a moon. Everyone turn to the hanger entrance as they watched as the two eyes glow and then shoot oit green beam as it travel towards the moon and soon it hits the moon and half of the moon was destroyed which shocked everyone as half of the moon is completely destroyed while the other half is alright but critical damaged.

Metal Y/n opens up a hologram screen that shows everyone on Mubuis panicking and begging for their surrender which shocked everyone as Metal Y/n chuckles to himself to see them all scared now.

Metal Y/n: There is a lesson for you "Doctor Eggman" and that lesson is if you want to show true fear to everyone within your empire.....

He turn and wave his hand to Eggmans face as Eggman shakes in fear as Metal Y/n's eyes glow red while he finish off by telling him.

Metal Y/n: Show them TRUE fear like this.

Suddenly his hand glows and before Eggman begs for his life he was blasted as everyone can't believe what they just witnessed. Soon they see nothing but smoke and they believe that metal Y/n....has just killed Eggman right in front of them.

Then Metal Y/n walks over to Sally and glare at her while Sally looks up at him in fear now as he grabs her cheeks once more and asked.

Metal Y/n: to surrender to me princess?

Sally doesn't say anything but just shaking as Metal Y/n stood up and tells his troops.

Metal Y/n: Take them to the holding cell. They will think about it in there.

They complay as they each garb them and take them away while they were speechless as they were taking away to their holding cell while Metal Y/n thinks that he just already won this war and has already token over Mubuis at long last.


There was a flash of light as Y/n crashes onto the floor and slowly gets up and can't see anything because it is dark.

Y/n: Where are were and why can't I see anything?

Nicole: Hang on. Plug me into something so I can get the lights on.

Y/n looks around for something to plug Nicole with and after a while he finds it and plugs Nicole in. Soon the lights turn on and Y/n turns only to be faced with a head of Metal Sonic as he jump back in a fright. Then he see more heads and bodies of all different Metal Hedgehogs and realised that they must be within Eggman's workshop before he was kicked out of the Death Egg by Metal Y/n.

Y/n: So this is where Eggman makes many Metal versions of Sonic and the rest?

Nicole: Seems like it. Wait I got an idea, hang on!

He waited for a bit and suddenly one of the robots start to move which he turns around and starts to turn on as Y/n readybfoe battle bit the eyes turn blue and Nicole voice is heard.

Nicole: Done~!

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's awesome! Guess your Metal Nicole....or Mecha Nicole?

Nicole: (giggle) You can just call me Nicole. Still I believe Sally and the rest are captured when you plug me in to the system.

Y/n: Where are they?

Nicole: They're at their cell but we need to go three floors up to get there.

Y/n: Right. Let's go before anyone will notice us.

Suddenly a door opens and they turn to see Orbot and Cubot there as they stare each other as Nicole rushes towards them bit Orbot calls out.

Orbot: Wait! We're not gonna report you! We want to help you!

Nicole stop as Y/n rush up next to her and ask.

Y/n: You wanna help us? Why?

Orbot: I realise how crazy Metal Y/n is.

Cubot: Yeah like REALLY crazy. He show respect towards his bot brothers like us but when it comes of taking over the world....he is really nuts. Not to mention very scary as well.

Orbot: Not only he destroyed all the Dark Legion base and blow up half of the moon to make all Mubuis to surrender but he even killed Eggman.

Nicole: (shocked) You mean Eggman is dead!?

Y/n: (shocked) I don't believe it. He's gone way too far now. We need to find Sally and the rest and stop him!

Orbot: Of course. Follow us and we can take you there.

They have no choice but follow Orbot and Cubot as they walk through the halls while hiding from the incoming Badnik bots that were marching through the halls. Once cleared they sneak their way through the halls.

Y/n: How did you know that he killed Eggman?

Orbot: We've watched it happen. He blast Eggman and turned him into dust.

Cubot: Yeah and now there is a floor burn that robots walk by and when ever they see it, they remember Doctor Eggman once turned into dust.

Y/n: So without Eggman, we can't destroyed the station. Still there has to be a way.

Nicole: Maybe but as long we don't get spotted, we should be fine.

Badnik bot captain: There they are!

They immediately turn to see they were being spotted qs they open fire at them but Y/n pulls out his Hover wispon and blast them back as they were sent flying and crashed onto the wall. Soon they hear more coming so they make a run for it as they race through the halls of the ship trying to get away from them.

They get around the corner qnd immediately they were cut off as more bots came in front of them and when they turn to run, another came up behind them as Y/n sees a door and opens it.

Y/n: In here!

The badnik bots open fire at them but they get into the room just in time and once inside they turn to see they were in a planning room as there is computer screens showing Mubuis as Nicole walks over to the computer and hack into the system.

Nicole: (shocked) Oh no!

Y/n: What is it?

Nicole: (shocked) If this is right. He is going to use the Death Egg to wipe all life within Mubuis.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Orbot: (shocked) This can't be good.

Nicole: But there is some good news. We only have 30 minutes until it will recharge since he fired the first shot at the moon.

Y/n: Then we don't have much time. We need to find Sally and the rest before it is too late.

Suddenly there was a bang at the door behind them qnd soon the bots start cutting it open as they realised there is a way out but Orbot rushes over and open a secret door as he tells them.

Orbot: This way will lead you two out of this hall and near the elevator. You must go now!

Y/n: What about you two?

Cubot: We be fine. We can sneak by them since we are small.

Orbot: Now go before they get in.

They node and they rush through as Orbot shuts the door and the two hide somewhere while the bots break through the door and enter as they scan around. They see no one here so they turn and make their leave. Orbot and Cubot sigh in relief.

While we cut to Nicole and Y/n as they exit out of the secret door and rushes over to a nearby elevator and once inside Nicole press on a floor and the elevator shut as the loft gose up.

Nicole: Y/n....if we don't make it....I just want you to's been great being with you.

Y/n: (smile) Same Nicole. But we will make it. We can do this and we can win.

Nicole agrees and soon they arrive to their floor and the elevator doors open and Badnik bots turn to see them as the two rushes over and start taking out the bots as Nicole active her arm blasters and blast them up while Y/n wipes them with his lighting Wispon. Soon the bots were taking out as they look through the cell and find the cell that Sally and the rest are in and Nicole gets it open.

Once open Y/n same down to see everyone as Tangle jumps up and hugs Y/n to see him alright.

Tangle: (smile) Knew you come for us!

Y/n: (smile) I always will. Now let's do this guys, let's stop Metal Y/n!

Sally: I'm sorry.

He stop and turn to Sally as she looks up at Y/n and tell him.

Sally: Metal Y/n is too powerful and too intelligent for us. Not only that he lost our only chance of defeating him and destroy this Death Egg by killing Eggman.

Y/n: That maybe so but we can't find a way.

Bunnie: But how? We're out gunned, our numbered and there is no way no one will come and help us.

Rotor: Even if we would call for help, I don't think anyone isn't gonna challenge Metal Y/n to a battle without being killed. Face it Y/n.....he won and we.....we lost.

Y/n turn to Sonic, Shadow or Silver but they look at Y/n and they were facing defeated everything gone silent as Sally and everybody else....have given up.

Y/n: NO!

They all look up at Y/n as he looks at everyone and tell them all.

Y/n: Are you all really gonna give up! Sure he may have killed Eggman and spread fear 6o everyone back on Mubuis but I refuse to lose! Not this time! You all have faced Eggman and his empire way before I came qnd I've seen you all battling and I see that all of never giveup on a fight! Now your all gonna give up now? NO! We're the Freedom fighters, the only rebel group to battle against evil like Eggman and Metal Y/n and sure he maybe smarter hen Eggman and extremely cold but we can beat him! We will can find a way to defeat him, we always have been when things are not in our way! Come on, your all heroes here and this ain't the time to give up yet. Mubuis is counting on us and I'll say LET'S DO IT TO IT!

Tangle: (smile) Yeah! True Metal Y/n maybe strong and smart but no matter what happens we can win so who's with us!

There was silence in the room until Sonic looks at his hand and knows that this ain't him qnd makes a fist and stood up.

Sonic: I'm in!

Tails: Same here!

Shadow: Fine bit only I get revenge on my robot self.

Silver: Same here! There is still a chance to save the future!

Bunnie: (smile) Me too.

Antonio: Me as well!

Rotor: Your right. We can't give up, not right now.

Whisper: (whisper) Agree.

Y/n walks over to Sally as he reach out his hand to her while giving her a smile. Sally looks at him and realised now it ain't the time to give up, not like this so he takes Y/n's hand and Y/n helps her up on her feet.

Sally: Your right. We're the Freedom fighters and we can't give up. We will fight until the end.

Y/n smiles and nodes to her as Sally nodes back and turns to everyone else as she rays her first and calls out.

Sally: Freedom fighters! Let's do it to it!

To be continued..........................

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