Chapter 28: The Death egg (Arc 1)
Knothole was going nuts after Metal Y/n's message to them and to the whole planet and they panic seeing that now Metal Y/n and his new Badnik empire have taking control a massive weapon that can turn them all into robots for sure.
Within Y/n's House we see Y/n, Whisper and Tangle watching Metal Y/n's message as he tell the world to stand down or face his might and seen the TV turn to static and they stood there in silence for a bit shocked by all of this until Tangle looks at Whisper and Y/n and joyfully said.
Tangle: much for a nice news report.
Whisper: (whisper) This is bad.
Tangle: Oh relax this is one of many things that happen, we can totally take care of it.
Whisper: (whisper) But how?
Y/n: Whisper is right. He destroyed all of Eggmans ships to get to the Death Egg so there is no possible way to get up there.
Tangle: So what? We just sit here and do nothing?
Y/n: No we can figure this out. Surely the Acorn family have something planned.
Then they hear booing and yells coming from outside so they head out to see what's going on. Once outside they see everyone booing and yelling at Eggman who suddenly followed by Sonic, Shadow and Silver which surprised Y/n, Tangle and Whisper to see Eggman in person as Eggman glance at them and then they walk off.
Y/n: So that's Eggman? I thought he'll be more taller since the last time we met.
Tangle: (smirk) And no wonder he calls himself, Eggman for a right. He's literally a walking egg!
Whisper: (whisper) Let's follow.
Y/n: Right. Let's head to the castle, hopefully Eggman might have some answers of stopping Metal Y/n and his plans.
They agree and they follow Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Eggman to the castle in hopes Eggman have some plan of stopping Metal Y/n and the Death Egg.
We see everybody within the castle as Maximilian and Alicia stare at Eggman who is standing in front of them with hand cuffs on him as he gets annoyed by the staring so he spoke.
Eggman: Your staring is quite annoying.
Maximilian: You try to take over Mubuis, destroyed our Kingdom, turn our people and the world into your robot slave and trap me and everyone who is higher ranked into the special zone. Give me one reason I shouldn't have thrown you into the special zone.
Eggman: Looks hate me all you want but if we don't band together and stop Metal Y/n, we're all lose.
Maximilian just stare at Eggman until Sally step up and tell her father.
Sally: I hate to say it father but he is right. He is the only one who knows not only Metal Y/n's weakness but how to destroy the Death Egg.
Maximilian: Hmm I see your point. Fine, explain us Metal Y/n's weakness and how to destroy the Death Egg.
Eggman: Unfortunately he doesn't have a weakness. I'm not joking, he really doesn't have any weakness. I've programmed him to have no weakness and after he took over the Death Egg and my army, I believe he is gonan try what ever he can to be unstoppable.
Sonic: So that means there is no chance of beating him right doc?
Eggman: Well there is a small possible way. His powers is electricity and he can take electricity hits and use the electricity that someone give him and attack it right back at him. However if someone just keeps giving him a lot of electricity, he might overload and exploded.
Sonic: (smirk) And you out say he doesn't have any weakness.
Eggman: But we needed a powerful electricity that can overload him. Just some electricity won't do the trick. It has to be something fall more power then just any normal electricity.
Sonic: (smirk) Well it's a good thing we have someone who has electricity powers. Right Y/n!
Y/n: Yeah but I don't think my electricity isn't powerful enough to overload him.
Sonic: Oh right.
Alicia: And the destruction of the Death Egg? How can we destroy it?
Eggman: That's the simple part. There is a secret button that no one doesn't know where it is and only I can active it. Once pressed we only have 10 minutes before the Death Egg will blow up.
Rotor: What if Meta Y/n found out about it?
Eggman: That won't be impossible. I hidden somewhere that isn't detected by any scanners from any machines.
Rotor: Right there is one biggest question we all forgotten. How can we possible get up there without a ship?
Maximilian: You have a very good point Rotor. Doctor you got anything.
Eggman: Well......there is one ship that I kept within out of my secret bunkers that I've been meaning to use in case I need to escape off world.
Shadow: Then where is it?
Eggman: At a small abandoned village. I place that there as cover so no one will not suspect it.
Sally: Sowe have our plan.
Maximilian: Agree. We must stop Metal Y/n and this weapon before it's too late.
Sally: I'll take Nicole and she can hack into the bunkers system. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Y/n, Rotor, Tails, Tangle, Whisper, Antonio and Bunnie, your all coming with me and Eggman to the bunkers and make our way to the Death Egg.
Sonic: (smirk) Sure thing. This will be fun.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah let's do this!
Whisper: (whisper) I never been on a team for a long while.
Y/n: (smile) He don't worry, we can do this. As long we wor together and stick together, we can do this.
Whisper was worried about something but her Wisps appear and convinced her. Soon she node and turn to Y/n.
Whisper: (whisper) We come.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome.
Sally: (smile) Alright. While we head out, eveyeone else will calm everyone down and get people to their homes until this is all over. Alright then, Freedom fighters let's do it, to it!
On board the Death Eggman we see Metal Y/n walking through the halls with Orbot and Cubot following him with Orbot have a datapad as Metal Y/n asked.
Metal Y/n: Situation on the Death Eggs system.
Orbot: Of course. The shield are stable, defence systems are stable, main cannon is stable, Chaos Emeralds are stable and power, electricity as supplies are working perfectly.
Metal Y/n: Good.
Cubot: Say Lord Metal Y/n I have a question?
Metal Y/n: Of course, what is it?
Cubot: Aren't you not worried that they might have aplan to get up here and destroy this station?
Metal Y/n: Do not fear Cubot. They're plan will fail as soon as they enter the space station. In fact, I left one ship working perfectly for them to take.
Cubot: (surprised) What?! So they're coming here right now?
Metal Y/n: Soon but there is one thing that Eggman has failed to defeat the Freedom fighters. To defeat your enemy you must weaken them by anything you can. Like say, leave one ship for them and they feel confident that they can win but once they arrive they will be crushed once they even get into the space station. It's like....allowing them to Ave ther last victory before crushing them once and for all.
Orbot: So the tric here is to allow them to take the ship and have there successfully step before being defeated once they get here?
Metal Y/n: That is correct. Eggman wanted them dead rather then letting them win once and crushing them later.
Orbot: That's actually a clever idea boss.
Cubot: Yeah, at least you won't say "I hate that blasted Hedgehog!" That's really getting old.
Metal Y/n: I can assure you my old friend that I am not like him. I'm all focused on playing with my enemies first and crushing them later while Eggman only wants is winning. That is the reason this war has been going on for many
They walk up to a door and the door slide open as the trip step onto a walkway as they look down to see what looks like a factory as Metal Y/n is making new Badnik robots that are far more stronger then Eggmans.
Metal Y/n: Now it's time we end this pathetic war once and for all. And my robot brothers and sisters....are ready with their nee bodies.
We see Sally and her team walking through the woods making their way to a abandoned village where Eggmans ship is at. Antonio and Bunnie watch over Eggman while Eggman looks over to Y/n as Y/n noticed his stare but he ignored it.
Eggman: This is the first time you and I in person.
Y/n: Seems like it. Guess I'm the only one who you never met in person?
Eggman: Yes. You know, all of this couldn't have been avoided if you haven't risk your lifejust to save Sally.
Y/n: I'm not the one who trapped her and threatened to turn her into a robot for a DNA sample.
Eggman: Mmmmm you have a point there. Still while I was construction Metal Y/n I've noticed something within your DNA that is.....different to anyone else.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Eggman: Your DNA matches to ancient Mubuis many years back before I was even born. So I research about it and what I found surprised me.
Y/n: And that is?
Eggman: You see-
Sally: Here we are.
They break through the bushes andthey arrived to the abandoned village. Tails use Nicole within the datapad to scan the area and after a while Nicole said.
Nicole: I don't detected any bunker anywhere.
Shadow: (anger) What is this doc? You try to fool us!
Eggman: I can assure you I'm not. In fact this village your seeing isn't real.
Everyone: What?
Eggman: I have my robots created this abandoned village in hopes to fool people to believing this was an actual abandoned village. Pretty nice huh.
Silver: But where is the bunker?
Eggman: It's underneath us and I know how to get in. Follow me.
They follow Eggman but then they stop and turn when they hear something coming towards them.
Whisper: (whisper) We have company.
Tangle: Yeah but from who?
Then suddenly ten new Badnik robots fly by them and make their landing in front of them. They stood up and aimed their weapons at them.
Sonic: (surprised) Whoa those look cool.
Eggman: Metal Y/n must have made new and improved Badnik bots! Everyone get to cover!
The robots open fire at them as bullet fly by them whilethey scramble for cover. They found cover while the robots still fire at their cover.
Shadow: It looks like he made their weapons a bit faster.
Silver: Yeah but this will stop them!
Silver came out and use his powers to freeze them in place which they stop firing while Whispee grab her Wisp rifle while her Wisp place Crystal's around the robots and she takes aim and fire.
The blue beam bounce off the crystals and hit the robots. Once the robots were destroyed and fallen to the ground, they walk over to them and look at the new army that Metal Y/n have made.
Rotor: I've never seen something like this before. He really wants to make his army different to yours.
Antonio: And it seems they have different weapons then ours.
Eggman: Agree still we haveno time to stick around, we must find the way inside the bunker and get to the Death Egg.
Sally: Right. Everyone, let's go.
And so they follow Eggman and they arrive to what looks like a home as Eggman removed a damaged TV to reveal a button as he pushed it and a hatch in the middle of the living room opens up.
Sally, Rotor and Tails go with Eggman to get the ship online while the rest stand guard.
Tangle: (smile) This is gonna be one of the best adventures in my life! I've never gone to space before!
Y/n: (smile) Same here. This could be interesting to see.
Shadow: This isn't fun you two. We're on a mission.
Sonic: (smirk) Oh relax Shadow they're just exited.
Shadow: Still we should be keep our eyes up. Who knows what will come at us.
Antonio: Still should we even trust Eggman? What I'd he betrays us?
Bunnie: Yeah how can we trust him after everything that has happened?
Y/n: I agree with you two but we don't have a choice. Eggman is the only one who knows about the Death Egg then any of us. He is our only shot.
Bunnie: Guess so. Still you think he might just build another one?
Sonic: (smirk) If so, we can destroy it again.
Antonio: And if there isn't a ship to get there?
Sonic: (smirk) We find a way.
Then Whisper looks at the sky and soon everyone looks up to see more Badnik bots flying towards them with something leading them.
Y/n: Looks like a robot Hedgehog?
Sonic: (smirk) Looks like Metal Sonic is here for a battle.
Whisper: (whisper) Not Metal Sonic. Too dark.
Sonic: Then who?
Once close they land in front of them as they stand there at the ready when the first robot they see was a Hedgehog but instead of Metal Sonic, it's actually a metal version of Shadow.
Sonic: (surprised) A metal version of Shadow?!
Tangle: (scared) Wow he's even more scary then Shadow himself.
Then Tails comes out and tells eveyrone.
Tails: The ship is ready, let's go!
Shadow: You all go. I'll take care of him.
Y/n: You sure?
Shadow: I'm sure. Now go.
Y/n nodes and they enter the house while Shadow turn to Metal Shadow as he took off his rings on both of his wrist while he tells his metal self.
Shadow: You might look like me in anyway but you must understand that I am the real one. I am the ultimate life form and your nothing.
Metal Shadow charges at Shadow and he tackle him as they slammed onto a building and the two battle as Shadow lands a kick as Metal Shadow and some punches but Metal Shadow strike some blows to Shadow and pick him up qnd tossed him away but Shadow land on his feet and fired a powerful chaos spear at Metal Shadow which hits him.
Shadow lands on his feet as he looks over to see a large hatch from outside of the abandoned village open up and a ship flies off. The other robots see this and gose after it while Shadow wishes good luck to them while he turn and continues battling his metal self.
We see them all within a ship flying up to the sky as Nicole is plugged into the ship and she is flying it while the rest stand around and wait until they get to space.
Bunnie: You think Shadow will be fine?
Sonic: (smirk) Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be fine
Tangle: Say Eggman, when did you have enough time to create a metal version of Shadow?
Eggman: What? Do you really think I just created Metal Sonic? I've made a lot more robots counterparts.
Tangle: Okay but I have one question..............did you make a metal version of me?
Everyone just stare at her while she looks around and asked.
Tangle: (smirk) What? Having a evil robot version sounds awesome! I mean Sonic and Y/n have robot counterparts and now Shadow has one there a robot counterpart for me?
Eggman: Unfortunately no. I only make a few not a lot.
Tangle: Well that sucks.
Y/n: Eggman about what you said earlier. You said you've found something that surprised you about me and my past?
Eggman: Oh right. Well the truth is.......your from the ancient past many many years ago.
Everyone was surprised by this including Y/n as Rotor asked.
Rotor: You mean, he's from the ancient times on Mubuis?
Eggman: That's right. Apparently there were two Hedgehog who were the ever first Guardians of the master Emerald and some say they were gifted powers that was something they have ever seen. Suddenly something happened that cost the Enchidna people from Angel Island to go extinct and as for the two Hedgehogs.........
Tangle: What about them?
Eggman: They just disappeared. Apparently what ever happened during the fall of the enchilada tribes, something must have happened to the two Hedgehogs that suddenly disappeared and is here standing with us right now.
They look at Y/n as he is surprised as eveyrone here. He thinks about something and then looks up at Eggman and asked.
Y/n: So if I'm from ancient times.....then who is this other Hedgehog?
Eggman: I'm not to sure. There wasn't enough information for me to go through. Most of the writing were old and hard to understand. But in my theory i believe this unknown Hedgehog and you are brothers.
Flashes of the children drawing appear in Y/n's head as he remembered that and realised that he was right. He dose have a brother but....where or what happened to him?
Nicole: Guys we have something coming towards us.
They look out and they break through tbe cloads and in Mubuis atmosphere when suddenly the ship froze in place while they look to see a few robots hovering over them along with a metal version of sliver reaching out his hand and stopping the ship in place.
Sonic: Oh this can't be good.
Eggman: Dose anyone have any ideas?
They stare at Metal Silver while we cut to a room where Metal Y/n is watching them through Metal Silver's eyes as he sees all of them as he lend out a chuckle.
Metal Y/n: plan is working as I planned it. Now, let's see they can even try to stop me now. (Evil chuckle)
To be continued......................
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